HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-13, Page 41
. ZURICH ptilrAttto
A Girl who is planning to
t be married?
• le
&IP We Have a Free Gift for Be!
We believe that every bride-to-be
• should see and hear about our mod-
ern cooking method that ,retainsthe
TIMOTHY - RED CLOVER SWEET r natural flay.or in the food,
lo Our levelly! gift (94.50•). 'Amine IS
rgiven Free for the privilege of 'slinw-
ing her the newly - styled
Ever" 'Waterless cooking Utensil,
that are not to be• seen in any store.
I•There is no obligation to buy. Only
gitis that have Of yet, , seems our
equiAnent are eligible" tor the' 'gift.
!•,.Sesd 9r Phone pames
to your neareSVillstbitici9.
Middlesex County; "
F. Stewart, Ailsa Crazg 10114,
Huron County;
D. Campbell, Goderich 956M
L. Cherry Brussels
••! ' •
•1 •
• ,Whore the going Is
toughest, Goodyear
Studded Sure -Grips
will pull you through
where other tires slip
ait"d clog.
Let us equip yotir truck
or car for positive trac7
tion in mud and snow.
Deep, strong studs; set
like tractor cleats, bite '
deep, take hOld, keep
you going -it the bad -
road season WITH-
Studded Sure -Grips FOR CARS & LIGHT IRIJOSS
14101P4E4 $2
4 1;
41011I THE :HAPPY ULE mgoor, 'fowl
A. E, MUNN iBOx. lainael; ;Ont.
Caretaker ante
The Exeter.,District Hig!e-§chool Board irkvites
Tenders.for`caretakers:„duties at i; new *Ana
building, GicHey St., Exeter. .. •. •• •
Applicant. must hold fourth class papers for
Stationary Ei.4ec*t
Applicant's ShOuld, state the annual salary1:,to
include. the phay of "a Try` assistantj he
DutiestocorrimpriCe on or about „December
Applications should 1-.)e 'addresSed - to E. D.
Howey, Secretary, Box B, Exeter, not later than
October 29th, 1949.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
BLAKE Teac. en' .Conliention at London oil
Mr and Mrs Leon Jeffrey were Thursday': 'Se srs al
cholarad a 'h;
vi."sited by their daughter and family,
from Kitchener over Thank.sgiving.
Mr and Mrs Thos. Dinsmore and
Illiss Emma Dinsmore have been call- ..,___________ • •
ing on Mrs. Donerlas in elivtinr, H(` "- ' Mr and Mrs Jas. Taylor and daug-
Pita!, who had the misfortune to liter of Sarnia and Mr and Mrs I.
break her leg in a recent Lau, a Smythe of London, spent the week -
week ag.y. Her mare:- friends wish end with Mr and Mrs.' Ohas. Stein -
her a speedy recovm.y. hagen
Ivir and Mrs Fred. Bancroft and 1 Mr aad Mrs Alvin Restemeyer ' of
4. •
V,!..,::,•••-!,,s, „t -r, , .0:
daughter spent the week -end and ' Clavaiier, North Dakota are visiting
i relatives in this -vicinity.
Mr. Spin 1-1,=v tqr,lif 1.1".s' ''''''''''1 1 Mr and Mrs Walter Ne Is of Lon
and Thanksgiving. with bis daughters i don spent the week -end with his
and their families in London. t mother. Mr.4. NORS.
A. Heimrieh attended the : Mr Lloyd Eagleson had the misfor-
Waterless Aluminum
Sales and Service
32 Foxbar Rd.
Phone ,
London, Ont. ' -Met 349W
tune to fall.from am apple tree While
picking apples fracturing several rib:,
Mr and Mrs Conrad Kraft of Es -
tone', Sask., is visiting with relatives
here. •
Mr. Amil Becker is kept quite busy
with his new cider mill which he built
Mr and Mrs Hubert Restarneyer
and family, Mr and Mrs Donald Res--
temeyer and' kr and Mrs M. Me,Gren-
ere all of London, spent the week -end
holdiays with their parent's, Mr and
Mrs. 0. Restemeyer.
Mr and Mrs Harry Cook and Suz-
anne of Windsor spent Thanksgiving
with her parents, Mr and Mrs. D.
Tiernan. • .
Miss Marion Smith, a former local
telephone operator left this •week for
Toronto where she has accepted a
position. aS ,operator. with - the., Guar-
antee Trust Co. • •• • •
Mr and Mrs • Glen Walperof Ln.,
don 'spemt the week -end with regatir
Mr and Mrs. Melton Walper ‘.and
daughter a Ingersoll, spent the week-
end 4%611day:with Mr:and Mrs. 1)."Fas-
sold. ' ,•:.7 •
• Mr :and Mrs: Clayton Wildfong of
lace inserts and short sleeve. Her
accessories were of navy blue, ter
corsage white gardenias, and she
wore a single strand of pearls, gift
of the groom. They were attended
by Mr and Mrs Jack Shepherd of
London. Following the ceremony the
bridal party motored to the home •ef
the bride's parents in Hen.all where
the reception was held to the named-
iate relatives. For their wedding trip
to Montreal and Laurentian Mounta-
ins, the bride travelled in !brown aitd
White checked suit. •Mr. and Mrs:
Berish will reside at Grand Bend.
Prior to marriage the bride was on
the. staff on the Royal Bank at
Mr. Andy Williamson of 'Centralia
was a guest on Tuesday at the,horne
of Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith.
Mrs. Carlile of }Jensen is spending
:some time at the home of her daugtht-
er, Mr and IMrs Leeland
Mr. Donald Taylor of Kitchener,
was a week -end guest at the home ot
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Datars.
Miss M. Rundle of Exeter, was a
week -end visitor at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Hilton Truemner.
Mr and Mrs. Alvin Bradford of
Hamilton visited friends in our vil-
lage over the week -d.
Mrs. Leo Jeffrey, Sr., of the Blue
Water Highway, is spending same
time at the home of her niece, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Farrell of to -en.
• Miss Phylis Winch, Comber, Ont.,
spent •the weekend at the home of
her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. W.
A. Siebert
• Mr and Mrs Gordon Kaifting of
Goderch, were Sunday visitors at
the home of their parents, Mr. , and
Mrs. Chris. Haist.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun of
Forest spent Sunday at the hothe of
the latter'S brother, Mr and Mrs Roy
Lamont and other relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Leeland
Mr and Mrs. Howard Kloppreturned
home after a pleasant visit with re-
latives and friends in Detroit
Mr and Mrs Chris Schultz and
chtldren of Seaforth enjoyed the
Sunday Thanksgiving at the home
of 'their parents, M. and Mrs. Mose
Erb. • •t
Mr and Mrs Ed. Brenner and da-
ughter Marion of Kitchener were
holiday visitors ut :the horne• of their
parehts,. Mr and Mrs John Brenner:
and Mrs. Charles Pu or of
London and Miss Aryls, Barterer•of
London spent the.w.eek-end, with her •Totebto; enjoyed. -:thee,week-end Lt
mother,::-Mra H.atnaeher.i,g., •the liome of %their parents, Mr and
Mr.George - Wolfe' of ThroPto, Mks. Ferd•liaberer: "
spent the week -end with her parents Rev. and Mrs. H. Leiboldand Miss
Mr and Mrs. Ward Kraft of Lon- Martin of Sebringville were Sunday
don .were holiday visitors with "Mrs. visitors at the home of,their relativ-
Kraft and Mr and Mrs E. Koelger.; es, 'Mr and Mr.. Oscar Greb •and Mr
.Miss Mgrtle '.Gaiser of.'Preaton, and Mrs. Wm. Leibold ot.the. Baby-
was.a holiday visitor at lier1.1We len Leibield supplied the
here.-'• • in ihe. Evarigelical chard!' in
Mr ;an:d Mrs Herman Zimmer Of the' absence of their pastor, Rev. H.'
Windsor and .Miss Shirley Smith of E:1 koppel, ••• .
Toronto; Mr and • JackCudmore HYDRO CHANGES
and Mrs. P Statton of Toronto, were ..,TorontO — Ontario Hydro Corn.,
holiday visitors with relatives here. Mission has published its schedule for
HENSALL changing the provirice.from 25 -cycle
-Mrs. George }less- who Underwent frequenyto 69•*!Cle 604ney•
an operation in Clinton Hospital, 'WAS Field crews are already at '•work in
able ti return to her horne on-Satiir- Torontfy In'art atinohrle:
day. • ' •• merit of the schedule by years'if the
•Mrs. 'Doug: ,Baritcliffe,fClinten,'Was: variouerminfdipiiiities" for 66: 3C Ir
hostess for the preieritatfan for 'Alias, 19‘57,6 freatide;Eketer, Fora,' tand4h
Barbara Shepherd,hride of Saturday St. Marys, Sarnia,' Watford, ete.
last, when 25 .friends gathered .and WEALTH UNIT 'OPENS '
presented -the guest of honor with. Opening -of .the new ,headquarters
lovely and .costly gifts. • 4111,uron eCounty , Health Unit in
Mr; and Mrs. Norman McDonald, Clintori marks -the .beginning of NI-
Aitsa Craig, .spent Thanksglymg with tinie public services for every citizen
Mr and Mrs. jt.. Orr; and, family. of -Huron ,Connty. Itis the 26th such
. Hensall brat* • of the Canadian unit to go into operation. rn Ontario.
Legion held a very successful Bingo Some early activities of. the Huron
unit include immuntzation In all co-
untry schools; supervision or Water,
milk and food supplies. Other goals
for better health in the County incl-
ude -a mental ,health- clinic, (rental in-
spection in all schools, increased
chest clinio.forAitie,s.... At -the opening
of...headquarters?. the, following were -
present: .Miss Edna L. Morre, direct-
or and Miss M. Rutherford, regional
supervisor, of .public health- nursing,-,
• . .
and dance in.the hall Thursday night
6th The ,hali was packed to Capacity
Mrs. A. Townsend won the dooiz
prize', a tnAk ey,.: , Howe orchestra
furnished theetOsie the.owe.
' Mrs. L:' SimpSen•is"spending.a.kweek
Visiting 'With Members o her fatnilY
Mit: Jack ShePherd, Lon!.
don, sP4nt.' Thankagivttie • with the
forroer'i• parents,shlet and 'Mrs. W.
A. Cempetitiorieconcert. held
in the Town Halli.Friday, Oct; 14th
.HetiallS.S. 1 anti
;Tucliersmith S.S, 1,0, S.; S. 7
Hibbejt, will take part in'a gregrarn
of music, publiespeaking, recitations
and a Spelling 'match: • •
• i,'
EId.rj Lad7 Rescued
A. alert passer-by was credited with
saving an elderly lady here after She
felkin her home Friday, eYOnitng• sev-
erely injuring her leg. 'Miss Clarissa
Mitchell, in her 60's, who lives alone e
slipped on the kitchen floor While
she was emptying a tub of water.
She arnanaged.4to crawl to the •front • -
door and screamed for help., Mrs.
Leaton Siehon, a paJer-by, ran to
Miss Mitchell% aid," then summoned
a neiphbour, Mrs. Wm.,tShepnerd, who
telephoned Dr. Goddard. Meanwhile
Mrs. Siemer, gave first aid to the in-
jured woman. Dr. Goddard drove
the paCient. to Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don where x-rays revealed a broken'
knee cap. Her condition was descr-
ibed as favourable.
A lovely autumn wedding was sol-
emnized at Wellington St, United
church manse, London; when Helen
Barbara; daughter of Mr and Mn.
WM, Shephertly..Hensall, became the
bride of Alfred Lendrum I3irosh, son'
of 'Mr and Mrs George ilZosh, Paw -i
Aett, Adain a ceremony performed(
by Rev. J. W. Hunt. Por her wed..
ding the attractive bride choSe a
gown of navy blue taffeta, fashioned
with square neckline; full skirt wit)
. e
Mr. Chris. Heist and Mrs. Ezra
Utast motored to Port Huron or;
Miss Meda 'Surerus of the Toronto
Teaching Staff spent tile holiday we-
ek -end at her home in Zurich.
Miss Joyce Mousseaa of London,
was a week -end visitor at the home
of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel have re-
turned home after an enjoyahle time
at the hone of her sister's Mr. and
Mrs. Morley Witmer, of Detroit.
The Misses F. and D. Fowlie of
Bayfield and brother Mr Laurie Vow-
Loodon enjoyed a liuiasent vis-
it at the home of Mr and lidrs.
don Koehler 70h OUnday.-
Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnen
of• Richmond Hill and Mrs. R,ussell
.of Exeter visited at the homeofthe
former's mother, Mrs. Matilda Mac-
Kinnon over the week -end.
Mrs. Irvin Dedels ad (Nughter,
iltarion of Kitchener, spent a few
days over the week-ond acthe Moine
of the former's motile; Sins. Ed.
Datars, Sr.
Mrs. Wm. Schelde of Loadont is
spending S0111.61 time at the home of
her sons, Mr and Is Clarence
Sehade, 14th ,Corn., and Mr and Mrs
Ervin Schade, Dashwood. '
`rtearsday- October 13th 49,410
• • .
Ilifr end 15Irs Ilarry 0. i,ieSs" ap•nit:
a lovely week -end at their cottage la
the P.irieree, .4
Messrs. Leonard Gerornette ;and-
1-.1etb Beierling of the ' Goshen knee,
north, nted.e a business trip to Ham.
iltort One day last week.
Mr. and MTS. Al. Geromette of Dee
trot were week -end visitors with the,
forxner's parents, Mr and Mrs. Leon-.
ard Geromette of the Goshen line,.
atooth. ,
A Real soaker °^ —
What we think was. the ,be•01.00
rain of the 'summer was experiencellt
on Tuesday ,afternoTh anal night„,
• when it really djft,ram fOr hourt,
and this should have rea.chedbottorn
asthe saying.goei.. , ," '•
A car replotted stolen from an Mo.
eter parking lot was discovered itt al
swamp near there last Saturday: night -
stripped of nearly all accessories and
Warned. The 19951 model car, owned:,
by Hanry Ford, of Winchetsea,, was,-
• taken from Ward Fritz's parking lot.
lin North Exeter but not reported'
tOolOn until Saturday morning laat,,,
Saturday evening Deputy Game War.„
dens Kenneth Juck, of ,Goderich, and ,
IPenry 119reen,, et Exeter, fotitid.:•thsi ,
ear in Hay swamp', five miles ;.: •
of Exeter.
• •..1
, ,....L
• 11. •
N D2R:E.D S of satisfid4
• wsitcY telt; •
us they don't lute* #6w...itheW
tnanaied-bef6te,'tlie, got -Dtiltilo ‘;
Puirtirciiii!):e'SYttetria •
4nd it'* no wonder, stinapp.Ult44,
puts ;.#10,!iii-ogikvig914:Eitt
ING. convenience -4';'ifintilnike -
water every place 'on the farnxt
takes all the back,nreakink
effort and ,wasted thne out lit
old -fashioned methods. - '
Instal the Best
Instal cs'IPRO
You can get shallow or deep well‘-}
systems to „trteet A141,. your, needs
.. thelOine: .;:barn jfruck 17,
garden, )11r• protection !lye tch.
farizi itionts mount with the4n4
creased prrAlictioncreinnini water
brings.. enjOrthtoomforts that .
mean so Math in everyday
oleo fixtures mitt' .Fittitigs
Simple remadellini can katkinva your proPerity.• vall7 .11.7.7011
mijoyinent! terktio todsy for information on how easily you eawi‘tyar _
a new kitchen ...losehroetto with reel economy for any bud
PHONE 92 •
' .
Hamilioro. Tor. - Siodbiny W
OWNINO AND 010tAtitio
wog /fro*** SC*11 •
a e a
ere c oser„,
rit buy a
• to your dream for
today at the BofM
&toe& '44 ?eta 64.44 woeK1NGwii CANADIANS IN EVERY WALIC OP JAPE SINCE 1877
' • t