HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-06, Page 8► F• , ZURICH ONTARIO �VQD DUD 400 o0v 400 44D TELEPHONE 59 Our New Samples of Mert's Fall Suits and Overcoats just arrived. Made by the old estab- lished firm of Coppley, Noyes & Randall, who are noted for Quality Cloths and finest workmanship. Now showing a Range of Conora Worsteds, made in England. All garments in this range being, entirely hand made. We also carry a Large and well assorted stock of Ready to Near, Suits, Overcoats, Trousers for Men and Boys. 1�' ear New Sweaters, Pullovers, Shirts, Pants in denim or fine tweeds, Jackets, Etc. Are ready " to supply your every need in Men's and Boys' wear for Fall and Winter. r se ZURICH .1.16.010416111.05161.11.93104. aemeameareseaseasseeameam 0 ZURICH HERALD Y s r. PETER'S aseemeareameasese B 6 6 e 0 0 0 tr at, 0 9 The . Store The Store With the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and oys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND ' SEIBERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats. Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE Phone 98 r 1 0 6 lit e 666 66606403,12.00t7:0600666,664K44gi)ogoisfttik,6 HARDWARE — SEEDS . and FURNITURE 1 Il:lay:° Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early ,, with us so we can arrange for your supply YOU i'HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? 9 Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 Plumbing, k urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinernit . ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always i a stock. ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE -, SERVIc Mr and Mrs. Alphonse Deitrieh and cllildi n spent the Week -end with their sister at Preston, 'Ir. George Swan of Brucefield, spent a. few date at the home of his daughter, Mr and Mrs Irvin Schilbe, Miss Patricia O'Dwyer has return- ed after a lovely visit at the home of her friends, Vl,.. LULA l\A.t,,, ;;Aov,<z a. Port Coaborne. Mr and Mrs Blake Pierce of Win- dsor enjoyed; a pleasant week -end at the home of their friends, Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz. Mr and Mrs. Bryce Mack and son Stephan have returned home after spending some time at .Sundridge and other parts of northern Ontario. TUDOR'S in Heneall, hale rz 'com- plete stock of the most popular skirts and blouses. And girls, get your Dog Leash Belts now for skirts dresses, coats and jackets. Mr and Mrs Omer Shettler and family of Pfgean, lVlich.a Mr and Mr; John Steckley and children of 1lid- land, Mich., were recent week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Jacob. Gingerieh. Mr and Mrs Wm. Witmer and dau- ghter Mary Lou spent several days over the week -end in Chatham, Wind- sor and Detroit, where they visite& relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs Ed. Haberer; IVIr. and Mrs. Theo. Haberer motored to Kit- chener and Waterloo. Miss Pauline. Haberer, daughter of the latter, re- turning with them to resume her studies at Waterloo College. The Zurich Branch of the 'v'Jonens' Institute •will be held in the Tow:: Hall on Tuesday evening, October 11th, at 8.30 chary. An rm,w esting meeting is arranged, with Rev. Getz of Dashwood as guest 'speaker, E- eryone welcome. • t At Hospital The many friend; of Mr: Freak Hagan, Parr Line, will be sorry to hear of his :being ill at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We- wish him a speedy recovery. IVIr and Mrs. Chris Erb, who had been staying an the home farm on the Bronson line since Mrs. Erb left the hospital, some weeks ago, • have now come back to town and diving in their apartment, which is part of Mrs W. L. Siebert's home. Mrs. Erb has improved very favourably. Mr. and 'airs. Albert Gaiser and Mrs. :!Mary Truernner o£ Crediton, visited our village on Tuesday . even- ing where they attended aur .local Evangelical Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. meeting. Mrs. Geiser gave a mo.:t splendid report of their journey, as well as also of the Evangelical W.M. S. Convention held at Pembroke last spring. Attended Rally About seventeen members. of 'the local St. Peter's Lutheran Ladies' Aid motored to Elmira last week where they attended a Ladies' Aid Rally in the Lutheran church. Rev. LIoyd. Kalbfleisch being Paster. A very fine spirit prevailed when about 7:35. ladies of the district assembled to help along in this great work of Kingdom building. Refreshments were served and the social time Was greatly enjoyed. Better Weather. To -day, Wednesday, as we ere at work setting the last few items for , our weekly, we actually have to pull • down the window shade, 'as Old Sol is doing his good work sy again shining at its best, and hope it will continue to do so. There teas been a lot of dreary weather the past few weeks, with little sunshine, and it has been bad for fall fairs, many have , been rained out and others were just an the balance whether to call it olf 1 or not. The farmers have had- a long haul with their bean crop, not alone was the weather bad for those: pulled, but the later ones were so slow in ripening. A few nice days of warm sunshine would greatly help to get this important crap in which in most cases is a good one. HYMENEAL Gooding -Young Carmel Presbyterian church, Hen - sail, was the scene of a charming, autumn 'wedding, Saturday, Sept. 24 at 2.30 Pen. when Rev. P. A. Fer- guson united in marriage Aileen Jane, only daughter of Mr and MrsI l Edgar Munn, Exeter, and Donald A. (leading, son of Mr and Mrs Basil Gooding, I ttrkhill. The double ring eerenlonv was performed before the altar decorated with autumn !cower:.' The bride was given in marriage by her father, Jahn L. Nicol was organ-' 1st. Mir.. Jean Armstrong of Hensall was tnaaid of honor, and Barbara and and' Gooding, nieces of the groon1, wen, dainty little filower girls. The u,hei's were Frank Strang, Toronto; arnd Jaz»» : Vlclntosh, Airso Craig. The ,o?r, t, Jack Levi, of Parkhill, ho sank "At Dawning" and "I love It'eu Truly" Following the cerem- ony, a reception was held in use lower hall at the church for 110 guests. The bride';; mother and groom's mothers receiving. Serving, were five girl fri- arnd:4 of the bride. They left on a wedding trip to the State;, and on their return will reside in Parkhill. Powell—Adkins The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins of IGlay Township, near Ito - sail, was the steno of a lovely sift' Evan; elical Lutheran Church' 11/RICH --- ONTARIO REV. L. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a,nn—IDin'ine Services. 11.15 a.m,—Sunday School, 7.81), puma-•-Dtiri?te Worship. Everybody, Welcome to all Servicer. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH Zi nieb„ — Ontario Observing the 75th Anniversary,. October. 3'0, 19`49. (11874-1949) REV.. H. E. IROPPEL Minister Mrs.. IMiltoax Oesch - Organist Sunday Services: - 10:00. a.m.—Divine Worship. 11.00 aunt. ---Bible School. 7:30 gun.—Divine Worship. We est:me; at all Services---"Comee thou with us and we will do thee: gond.;' N:um.. 10:29. A L WE. HANDLE THE GENUINE, (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and P1TSON ANIEW RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF C6 AL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH LIS FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Schi1 PHONE 75 - •ZURICH (Office in Residence) ekR.THUR FRASER Income lax Reports Bookkeeping Sc mist:. Etc. EXETER )FFICE:—Corner kiln, William Sta. Shone: Exeter 35bW Youth for Christ SATURDAY NIGHT .8 p.m. ANOTHER SPARKLING AND FAS- CINATING PROGRAM EVERYONE CAN ENJOY friniiii.dbnc,, October Gth, 1949 111 fllllHlllllllllllllllllilll HIH11H1IIIIIIIIIHIHHIIIIHHHI 1111 H111 IIII1111111 IIIIIIIIINIIIIIH 1111lillfl H 11111. II H1111111111110 111111I11IiilHIIIIIIi111111I11i11i: • 0 0 • 0• ► .► P 0^ :e ,a. I0. 0• 4. 4. + + + + 4. 4r + 4. rr 4' + 4. Furniture Phone 122, Zurich tor Here is where you get your space. Heaters available in four sizes, also the Torridheat Oil.Burner and air conditioning. We have: ai:. good stock of Ranges„ and Quebec Heaters. Corse in and have a. lookat our stock of cook stoves, before the weathers' gets too cold. We carry the usual Glidden. and, C. V. Paints, shelf and heavy Hardware. How about your Kiddies' Lunch Boxes and Thermos Bottles? Rader &'� I � � �' dear Nar Phalle 63 - Zurich 0 4 8 a1. P + 4 • 4 4 4 4P- • • 4, •4 00. • r. • i_i,l1111111111111illIH IIIliilliilllHillliliHllillllilliililHiiliiHHIHIHIiIIIIIIIIIiIIIiIHIIIIiHIIHiIIIIIHIiiIIIiIIiHIiIi111111IIIIIIIIIHII111 IIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIiHHIH1HHIIIIIi! 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ilii(11111111111111111111111111111111111111118 W. St! ke Furniture 4i Fail Suggestions! NOW, THAT FALL CLEANING TIME IS HERE;, BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME WITH NEW FURNITURE! Take advantave of these specially Reduced Prices on Bedroom Suites. Modern and Waterfall Designs from up. Good Variety of all Types of Furniture including Springs and Mattresses. $70.,00 and �IIf1111111iIIlili11i111111111111111111'1iliillli11111111i11111111111111111iiIIIi1i111111H1111111111! MEM HEAR REV. C. N. WASHINGTON Coloured Evangelist of Toledo, Ohio • MEET US IN CLINTON - TOWN HALL umn wedding Saturday last, when M their only daughter, •Shirley Lovina, Carolina, became the bride of Ernest Raymond Powell, son of Mr and Mrs ` Harry Powell, Goderich. The cerem- ony was performed by Rev. E. Hein- E. rich, mini .tcz• of St. Peter's Lutherr.n Church, Zurich, under an arch of evergreen and basket of gladioli,:.li.• ; Kathleen Hess, Zurich, played the bridal music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attractive in light blue silk gown, fashione:l with' a sweetheart neckline. Hc.. shoulder -length veil, mats:sing her costume, was caught to a halo of matching flowers. Her corsage was pink roses, and she wore the groom's o gift, a .olid gold locket. Mrs. Robert Cook, Seaforth, sister of the groom, was bride;:matd, costumed in light pink silk with shoulder -length veil and wearing a corsage of pati roses. Jack Adkins, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Later a reception for 60 guests was held. Mrs. Adkins received, assisted by iVti's. Powell. Both wore -costumes of black silk, ac- cented with corsages of red roses. The bridal table, • centred the three- tier wedding cake. Decorations `were in pink and white. The toast to the bride wa- proposed t,,, Rev. Heim - rich and responded to by the groom. Serving were the Misses Joyce Broad - foot, Kippen; Betty O'Keefe Chisel- hurst; Whilda Wilson, London, and Vera WiLo , Goderich. • rim. their wedding trip to Hamilton, Toronto and the States, the bride travelled in a black din,., and hat, red wool shortie coat. They will reside in Goderich. Guests were present from Goderich, Clinton, Lo•1d •n. Sea.foz'th. Zurich, Kippen and Hensel. 11111 • ililuS�Ill>�IDlmil�ff�il�I�iiili�fl()If�f�HIDf�1�11(I1�ifffffll�ill�lll�I�lIDfi�llld[il FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN. M. TURKHEIM Q Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 11111[;1171 t�'rrr'ti; 1111111 11 M®I H 1.111111H 1111111I!III ?111!111111 fl ?11 11;'al • ll'a 1*114111,1•0,11.'.41 ••ai• !f v ^s, :-.1-•••••!•++++++.1••••!,+++++++++++3•41 4. f f t Skinny men, women fain 5,10,15 lbs. Set He; Pep, Vim, vigor loss a eaiu1 BonyUt, am scont longer t.Ay VOIlda itard,sloa 'umni o o" too 1hrnaa mold, di'triRabtsanaes mutat ouayurwtiganb tont+, Ostrda: ;eat tomo, nt!tDUtatttal tnvl or IMO, It* is a H6 astuioh I AVOFt M� nifth Ana tatOM * o�8't MOOS vepk great Io tat Stay w on pon'M cx1 6, 10, 16 Or 201bn. you need for .01 to now "itss ra slat; od0o .e "* T We Can Supply You With LUMBER MILLWORK SASH TEN -TEST DOORS „ . MASONITE PAINTS ' BUILDERS' HARDWARE • '•, ASPHALT ROOFING WAX AND ALL TYPES OF BUILDING SUPPLIES E. C. KALBFLEISCH c SON Phone 69 - • - - ZURICH +4.++++++++4444++9,4++ +++++++++.24”t.++ -i-1-1•4+++++++4 assey arris HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT Ol~' MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT• ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" [Fel, Shop 149I; soar Klopp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE