HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-06, Page 4ittNitik ONTARIO t¢f 0 et • uF • b •e ft stese TIMOTHY RED CLOVER - SWEET CLOVERS AND ALSIKE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID E. '"' l PHONE 37W DASHWOOD qausgregrimvamaraelzamagmomm=ra xes.maitoctrtosn ^rats ME ; E's Ti irE T1 E MORE THENiEW1 PROVED Canada's MOST popu- lar tire :.: the New Goodyear DeLuxe has proven it will give 34% naoase mileage than the big -mileage Goodyear it replaces. Extra strong cord con- struction helps protect you from blowout clanger. The wider, fatter =tread is sure- footed, ,giving super - traction. Drive in to- day ro we have your size. PHONE : 92 E uron County 68 In accordance with Section, 14, Schedule "13" of the Puplic Health Act, - "no privy -vault, cesspool septic tank or reservoir into which a privy, water closet, stable or sink is drained shall be established until the approval of the Medical Officer of Health is obtained_." ^_pplicatio:� fo: any such installation shall be made to the Medical Officer of Health, Huron County Health Unit, Clinton, Ontario. PI umbers, drainmen, contractors and the general public are requested to follow these instructions. BA E The bean harvest has been held .up some owing to the wet weather !Many were taken in when it cleared few days. Miss Lorothy Oesch is spending a few days with her cousins, Mr and Iles. Earl Oesch on the Goshen Line 3ierth. Mr and :Nrrs Rudy Oesch were vis- ited with friends from London and Crediton during the week-enar. Mr. Robert Ducharme is wearing a goad smile these days, a baby girl )las arrived at their home. Mother and baby are well. Congratulations- DRYSDALE' Sells Farm -Had -Family Gathering Mrs. Joseph Rau, of the Blue Water .ncrth of Drysdale, had the pleasure of entertaining her children. along 'with their families to a turkey din- eier, and all the goodies that go with it la. -t Wednesday evening, at her 'home, when a most pleasant time was :*pent. Mrs. Rau who will be a resi- dent of this fine farm home on Oct. 2eth for ea year?, end has ree-n,)y sold the farm to ,Mr. Andrew Rau, -wee gets possession at the end of October, Mrs. Rau intend, for the pre ent to etu with her children fur thF, welter in' ,n:hs Pt lonSt. We wish hey a a vary he opy and will eorred retei'}'!tent in 11i,•, \' it% limey teas of good health. Pied Surprise Party f)n S.?tnrd.i;t evening, a birthday clime e party u. 'riven in eon.or of ;':.. Nevem see e 4)f l)+.. r'i'de, '1",w a? ,,,•,.;.,'.,l .tai�,r'' ‘+.•hilr• Mr. es -41 Piro. please were attending a fit •..,,;,, ),1r• tt �_,.,•.,. V11 cote - ')'{•tint;' o:e'. reel sees .t.eeee t;(,.?6 r, + 'l e r `•.'Ma4r 'T -Z% ppt.13irthd a,." P3V61; !~nest Tr r'"t,d erre Mee' Wit.:) gins a:id t?. Cele 1.y ,. also .g"i1t.. A light lunch was served. at 1 o'- clock after which Mrs. Masse had quite a time figuring out her sleep- ing space for all the guests that sta- yed overnight. The guests list was long. and in - eluded the following: Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr and .Mrs 11lnitard Ducharme and their two children Linda and Kenneth of Detroit; The following sons also paid :their tribute to their wonderful mother: Mr. and Mrs. Milton' Bedard and their new born son Wayne of Windsor; Mr. 1 and Mts. Claude Bedard of St. Clair, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. LIoyd: Be- dard of Seaforth; •Mr. Alphonse Be- dard and his lady friend, Miss Geor- gina Drain land both of Windsor; Mr and Mrs Emory Bedard of God- erich; Mies Buradine Bedard and her gent friend, Buster Regier of•Lo'hdon Mr acid Mrs Leo Farrell, friends of Mrs. Masse; from Detroit; And her two grandchildren from Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hug. The party was a quiet but com- plete sueeese It was highlighted by her son and son -in --law, Mr. Emery Bedard and Willard Ducharme. Old time and jitterbug dancing. Music was furnished by Mrs. Masse's daug- hter Bernadine at the •piano. and het .:t::ghtsr-in-law, Mrs. Claude Bedard on the banjo, There was community singing of all the good old and new French songs, along with the Amer- een by al the guests, Mrs. Masse was greatly pleased anil will remember this, birthday for lin:; time. The only guests invited and did not attend were 1'Ir and Mrs Regis i'• �' Iai d of 1Vindsor, oho were tied flow.,, with his work. 'F3ut he showed he hadn't forgotten hie mother by placing a long dietance call t) wise her a very happy birthday, STANLEY TOWNSHIP len e r.s ase : ;rueesiin;r algin;;• wti the Iht,ance of their bean crop: i:) this catchy and rainy weather. Bre what has heen thre.'hed iv: of a goal Yield and good .,ample, a 1 Brought toyouby • Gillette Safety!Razor Co. OVER X ZURICH HERALD DO YOU KNOW A Girl who is planning to be harried? We Have a Free Gift for Her! We believe that every , bride-to-be should see and hear 'about our mod- ern cooking method that retains the natural flavor in the food. Our lovely gift ($4.50) value is given Free for the privilege of show- ing her the newly styled "Wears Ever" Waterless cooking utensils, that are not to be seen in any store. There ie no obligation to buy. Only girls that have not yet seen our equipment are eligible for the gift. Send or. Phone names to your nearest distributor. Middlesex County: F. Stewart, Ailsa Craig 101W Huron County: D. Campbell, Goderich 956M L, Cherry Brussels `,WEAR - EVER" Waterless Aluminum Sales and Service 32 Foxbar Rd. Phone London, Ont. Met 349W NOT SOLD IN STORES 920 on YourDiaLOCAL NEWS TUDOR'S in Hensall have the fam- ous Stilette, !Pace -Maker and Form- ula slips by Silknit at only $2.95• And ladies, now is the time to get four vests and snuggies for winter. MT and Mrs Ray Ferguson of Mon- tgomery, Alabama, were guests at fhe `name of Mr and Mrs. A. Inge, Varna. :Miss Mossip spent a. week with fri- ends at Goderich. Mrs. H. McClinchey, of Bayfield, was a visitor with Mrs. Wm. Hart, Varna. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Keys were vis- itors with friends it' Exeter. Recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs A. Ings were Mrs. Jack Site, Windsor, and Mr. Hugh Flet- cher, London. Mr and Mrs Elston Dowson and Mrs. Winder spent part of a week visiting friends in Hamilton, Niag- exa ?'ails and Buffalo. Mrs. Minke has returned home af- ter an extended stay near:Cj)esley. Mr and Mrs Henry Gruen of Sebe- waing, Mich., were week -end visitors at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs, John E. Gascho. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien and Mrs Stelck motored to Milverton on Tuesday. The latter remaining there to visit relatives and friends for a week. Mr. Isreal Wilhelm and daughter Marjorie of Milverton, were week -end visitors at the home of the former's sister, -'Mr. and Mrs. C. L, .Smith, also Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Heist. Attended Sale Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerbh attended the auction sale of their aunt's effects, the late Mrs.. George Brown, which. was held on Saturday, at Tavistock. Attended Wedding Mrs. George Farwell and daughter Helene enjoyed the week -end at Kit- chener where they attended the wed- ding of the former's niece, also vis- ited with relatives and friends. aer A'e ith the Thus 'day, October `Gth, 1949+ DASI-IWOOD Mrs. Letta Walsh of Saskatoon, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Witzel last week. Miss Shirley Graybiel of Woods tock is visiting with Mr and Mrs W. England and Joyce. 'Col. and Mrs. E. E. Tiernan and family were Sunday visitors with kis mother Mrs. Mary Tiernan. Mr and iMrs Joe Wildfong visited with friends in 'London last week. Mr. .Alex Getz of Weston, epent the week -end with Rev. ant Getz at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. Alvin. Restemeyer of North Dakota is visiting with relatives and friends here. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Witzel, Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher were Mr and Mrs. G. F. Neely and Mise Sheila Neely; Mr and Mrs Norman Gray and daug- hter Zella and Dr, and Mrs. D. L. Oestreicher all of London. Mr and Mrs Garnet Wildfong were Sunday visitors with friends rn Lon- don. Mr. Fred Hoperoft of Halifax spent the week -end with his parents, Fred was in charge of a German prisoner. Rev. and Mrs. Getz attended the wedding of his brother in Bruce -field on Saturday. .Mr. Williams of Bowmanville, spent a few days with his daughter, Mr and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiver. Mr and Mrs Elgin earner spent the week -end here!. They moved their household effects to iirtchener on Tuesday where Elgin has accept- ed a position. On Monday evening •the Bridge Club met at the home rof Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman when Mrs. Merrier was presented with a cup and saucer. The members of the Library I3rd. visited the Huron 'County Plibrary headquarters .at Goderich on Tuesday to inspect the display of new books. As more people are *becoming intere- sted in reading. The nasrrwood branch has secured a second unit of 100 books which are exchanged ev- ery three months. Books were also purchased for the permanent Library on needlecraft, cooking, nursing, etiquette, travel, and a good selection for ehiIclmn This makes an approximate number of 300 books for the Dashwood Lib— rary. The board hope ehle will be an incentive for more people to, be- come members of the local Library. The first meeting of the season of the G. N. D.'Bridge Club was 'held: at the home of the President, Mrs.. Howard 'Klumpp. It was decided the present offIceirs continue for another year. The members of the Club pre— sented Miss Dorothy Hayter with a. salver cake in honor of her marriage. Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Effects, on Main Streets in the Village of Zurich. The under-. signed Auctioneer has been instruct, ed to sell by Public Auction, on SATU'RDAY, OCTOBER 8th. Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. Two kitchen ranges, wood heater.. good as new, some stove pipes, two. burner electric hot plate, kitchen. set, nearly new; various kitchen. chairs, two rocking chairs, cupboartll table and 4 ehairs,. antique rocker,. 2 leather couches, glass eupboande kitchen sink, .bureau, wash stand,. toilet set, kitchen clock, clock shelf, wreath frame, fur +tinedooat, size 36 coffee grinder, linoleum, various: sizes; flour bin, pictures and picture. i frames, 44 -piece China tea set, ?0+ years old, in perfect condition; 1 number of beautiful antique glass., dishes and bowls; set of dishes, Kite. then silverware, knives and forks* kitchen utensils, cushions, 'carpets,, quantity of sealers, pints and quarts,, long ladder, step ladder, garden tools: 2 wash tube, .wash board, screonse lamps, mattress, lawn chairs, 3 sets. of Iawn bowls; .prant duster, French, doors, coal oil lantern, rocking horse, IP, farm, yard flood shades, new; a. windows with 2 storm windows to, match, sizes 30x63 -in., 30x6414 -in,. good as new; water bowl for pump, with 4 -ft. piping, 60• feet 1 -inch; piping with unions, 2 used tires for wagon, size 600-16, . iron kettlee wagon, and many other articles too• numerous to mention. NO RESERVE, Everything will bte sold. TERMS= --CASH Mrs. Eliza Wurm, Proprietress - R. F. Stade, CIerk. Alvin Wolper, Auetibneer. L -Heed Erigi e A PART OF DODGE MEIPENIDA ITT You SAVE MONEY every mile you drive with the Dodge simple -design L -Head engine. There are fewer. moving parts to wear. Oil filter, floating oil intake, and air cleaners keep carbon and dirt from moving parts to reduce wear. Such "extra" features as four rings per piston, full length water jackets, lightweight alloy pistons and alloy exhaust valve seat inserts, result in savings on gas, oil, and repairs. Other leading features of the economical Dodge engine are explained on the right. But in many other ways Dodge gives you more for your money. You could pay much more, and still not get all of Dodge roominess, beauty and ruggedness. Test for yourself the generous head, leg, and elbow room. Compare the "outlook" through the high, wide wind- shield. Note how easy it is to get in and out. Try out the new Dodge on the road and discover for yourself its flashing perfor- mance, driving ease, safety, and riding smoothness. No matter which way you look at it, your dollars will go further with Dodge ... and SO will you. CHECK THESE "EXTRA" FEATURES WHICH ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON THE NEW DODGE. Automatic electric choke; Automatic ignition • key starting; 'Aluminum alloy pistons; Four rings per piston; Low pressure tires; Chain camshaft drive; Oil bath air cleaner; C'ii filter; Floating ail intake; Hotchkiss drive; Safety- Rim wheels; floating Power engine mounting; Chair -height seats; Full -width defroster vents, L -HEAD OPERATION is quieter, as all moving parts are inside the block. Fewer parts to wear or work loose assure longer life. Simple construction allows easy maintenance. 2 FLOATING POWER is the name given to the scientific Dodge method of mounting the engine on the chassis so that engine vibration is not transmitted to the body. Results in smooth, quiet operation and long car life. +� OIL BATH AIR CLEANER J filters the air before it enters the carburetor. By keeping dust out of the en- gine, it cuts down repairs and lengthens engine life. 011. FiLTER of tnicronic type, filters even the smallest particles of carbon of dirt out of the oil and so reduces wear on bearings and cylinder walls for long, trouble-free engine life. WEATHERPROOF IGNI- TION SYSTEM gives maximum protection Against water and dirt for dependable all-weather operation. Distributor has a new splash -proof cap. Centre distributor brush has a 10,000 ohm carbon suppressor which allows a wider spark gap setting for better idling and low -speed performance. AUTOMATIC CHOKE. The choke enriches the mixture by automatically reducing the proportion of air drawn through the carburetor during warm- up, to provide easy starting Under all weather condi- tions. Saves fuel by pre- venting too rich an operat- ing mixture. 07 FLUID DRIVE on Custom Dodge models lets you drive, relaxed, in high gear most of the time sxt is par- ticularly effective on wet pavement,' ice or mud, al- lowing smooth transfer of power withoutstailing. The Custom Dodge is still the lowest -priced car in Can- ada with Fluid Drive as standard equipment. Ward ritz dtit Ph 1 rich