HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-10-06, Page 1,.„m.,.. ICH HERAL artobliehed '19OO ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6 19 49 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) Zurich anal Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Mae Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! atone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHlLBE--Zurich Are You Suffering From ea.'' 'thee? Aldon Theatre GRAND, BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Gary Cooper Edmund Lowe Oct. 7-8 Ann Sheridan Joan Lorri.ng "GOOD SAM" The kind of Wacky, r v oncterf ul, Warm -Hearted Picture that'll help You Live Happier Donald Duck Cartoon Monday, Tuesday „THE GIRL FROM Ronald Rogan Eddie Bracken It's a rare, Rousing, Romantic Ram- page 'of mirth and Merriment —A- bout a Super -Shapely School Teacher i Paramount Newsreel, Cartoon and Two Additional Shorts Oct. 10-11 JONES BEACH' Virginia Mayo Donna Drake 1Z1 so, Have your Eyes Exammed *WI Latest Method and Equipment at tl e L. COLE, :' .O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOD-ERICH -- ONT. r"fated Glasses at E.o•nsbie Prima ... a. ,. -4 ..4. •d- .,y ' H 3 +++++++•4.•s + ealatma&e✓t••Seada S= '++4.14.++ ++++•B•%••4»F+4•&•&•4 ++ t•� -. One Show only on Monday and Tuesday Evenings at 8.15 p.m. Clos- ed on Wednesday and Thursday Two Complete Shows on Friday and Saturday Evenings at 7.30 and9.30 p.m. DUCKS FLY SOUTH Goderich--Southward flying,ducks and geese are giving "signs of- the approach of an early winter. Game aml-' affnaan nneratan e Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF 1.11.13 ONTARIO FUNERAL y, AY• cork' NIGHT TEI:EPHONE No. 90 Dashwood — Ontario 4. 4. .I. 4, ASSOCIATION 4, 4. 4. 4. e 4. 6+ .�,. 4. 4' • FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACCUM CLEANER. lack and Decker Motor 2-3 h.p. Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance MASON N P RICH PIANOS New and Used - Canadian Products SALES AND SERVICE G. R. BATES Phone 102 Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block 4 e 4. 4, Q 4, 0 0 4, A 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4SOMENZRUStainnalankaint=0=0*MaiM6UZZataraVEMMTNaniffiaarRaSSInaSnarleagM lionsasisataciessallasitaassasuesaasawaseameasa T r Stueiior tore ,) fit,. 0 M#' ME J.. OF LADIES and CHILDREN'S CARDIGANS„ PULLOVERS IN ALL SIZES AND SHADES We have a Good 'V'ariety of Shades in Bouquet Yarn at present. Pick your Shades NOW! WE OFFER FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY 20% Reduction on all. Chenille Spreads EXTRA. SPECIAL 6 Only Ladies' All Wool Dressing, Gowns Reg. 17.50 for 12.50 FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES EACH WEEK! Phone 140 .. C.1-1. THIEL - Zurich P .140 C. H. THIEL Zvirich ---NOTICE— I am opening a Barber Shop at my House. A call will be •appreciated. Arthur Edighoffer Phone 46: ARSE/NG Having opened a barber shop business in the late .Herb Kru.eger's Shop, Zurich, 1 will continue serv- ing the public and will appreciate your patronage. C. "Bert" Carr. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Henry Becker, Sr., wishes to thank those who visited her also • all who so kindly remembered ,ner with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don and since returning home. Warden Ken Jack and commercial fishermen Ab. Leonard both have noticed large flights of ducks and geese heading south over Lake Hur. :on during the past week. or so. It is stated that the flights are almost a month earlier than normal and this is taken to indicate an early winter. TO INSTRUCT' AT UWO James R. Scott, Toronto and Bay- field, will instruct in creative, .writ- ing at the department of English in the University of Western Ontario. He is Iiterary Editor of The Toronto Telegram, is well-known as a Toronto editor, radio speaker and critic. . Fractured Hip Mrs John Douglas • of the town line near Blake, met with a very painful accident on Tuesaay morn ing while rising out of bed when she -- fell and fractured one of" ner hips, and was taken to Clinton Public Hospital by the Westlake ambulance Mrs. Douglas had her •other hip frac- tured over a year ago and had been back_ in her .home for about seas' mon- ths. Her many friends wish here a speedy recovery. MOTHER AND BABY KILLED A woman and her 3 month baby were fatally injured Saturday night last when a car plunged into an 8 - foot excavation for a culvert on a gravel road about four miles east of Blyth. Mrs. Lawrence Jacklin of R.R. 2 Brussels, died shortly after the car being driven by her husband, crash- ed into the hole, which police said had been excavated by a power shov- el earlier the same day. Her baby Glen, died almost instantly. After the impact the husband freed himself and then got his wife and baby out, but they were too far gone to be rescued from the effects of the shock and water. Police say there was very poor protection to warn the approch- ing vehicles. BORN Wagner — Mr and Mrs Leonard Wagner are happy to announce the birth of a daughter on October 1st, at the Meyers Nursing Home. Jeffrey — Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey of St. Joseph, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, on Oct. 5th, at the Meyers Nursing Hoene, Zurich. McLean — At Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on September 2.1. to Mrs. McLean and Mr. A. Y. Mc- Lean, M.P., Seeforth, a son. Romer — At the Clinton Public Hospital, on September 30th to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Romer (nee Viola Ginge,rich) a daughter, Anne Lor- raine. CHESTER L SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.75 a Year in Advance, ;2,00 in U. S. A„ in Advance. i Out Again We are pleased to report tnat Mr. Henry Steinbach who has been con- fined tq,', his home for many weeke, after his injury by falling off a cherry tree, while picking its fruit, is able to enjoy driving his car and getting around,again. h World Series This Wednesday afternoon the big World Series baseball games will commence, in which thousands of dollars will change hands, and which always `-e:•eats a lot of enthusiasm as America's National Game. Tune in on the ;games in the afternoon and become baseball minded, your local station usually carries the game, the two contesting teams are the New York Yankees of the American Lea- gue,. and. the Brooklyn Dodgers of the gyrational League. Time 12.45._ each day until one team wins four games. Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 10th will be ob- serveld `' in Canada as Thanksgiving Day and a public holiday. There are many, many things here in this fine Canada ':`.of ours that we have many good reasons to be thankful off. We are living in a land of plenty, pros- perity,freedom of worship, and free- dom to go about over these thous- ands of; miles of territory, have had no wars at our door for the last two 'generations, people can own their own :homes, and enjoy life just about as well ,,as any place on this ,big old earth. - Seo don't forget to thank Pro- vidence for all these blessings when at'home or away, and if you should have :occasion to take to the High- ways, bre ora and think of the other £allow, " (cI drive carefully and save Mrs life sus *ell as your awn.. • • Digging Has Begun Digging and excavation has begun for the new "Babe" Siebert Memor- ial Arena Rink which is to be built this fall. On Tuesday evening an army of men, mostly Lions Club, took to the shovel and made the dirt fly in great fashion, and more such boosts will greatly help for a good start. If we want an Arena we must do just like other towns do, turn in and push it along, both financially and physically. Get in touch with the building committee when you can, spare some of your time, and they will be only too glad to advise you. But please remember, it is not the Zurich Lions Club that are managing this, it is the Community Arena com- mittee that have charge of it. The Lions Club are just like every other individual, they just help what they can. BAYFIELD FALL FAIR Although the weatherman was un- kind to the 511111101 Bayfield Fall Fair last Wednesday afternoon„ the officials stated that the entries uveae just as good, if not better than in other years; that the attendance was better than might have been expec- ted; and that rain insurance would be of sono as,i,-•.tance. Incidentally, it started to rain at noon and it con- tinued all afternoon. Competition was keen in most of the classes and the previous high standard of quality waa urraintained.Clinton District Col- legiate institute Tlugle Dena headed a largo parade of school children to the grounds. As usual the School :fair saction was one of the best�fe<:- r , }ut;< <,+' the affair taxi one which turns of the Fair with no les bar,a,'i d :r••ich merriment iva:, the pre - :dation et a mock wedding. Guests r,}.e lrreFent from London, Exeter; and Hens&l. The immediate family were all ,present with the exception of the ellet son Jack who Is at White Hone, Yukon. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich„ Ont. Phone 128. areananzasuaskarsussmosasusevaaarmumnamicrommaarsamcvamanwrammashsomatcalsommim Ypt Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL. 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD --PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED Lions Club News Monday evening was another in- teresting night at the supper meeting as the Lions were visited by the Dis- trict, Governor, Lion ktanfard Gase, accompanied by Lions T. J. Kinsey, Alex. Goudy and J. D. Geddes, all of Strathroy. The former gave an in- teresting talk on Lionism, after which Lion Victor thanked nim for his fine address. The usual amount of routine business was gone over, including the one big night of the year, when the Lions take their i,i- oness to Ladies' Night, which will be on Oct. 19th at the Cobblestone Inr„ London, when a good program is in. store for all who will attend, Had Anniversary A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 40000.240008000000..200 4100iiiD 0C)00060000.50 • Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know A Heat Regulator will pay you back the cost in fuel saved in one season, besides the comfort of Auto- matic controll. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer! VV. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS A very enjoyable evening was ,,pent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, Parr Line, Hay 'Town- ship on Saturday evening, September 240, when a number of friends and relatives gathered to help them cele- brate their silver anniversary. Din- uler was served at 7.30, the table at- tractive, centred with a three tier wedding cake. After dinner music was enjoyed and an address was read by Mrs, idaeold Broderick and Mr and Mrs. Smith were presented with a number of lovely gifts by little Miss Toon and l3ob Broderick. Mr. Smith on behalf of his wife and himself tended thanks. One of the high - 4. • • a a3 a • • a 4, e 1 • • • s ten ac"ho71s competing. licfr.. h,,,, nt. booths were operated by the belies of the United and Anglican churches and Lions .Club, and there was a Co- unty Museum exhibit. Many good horse%, cattle, sheep, -swine and pouf- try were shown. • 4. '` • ,14 tit fp Licensed Esrnbairner and Funeral irector Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Semite Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich 044. olnitt1 &t®0ADQ 000 4. 4. • asS Falcon Cocoa, 1-1•b. can ... . 25c 30c 29c 10c 25c Floor Wax, 1 -lb. can 19c Lady Godwa Soap, 3 for 25c 35c Marmalade, 3 flavors, 2 -Ib. jar Royal Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. ... Vegetable Soup, per can Beans with Weiners, per can Olives, 16 -oz. Jar LLenno r esch - Zurich Phone 165 PRODUCE WANTED. 1 air ail wafer Mens' and Boy's Underwear, Checked Shirts, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks and Jackets, Etc. II label, Footwear Mens', Boys Rubber Boots, 4 -buckle all rubber Yukon Mens'. High Laced Flexions; Boots, Overshoes and Rubers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. _..... lam, otaammamonvorminewasamomiammo Phone 11.97