HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-09-15, Page 6"Dollar Crisis" Brings Them Together— F hese are the major figures taking part in the Anglo- •
ashi ' : 'n ' England's "dollar crisis." Left to right are: Secretary of State
American tt3Gh. in �� .,....S.�.l .. t ,l ;,
Dean Acheson: Secretary ^'- the Treasury John Slnyder; British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin;'
British Cance"o:- o•f :he FN.: -e.:vier Sir Stafford Cripps; and Canadian Finance Minister Abbott.
Of all the various sports which
we have watched, reported and—
under extreme pressure—even tak-
en part in, there are few that
occupy such a deep-seated spot in
our affections as the noble pastime
of pitching horseshoes. When we
get around to publishing that book
of reminiscences—we are almost up
to the middle of page one—the
chapter on Horseshoe Pitchers We
Have Mingled With will be written
with extra loving care, and no
Few who ever attended them will
likely ever forget the weekly out-
ings of the 'Toronto chapter of the
Pool and Poker Club, largely made
up of big league professional hock-
eyists and big-time professional
v restlers. They used to gather at
our former country estate — 3%
acres, 50 square yards of which
were level ground — for the pur-
pose of scoffing Russian delicates-
sen, pitching horseshoes and — it
was rumored — imbibing keg brew.
* * *
There were times when we must
have had, at a conservative esti-
mate, half a million dollars worth
of hockey and wrestling talent pres-
ent — double that, probably, at
present-day valuation. But outside
bf two or three, such as Harold
"Baldy" Cotton, Roy "Squib"
VTorters, and the late Lorne Cha-
bot, as horse -brogan heavers, they
wouldn't have made many head-
All this, and a whole lot more,
came to mind when reading an ac-
count of the United States national
horseshoe pitching championships,
recently held at Morray, Utah.
There were 36 contestants—finalists
from 18 states. They did their stuff
in a brilliantly floodlighted, cement -
surfaced arena, surrounded by
thousands of spectators seated in
trim metal bleachers.
:k k *
The steel target -pins were tilted
an accuately measured three inches
toward the pitchers. They were set
in scientifically prepared clay pits,
The shoes, weighing up to 2%
pounds apiece, were made of "spe-
cial analysis heat-treated steel, ac-
curately balanced and plated with
eadium and copper."
a * *
But there were two items in the
a.ccount which came home to us
'with special vigor—reminding us of
our own Pool and Poker Club con-
ditions because they were so ells.
similar. At the aforesaid U.Sf
championships they had a loud
speaker system to carry a minute
report of the play, and on close
Sealnaped — This month - old
baby was sealnaped out of the
water at Vancouver, B.C., by
the crew of the tanker J. L.
Hanna. When they turned
"George" loose, out of the kind-
ness of their hearts, he barked
again. be. taken on board � �', n. H e
was filet by pretty Rosamund
Wililev with a bottle of warm
milk. Now he'll `serve a stretch'
ill the Steinhart A.quariutri,
calls, the judges used calipers to
aid in their decisions.
* * *
Heck, when our gladiators really
laid into their pitching, you didn't
need any loud speaker system to
keep you informed of how things
were going. Although the country
estate was in a fairly secluded spot,
folks with good ears could tell who
was winning 'way down in Hogg's
Hollow, a good four miles away.
* * *
And as for calipers, we didn't
bother about gadgets such as that.
In fact, we had what you might
call a sort of "house rule," fre-
quently invoked when the evening
shadows were starting to settle and
the athletes tended to become
slightly weary and inaccurate. 'This
rule "stated" that any shoe which
landed within the limits of the
estate was close enough to be
* * *
Tlhe only other rule we recall was
one which said that anybody whose
shoe vanished over the brow - of
the hill and landed in the bog at
the bottom had to go and retrieve-'
it direct, without any detour in the
direction of the barn where the first
aid station was located.
* * s
But for all their flossy surround-
ings and up-to-date trimmings, the
U.S. horseshoe champions don't
seem to be in any danger of amas-
sing unwieldly amounts of wealth
at their calling. The ultimate vic-
tor, Fernando Isais, of Los Angeles
—a guy who scored as many as 91
ringers in 100 consecutive tries—
won 34 out of his 35 matches in
the tournament, which must be al-
most par for the course.
* *• *
But all he took home in the way
of folding money was a mere $400.
Why, there wasn't an athlete taking
part in our Pool and Poker Club
jousts who didn't earn far more
than that per month.
*. * . *
Although not, it must be sorrow-
fully admitted, for his skill in pitch-
ing horessrhoes.
The Healing Railway
Electric train's;.so people ate apt
to consider, are a fairly newwthod
of transport butetirsula Eason' vrites
interestingly of the very first hydro
electric railway in the world. This,
which is in Northern Ireland, was
designed in 1879 and is now called
the Portrush Electric Tramway. It
still runs to the Giant's Causeway,
a long line of octagonal rocks,
stretching out to sea. The Causeway
is one of the great geographical
curiosities of the British Isles, for
the natural rocks look exactly as
though they had been hand cut. The
antique railway runs along the edge
of the cliff and the little open -sided
carriages are roofed now, though
they were not in the early days,
when passengers got more than they
wanted of the extremely bracing
North Antrim air.
The oldest employee of the rail-
way is Robert Scott, who has been
working on it for fifty-seven years,
and he told Miss Eason about its
early days. The main change since
then has been the removal of the
third rail which carried the power.
This rail was situated between the
railway car and the ditch and was
supported on wooden posts about
eighteen inches high. There was dif-
ficulties and, according to Mr. Scott,
the company was not allowed
enough current for the little live
rail, so that fifty years ago it was
taken away and the overhead sys-
tem adopted. Ursula Eason remarked
that this was surely a good
thing as a live rail in such a prom-
inent position must have been rather
dangerous? Mr, Scott countered
such a suggestion with the story
of the old countrywoman from the
district who used to alit on the rail
everyevening. ev 1 .She was warned that,
despite her copious skirts, the habit
was a dangerous one but she refused
to give up her apparently foolhardy
practice because, she said, it eased
her rheumatism.
Rivers of Ink
And Lemonade
French scientists have analyzed
what must be the moot remarkable
river in the world—the so-called
In'k River in Algeria. Its name is
not symbolic. It merely states the
truth, which applies. not only to the
coloring of the water, but to its
chemical cornposition as well. This
is a stream of real ink.
The Ink River originates from
twosources,oneof which contains
a considerable amount of iron
salts, while the Other abounds in
lead oxide. It is the combination of
these two substances that makes
ordinary ink. The liquid is thick
enough to be used for writing.
Another unusual river is in the
State of Nebraska. Its water tastes
very sweet and science is 'still
searching for the reason. There are
no sugar plantations along its
banks. Neither are there any near-
by sources of saccharine, which
sometimes does become dissolved in
rivers from the soil.
This sweet river calve into ex-
istence quite unexpectedly in 1930,
and since then has increased in
size. Geologists believe this rare,
natural phenomenon was caused by
an abnormal rise in the level of cer-
tain subterranean waters, eventu-
ally leading to the bursting forth of
the new river.
The Rio de Vinagre, a river
whiole marks the boundary between
Chile' and Argentina, is known as
the Acid River because its water.is
almost as acid as lemon juice. By
adding a small quantity of sugar
to a glass of its water, a ,beverage
can be obtained, similar to lemon-
One enterprising American ecru-
ally started a company to transport
thousands of gallons of water from
the sweet river in Nebraska to the'
Rio de Vinagre. The idea was to
supply aerated table waters for the
thirsty Argentinians, but in the end
it was found cheaper to buy sugar
on the spot.
The River Engari Niuki, in East
Africa, has water which tastes like
diluted bitter beer. Yet there is no
alcohol in it. The natives boil it
before drinking to get rid of the
chemicals it contains. However, it
seems to have no detrimental effect
on animals. who drink it as if it
were ordinary water.
There are black, brown, yellow,
red and white rivers in many coun-
tries, and their bright hues may be
due to the color of the river bed or
to the reflection from the colored
banks. Thus the Black River of
Niassaland, in East Equatorial
Africa, appears jet black because of
the black lava over which is Haws.
In other cases, it is the contents
of the river, such as clay or peat,
that give the river its characteristic
coloring. Thus the Blackadder in
Berwickshire, Scotland, is black-
ened by its peaty contents. The
Yellow River - of China, draining a
vast basin of 600,000 square miles,
owes its distinctive color to the
yellow mud it carries down to the
But the Niger, in West Africa,
isnot so called because it is black,
but because "N-eg-hirren" is the
native word for river.
The twins who had, just celebrat-
ed their 95th birthday were the
wonder of the village.
"And to what do they attribute
their age?" a newcomer asked.
"One to the fact that he's an
early riser, and the other to the
fact that he isn't!".
lnseotictdes, (Electric Pence Cont.rollere Bougie
and Barn Pain* Roof Coatings, etc Oeal*r*
are wanted. Write Waren. Grease & 011
Limited, Toronto
SELL SLIPPERS? Hone and retail agents
wanted in every locality. Quality fleece -
lined :fast selling slippers for men, women.
children. Just ono sample and measuring kit
necessary. Start your own business. Write
The Slipper Co., Box 192, Islington, Ont.
This ad is valuable. Any 8 -exposure roll de-
veloped and a ":Double -size deckle -edge" en-
largement from each negative all for 29e.
Send this ad with roll and get Special price.
Regular price 36e, Only one to a customer.
Photo Research Lab., Department V, Drawer
810, Regina, Saskatchewan,
EIA VE TOO enything need, dyeing or clean
Inc'' Write to us for Informetlnn We are
glad to answer von( questions Depnrttnent
Parker's Dye Worice Limit/el 7e1 Pince
Street Toronto Smart*
— _ I ARMS1015 NILE
FARi41 for 'dale -06 Acres, good house and
barn bordering on Crow River, Idydr•o,
Telephone, Open Roads. One mile Cheese
factory, School, Stores, Jos. Dickinson, R.R.
1, Bonarlaw, Ont. Phone 104W2, Campbell -
Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles,
6 to 10 ft. lengths. immediate delivery from
stock. Write for samples and estimates Steel
Distributors Limited, 600 Cherry St Toronto.
BATH tubs, toilets, washbasins, sinks, fur -
nacos, boilers, water pressure systems sold,
aleo installed. Galvanized pipe, h inch • 15o
ft„�'a inch - 18c ft. Articles sent everywhere.
Write for prices, Philip Verbeyden, Aylmer,
HAMSTERS: Wonder animals from Syria, Pets
or labs. Pair $5. Send money order. Poole,
53 Alma, St, Thomas. Ontario.
Around midnight, the absent-
minded professor left his berth in
the sleeping car for a drink of
water. Upon his return, he found
that he was lost. He appealed to a
porter -fox help.
"Don't you remember the ,num-
ber of your berth?" the porter
"I'm afraid not," replied the pro-
"Haven't you any idea where it
was?" asked the porter,
"Why, yes," the professor bright-
ened, "to be sure, I did notice one
time this afternoon that the window
looked out on a little lake.
Barking Watchman
People of a village near Munich
would give a lot for dogs that don't
bark. Reason: The night watchman,
employed by the Council, can
"bark" so much like a dog that
even the dogs are deceived. Every
night he patrols the streets, yelping;
when a dog answers he checks the
house number on a list. People who
haven't got a dog • licence get the
bill the next morning.
Lowest -Codi
Etependahlle HEAT
WO Money Can Buoy!
a Fire Out
Once ci year!
Enjoy an abundance of clean,
healthful heat at lowest cost
and greater convenience with a
er. Amazing patented interior
construction causes coal to burn
slowly— saves fuel. Holds 100
lbs. of coal. Heats all day Find
might without refueling; holds
fire several days on closed draft.
Automatic Draft Regulator. Re-
quires less attention than most
burns All Kinds of hard and soft toad)
coke, briquets, or wood. Your home is
WARM every MORNING regardless of
the weather. The only heater of lte ldad
In the world. More than a million haute,
.disk your dealer. Write for ,{fee folder,
Manufactured and Distributed by
Dominion Square Bldg. Montreal 2, Que.
Montreal Trust BIdg. Toronto, Ont.
ISSUE 38 — 1949
Excelsior Springs, Mo.—So suc-
cessful has a specialized system
proven for treating rheumatism and
arthritis that an amazing new book
will be sent free to any reader of
this paper who will write for it.
rot' those who suffer with aches,
pains, stiff or sore joints, nervous-
ness, over acidity, systemic tox-
emia, colitis, or other rheumatic
s y m p t o n s, this book entitled,
"Rheumatism," fully explains why
drugs and medicines give only tem-
porary relief and fail to remove the
causes of the trouble.
The Ball. Clinic, Excelsior
Springs, Missouri, has perfected a
specialized system of treatment for
rheumatism and arthritis combined
with the world famous mineral
waters and baths.. This. system of
treatment is fully described in the
book and tells how it may be pos-
sible for you to find freedom from
You incur 110 obligation in send-
ing for the instructive book,. It
play be the means of saving you
years of untold misery. Por writing
promptly, the Clinic will send their
my entitled,
fit tletl
it ed o c ,
e 1
newly at• g
"Rheumatism." Acltireee your letter
to The Bali C1'nic, L;ept JZ....
Excelsior Spring, iouri, but
sure to write today.
FAMOUS Moody "Steel Queen" 1'ressee avail-
able for prompt delivery, mounted on rub-
ber tires, also potato diggers, Write for free
circulars. MATTHEW MOODY & SONS, 0011 -
pane, 'rer•rebonne, Quebec. C9stabllshed 1845).
MILL SECONDS" Shingles, Siding and Roof-
ing Papers. Send for our price lista, David
W. Armstrong, 129 Van Hone •Ave., Montreal
Harris "105 Sopors" on rubber; 1 M,H,
Pacemaker on steel, 3. 10.20 International on
rubber; 1 need 10-20 on steeli also 1 slightly
noel. 6 H.P. Empire Carden 'Praetor with im-
plements, Priced to sell. Seo these at 67 Yonge
Street. Richmond hill, Harold W. Mortson,
Massey-,Elarrls Dealer, Telephone 03.
FOR SALE—Model A Word sixteen passenger
school bus. Nicholson and Pelton, Young's
Point, Ont.
RESERVE now Lor Ideal Autumn ,fantingi
Chinese Elm Elcdge-12 inches 10 20 incites
high when shipped—will grow 2 feet the first
Year -26 plants for $2,98—sufnclent for 25
Peet. ClinttExhibition Flowering Paeonlee in
colotire red, white or pink — 3 for 51,89,
Brookclale-ICingaway Nurseries,. eawmanville,
FORD and Ferguson Tractor Owners—when
you require a loader you want the best.
Horn hydraulic loaders and attaehments made
by the world's largest manufacturer of loaders
offer you the latest improvements. Write us
for literature. H. L. Turner Co., Ltd•, Blen-
heim, Ontario.
HARNESS: Buy direct from factory and save.
We can now ship harness and parts imme-
diately. Write for our new complete 1940
catalogue. North West Mail Order Company
Limited, 179 McDermot Ave. East, Winnipeg,
Made of selected long virgin wool—very strong,
extra long wearing, suitable for socks, sweaters
and other woollen garments, 2-3-4 ply, white,
grey, 2-3 ply royal blue, paddy green, scarlet,
maroon, yellow, brown, heather, black, fawn,
all suitable for Siwash sweaters. 51.98 lb,
—10 lbs, or over $1.80 lb. del'd. Northland_
sweater patterns 25c each
A —
dults deur ear,
Indian design. Child's—deer, bear, dog and
squirrel, dancer. Mary Maxim, Sifton, Mani-
Printed and plain, 36" wide, 1 to 4 yards,
$1.96 pound. Ashley's, Box 189, Place
D!Armes, Montreal.
REGISTERED NURSES and Certified Nurses'
Assistants required for Lady Minto Hos.
pital, Chapieau. Ontario. Apply Superin-
DON'T WAIT—Every sufferer o! Rheumatic
Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme-
dy Munro's Drug Store. 336 Elgin, Ottawa.
Postpaid $1,00
TAKE C.C. & B. Tonic Tablets for low
vitality, nervous and general • debility. OOc
and $1.00 at druggists.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED—Every sufferer of
Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis shouldry
Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 886 El-
gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00
Sollcitora Established 1890. 860 Bay Street,
Toronto Booklet of Information on request,
Protect your BOORS and GASB from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any
ourposo. Visit us or write for prices.
etc.. to Dept. W.
195 Front St. E., Toronto
Estnblished 1865
0PP40El'UNI'r5308 Cur ,1 EN and WOM N
tlreat Oppnrtunit1 Learn
ea l=ed reasing
Pleasant dignified proteseion, 'geed wages,
thousand* euocessful Marvel graduates,
America'* greatest system illustrated eats,
Iogue tree, Write or Call
858 Blom St W , Parente
Branches 44 Kine St . Hamilton
d 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
the outer fellow? You can earn n good
living running a block plant. See Moore Flt'oa.,
01 Nelson Street, Toronto, AD1761, for
EARN MONEY AT IIOME—Spare or full-time
money -malting. Learn to snake candy at
hence; earn while learning'. Free equipment
furnished. Correspondence course, Nutional
Institute of Confectionery Reg' 3.,- Delorimier
P.0, llox 152, Montreal, Que.
01011RCH Groupe, Organizations, Individuals,
sell Nylon Hosiery at sensible prices. Small
Towns and Communities favored. Seegram
Co„ Box 664, Newton, /owe.
A NEW fast selling wooded Tay, Can be made
on farms or small towns. Patent and
equipment for turning out finished product
$900. Must sell, 511 health. W. Aelrerblade,
Carnarvon, Ontario,
IPREE SAMPLES—plastic comb. Send dime
for postage and handling or 4 for 250 ORice
2, 1134 Yonne Street, Toronto.
S.S. No. 6, Begot. Apply stating salary
and qualifications, to Mrs, Lewis Emma. See.-
Treas., Calabogle, Ont. R.R. 2.
LI S Bpi lire IE S
:o. e
�o ANY:Fille
► Rub in Minard's for
muscular stiffness, aches,
pains and sprains. Grease-
less quick drying, no
unpleasant odor.
Large Economical Size
Farmers Attention Consult
your nearest Harness Shop
about Staco Harness Supplies
We sell our goods onl) through
your local Staco Leather
Goods dealer. The goods are
right. and so are our prices
We manufacture to our sac
tories `'Harness, Horse Col
lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan
kets, and . 'Leather Travelling
Goods. Insist on Staco Brand
Trade Marked Goods, and you -
get satisfaction Made only by
42 Wellington St. E., Toronto
Pleasant, profitable work in your own district, Full or part-time.
Babee-Tenda is a well-known national advertised exclusive patented
product. NOT SOLD IN STORES. Other kindred items avail-
able. Experience helpful but not necessary—Male or female appli-
cant considered. Write —
686 Bathurst St. . TORONTO
"Bo People Really
CaII Me Crabby?"
Do you sometimes feel that people are
beginning to think you are high-strung
--always Tense and nervous—so that
you fly off the handle easily?
Your Nerves Can Play
,V1any women find it hard to realize
their nerves are "bad". Yet it's not
unusual for a high-strung woman's
delicate nervous system to get
off balance—especially during the
functional changes she faces in
girlhood, young motherhood and
middle life. That's when a good
tonic, like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
can do you ao much good by helping
to restorey our nervous energy,
It will help you feel better, look
better, rest better at night.
During the last fifty years, those
sands of Canadian women of all
ages have gone safely and happily
Strange Tricks on You 1
through the most trying periods of
life -by taking this time -tested
tonic containin Vitamin Bi, iron
and other needed minerals. Give
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food a chance
to help you, too, when you feel edgy,
upset or a bundle of nerves, Get the
large "economy size" today. The
name r'Dr, Chase" is your-assuranee,