HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-09-15, Page 5ZURICH . ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Poet Office Departnaeat, Ottawa. MADAMS CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street - Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 3553 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER MR sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. TelePhones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central .ALVIN • WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - Warm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" Phone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Term Reasonable, Sathfaction • Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone :_esich 92r7. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. - VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store 1atte-96 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET tat Us supply you with the Very Choice of Fresh and Cur - lad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for • Wool, Hides- and Skins H. Yungbint & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER -LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus 11 premium for deliveredcreain We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, "Proprieto ISIgURANCE Western Farmers! Mutu Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BA ANC E OF ANY CANADIAN .MU' 'UAL COMPANY DOING BITSINE ,. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk December nee 1946 $73,60,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rate. on Application E. F. KLOPP-ZURIC AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Ro And all 'kinds of Fire Iwuren Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found. Ete. Ads, in this Column. FOR SALE 1949 Ford Pickup for sale. -Hec- tor Forcier, St. Joseph Garage, c ---- FOR SALE A Holstela bull calf for sale, apply to Alred Ropp, Ph. 96 r 4. c PIGS FOR SALE A number of small .pigs of•various sizes. -Albert Erb, Phone 97r4. p FOR SALE Oak Combination Buffet and China Cabinet -Apply to Herald Office. c FOR SALE • 1948 Model V A •Case tractor, like new, complete with starter, lights, hydraulic lift, oversize tires, rruid and wheel weights. Elroy Desjardine Ph. 81 r 2. Zurich.' p FOR QUICK SALE 2 'copper apple butter kettles (40 gal); cream separator used 6 mons; horse cultivator and wagon, also fra- ming tools consisting of boring mach- ine and augers, broad axe, and other articles. Apply to Mrs. Mary Jane Rau, R.R. 2, Zurich. a FOR QUICK SALE Pure bred Hereford bull, 9 mons. old; 10 small pigs. - Lloyd Etue, Phone 98 r 5. FOR SALE $4,000 for a 11/2 storey brick hOme, three bedrooms, living room, diniag room, kitchen. Hydro. Frame barn and chicken house on a two acre lot of excellent black loam. ALSO 11 acres for $1,000 in Zurich, •oppos- ite Fair ,Grounds and a Supertest gas station. Write or telephone Bert Weir & Son, 237 Dundas Street, London. Tele. phone Metcalf 6250. PIGS FOR SALE 6 Young Sows, some -have pigged and some due to pig. Apply to Ken. Etue, Phone Zurich 98 r 13. FOR SALE 1 child's Sunshine . Tricycle and trail- er like new; 1 kitchen cupboard suitable for cottage or small kitchen. 1 inside house door 2-6x6-8. Apply John Tuerkheim, Zurich. FOR SALE ... • . OR RENT • The property known as the Krueger Block, in Zurich. A Barber Shop and Pool Room business included in the building, also living quarters, etc. Centrally located. Apply to Mrs. Herbert Krueger, Zurich. FOR SALE Pick-up Truck Tarpulins at $7.50. Limited quantity. -St. Joseph's Ser. vice. Highway •21 & 84. FOR SALE 200 White Rock' Pullets, starting to lay, for quick sale. -Jos. Gelinas Phone 13-96, Zurich. FOR SALE Lakeview Lots for sale, at St Joseph. Apply to Joseph Cantin, Si Joseph. General Insurance , FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HO SPITALIZATION, ALL LiNgp EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well knOwn Canadia Companies Rates gladly quoted witheut,.obligai ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agenc J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich. On • r COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND - Contributions received from outsii the district. $ 25.00 Dr. B. A. Campbell, Toron 25.00 Prof. M. Buchanan, Toron 8.00 M. Bedard, Windsor. 20.00 Mrs, G. Buchanan, Sudbu 1000.00 E. R. Siebert, Detroit. 15.00 Mrs. Hazel Pink, London. 5.00 Arthur Truemner, Toroni -" 100,00 John Labatt Ltd., Lcndor El- 5.00 Gus Clarke, Ottawa. S 10.00 J. H. Siebert, Detroit. 25.00 E. A. Magel, Vancouver. 5.00 Len Burke, Guelph. n 50.00 P. L. Siebert, Dqtroit. 25.00 Donkty Bali - Exeter, On 100.00 Russell Preeter, Toronto. 100.00 Dr, N. Buchanan, Peterbc 50.00 Gordon Wainer, ElCent Ca I 5.00 Mtg. Greta Pullford, Wil sot', 0 10.00 Miss Ne,ea Sidbeet, tans Mi i's - ", (-2-1-..‘1...ciinolAy. Niplwii, 7e, rAnn 1T!1, -., TT, . T. I ' LOCAL NEW b. Mrs. Ezra Kipfer of Hensall a Wednesday visitor in town. Mrs. Wm. Consitt of Hensall a week -end visitor at the home Mrs. E. Hey. Mr and Mrs Ray Schilbe and child of London spent 'Sunday at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Marred :Schilbe, Mr. and Mre Walter Munn of De- troit were recent week -end guests at the home of Dr and Mrs. P. 3. 0' Dwyer. Mr and Mrs Ferdinand Haberet and family wins were on an extended trip to the Western States, returned home over the week -end. Mr and Mr3 Howard Doering and Barbara of Wellesley enjoyed Labor Day week -end at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lawrence I3edard. Mr and Mrs Elroy Deejardine spent Sunday in London, also visited the latter's mother, wls: is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospit'i. Her many fri- ends wish her a epee recovery Mr and 'NITS Hugh Maegennon of St. Thomas were week -end visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon, also called on relatives here, - Mr. J. Bell of Hespler, who has been relieving as 'teller at the Bank of Montreal ,here, received word on Monday evening that his mother had passed away in Hespier. He immed- iately left for his home. Farmers are busy with the bean crop, while most of them are through with this all important harvest. The sowing of fall wheat is also in pro- grese, and the recent rains make the land in good condition for this. A fairly large acreage is being put out. Mr and Mrs Henry Eickmeier at- tended the wedding of their niece, Miss Jean Holman on Saturday in St Peter's Lutheran Church, Stratford. Supper was served in the Y. M. C. A., and reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merman. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnston spent a pleasant week at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gem -ming, at Rocheeter, N.Y. Master Curtis, who had enjoyed holidays with his grandparents and relatives here, returned with them after a pleasant time in Zurich. • Mr and Mrs. Chris. Heist spent Sun- day at the cottage of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess in the Pinery. Mr. Heist motored on to Camlachie to the summer home of Mrs. Ezra Heist, who accompanied them back to Zurich where she in- tends to spend the winter months. was was ot y t. SIX TON OF CATALOGUES Seafoorth exprees and postal peo- ple are nursing aching arms this. week after handling more than six tons of catalogues of a Toronto mail order firm. The catalbgues, shipped to Seaforth by express!, were mailed for local distribution through the Sea - forth post office. -Expositor. Thursday September 15th, '1949 • ,w.BREAD on the table • the meal is ready! • No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. Ana TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy.. Buy an extra Loaf today -start now to serve more bread at eVers meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breae at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. HYMENEAL Bjornsson - Grant I3 a candlelight setting of pink and white gladioli and ferns at Grand Bend United Church, Rev. A. M. Grant, of Camlachie, Ont., united. in marriage his daughter, Agnes Barbara, to Paul Bjornsson, son of Mr and Mrs Jon Bjornsson, of Stev- eston, B.C. Miss Mae Pattersion, Tor- onto, played the wedding music, and Douglas Gill of Grand Bend, sang "0 Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer." Given in marriage by her brother, Angus MacMillan Grant, the bride wore a gown of white snippet satin, fashioned -with a weetheart neckline and long full skirt with in- set of lace, falling inte a slight train Her full length embroiderea veil of French illusion was caught with a braid and she carried a shower bou- quet of red and white gladioli.. At- tending the bride were her two sist- ers, Miss Sybil Grant, as meat of honour, wore blue feosted organdy over faille taffeta, with matching picture hat, and carried a snuwer boupuet of magenta and white glad- ioli. Miss Joan Grant was gowned in pink organdy over taffeta, and a sim- ilar hat in pink, and carried a show- er bouquet of peach and white glod- ioli. Following a reception the cou- ple left for a wedding trip to Nor- thern -Ontario, the bride wearing a wine garbardine suit with navy and white accessories, and a corsage of peach gladioli. On their return Mr and Mrs. Bjlernsson will reside in Grand Bend. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Bryce Mack eof Zurich. BORN At the Meyers Nursing Home, Zurich, en September 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Les Dolson, a son, 113e. lbs. e to to 0. t. Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 - .7.11dICH vzikosalsomagnamossosimmernsor NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood - Phone 35r19 4616111StaagagnkaM'BEINEM6. Duck; Geese, (other than Brant) 5 per day; seasn limit 05; -Rails Coots, and Gailinules, 25 per day; Wood- cock, 8 per day; Wilson's Snipe, 8 per day. Hunting Section 57, sub -section 1 (a) of the Game & FLiheries Ace - No person shall hunt any bird or animal with any repeating, automatic or auto loading or (bolt action) shot gun which Inc not been permantly plugged or altered so that it is in- capable of holding a total of more than three shells at one time in the chamber -and magazine. (1949, c. 37, S. 17 (1). Migratory Birds Conven- tion Act and Federal Regulations Section 17 (1) -In Ontario, no person shall hunt, kill, or attempt to kill any migratory bird by the use of a Rifle. Had Reunion September 4th will long be rem- embered when 26 sons, daughter - and grandchildren met at the home of Mr and Mrs Alfred Melick at Zur- ich to spend the Sunday together in a family reunion. Tables were spread on' the front lawn for dinner and supper hour. The afternoon was spent reminiscing the times spent to- gether as a family and also getting better acquainted with some of the new relatives that -have come into the family thru marriage as seine of the grandchildren have married stnce we last met together. Among the children present were Mrand Mrs. Lentils Callfas Mr and Mrs Carl Callfas, Gordon Callfas of Kitchener; 'Mr. and Mee. Alfred Gretzinger of Port Colborne. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Geiger (Ortha), Rom Shirley, Beverly and Keith Geiger of Pigeon, :Mich; Miss Janett Geiger of Bay City, Mich; Mr and Mrs Maurice Neil (Gladys and Nancy of Gosierich and Maurice Neil Jr. ot Detroit; Mr and Mrs Clare Melick of Dashwood; Mr and Mrs Gradwin Melick, Bill, Bob, Jack and Don of G o derich . Mrs. Dan. McIsaac of Crediton, an aunt, was also present for the occasion. ro ro, if. 'it. el ch, OPEN SEASON ON MIGATORY BIRDS. Ontario (1949) Ducks, Geeee, Rails, Costs and Gal- linules: North and West or the line across the Province from Parry Scot- ia, Whitney, Barry's Bay and Gold- en Lake, 'September 17th., to Nov- ember 10th, South of mentioned line Oct. 15th to Dec. 8th., except that in the -County of Essex the open season on geese is Nov. 7th to Dec. 31st. Wilson's Snipe, through the Province Oct. 1st to Oct, 31st; IW::odcock, throughout the Province, Oct. 1st to Nov. 7th: (ail dal 0-4 inclusive.) Ba-- limits: Duck -z, 7 per day of whie' 1' 1. Willed Wood Prod' (-As (Trade Name Reg.) OFFERS THE FOLLOWING SERVICES; Auto Body Work - Cars Spray Painted. .Re -,upholstered - Crome Mouldings - Door Handles, Window Cranks, .Auto Glass - Weather Stripping - Leatherette 'and all Auto Body Accessories - Wamac Refrigerators - Domestic And Commerc- ial, sizes 9 to 26 cu. feet, net capacity. Wernac Vertical ,Tye Freezer, approximate cap. 7 cu. ft; 'Gilson unit, fully guaran. teed from defects in -workmanship and material. IVIaiSCELLANF.OUS FARM MACHINERY Ezee Flow Fertil. izer Drills, Post Hole Diggers; Garden Tractors; Clean Easy Milkers; Hydraulic Units, Etc. C. I. L. Auto Paints; Duco andDeux; Polishes and Waxes, etc. WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS - We Duplicate wooden Farrn Machinery Parts, bring sample, CARS WASHED - POLISHED and WAXED! DUNLOP FOAM RUBBER CUSH IONS. Ivan Willert - Zurich Phone 210 For Highest Quality Buy Com0p. Fee s ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Ci' -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH a FARQUHAR OLIVER Tenders Resignation ' Farquhar Oliver, the Grey County farmer who has led the -Ontario Lib- eral party for two years, has resign- ed his post on Sept 7th. Norman Mathews, president of the Ontario Liberal Association, announced the resignation and said a meeting of the association's management cotn- trtittee in London Oct. 1 may ifF an approximate date for a convention to name a successor. Although there have been recurrent rumors that Mr. Oliver might give up the leadership, Mr. Mathews raid that the letter (,f resignation We tetallv unexpe-to t. The Ontario A:4•Aoriation 1 cmi,-71t S With no ; T..1r !` P4V1v1"Iii,Y1, 41 WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU 4 YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care -and that's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service -the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE ,STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS Oesch Shoe Stote LADIES: Before you Buy your Fall Shoes be sure to visit out Store and see for yourself the new styles in- cluding the new Desco Lines which was fashioned in New York. We also have a few sizes left in summer Footwear at greatly reduced prices. Men's Fine Shoes at prices ranging from $5.95 to $15.50. Men's Work Shoes of your choice: Valentine• Martin, Hydro City, Sisman and Sterling. GIVE US A CALL. 1:014.0eMeantelar.1031fterattaird. IIIIIISEMOSE=NIMSICISSIOMISOMEISMn9 • • 1 • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0• 2 • • • • 00 00 0 0 :41 Paints & Varnishes Use SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Hite - Shellacs - Varnishes, .-Etc. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware Housecleaning Needs .-Radios Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM -TO SERVE AND SATISFY ta s MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE 0 P HO NE 213 ne th,3 n' --'Ie 'e-, 'ef''S.V",'''''..1!sti,T.e-ilits7;-140,10,73:Z.-**en.;=-41s1--ZITZ•satele'illateeK.MeitaseMardA011BSel