HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-09-15, Page 1z gabled trod ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 15 949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHES* 31.70 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. ELMER D. BELL., B.A. BARRISTER - SOL1tCITOIe EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS "The Better Oil Permanents Applied ''with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! done 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCBILBE--Zurich Are You Sufferhagg From Headaches? ='-..S so, Have your Lyes Examined with qbe Latest Methods and Equipment at Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the. Following Attractions TRIP TO SASKATCHEWAN (By M. and Mrs. Elmer Thiel) Leaving London by Bus on .Sunday morning June 19th at 11 a.m. we journeyed on No. 2 Highway, stop- ped ten minutes at Chatham, then on to Windsor, the boarder of Can - Friday, Saturday Sept. 16-17 ada and the U.S.A., going through the tunnel and getting to Detroit at 3.80, :then taking a bus for Chicago, Bob Hope Lucille Ball taking in all the important cities on Mary Jane Saundera the route and arrived at 'Chicago at Funnier than "The Paleface," loaded 11.45 at night. Coming into Chicago we saw many big buildings, also the Buckingham Fountain in Great Park with its .coloured water in the foun- tain. Leaving Chicago at 1.30 a.m., Monday morning, we went on to the State of Iowa to Iowa City where we had dinner, there were many high bridges, crossing into the State .of Nebraska on into Omaha, Neb. We changed buss here and went on into Wyoming, on to Laramie where we stopped to eat at 7.40 a.m. Tuesday morning: Going on through the Rock River Valley where there were lots of ranches, we saw pintos, buffalos, and palamenos and many sheep, also oil refineries, the countrly was very barren a lot of places not even grass grew but a lot of sageland and hea- ther. The country was very smoky. We had six buss drivers till now. We drove 900 miles in Wyoming, in 24 hrs. didn't see any grain growing just pasture lands, stopping •at Devil's Slide, this is a natural structure 850 feet high, has water at the !bast, also saw the rapids and on into the can- yon. crossing the borded between Wyoming and Utah, passing through Echo City and Ogden, Utah. Chang- ing busses and leaving at 6.30 p,m. we went on through the State and saw some more high mountains, go- ing on in Idaho into, Preston where we had refreshments, passing thro- ugh the American Falls 'of the Snake River into Blackfoot and Idaho Falls Getting there at 112,30 at night, tak- ing another bus we went on into Montana up to Butto getting there at 6, with rain allnight Went through Chepeamegon Cafe, Arizona 'Hotel Butte is supposed to be the richest city in the State due to its gold mines. eThis ,eau/ltm is- vary mount,- "SORROWFUL oun , "SORROWFUL JONES" with lCaptiating Comedy. . Cartoon and "Mr. Groulidling Tokes To The Air." Monday, Tuesday Sept. 19-20 W. Somerset Maughann's "QUARTET" A Quadruple Serving of Magnificent Drama and Wit Paramount Newsreel Wednesday, Thursday Sept. 21-22 Gregory Peck - Anne Baxter " Richard Widenark "YELLOW SKY" Tt's Great Drama that Blazes its Thrills through a Thousand Miles of Badlands Cartoon and Musical Short A. L COLE, R.O. SPECIAL NOTICE — -One OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN Only at 8.15 p.m. on Monday, GODEGB — ONTdaly,, Wednesday and Thursday Ings. 4 od Glasses at Ee b Prices o ++++++++++++++++++++444-1.4-44+ a 'Shaw Tues- even - a++++++++++++.+++++++++ 4 + nrrg ffiaitiaart iixneraC tom¢ Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF ME ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT CM F ORT, TELEPHONE No, .7q Dashwood .r Ontario + + + + + + + 4, + + + + + + + ".++++++++++++++4++++++++++'a• a•++.++•c-++•a.F++at••4a•+++++++4+ FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACCUM CLEANER. Black and Decker Motor 2-3 h.p. Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance MASON AND RICH PIANOS New and Used Canadian Products SAI -lr •'.•••.•F ••• >•••••**•••••vw ainous and had many twists and turns in the road. Coming through manly interesting places, .going on to Helena, which is the capital cite of Montana, and is 26 miles from Butte. going on to. Alhambra, Hot Springs; there were a few more trees and looked more 'civilized, onto Str- awberry Creek, which is supposed to be a historic spot. No cattle on tins land, no fences, the horses are all wild and run right on the road, on to East Helena where we saw the place where Kopperheimer clothe: are made; the town has many fine " churches which we visited, and a big lumber yard where it ,was sawed, many anen grew beards here. There weremany rocks and mountains as we went on seeing the largest ranch in Montana, •going through the Bad Lands of Montana, saw a large Here- ford Ranch; and big elevators, cross- ed the Missouri River on to Great Falls by 5.15 Wed. night, we got a hotel room for $2.50, took the .bus again next morning travelling still through mountains and hills, and drifting land, they plant rows of trees to help stop drifting, going on we saw many oil weNs and at Sweet Grass we crossed the border back in- to Canada at 3 o'clock at night and across the border is Cantles, Alta., where we changed busses again, then on to Lethbridge, saw a bit of the town, had supper, and Old Boys' Parade. The men all wore whiskers, and men and women were dressed in old fashioned clothes, played hill billy music and had a big time in their way, plenty of dancing on the street, saw a show and took the bus ,on to Medicine Hat. There were a lot of, big ranches here, some places grain growing but the land was all irrig- ated, leaving Medicine Hat we cro- ,,ed the border into Saskatchewan, arriving, at Swift Current at 11.30. then took the bus on to Saskatoon. Crossing the the South Sask. River at'.Sask.'Laaiding in Saskatoon whim friends were to meet us, and owing to rains the roads were slippery and hard to travel, but finally got to their home for the night. Our return trip home was made by train through Winnipeg, Port Arth- ur, Sudbury and Toronto an to Lon- don 4;o our dear home town of Zur- ich and had a most wonderful trip. Words fail to express' the wonders of such a •safe journey to enjoy. rh'' family at home weleamed as with ,, very plea•'ant reception mid a ;,,null meal, needless to say we were !lain to see them all, as they were glad to ree us.. Many pleasant memories will remain with us in out future daye of the few weeks we spent with re- • iatives in the Western Provinces. AND SERVICE G. R. BATES - Zurich, Ont. Phone 102 Thiel's BIock THIEL'S Superior Store A C ,1..,,••......a... mplete Range OF FLOOR COVERINGS ON HAND AT Inlaids RESENT. Congoleums - Rexoleums SEE US FOR PRICES. Men's Sportswear - Shirts - Jackets Sweaters - Etc. DISHES - DINNER SETS - BREAK- FAST SETS - TEA SETS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES P l4 C H THIEL Z irich Serving! Today men believe in -Gori without serving Hire. And serve Satan with- out believing in him!—Oontribulted. On Vacation Misses Dorothy and Violet Rader left .Monday .on a two weeks' travell- ing tour to Buffalo, Boston, Halifax, trip to Trois Pistoles, Quebec, where treal. Attending Fair .Many< citizens of this vicinity are attending Western Fair at London this !week. Treat the family and yoursel by taking a day off and at- tend th the cool a few take in which a s interesting Fair, and since weather is moving in put on fore •wraps, especially if you the grandstand performances e very good as usual. ` Trip to Quebec Mr and Mrs Bert Klopp, Lorne and Lloyd Klopp had a most pleasant trip to Trois Pistoles, Quebec where the forsner's daughter, Miss Marjorie had bee'ri attending summer school in conversational French for about sev- en weeks. She returned home with these and intends to follow her stud- ies at "Western University, London, when it opens this month. We wish her continued success. Had Trip North '1V Ir ,and Mrs Lewis Graber, of In- diana alis, Ind., who are spending some time visiting at the home of their cousins, Mr and Mrs Seth .maim, together journeyed on a motor rip to Tobomory, •crossing Georgi4u Baty to Matitoulin Island, spent sine time there, and returning home lly Little Current, North Bay andC ander, etc. A meet lovely trip ws enjoyed. Celebrate Birthday Mr and iVtrs Charles Hay enter- taxned,Elieir parents, Mr and Mrs. VP' n. J y of, town, „ Mr and M•rs �W c gar of Bluevale to a birth– day dinner on Sunday in honor of their daughter, Given, who celebrat- ed her first birthday. A lovely. visit was enjoyed by the families, and,nal wish them many more birthdays with their daughter. Have Sold Farm Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oswald of the Bronson Line south have arsposed of their farm to Mr. Ronan Meidinger of Kitchener, son of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Meidinger. Possession wiII be given Nov. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald intend to have an auction sale on September 28th, and intend to reside inZurich with the latter's mother, Mrs. Martin Wurm. We wets welcome them aria wish them health to enjoy their retirgment. Hurt At Planing Mill Mr. Henry Flaxbard met with a very painful accident last Saturday, afternoon, at the Kalbfleisch Mills, while working at a saw, a sharp sliv- er of a board bit him in the back of the hip, penetrating a nasty deep gash. Medical aid was given at once by Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer. Mr. Flaxbard is confined to his home ant rs pro- gressing favourably. His many fri • ends wish him a speedy recovery. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. X223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Prompt Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR. EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD —PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED Lions Club News Monday evening was the first meet ing of the local Lions for the pres- ent official year, and there were a few of the boys absent. But the me- eting was very. interesting, as Secy., Lion Bill gave his report of the big World Convention held in New York City some time ago. He reported the affair was so great, and wonderful held in Madison Square Garden, and attended by Lions, Bands, etc., from every State, and almost every coun- try in the World. 1 -Ie was also im- pressed. with the immensity of New York 'City and Manhattan. Island, as the - Zurich delegation, namely Lions Ted Haberer, George Deichert and Bill and their wives took a boat trip around the bay and saw from the water the manly things of this great city. During the 'business part of the evening after, some discussion a mot- ion was put through that $8,000.00 out of the Activities Fund be grven to the Building Fund for the Com- munity Centre pre jest. Previcosi y the Lions skating rink property was given with a fair valuation of $2,- 000.00. This then would make a nice start o•f $10,000. towards this cause by the local Lions. Of course this has nothing to do with the in- dividual subscription of each Lion, they are like any other Citizen. A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPETS. On a New Modern Looxn, Made tet Order •— Seth O. Amann, Zwick, Ont. Phone 128. PHONE YOUR 0 Your Blue Coal 'Wearer Wants you to know A Heat Regulator wi1P pay you back the cost in. fuel saved in one season, besides the comfort of Auto- matic controll. Ask your Blue Coal Dealer! W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS i•••••AY••o•••• lit Wee 1 • i 1 -bs • souse* solieseimisteevseee•see Gee* Tottut iguntvat Atottu Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS „{. Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 ° or 122, .,.Zurich tteGUM* •••• ale o••••••••'40 061 41418 sit e►alea.tbae840aC6Mb* 11 2 • 1 • • • • i Groc le sy St Falcon Cocoa, 1-1b. can 25c 30c 29c 10c Beans with Weiners, per can 25c Floor Wax, 1-1b. can 1 9c Lady Godwa Soap, 3 for 25c Olives, 16 -oz. Jar 35c Marmalade, 3 flavors, 2-1b. jar .Royal Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. Vegetable Soup, per can Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED; . 14E444. 1 z g0411 • tole Phone 165 Ilansaionaitswrak, ]Jeep Freezers Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at home and save trips, and valuable time during the busy season. A Great Convenience - Better Health with fresh Eatables. SEASONABLE ITEMS --- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "Fencer's" Electric Fences, Bat- teries, and Insulators. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TUE .%K STORE E. Schwarrtzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 • 4 4 d 4 4 k• 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 d w 4 1 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 4 t 4 4 4 1 r 4 4 4 4 1 J 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 .4 4 4 a 4 r 4 1 1 a 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 a 4 4 -0 4 +l