HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-09-08, Page 8ZURICH . Oti7C11Q: 8 40D Our New Samples of Men's Fall Suits and Overcoats just arrived. Made by the old estab- lished firm of Coppley, Noyes & Randall, who are noted for Quality Cloths and finest workmanship. Now showing a Range of Conora Worsteds, made in England. All garments in this range being, entirely hand made. We also carry a large and well assorted stock of Ready to Wear, Suits, Overcoats, Trousers for Men and Boys. oys' School Near New Sweaters, Pullovers, Shirts, Pants in denim or fine tweeds, Jackets, Etc. Are ready to supply your every need in Men's and Boys' wear for Fall and Winter. arc O TELEPHONE 59 Os. ZURICH .p Mr and Mrs Kuno Hartman spent a week in Windsor and Detroit. opo Mr. Ross Gascho of the Canadian iNavy, is holidaying at his home here Mrs. W. L. Siebert are pleased to hear that she is pro The friends of gressing vex'y favourably, TMr. Elmer Etue of Toronto, was a holiday visitor at his home on the Blue Water north. Mr and Mrs Lenhis O'Brien and V sons, Mrs. Jack O'Brien attended the 'j Canadian Ex. at Toronto last week. Mr Lawrence Hartman of Windsor Q had a friendly visit with his parents last Thursday. The Sunday evening services at the local Evangelical church will be- gin again next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Mr and Mrs Bryce Mack returned home after spendiing a few Gays in Toronto visiting the latter's sister, 'also attending the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey of Royal Oak, Mich., were week -end visitors at the home :;f the former's mother. in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eidt of Ingersoll were Labor Day visitors at the home of the latter's brother, 'Mr and Mrs R. F. ,'Stade. . Mr and Mrs Ed. Datars and dau- ghter. Anita motored to London on Wednesday to spend the day on bus- iness. Mr. Jack O'Brien who is in the Canadian Navy spent the week -end with his wife and child at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Lennis O'Brien. Miss Ann Datars has returned home •after a lovely visit at the home of her friends, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Burk at Guelph, Also visited with re- latives and friends in Kitchener. Mr and Mrs Harry E. Roppel, in company with the Misses Ida and ',1;vie Pop^el. all of Tavistock, we- re holiday visitors at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich on -Labor Day. Miss Madeline Papineau of Wind sor has returned to the city, after spending some time at the hone of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Leonard Sararas, Blue Water High- way. Mr. Al. Rumstedier of Wilke Barre, Pa., Mr and Mrs. Frank Rumstedier of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rumstedler of St. Cle- ments were Sunday. visitors at the home orf their sister, Mrs. George Farwell.. Rev. and Mrs. S. F. ,Friedrich en and Socuke spent the last part (xi- their xitheir h;,'liday at the home of Mrs. Annie Tuerkh'eim. Pastor Friedrich - sen is now the Iminigr'ant .Chaplain of the United Lutheran Church in America at the port of Montreal. Mr and Mrs. Roy Perkins ' and family and Miss Flora 'Buceini, all of Detroit; Mr and Mrs. David Gin. gerich of Zurich; Rev. Getz of Dash- wood, were visitors at the hone of Mr and Mrs Isiah Witmer, Goshen line south over the week -end. On Fishing Trip Gordons and Stanley Smith of the Blue Water Highway; Mr. Ted. Hab- erer, Lorne and Herbert Klopp have returned from a pleasant fishing trip in the Parry Sound District. ZURICH ;HER.ALl3. fame) th' Lutopag, trat,M1 400 OOD • s?r • • • 3 .00060609009110 ay Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 4,1 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tries and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, F urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinemit'+ ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. Thf 'Jrv rv•N.l..u,-rFl)W'l •4... rr'a. nu.c.�:i.,.: Drysdale Store The Store With the i lest Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber '• oots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES CO-OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats. Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . Phone 98 r 1 e 0 3 • • • • • • • • • • •• 0 a • ®. S • • • e • • 41110111111111 • HARDWARE -- SEEDS rand FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if Left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT ST�ti Ike �I ��j,I rH.. '4ti 1,.11 1 DO 1,H ONT. QUALITY PRIG SERVICE • Re 11 I d A 0 Return from Trip Mr and Mrs Lloyd Etue of the Blue Water north have recently re- turned from a 5,000 mile .motor trip to Banff, Alberta. Going by way of northern Ontario, over the ne* Transcontinental .Highway and re. turning by way of the States. They were accompanied by their neighbour Mr. Leo Bedard, and had a very suc- cessful trip, seeing many things and seeing a lot bef this vast country of ours. The were away for about 2 weeks. GIANT COMIC BOOK— THE NEW FUN HIT! Comics galore! Gaines! Puzzles 1 Photography! Magic- Other attract- ions, including radio listings! You'll find them in the New Giant 16 -page C;;mic Book, printed in pink. Exclu- .ively with Detroit Sunday Timer. Two -Star Edition, on sale each week from Wednesday on. Get Detroit Sunday Times Two -Star Edition foz New Giant Comic Book! CELEBRATED DEDCATION Over the week -end St. Peters Parish and 'Church at Si. Joseph en. joyed a picnic, and on Sunday after- noon the Dedication of a redecorated St. Peter's took place. Bishop Father Mulligan was the guest speaker for the occasion, and in his discourse went back to the early history o,f the parish, when the great Champlain touched the boarders of these shores He also congratulated the parish on the fine work they are doing in work- ing together, and in having so fine a church and equipment. Many of the old boys end girls carne from far to celebrate this occasion. After• the dedication service a very fine supper was enjoyed by the many visitors. Rev. Father Wm. Bourdeau deserves much credit in leading his parish to so fine a house of worship, as well as other equipment, He 'was assisted by four other priests of the nearby community, Rev. Fr. Lucien of Zur- ich -and Rev, Father Isaac Ducharme of Sarnia being among the visiting clergymen. Much prosperity and a long and happy life is our wish to this fine parish. , • ST, PETER'S Evan , slical Lutheran Church URICH . - ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.Ili.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. .1111M111, .116.11.11116,BAILMOIMIM11.1111111.116- EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Oesch—Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon; 11 a.m.—Sunday School. COAL WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Scliilbe PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) ARTHUR FRASER Income T ax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER )FFICE:—Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone. Exeter 355 Palin Protection FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY Including all unmarried children from three month-, to eighteen years of age. PAYS up to $5,000.00 for each member of ynu• family. Includes Transportation, Drug., Hospitalizat- ion, medicines, iron lung and other equipment. Services of Physician, Osteopaths or !Physiotherapists, Nur- ses. Cost — For entire Family: $10.00 for 2 years Individual 5.00 tor 2 years J. W. HABEF.ER, General Insurance Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor 1��`.1D��i�> l H°I77 1110 01. k.0. $totr1u, women, m , wwIio 1.11ver eo They tthank he etpeedal vigor` -b tieeh-b $onle, ostrez. Ms tomes, sun ulante inv1¢o Iron, vitamin St, oalolum, enrich blood, 101appadtito and u�mont'put deals gives bmon ona% tax's fear getting too tat, top when you've *01010 the 5, 10, I6 or 20 lb*. you need for normtd we ht Wittman" c+ now little. Now "get so,ue�inbt1ed" also only :nb a a4 pounds, Ws les pare all NOTICE TO CKEDITORG IN THE ESTATE OF HE'NR\. BEIDARD, Late of the Village of Zurich. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the above deceased wan cried on or about August 31st, 1949 at the Village of Zurich in the Countly of Huron, will forward same with par- ticulars verified by affidavit to the 1 undersigned Solicitor, on or before the 213th day of September, A. D. 11949. After which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall have been received. ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. Zurich fall lair H. Flaxbard, Ed. Haberer, M. S,rnith, G. Howald, H. Fuss, Ed. Haberer, E. Resternayer. Zurich Bakery Special—W: Weber Blue Ribbon Bakinbb Powder Spe- cial—E. Restemayev, E. Darling. Garman Eckert Special—Mr•s. E. Darling, E. Restemayer, W. Weber. Working Man's Supper—Hy. Fuss, Clic Pepper, W. Miller. LADIES WORK . 1VIrze Winners were: Mrs. H. Fuss, E. Weber, Snowden & Grainger,Mrs Darling, G. Howald, H. Flaxbard, Ed. Habclrer, 'M. Smith, 0. Battler, E. Dueharme, SCHOOL CHILDREN Owing to the downpour or rainthe usual school parade was cancelled. Public Speakine. Contest — lst. Catherine Klopp;''2nd Marlene Wag- ner, 3rd Kathern Kalbfleisch. This WAS very keenly contested, as the judges reported of only a few points different in all that .took part, Judges—Rev. A. Datars, Kitchen- er. Rev. E. W. tleimrieh, Zurich. 11011111111 1111 I HI II • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 v 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •d 4 •t 4 4 4 s a • 4 4 •4 mliesmarommormariteocommilll i1�lII[((i0fi�i �Hii!!((fiIDf(<(TI'H(f(R Thursday, September 8th, 1949 ilHllililllHNlllIMMIIIi[ 11I1i1111111iIliH1111MMHI Your Hardware Sere Here is where you get your space Heaters available in four sizes, also the Torridheat Oil Burner and air conditioning. We have a good stock of Ranges, and Quebec Heaters. Come in and have a look at our stock of cook stoves before the weather gets too cold. We carry the usual Glidden and C. V. Paints, shelf and heavy Hardware. How about your Kiddies' Lunch Boxes and Thermos Bottles? Rader & MittIehajtz - Hardware Phone 63 - Zurich i)11111111, .41111IIJIIH1111111111HIIHIII11111111111H111111HH111111HIIIIIIIIIH11111HIIHliII111111111HiIHI11111111111111111111111HIliDIIIIIIIIH1111111111111111111111IIIIIiiIHHIIIIIIIIIH11111111111111, 4 • • • • w • • • • • • • 4• • • • •4 • • •• OP1 o 1 111111111111111111111111N91111111IIr11111111911111111111911111111111111111111111111111111111111111111U Westlake Furniture4 4 • • • Has A Good Choice OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE! Including Floor Rugs, Lamps, Etc., Reasonably Priced. AGENCY FOR ---Eureka Vacume Cleaners, Kirsh Venetian Blinds. Also a Good Supply of Springs and Mattresses on Hand KEITH R. W'V E STLAK.E Furniture--- Phone 122, Zurich ii1ii9119199iNI9l11llIiIIBi911mniilll1911ilii11i19i11111i111111111Iii9119111I11111111119111111111 1111111111 ll 1111111 111111111 11111111111 insHIHam1HHHIHnniiVIimn II II gemmQ@ FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent" - JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Give i' t• 5. 1 11111111001.11111III1911HI5115111I1111111111111!110111M1511l5lI ill^rh!'dl lt!�1'.'llkllba!''lI IM•1p !.hF.':I<,II>II' n 1 ++++++++++++++4444.46.441411.444 NOTICE Received Shipment of No. 1, 5.X Cedar Shingles At $9.90 per square F. C. KALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - ZURICH ++++44+++++++++++++++++.14111 Massey - IF[arris HAVE RECEIVED A L ARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAI' REWIRE, IINCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arta for Canadian Farm" CFeL Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res, 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE