HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-09-08, Page 11 H 4Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, :SEPTEMBER 8 1949 aijt CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) ,Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS ' a'he Better Oil Permanents Applied _.;with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALI ,'Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SC.HILBE--Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? -r0. so, Have your Eyes Illasmined with eake Latest Methods and Ealaaipmeat at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GOD B — ONT. '' eod Glasse! at Rassonable Prices Addori Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Sept. 9-10 In Technicolour "THE STREETS OF LAREDO" William Holden MacDonald Carey The Stirring Story with The Texas William Bendix Mona Freeman of Frontier Life Rangers Cartoon and Additional Short Monday, Tuesday Sept. 12-13 Loretta Young Ven Johnston Rudy Vallee "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" In Technicolour It's Youthful..It's Mirthful . Romantic Paramount Newsreel, Cartoon Additional Short .It's and Wednesday, Thursday Sept. r14-15 TWO :BIG FEATURES "DYNAMITE" and "SPECIAL AGENT" Reckless Powder Monkeys Laughing at Death plus a Thrill -Swept Ride as Special Agents Hit the Rails. ..:oaother P.. 4.÷4.++++++++4,--Z,44+4-4,444•4-4+++ X4.4.++++4.+++++++++4+++++++ • + C 4. arnn affinan fnnrt *me + • 4 '5. .4 • I ,r, 1" Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF VIE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION BAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood d Ontario ".,44+++*++4+++++4!+4++*++++4.444••a••4••i••F••S••a•444.4•4.4• •P++• 4•Fti1 4 4 c4 0 • 4 0 d 1 i FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACCUM CLEANER. ':`lack and Decker Motor 2-3 h.p. Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance MASON AND RICH PIANOS New and Used - Canadian Products SALES AND SERVICE G. R. BATES Phone 102 Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block 4 O 4 • • • • 4 • • 4 • • • • i • • • THIEL'S Superior Store A Cornplete Range OF FLOOR COVERINGS ON HAND AT PRESENT. Inlaids . CGngoleums - Rexoleums SEE US FOR PRICES. Men's Sportswear - Shirts - Jackets Sweaters - Etc. DISHES -• DINNER SETS - BREAK- FAST SETS - TEA SETS - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich ZURICH FALL FAIR Regardless of the rain atter noon on Fair Day, Aug. 3.14 the attend- ance at the Fair considerably ex- ceeded that of the past two years, and with favourable weather for the afternoon, the gate receipts would have been the best for some time, with the extra dime added to the ad- mission. However, we feel, that some of those horse showings was easily worth the -admission charge made at the gate: The more your give peu- ple to see, the bigger the crowd and the ,,Lore they will pay for same. So the Society have learned that to in - dance they must give the people good exhibits. The midway; put one in mind or a much. larger fair than Zurich. So we quote the various .prize winners and the classes they conrapeted in as follows. Horses Belgian and Percheron, prize win- ners were, A. Schlentey, A. J. Rob- inson. Heavy Draught -- :A.:Sehlenty, A. Thompson. Roadster — A. Schlentey, E. Res- temeyer. McIlroy Special—E. Restemeyer. Single Roadster — Becker and Willert A. Schlentey and 3rd.. '" Lady Driver — Becker & Willem, Jack Tye and 2nd, Geo. Laugheed. Carriage — A. ,Schlentey, •Arnold 'Merner, H. Jameson; -Span, G. Loch - heed, H. Jamieson; Single Carriage 2 and 3rd, and 4th. Saddle horse A. Merner and Ind, A. Schlentey. .her, A. E. Elrington; Saddle A. Munro and 2nd, A. Schlentey; Pony Class—Jack Tye and 2nd; J Fulsher; team, J. Tye, J. Fulsher, A E. Elerington. !Saddle—A. Munro and 2nd. Hackney Poaiy, Lauyheld, Geo. Laugheld. Express Class— Schlentey, A. Merner; Team, Ed. Schrader, W. De- cker, E. Pitchard. Single E. Schrader, E. Pitchard, W Decker. 4 -horse Hitch—P. L. Graham and 2nd. , Agricultural Team—P. L. Gra- ham, Geo. Reid. ; Wagon, Becker & Willert. Judge—Fredd Martin. CATTLE Shorthorns — E. McKinley and Sons, Bruce Keys, P. Willert, Bert Klopp. Lindentfield Special—Percy Willert Beef Class — P. Haberer, P. Wil- lert, Bert Klopp. Herefords Claes --J. McGregor took all in this class. 'Polled Angus — Bert Klopp, Fer- gus Turnbull, 3. McGregor. Dr. Coxon Special—J. McGregor SSociety's Special—E. McKinley. Directors' Special, J. McGregor. SHEEP Lincoln—Snowden & Grainger. Oxfords — W. Dearing, 0. Mc- Gowan. Lancaster—D. Graham, Market Lambs. T. Eaton Special —Snowden & Grainger and 2nd; 0. McGowan, D. Dearing. Hogs — A. Warner took all prize POULTRY Chickens — 3: Battler, Eldon Laird F. McClyennont, Cliff Pepper. Bantams—D. A. Graham, 'VI. Smith L. Werner. Pekin China and Rouen Ducks-- Eldon Laird, Cliff Pepper, J. attler, A. 0. V. Ducks—M, Smith, L. Mer ner, Wild Ducks — L. Merner. Wuerth Special—C. Pepper. Hamilton Special—E, Pepper. - —Lloyd O'Brien, Judge. GRAIN AND SEED'S Prize winners were: H. Fuss, L. Merner, F. Haberer, Snowaen & Grainger. —R. F, Stade, Judge. HORTICULTURE Prize winners were:—J'. McCly. moot, T. Steinbach, Len Merner, J. Battler, E. Restemeyer, Ed. Haberer, M. Smith, Keith Westlake. VEGETABLES Winners were: Snowden & Gra Inger, Hy. Flaxbard, .0. Battler, D. Bedard, A. Fuss, L. Merner, E. Haberer, W. Weber, Ed. Restemeyer C. Pepper, M. Smith, F. MVlcClymont, Harold Johnston -..Special—O. Bat- tler. Albert Hess' Special ---0. Battler. —Milfred Sehilbe, Judge. ART WORK Winners were: E. Ducharnne, fir Flaxbard, H. Fuss, Mrs. E. Darling, E. Weber, 0. Battler. FLORAL EXHIBITS W. Weber, Ed. Hahorer, 0. Batt- ler, Hy. Flaxbard, C. Pepper. G. Block, E. Restemeyer, M. Smith. O'Dwyer :Special --Hf. Fuss. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Winners' were: W. Weber, Wni, Davidson, E. Duchartn.e, C. Pepper, (Continued on, last Page) crease the atten Attending Academy Miss Jo 'c'e Mousseau has left for London'w1l'ere she is attending 'Well's Academy We wish her evea1y suc- cess. Po We av Myrtle II toria HoS'tal, London, with Polio, is much imp r the Hospf be' able t io Case Improving i leased to report that Mise , who is a patient at Via oved and able to be up it 1 at times,: and hoping to come Roane before long. ;:I,'liad Chimney Fire Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand of the Blue Wat r 'Highway had a very ex- citing experience last week, when their house chimney took fire and the wo:odiork started to burn. The Zurich 10#e Brigade was called and with quick action were on the scene within iniutes. The fire was brought under control. E itertained Ladies' Aid The St: Paul's Lutheran Ladies' Aid ane ers of Ellice Twp., where Rev. Pau Eidt is Pastor, entertain- ed the Ideal St. !Peter's Lutheran Aid nienibers to a lovely social after- noon and delicious refreshments, in- cluding the Pastor, Rev. F.. Heim - rich. T1e Guenther charter bus conveyed( thirty-one members. All had a splendid time and met many new friexds who cordially received the visiting guests. 600004,0400000000040000600e9 •®qua • (Wilt 64004a•:r•000000*• NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. '223, Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Pr::rmpt Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN. DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD —PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New 1Vlodern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know When building your new coal Bin, it requires a 'bin 6'x6' and filled t•. the 51/2' mark to hold 5 tons of 'Simi coal. Order now and be sure of your next winter supply at the low stmte mer price. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hen!all ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS a HAD PICNIC The Rader families held a picnic at Bayfield on Sunday afternoon, ,Sept. 14t h with 65 attending from Godericb, Kitchener, London, Mon- treal, Exeter, Zurich and Dashwood. The program of sports were in charge of Alvin Weber, Miss Dorothy Rad- er and Mrs. Milford Merner. Supper was served by Mrs. Len. Prang, Mrs Vyxnne ?�'eido and , Miss Frieda Rad- . er.' & mite was presented to Mr and Mrs. Chas. Whittier, of Montreal, in honor of !their first wedding anniver- sary and • a prize was donated to Paul Rader, 3 months' old son of Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader for the young- est baby and to Ernest Rader for the oldest person at the picnic. It was decided :to hold another picnic next year An the sante date with Alvin Walper as president. THE TOURNAMENT The 'ball tournament in Zurich on Monday, like the Zurich Fall Fair, had anything but favourable weather Ea4yl in the morning there was some rain, and clouds were threatening all day, but fortunately the rain did keep off, but as the day went on the winds became more intense and cold- er, and by the time the last game was through the spectators were shi- vering. The morning game was be- ween Mitchell and Dashwood, the former winning 8-2. -The first of the afternoon games was between Mitchell and Zurich, a very close game was won by Zurich 8-7. Then the Ladies' Softball game between Hensel! and Zurich teams, who were very evenly matched, and NOW, play, ed vat snappy ball, which was en- joyed by the spectators. The final score was 5-5 all. The evening game of bald also proved tight between the Dashwood team and Zurich. Dash- wood winning 12-1. • Considering the cold and bad looking weather, the crowd was surprisingly large and the spectators were quite enthusiased about the various games. OBITUARY Late Henry Bedard Henry Bedard, Beloved husband of the late Agnes Charrette passed a• way at the home of Mrs. Peter Ko- ehler,. Zurich on Wednesday, August 31st in his 89th year, after only a few days' illness. Always a very ro- bust and hardworking man, until the last few years, when he was unable to do so. They lived for many ye- ars on the ,14th Concession near the Kalbfieisch mills when they were lo- cated there, and the deceased was al- ways a team driver there. Then the family moved south purchasing the farm of the late John Geiger, and farmed for some years, later moving to Zurich, where Mrs. Bedard passed on. Surviving are two sons and two daughters: Frank of Detroit, Oliver of Sarnia; (Angeline) Mrs. Grigg of London: (Mary) Mrs. Sam Oesch of the Go::h :n line, Stanley. The body tested at the Westlake Funeral Home 'r,urich till Saturday Sept. 3rd when requiem High Mass was sung in St Boniface Church at 9 a.m. Inter- ment followed in adjoining cemetery. Rev. Patter tinder officiated. z 6,1„ t .� 4 • g Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director 1 1 Day I Telephone: Res. Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS and Night Service 89 or 122, Zurich esseeseossemeo®® ,,acge6+zasoe seeetDes®eetioi+et it,:;r 060 • S 1 • 1 • • • •• • • • • • 0 • zri roce Falcon Cocoa, 1-1b. can .� ,3 c't 2c Marmalade, 3 flavors, 2-1b. jar 30c Royal Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. 29c Vegetable Soup, per can 1 Oc Beans with Weiners, per can 25c Floor Wax, 1-1b. can 19c Lady Godwa Soap, 3 for 75c Olives, 16 -oz. Jar 3; c Merano Oesch PRODUCE WANTED: Zurich Phone 165 Deep Freez rs Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at home and save trips, and valuable throe during the busy season. A Great Convenience - Better Health with fresh Eatables. SEASONABLE ITEMS -- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "Fencer's” Electric Fences, Bat- teries, and Insulators. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THEL{ 4 rr� E. Schwartzentruberm Prop. Phone 11-97