HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-08-18, Page 5•ZURI H - oN.TARIo ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday . Phone 35$J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS • Oscar Klopp� LICENSED AUCTIONEER VIM sell Anything, Anythne, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 • Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER • Licensed A Auctioneer -Specializing: In - • Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service 'That Satisfies" R. I, . DASHWOOD • Phone 57r2: E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone -ich 92r7. VETER1NAR1A,N ZURICH HERALD ,r Put Your Want, For Sale .LOU J iN �Y Lost. Found. Etc Ada. in this Mx,, and Mr's. c.L. Smith and Colulnln. daughter Mac visited with relatives at Seaforth on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Albert 1•ie,s and daughter Kathleen motored to Lon- don on Monday. Peaches! Mr, Frank uttler of London, was a visitor at the home of Mr aiid M'.r:i John Albrecht. PEACHES FOR SALE ' i\ir and Mrs Gerald Gingerich and Mrs. Chris 1•laist and daughter, Mr H. G. floss, spent "Alonday in Lond•ou Mr. Henry Howald has returned home after visiting at the „homes of his children in London. Mr and Mrs Tru... ;Ind daughter o London, Mr. Robert Truss of Tweed,' a bushel, Bring ,your own contain- visited at the home oak Mr. and. Mrs: ri.s and pick yourself. M. Sullivan, George Thiel and family last week. Turn left, 3 miles south at Camp Ippex+wash. Forest, R.R. 1, Pone 616 r 2,. morning or evening,. • Dr, W. B. COXON,' B.V: Sc.. VETERINARY SURGEON Pince. with Residence, Main Street, • Opposite Drug Store ZURICH mane --96 BUTCHERS Zurichs'. popular MEAT., MARKET Choice of Fresh and Cur- 3-pieceUs Supply You with Attended Funeral bedroom outfit with matt- Mr. and Mrs Edgar E. Wuerth; TChairs• Let Us the -Rochester ready this' week. Ded- ette next week. Reasonably priced at orchard—George Donald, Thedford. PEACHES FOR SALE Good Rochester Peaches 'at 52,00 FOR SALE OR RENT 'The property known as the Krueger Block, in Zurich. A Barber Shop and Pool Room business included in the building;, also living quarters, etc. Centrally located. 'Apply to Mrs. Herbert Krueger, Zurich. FOR SALE Pick-up Truck Tarpuiins at $7.50. Limited quantity.—St. Joseph's Ser- vice. Highway 21 & 34. FOR SALE' 200 White Rock Pullets, starting to lay, for quick sale.—Jos.. Gelinas, Phone 13-96, Zurich. FOR SALE Bean Harvester parts, 'Supply lim- ited:and hard to get. • Order yours early. Oscar Kilopp, Zurich, FEMALE HELP WANTED Reliable girl or woman to do cook- ing and light housework for quiet adult family hi London. Live iii. Comfortable quarters with running water. Apply Miss Campbell, 424 St George St., London. Missal Miranda BrDwn of Hamil- ton, 'leen 1Zatz of :Halifax, N.B..,werere visitors at the homes Of :Mrs. E. E. Wuerth and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gin- gerich over the week -end. '• . Mrs. Wes. Monier 'and, daughter Joan have returned home after .visit - big, with relatives and friends in Milverton, Elmira• and other places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Trombly and daughter of Detroit are holidaying at the home of their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungblut and their fatherMr. Oscar' Klapp and famrry. Mr and Mrs Alf Moritz of Guelph spent 'a few days with the Fritz families. Miss Pearl Wurtz who had been visiting with the former, re- turned home. • Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Howald.and family and Mr. David Rae of Lon- don, were Sunday visitors at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mr.:, Gordon Htowaid. Mr and Mrs 'Andrew Colton of Milverton, Mr arid Mrs. Percy Coxon' and daughter Lynda or Toronto were last week • guests at the Tome of their son and brother, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Coxon of town. Mrs. Ralph Waugh entertained her friends Miss Myrtle Geiser of Dash- wood and Miss Mae Smith of town. to dinner at the home of her parents: Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel. last Fri- day evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gemming and children of Rochester, N.Y. are holidaying at ,the home of their par- ents, Mr and Mrs Wellington John BI�E�, on the table the meal is ready! •No meal is complete without plenty of . delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY-•TCJ tads good and i.- good hearty food far you. Every slice e slice of energy Buy. an extra Loaf today—star now to serve more bread at ever; meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea, at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at y our local Grocers. ston and brother, Mr and Mrs. Ross FOR SALE Johnston. led Meats, Bolag as, hand. Kepages, t Etc., always fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides, and Skins n Ygb1ft & Sam D PROUCT' n Silverwood DAIRIES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs andour Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery mess ; w Extension . :i e . }, ' Mr. and flys John Brown attended White dr.,p leaf Sewing Machine; the funeral of then• aunt, Mrs. Geo. large Kitchen Range lilts new;1 Brown, formerly of Zurich, held at double bed Mattress; Trilight Lamp; Tavistock. 3 -piece leather covered Livhigroorn Mr. and `izs. Gordon Ilawald and set; Baby Basonette.—Apply tc Victor Overholt, • R.R. 2, Zurich, children have returned home after a Phone 98 r 8. .•c very pleasant trip t,, North Bay and Algonqu,.t 1Park, where they .en SEED FOR SALE joyed several days of vacation, they A quantity of Cornell Seed Wheat also visited , at the home of their cousin, Mr and Mrs Claude Meidirt- for sale. Cleaned. and Treated. Ap-, ger ply to Bob Peck R R 1 Zurich Phone Hensall, 96 r. 15 The Frolic? u Bakery g . arty - PHONE 100 — ZURICH FOR SALE Ladies mink coat size between 18 and 20; Ladies Muskrat coat size between 18 and 20; one young boy:;' coat forages 14 or 16 years. Thee coats are all practically new and will be sold at very reasonable price. We,• are ,leaving the community and do..not care to carry there with us; alsb, an amount of ladies' dresses, sizes 18 and 20 in very good condit- ion, sold at a low price. Apply to Mrs Joseph Martindale, Zurich, or Phone 96 .r 6, before personal calls. FOR SALT Fresh Garden Vegetables — Cornon the coib. Call Gerald Gingerich, IPIIt. 134, for delivery. FOR .SALE Mixed Grain for Sale — L. J. Montague, Phone 86 r 2. virdomsmonsgi•• moms' NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood ---Phone 35r19 F\ i)/H+'�' V•�;. • Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. 11.1r and Mrs Leonard Scar.-eder and daughter Annie and friend of A ni'hersbourg' .�pecnt the week -end • with has mother. Mrs. Schroeder and As we go to press t• his Wednesday who has been visiting in Amherst - g 5 a a a _bUrsday, August TlftYd aye r For.Your Oonvnce The Singer Sewing Machine Company has opened a Sewing Centre in Goderich. We have consol Models, Treadle and Electric. Also Portables. l We do Repairs to all makes of Sewing Machines. WRITE: SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Goderich— Ontario Or Phone 1135/ Goderich. For Highest Qapt: Buy Cow° Fee s ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL .and ZURICH • STRAYED afternoon with the dark clouds and burg returned home with him. Onto mty property Lot Pt. 19, Con threatening showers, we just don't Rev. and Mrs Getz and family are 8, Hay Township, Babylon `Erne3, know tivhethax the big Lions Frolic spending their vacation with monde horses; two roans and one bay. --Wm. will be held or not, or if the weather in Pembroke. Neeb. . clear, up enough. However if it will Miss Brubecker of Kitchener visIt- have to be pustponed one evening, we ed with Mrs. Mary Tieman la t wee': , F O 'R SALE hope the public will come out double . Mrs. Elgin 'Horner and Joyce are strong and make this the biggest th friends in Kitchener Lakeview Lots for sale, at SC. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus n premium for deliveredercam We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas, Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE 6 w iNS visiting wi Joseph. Apply to Joseph Cantin, St • succes ever. this week. Joseph. • Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca !Pass Departmental Exams. Ellwood. McCrea of Meaf rd We take much pleasure in congrat- spending his vacation with relatives 1• t' Miss Anita Datars, only. here. WANTED ulating xno j child of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. J. Datars, Mr. E. R. Guenther has purchased Suffolk Breeding Ewes. Apply to , in receiving four firsts, two seconds, Mr. P. Kraft's property •on gain St. Earl Burr, Phone 32 r 16, Dashwood Blythe Kellerman FOR SALE i6 1..[,11U and w credit .-. r ----__-U _.-. _ in and family of Elkton, 'Mich.,., pont the Upper School work. Mi°. 4iTm• the week -end with Mr and Mrs. A.E. Departmental Exams at Exeter, A brand 'new Maxwell Electric O'Brien, Jr., al.:o is standing at the Oestreicher. washing machine for sale, very reas- I high list for being successful with Mrs. W. Schultz and daughter Onn onable.—Ross Johnston, at the Dom-; his subjects. As these students are of Detroit are spending their vacation inion Hotel. - -el branching out in their chosen vocat- with. Mr and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp. — - I ions of life, 4 +t they have the be.wish- Mr and Mrs. Percy Kieinstiver of FOR SALE i es of their many friends. Chicago are spending their vacation • with his mother, Mrs. E. Kleinstive)'. 2 heifers -to freshen soon, I Polled Federation News Ir and Mrs Clayton Pole have re Angus, 1 Hereford. Also a Short (By W. V, Roy, Sec. Treasurer) turned after a pleasant motor trip horned Bull 12 years old. Alt T. B•' The National Film Board circuit through Michigan. tested.—Alvin Gingerich, Phone 90 sponsored by the Huron County 'red- Mr and Mrs T. H. Hoffman and the r' 6. -p eration of Agric. will be operated as Kraft Sisters spent last Wednesday usual, starting the fall season, Sept. at Bright's Grove the guests of Mr. 12th. Any orgafilzation or school and Mrs. Clarence Yager. FOR QUICK SALE ;Wishing to be placed on the regular Mr and Mrs Carl Oestreicher spent 60 pigs, weaners and stockers of schedule, or to sponsor -a showing the week -end Carl her parents' in various ages for sale..— Aaron E. should contact the County Projestion-Clifford, Oestreicher, Phone 57 r 10, Dash- or Secretary of the County Feder'n. D). and Mrs Donald Oestreicher and wood. 1? Dr, Eunice Oestreieher and friends ziaserisomeisomearaismerereeriensissiatersineeraisearesiei ■ of London, were visitors with their parents, Mr and Mrs A. E. bestrei.- cher, ' Mrs. Albert Miller and little dau- ghter have returned home from St. Joseph Hospital, in London. Mr and Mrs Wilfred 11lcI :aac and family of Detroit are spending their holidays with his mother, Mrs. Luc- inda Mcisaac: 1 OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST 'RESERVE 73AL- „A,NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 315'; 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in 13ank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rater, on Application E. F. KLO� --- URICH .N Also Dealer in Lightning Reds and ill kinds Baseball intermediate C. }Playoffs Hellsall 'at Dashwoo IN SECOND GAME OF PLAYOFFS Friday, August 19th Aclmission----35 Cents and 15 Cents General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, ('LATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPIT ALIZ ATI ON, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian • g • • • n • • • • 9 8 8 • 9 A 8 9 9 9 s x WE'RE READY TO HELP YOU, YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to I.5,ive it. 1'hethc: it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you what we can do. Hector Forcier ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS Desch Sh. LADIES: Before you Buy your Fall Shoes be sure to visit our Store and see for yourself the new styles in- cluding the new Desco Lines which was fashioned in New York. We also have a few sizes left in summer Footwear at greatly reduced prices. Men's Fine Shoes at prices ranging from $5.95 to $15.50. Men's Work Shoes of your choice: Valentine - Martin, Hydro City, Sisman and Sterling. GIVE US A CALL. r, 4101.14901.100.1. Paiits Sc Varnishes Use SC.AR.FE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW .ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing; Surfaces Rite - Shellacs - Varnishes, -• Etc, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves w Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios Plumbing . Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM.. ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY 9 it:* r .4 T.kaCo►i�panies ! ria F^o. ih o . ,..A!� Rates gladly quoted without ohligat- • ) .ar-1 en ion. • I MAIN ST. 1•IARDWARE STORE PIIO�,E 213 • „ t• to Iles In:tn•ance Ag;cc�; � rt E �;uc<e�ao , ! J. W. kfABERER • •+�^• z ' t .. , n � ..r..��.. i ::Tama i. V.1 z 9 8 9 8 9 8 8 0 rs 9 9 rt 9 8 9 0 8 8 M $ 4 4 1 4