HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-08-11, Page 11 ERAL 61Eobtbliahed :1900 Are You Suffering From Headaches? ..,a4 so, Have your liGyees Faamorsed with e Latest Methods mad Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST le OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONT. mod Glasses at Reasioa•hl• Primes! lurich Beauty Shop 71 -IE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING , AUGUST 111949 CHESTER L, SMITH, PUBLISHE* , $1.75 a Year In Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions CARL) OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all my friends and relatives who so kindly; remembered nie with cards, flowers and treats the. while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-' pita;, London, and also while re-. cuperating at my. daughter's home in. I Zurich. -Mrs. Jacob Fischer. -P' Friday, Saturday August 12-13 "BLONDIE'S BIG DEAL" Penny! Singleton, Arthur Lake Larry Simms. Dagwood wants to set the world in fire but burns the Boss's house instead. On same program "Housier Hot Shots In "SINGING SPURS" Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 15-16 "SO DEAR TO MY HEART" Burl Ives, Beulah Bondi, Bobby Dris- call. Technicolor -An exciting new Disney fold ;of delight. Cartoon: FRAUD FIGHTERS • Wed., Thurs., Aug. 17-18 "LIFE WITH FATHER" PERMANENTS Wm. Powell Irene Dunne, The Better Oil Permanents Applied Elizabeth Taylor ZaSu Pitts 'with the very latest of methods and America's most beloved comedy of • Equipment. New York life in 1880,' • GIVE US' A 'CALL! 1 EXTRA! NEW GIANT ill -PAGE Your Appointments. • COMIC BOOK Here's something really evciting! Starting this ueek, The Detroit Sun- day Times, in the TWO-STORY ED- ITION ONLY, ion sale from Wednes- day on, will present each meek a GIANT 16 -PAGE COMIC BOOK, printed in. pink, , ,dith neu comics, games,. puzzles and other features.. .Get The; Detroit Sunday Times TWO - 'STAR EDITION for the NEW GIANT 16 -PAGE COMIC BOOK! F++++++++++++ ++++++ • + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Phone 153 'for DOREEN SCI LBE--Ziuich ELMER D. BELL, B.A. ARRI STER • SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. 'Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. ,Office) 4+++++++++.44+++++4.++++++++ w;- • 4. !*++++44+44•44•4444•4444•+4+4-+++++++++++++++++++++++44 i+++MSM+t+•44•44i4N+++ •++ ++++++a.++++++++++++++++4 f .sorsa • • 4. FILTER QUEEN •BAGLESS VACCUM ••• • CLEANER. Black and Decker.Motor 2-3 h.p. • 1,.• Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance °o • .1 MASON AND RICH PIANOS Z • -• New and Used - Canadian Products • .e s• SALES ANI) :SERVICE • •• • • • • arr offmari. Inurat(.,qame Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT OR NIGHT 'TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood - Ontario ete G. R. BATES Phone 102 Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block r, s. THIEL'S Superior Store A Cimplete Range OF FLOOR COVERINGS ON HAND AT PRESENT. Inlaids - Congolearans - Rexoleums SEE US FOR PRICES. Men's Sportswear - Shirts - Jackets Sweaters - ' Etc. DISHES DINNER SETS - . BREAK- FAST SETS - TEA SETS - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 'Phone 1140 C 11. THIEL. .._.. Zmr'ic h BUY COAL NOW! Ottawa --- A hot -weather coal .sal. esinan 'of several fears' .standing, !Trade Minister Howe was at it again with the temperature up in the 90's "Every householder should make a. strong effort to fill his coal bin dur- ing the next few months," the inin- •+steglsaid fin a statement, "rather than wait until winter weather is upon us." ,Supplies are good at this time of year, Mr. Howe added. Last win- ter was, extremely mild and there was no 'shortage. But this year, the late buyer might not be so lucky. HYMENEAL • Harrison-Ravelle The United Church parsonage of Grand Bend, was the setting for the marriage of Mona Marie,' eldest dau- ghter of Mrs. Peter Ravelle, to Mr. Warrenne Waller Harrison. Rev: K. Wood officiated. The bride wore a gabardine suit in pale pink with corsage of roses. The maid of honor. Miss Doris Ravelle, sister of the bride was wearing a blue suit with white accessories and a corsage of roses.' Mr. Robert Harrison was best mail. Haist Wilson . Before an altar of lovely summer' flowers in the United Church, Thed- ford, the wedding of Donna Hale Wilson, Thedford, to Frederick Louis Haist, son. of Mr and Mrs. Welling- ton Hoist, -of Crediton, was solemn- ized by Rev N. Woods. Mrs. Elmer' Fahner played the wedding music and Russel Wilson was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her father and Miss Agnes Sutherland was. maid on honor. The bridesmaid was Miss Doris Haist, sister of the groom and Beaverly Wilson, sister of the bride, was flower girl. Aubrey Gei- ser of Crediton was groomsman :and the ushers were Wm. Wein of Cred- iton and Russel Wilson of Thedford. Following a reception at the Frasee. Hotel Forest, .the +couple. • left o wedding tripeto Montreal, Quebec and the Thousand Islands. COMMUNITY CENTRE FUND Contributions received from outside the district. $ 25.00 Dr. B. A. Campbell, Toronto 25:00 'Prof. M. Buchanan, Toronto 3.00 M. Bedard, Windsor. 20.00 Mrs. G. Buchanan, Sudbury 1000.00 E. R. Siebert, Detroit. 15.00 Mrs. Hazel Pink, London. 5.00 Arthur Truemner, Toronto. 100.00 John Labatt Ltd., London. 5.00 Gus Clarke, Ottawa. 10.00 J. H. Siebert, Detroit. 25.00 E. A. Magel, Vancouver. 5.00 Len Burke, Guelph. 50.00 F. L. Siebert, Detroit. 25.00 Donkty Ball - Exeter, Ont. 100.00 Russell Preeter, Toronto. HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hap held its regular monthly meeting in the Twp Hall, Zurichun Tuesday Aug. 12•nd at 8.30 p.m. with all mem- bers present. On motion the minutes of July 4th were adopted asread. Motion, that by-law providing for the fixing and levying of rates a- gainst the rateable property of the Township of Hay for the year 1949 be read third time. That accounts be passed as per vouceher General Accounts, Bank of Mon- treal, Hydro $144i88; J. W. Haberer D''eb. 246.58; Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Deb. 61.64; H. W. Brokenshire 67.- 75; 7:75; Prov. Treas. '11.58; T. C. Haberei: Deb. 246.58; Jacob Dei•chert, Deb., 246.58; Basil Edwards, Deb. 163.81, Treas. Huron Co. 29.75; James Masse $1. Relief ---Mrs. John Suplat $$0.00; Emma Bassow 8,90; A. Heideman, rent, $5; Mrs. Edith Mason $20.;Mrs Jessie Wilds $15. Twp. Roads-Alph. Masse $75; Westel Products 421.44; Jack Little 1.98.00; Supertesst Corp. 33.80; Billie Becker 360.61; Jas. Masse 119.65; Cecil' Johnston 18.85; 'Thiel's Trans- port $5; Dept. of Highways $22. Hay Telephone System -H. G. Hess 305,94; H. W. Brokenshire 77.59: Stroinberg. Carlson 20,30; T. TT. Hoffman 322.44; Docon Tele. Cis. 168.90; Northern Electric Co. 123.25 Mrs. Helen Thiel 12.50. Motion, that the meeting be ad- journed to meet again on Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 8 30 p.m. H. W. Trokenshire, Clerk. e 1Geo. Armstrong, Reeve. Attended Funeral 4„ Rev. Father Lucier, Mr. and Mrs. ij°•oseph Poster of town attended the funeral of Rev. Father L. W. Power at Ridgetown on Monday. Father Power was a former parish priest of St. Boniface parish, Zurich: Mr and Mrs Harvey Clausius and children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert CIaus- iis and children, Mr. Orland Gerber Of town, and Miss Marcella Boshart of Baden have returned .home from a iirntor trip to Mildred, Middleberg and Other points of interest in 'the State ;f Indiana. •It'Really Is Hot The third big heat wave for this Part of. Canada is upon us at pres- ent with no relief in sight. The big cities report the mercury going up :to near the 1100 mark, and that • is plenty warm for this ,part of Ont- ario. A good shower of rain would indeed be welcome to help along the grass, gardens and later crops. The harvesting is mostly in, and in ,a few weeks the bean crop will be along, as :they seem to be a good crop. ' The usual summer ,crops are about the av- . e age, with good weather to get it threshed, which .will soon be over .with. CANNERS GET INCREASE Workers at the Exeter plant of Canadian Canners were awarded an increase of five cents an hour under a? conciliation board decision handed down by Judge Ian McRae'. The un- ion had asked for a 15 -cent hourly 'wage increase. The board set up by the Ontario Dept. of Labor, met in London last month to hear the dis- a Mite. Judge McRae, chairman, with W. R. Beatty, Pembroke, sepresent- ing the company and H. J. Padget, Toronto, representing the union, for - Med the board. LATE OLIVER M. JOHNSON Funeral services were conducted at the Ba111-hutch Funeral Horne, in rn4toaa ..on July 2.8th for. Oliver M. Johnson, Rev. 5. Hutton, Pine Riv- er, who had served overseas in the 47th Battalion with deceased, officia- ted. Interment followed in Clinton Cemetery. iPrevious to the service in Clinton a service was conducted in Jerrett's Funeral Chapel, Toronto. Mr. Johnson was born in Clinton 51 years ago and received his early edu- cation there and then graduated from the . Toronto College of Optometry. For over 30 years Mr. Johnson had been a practicing optometrrst in Tor- onto, being a past president of the Ontario Optomestrists Association, a. veteran of the first World War, serving overseas where he was sev- erely wounded. A son of the late Oliver Johnson, who was a brother to the late Thomas Johnson, resident of Zurich, and the departed very fre- quently visited in •Zurich, and became quite intimately attached with the Johnson family 'in Zurich. Surviving are his wife, the former Margaret Cooper, Kippen; two daughters, Mrs W. Brewer and Bettie; and two bro- thers, Harold and Earl .Johnson, all of Toronto. A very fine type of a man to meet, and will be greatly missed by all who knew him FORMER PARISH PRIEST PASSES Rev. Father Leo William Power, • 60, pastor • of St. Michael's Church, • Ridgetown, died Thursday in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Having been ill for about four months. Father Power was born in St. Thomas. He received his education at St. Mich- ael's College, Toronto; St. Thomas' College, Houston, Texas, and St. Peter's Seminary, London, and wa„ ordained in 1921 in St. Peter's Cath- edral, London. He had served in Holy Angels' Church, St. Thomas; St. Jloseph's Church, Chatham; Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Sarnia; St. Boniface Church, Zurich, for 13 years leaving here in. 1942 for St. Mich ael's Church, Ridgetown. ,Surviving are two brothers, Edward and Roy, both of St. Thomas. Funeral services were held in St. Michael's Church, Ridgetown, on Monday at 10 a.ml His Excellency. Most Rev. John T. Kidd, Bishop of London, sang pons tifical high mass. Burial followed in the Holy Angels' Cemetery, St. Thomas. Father Power's many for mer parishoners as well as friends greatly mourn his rather early de- parture in life, but God's ways are not ,ur way;. 'Everything that med- ical science that could be done was ;ensiled, but when the Master calls, we all must respond to the call. As a personal friend we thought a great deal of Father Power, and join 'tis. Sch�vartzentrubel' PrcTt Phone 11.97 f man: Zurich friends in greatly, molar- ning his death, l " NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 1223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop, Prompt Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD -PLUS A SAVING- BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED A G,. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. SINGER SEWING MACHINES L New Electric Cabinet and Portstelos, also treadle Machines. Repairs to all other makes of Sewing Machine* Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know When building your new coal Bin, it requires a bin 6'x6' and filled to the 5 %' mark to hold 5 tons of bine coal. Order now and be sure of your next winter supply at the low sum- mer price. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone '10 - Henuta11 ROE'S VIT7MIZED FEEDS e°gRYv::.evoo? Ca®t>i�4So®0000tii00 009 0000600 000 • • • lestta 00002001000 Licensed Ernbalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich ®••••••••00•mar6•••••• 90•• 0000••••••e•0••••06611aM • i • • w • • • • Z letrs st e Falcon Cocoa, 14b. can 25c Marmalade, 3 flavors, 2-1b. jar 30c Royal felly Powder, 4 pkgs. ........... 29c Vegetable Soup, per can 10c Beans with Weiners, per can ............._.. 25c Floor Wax, 1-1b. can 19c Lady Godwa Soap, 3 for 75c Olives, 16 -oz. Jar • 35 c Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. onsalunnummotensieszar=zzamena Phone 165 eep Freeze:rs Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at home and save trips, and valuable time during the busy season. A Great Convenience - Better Health with fresh Eatables. SEASONABLE ITEMS --- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "Fencer's" Electric Fences, Bat- teries, and Insulators. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND it . LILA it ST it • 1 i 1