HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-07-28, Page 6Look, Maw, No Wings—If you're like most people who go all out for fried chicken, but leave the wings for the next guy, here's good news for you. Peter Bateman shows one of the new breed of wingless chickens he's developed in the basement of his home. More white meat, says Bauman, as he compares the new type, right, with the old-fashioned variety, left. a It is no secret to any of our long- suffering customers that there has never been anything faintly resem- bling a passionate love affair •be- tween ourself, on the one side, and the branch of sport known as Track and Field on the other. * * * Not that we ever really make an issue of it, or go around broadcast- ing to the world, "I hate Track and Field, I hate Track and Field, I hate—" and so forth. Our attitude in that regard is much similar to the one we hold toward—well, let's say fox example, artichokes, sard- ines and coloratura sopranos. * * * That is to say we have sat through sessions of Lily Pons and others of her ilk, also partaken of artichokes and, sardines— although all three under duress, if we know what we mean. But if they had to depend solely on our personal patronage all the artichoke breeders and sardine chokers would be starv- ing to death and Miss Pons would be living on her High C's. (Lay that pistol down, we'll come quietly.) * * * So when we rear back and pre- pare to fire a few high, hard ones in the general direction of Track and Field (Canadian Variety) it should be clearly understood that we do so more in a spirit of sorrow than of anger. The late P. J. Mul- queen is said to have to have wept copious tears of joy when Percy Williams scored his double triumph at the Olympics; and well -knowing the interest P, J. took in such mat- ters, and the swell gent he was, we have no doubt that he did. * * * But, for ourself, we would sooner kibitz on any back -alley horseshoe - pitching contest than have a front - row pew at the greatest Track and Field extravaganza ever put on any- where. * * * Which reminds us that a friend of ours has for a long time been asking us why we don't write some- thing about Horseshoe Pitching and what a grand sport it is; and some- day, when we feel up to doing jus- tice to such a broad subject, we intend doing so. * * * As a matter of fact we consider Horseshoe Pitching the finest form of athletic endeavor ever invented, with just one exception. That ex- ception was a special variety of baseball a lot of guys, who shall be nameless, used to play on Sunday mornings when they should prob- ably have been in church. * * * In this kind of baseball they had a keg of soda -pop or some other harmless beverage parked just past third base; and in order to get a jolt of such beverage, a runner had to reach third by fair means or foul. (We may say that excepting in this pastime we never knew of batters praying that a fair - hit ball WOULDN'T go over the fence— for if you socked one out of the park you had to go all the way home without dallying at third.) * * * But to get back on the highway after this lengthy and probably un- necessary detour. What we started out to say is this; the Canadian amateur athletic authorities are pro- posing to spend a hundred grand, and as much more as they can wangle, on sending a slew of our young Track and Fielders—with, of course, a full complement of coaches, assistant -coaches, mana- gers and advisers—to far-off New Zealand to take part in the British Empire Sports. * * * Furthermore, on the strength of trials recently held, it looks as if said Canadian team will boast just about one athlete who has a reason- able chance of finishing better than a bang up fourth or fifth, * * * Now travel is undoubtedly educa- tional and broadening, and some of our very best friends are connected with the railway and steamship rackets (passenger divisions.) But in the name of national pride, why not just raise the money and let the boys and girls have that nice long trip Down Under; but with the pro- viso that if any one of them' takes part in any sort of athletic contest while there, he or she will be told to swim home. * * * Perhaps we speak with a trace of bitterness in this platter; but we feel bitterly about it too. Every time we hear of Canada sending off a repre- sentation to take part in Interna- tional Competition—Tennis, Track and Field, Skiing and now, after last winter, even Hockey we in- dulge in a spot of mental shudder- ing. We know that almost certainly they're doomed before they even start; and although by no means a flag -flapper, we just hate to see the name "Canada" everlastingly among the also-rans. * * * To repeat an. oft -told anecdote we're like the boxer who was being told, for the 'steenth time, what a good game loser he'd again proved himself to be. "It would be nice, just for a change, to find out if I could be a good game winner," was his reply. And it would be nitre, too, if we kept out of International competition till we've developed nmething that can really compete. ' kipp,y" Irak c I;:,w * Popular Sign on a Bronx store undergo- $' elcl spar1c-plug With Maple ing alterations: "l obusiness---as Leaf Baseball Team. ustaaL„ WIIAT GOES ON 1N THE WORLD yNor=Blair Russia The great extsdu•s of Russians from Holland is in progress—tak- ing place to such an extent that the Hollanders are having a terrific laugh at the expense of the Krem- lin boys. Here's how it all carne about. For three years, tihe Soviet Em- bassy has been pressing the Neth- erlands Government to repatriate persons of Russian origin. Some of triose claimed by the Soviets are married to Hollanders and are now legally Dutch subjects. Others did not wish to return to Russia, for various reasons, and the Dutch authorities refused to make them go against their will. But the Soviet Embassy kept bringing up case after case, and throwing out dark hints that Rus- sians were being kept in Holland in some sort of captivity. Finally the Dutch Foreign Em- bassy made a sporting offer. It would place Russian -language ad- vertisements in leading Dutch news- papers, offering facilities for any Russians who wished to go home. The Netherlands Government paid for the ads, and also promised to provide an assembly place, with suitable lodgings, for the hordes who would no doubt show up. (Back of this offer was appar- ently tihe hope that the Russians would relent on their policy con- cerning repatriation of Hollanders from Soviet Russia. Since the end of the war, some 20,000 Dutch sub- jects have conte back from the Soviet zone of Germany, but it has been almost impossible to obtain the repatriation of those in ' Russia, Poland and the Baltic States.) The ads. were printed six weeks or so ago, stirring up considerable comment, and the Hollanders wait- ed with keen interest the stream of would-be repatriates the Soviet Embassy evidently expected. And here's what the stream amounted to. Its name is Nina Gulevskaya, dark and pretty, wlho is going back to her 'home at Rostov with her two infant daughters. When Nina was 16, she was among the many Russian girls rounded up by German police and taken to Germany for munitions work. Find- ing conditions there intolerable, she escaped to Holland early in 1945. "I like Holland well enough," she, told a reporter, "but no country Is nice when one is alone. I San not interested in politics—I just want to go home." Her greatest anxiety seemed to be over whether she can get her Dutch alimony transferred to Russia. With all due respect to Comrade Stalin—the most fitting comment that conies to mind is, "Some exodus!" Italy The Vatican has offered to Rom- an Catholics who belong to the Communist party a final choice between the tenets of the Catholic faith and the doctrines ' of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. After lengthy study, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office has given its categorical opinion that Roman Catholics can- not inscribe themselves in or pub- lish, defend or head Communist publications. The opinion of the Supreme Con- gregation was issued' in the form of answers to four questions: Is it legal for Roman Catholics to join the Communist party, or lend it support? — Is it legal for Roman Catholics to make propaganda for Communist doctrines and activities? —Can communicants, if they have freely and knowingly done either. of these two things, be admitted to the sacraments of the Ohurch? The answer to these three ques- tions is — "Nor" Nub of the whole matter, how- ever, is in the fourth question: Are those Roman Catholics who defend the anti-Christian doctrines of Communists by that fact apostates from the C'hurc'h and liable to ex- communication, which is specially reserved by the Holy See for un- faithful members of the Church. The answer to this question was given as — "Yes!" Germany Four German labor leaders, in the United States on a tour of ob- servation, were astonished at what CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTEII OILS, GREASES, TIRES innacticides, Electric Fence Controllers). Mouse and Barn Paint., Boot Coatings. eta. Dealers are wanted. Write Warco Grease & Oil Limited, Toronto RADII 0111CRS CHICKS AVAILABLE the year around. Also pullets 10 weeps to laying; New Hampahlre X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hamp- shire, Barred Rock, Light Sussex, New Hamp- shire, White Leghorn and many other pure breds and erose breeds. Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, persue, Ontario, STARTED CHICK bargains 2 week old: Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X Barred Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X New Hampshire, Barred Rock Non -Sexed 21,25, pullets 90,76, cockerels 20.95. New Hampshires non -sexed 20.76, pul- lete 30.76, coelterels 80.96 Light Sussex Non - sexed 22.26, pullets 30.76, cockerels 20.96, Ase.orted Heavies Non -sexed 19.75, pupate 29.76, cockerels 20.76. Three week old add 6o per chick. Older pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BARGAINS IN started chicks while they last, 2 week old: Barred hock, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, 2 Barred Hampshire, Non -glottal 1.46 pullets 9 O6, cockerels20 95, new Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds: non -sexed 21.96, pullets 30.05, cockerels 20.96. Light Sussex, Black Australm'ns: non -sexed 22,46, pullets 30.95, cockerels 20.06. Pullets: White Leghorn X Barred Rock, White Leghorn X Light Sussex 98.95, Black Minorca X White Leghorns 84.95. Assorted heavies: non -sexed 19.06,, pullets 29.95, cockerels 20.76. Three week old add 50 per chick. Older pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Twaddle Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything Deeds dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED SWISS girl 37 years old wants position in household. Box 93, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles. 9 to 10 ft. lengths. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steel Distributors Limited. 500 Cherry St., Toronto. c{ PURE WOOL VALUE initial offering of pure wool utility ruse, Indispensable for picnics, couch covers, auto- mobiles and that extra blanket. Colors red and black, blue and black, green and black: fringed both ends. Size, approximately 66" a 72". Price $6,96 each delivered. Pay Postman that amount only. Provincial taxes if any, extra. Money back guarantee. Many other real values to follow. THE MURPHY GRAHAM CO. Room 116. 859 St. Nicholas. Montreal 1 FOR SALE—Earle Tractor with cab, 22-46 in good running condition. Peter Gingericb, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. GLASS CUTTERS met with genuine cutting diamond. A most useful tool around Farm, Home or Summer Cottage. Price $4.10. post- age paid, C.O.D. charges extra. Dealer prices on quantitiete Canada's Oldest Diamond Tool Company. Purifies Clarice and r•, „•""m1 881 Bartlett .Avenue. '1''r, "' ,'••• they saw in an Uitio pieta. ..,y oast in amazement at a regular griev- ance committee meeting between union officials and the management of a big match company. "To see your union leaders sitting around a table openly discussing their differences with management is a remarkable thing," they said. "Each person here takes his 'own point of view and sticks to it, too. Over in Germany, there would be class distinction, and we would be allowed to talk over minor details only with minor officials, not with the big shots." Asked their opinion of the Rus- sians, the four men agreed that "Russia has achieved some of the things that German working people are seeking." Asked if they believed in nation- alization of industry, the Germans replied quickyl, "Of big industries, yes; not small ones." "You see," they exclaimed, "the bankers and the large landholders and heavy industry were respons- ible for our last two wars." Worthy Object As the members of a woman's club filed past the pleased guest speaker who had just finished ad- dressing them, they chorused their compliments. As the last woman left him, the speaker's pride had soared until he felt like a combina- tion of John Gunther and Lowell Thomas. The secretary, a fluttery little woman, approached him,, with a check and addressed him: "Our club would like to give you this little token of regard." He waved the check away grand- ly. "Really, I'd rather you kept it. Put it in one of your good club's funds." The little lady was enthusiastic. "O11, I know just the fund. We're trying to raise enough money to get better speakers next year." Sign in a Bays.h:ore, Long Island, drygoods store window: "Alterca- tion sale — partners splitting tip." ISSUE 31 — 1949 ]''Olt IIA1.19 ATTEONTION FARMIORSI Field drain tile— we are now h a posltlon to accept more Orders for delivery this Season, sizes 0" 10 10". Bartlett Tile 'Yard, tor. Romeo and Nor- Selk pt„ Stratford. Tel. 2384, GALVANIZED • 'steel chain link terming of British manufacture, 9 gauge x 2" mesh in roll 0'0" high. Stoalts available 1n Canada et very competitive prices, Usei'e or distribu- tors write Lawrence and Newell Ltd., 78 Ade - /aide St, West, Toronto, Ontario. 1948 FORD TRACTOR with sky -line loader. Rydraulio seat, chairs, loaded tiros, lights, utility box. Saorifioe for quick sale. Hough & Collins, 88 Leyton Avenue (opposite 8884 Danforth Avenue) Toronto. CATTLE COLLIES, males 56; females $0. 8 months old excellent heelers, nicely marked. Cash with order please. Mrs. Cecil R. Burritt, R.R. No. 1, Mattawa, Ontario. DAIRY BAR & BAKERY, only one 1n town, with high school, bus stop, eta., lee cream & lunches. Brick building with 5 roomed apartment. Owner has other intet'eats, LA - mediate possession. Write Tillsonburg, Box 711. BEETON. Lovely six rooms, sunroom, cement clad house. Every convenience: Furnace oil heating. Large lot. Immediate possession. W, 5. Pollard, Real Estate Broker, New Lowell, Ont. WATERLOO THRESHIOR 33x40 A-1 shape on hard rubber with original cylinder teeth and belts: John Chittle, Maidstone. MODEL D John -Deere Tractor, new radiator and fenders, on steel, suitable for threshing, cheap for quick sale. Frank Mitchell, R.R. 8, Brussels, Phone 26 ring 20 Brussels. COLLIES LIKE LASSIE GOLDEN SABLES, whites and tri's of champion blood lines. Prompt attention to all enciufries. Glen Valley Collies, Glen Heron, Ontario. 260 ACRES, 126 tillable. Pasture. Lots. Wood. Closing estate. House. Buildings need shingling. Vacant. Good value for man with family help. Six miles north Prescotf. Electricity available, school, paved road, $2500. Charles Pelton, Realtor, Kenlptville,, Ont. MED/CAI. NATURE'S HELP—Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- matic Pains, Neuritis. Thousands praising H. Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. GOOD RESOLUTION—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or .Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 986 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. LADIES ONLY—Get quick and effective relief from painful, irregular periods. $2.00 per box regular strength, $5.00 Double Strength. We pay postage. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Nater Distributors Reg'd., P.O. Box 264, Outromont, P.Q. HELY WANTED ]MULL or part time, 85% commission 011 initial repeat business. A fast selling business service. Income Tax Aids. 1782 Avenue Road. Toronto. LIVB-WIRE salesmen to handle new line of Hand -Painted ties. Sensational fast -selling item. No special connections needed. Sells on sight to consumer. Good living assured. No competition. Rush reply for free catalogue to Oriental Art Studios, 2035 St. Timothee, Montreal. Que. OPPORTUNITIES for OIEN and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified pro feseton, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest eystem Illustrated Cate rogue free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING , SCHOOLS 858 Sioor St W • Toronto Branches. 41 Bins 5t. Hamilton & 72 Rldean Street. Ottawa. LEARN SHOW CARD WRITING Men and women now have the opportunity to set started in this profitable and money- making career. Interesting and fascinating wore. No advanced education or experience required. WE SUPPLY FULL TRAINING HIT ON ENROLMENT Specially prepared and approved lessons, com- bined with practical training, enable you to start right in your home, under the super- vision of instructors with years of expel'lence. Write for full .particulars, without obliga- tion, to CREATIVE SCHOOL OF ART, 936 Weston Road. Toronto 9 PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors Established 1890. 860 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. CHCCS ir. st t�l�pry mor Money Sack For quick relief from Itching caused by eczema, athlete's] foot, scabies, itlmples and other itching conditions use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid 1'1, 68 $. D. conditions, Greaseless analgt ase. Soothe, comforts and qulcbl c nee Itching. Don't auger. Aekyour arum today for 50. 12. PRESCRIPT8QFI. PHOTOGRAPHY FREE 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT With • evel'Y )roll of film developed. One day' Service, 20a. Ottawa Film Service. P.O. Ilex 186, Ottawa. LEACHERS WANTED TEACHIORS with experience .and qualifica- tions wanted for two publlo pobools 1 to 10. Salary from $1500.00 to 52,000.00 per year according to qualifications and experience Apply to Stanley Gratton, Secy-TreaL, Searohmont, Ont, CAISTOR Township School Area, Lineolnr Proteetant rural school, desirable locality, salary 31;800. For Sent, 1. Give telephone number. Apply Stanley Gott, Canfield, R.R. 2, Ontario. WANTED LOGS WANTED Fresh Cut Hardwood. White spruce veneer and sawlogs. For specifications call Roddis Lumber Co. of Canada or write Box 898. Marie, Ont. pine and prices and and Veneer Sault Ste. WANTED BY AUGUST FIRST I NIGHT SUPERVISOR 5180,00 less $36.00, board and /tingle room. Experienced maternity and some operating room. ALSO 2 GENERAL DUTY NURSES $160,00 less 536.00, board and single room. 28 daya holiday plus 7 statutory holidays with pay yearly. No broken shifte, 100 bed hospital. Ideal climate, good conditions. Wire or write. f6JNG'S DAUGHTERS' HOSPITAL, Duncan, British Columbia. MEN AND WOMEN working In factories, offices, etc., to sell a new line of ewellere on commission. Box No. 94, 128 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ont. a erers You've missed out if YOU haven't tried the new scientific Pyltone Treatment. Liquid Plant Extrspte, special Balsams, and Gums go direct to that Inner trouble, removing the cause. 54 gets worth- . wldlo results that last. Your first bottle of ryltone proves this or Its price re- funded. Pyltono Treatment, $1.75. Your druggist. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make You Resin' To Go Moro than half of your di action is done below the belt—in your 28 feet of bowels. 8o when indigestion strikes, try something that helps digestion in the etomaob AND below the belt. What you may need is Carter's Little Liver Pills to give needed help to that ''forgotten 28 feet" of bowels. • Take ono Carter's Little Liver Pill before and one after meals. Take them according to directions. They help wake up a larger flow of the 8 maindigestive juices in your stomach AND bowels—help you digest what you have eaten in Nature's own way. Then most folks get the kind of relies that makes you feel better from your head to your toes. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter', Little Liver P111, from %mar 'iruRnia, 350 O. When stiff strained mus- cles take the fun from fishing, rub in Minard's. Leaves them relaxed, cool. Quick drying, greaseless no strong odor. Large Economical Size 65c Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAILAIL1I IN l POUND TINS ARCHIE BUT YOU CAN'T Gl T OFF THIS sloe! W'S A RULE! YOU HAVE TO OET OFF THE OTHiR SIDE Or A HORSE P1 by Montana WELL,1 DIDN'T KNOW THE WATERING TROUGH WAS ON THAT 60E/ 1. u.