HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-07-28, Page 1:7b100 RICH ERALE, atetabliehed 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, /Are You Suffering From Headaches? lCfso„ Have your Eyes Essemtned with aft .Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. PTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. 'Cal:pod Glasses at Reasonable Prices Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied Wed', Thum, August 3-4 'ith the very latest of methods and "Forever Amber" Equipment. &Mon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday July 29-30 "CONNECTICUT YANKEE IN KING ARTHUR'S COURT" Technicolor, .starring Bing Crosby, Rhonda Fleming, Wm. Bendix, and Sir Cedric Hardwicke Monday, Tuesday August 1-2 (Sunday Midnight) "JOHNNY BELINDA" ( Adult entertainment) Jane Wyman, Lew Ayers, Charles Bickford, Agnes Mooreland. A picture you'll not want to miss; nor ever be able to forget. NEWS REEL GIVE US A CALLI Phone 153 for your Appointments. 'DOREEN SCHILBE—Zurich. ELMER. D. BR J., B.A. :BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, *NT - 'Wednesday, 2 to 5 pan., at Zurich At (New Twnp, Office) .44 (Adult Entertainment) Linda Darnell Cornel Wilde Richard Green. Ivlagnificent Drama in Technicolor. Don's Miss It! BORN At the Farwell Nursing Horne, 'Zurich, on July 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mair of Dashwood a son. At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, on July 26th to Mra and Mrs Roland Grenier, Dashwood,a daugh- ter. Anra 1ome qt. arra offman Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 ++4. ASSOCIATION 4. Dashwood — Ontario Q.14.++4•44.6+44+44 -1144.44.4464.+444+++++++++++++4.4.++++++++++. ss. 46 teb, 4 48 3 FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACCUM CLEANER. Black and Decker Motor 2-3 h.p. Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance MASON AND RICH PIANOS New and Used Canadian Products SALES AND SERVICE Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block G. R. BATES Phone 102 .461 *44)**4**,4*. *•••e•••4+•. ,616111111111111116411111111111111111161111111611 4,111161106116161111106611611,61666666111111111/111111111111WIII T TEL 'S Superior Store A Complete Range OF FLOOR COVERINGS ON HAND AT PRESENT. Congoleurns Rexoleums SEE US FOR PRICES. Men's Sportswear Shirts Sweaters - Etc. DISHES - DINNER SETS FAST SETS TEA SETS - Jackets • - BREAK - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Phase 140 C. H. 'MEL Zurich Dry Cleaning We are Zurich representative of the Brady Cleaners of Exeter, and can handle all articles to be dry cleaned, Delivery truck calls for delivery and pick-up Monday and Thursday even- ings of each week. All work guaran,. teed moth proof 6 months after cleaning. Your patronage will be appreciated. MRS. HERB KRUEGER, Phone 79. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all apY friends', relatives very much for the Prayers, cards, flowers, and who were so very kind to help the folks at home while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon, don. —Mrs. Joseph Ducharme ee Mr Harold Finlay wishes to thank - his neighbours and friends who se kindly cut and stored away his hay and those who so willingly done chores during his illness. Those who sent cards and called and special thanks to Dr. J. C. Goddard. The family of the late Herbert Krueger wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbours and relatives for their acts of kindness, messages of symp- athy and beautiful flora/ tributes extended to them in their recent be- reavement and those who so kindly loaned their cars. Special thanks to Rev. E. W. Heimrich for his eonefort- big words and to those who offered prayers. -c Family Re-Unior Over 100 people sat down to sumptuous picnic .supper under con- venership of Mrs. Thos. Laing, Monday July 18, at the Lions Park, Seaforth. Friends ;.from •a distance Coleman Families JULY 28 1949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLI$HE1t,. $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. Civic Holiday Civic holiday will be observed on Monday next, which is a national holiday throughout Canada. Returned from Hospital Mrs. Jacob Fisher has returned from St. Joseph's Hospital, London and is in residence at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Charles Thiel. Her many friends are pleased to hear that she is progressing so favourably. Addition to Cottage Mr. Harry G. Hess has almost com- pleted the addition to their cottage in the Pinery. A modern summer home, near the cool water and bea- utiful trees. A quiet spot for real rest and vacation. We hope that the family will be able to enyey the same for years to come. Home from Hospital Mr. Milton Dietz of town and bro- ther-in-law Mr. Emery Stebbins, and daughter of Grand Bend, motored to Toronto on Sunday, to accompany Mrs, Stebbins home from the Hosp- ital. We are peas -ed to report that she is progressing as well as can be expected. Visited In New York City Mr and Mrs. George Deichert, Mr and Mrs. Theodore Haberer, and Mr Wm. Siebert have returned home on Saturday from New York City after attending the big Lions Convention held there. Many wonderful sights were .seen and a splendid time was enjoyed at the convention. Held Family Picnic Mr. Jacob Ortwein, along with his children held a family picnic at the home of Mr and Mrs. Clare Geiger, on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. i4e1141ed Rey and ,Mrs Sidon; aact Mrs Haines and sons, rar and man and son John, of Saginaw; Mrs'Mrs . Feegnian, Mrs. Mildred Cora Mytle Carnachan, Mr and Mrs. Gor- and daughter Sandra all of Detroit; don Carnochan, Frank and Craig Mr and Mrs Ray Ortwein and son Marolette, of Detroit, and Mrs. Jas. Rickey of Galt; Mr and Mrs. Harry Routaa, of Montreal Others were Anderson and daughter and Mr Less present from Zurich, Varna, Bruce- Weis oif Freelton, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs field, Hensall, Staffa, Cromarty and .Clarence Fahner and two daughters Seaforth. The oldest present was Mr of Crediton; Mr and Mrs. Glen George Coleman of Seaforth. Officers Dietz and baby of Hensall, Mrs. Wm. for 1950 were named as follows: Smith and son Gerald of Crediton; 'President, Mrs. Russell Coleman; 1st. Mr. Eldon and Clayton Ortwein, Mr vice-pres, Elgin McKinley; secy. Mrs Thos.and Mrs. Milton Dietz and family all Laing; treas., Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley; sports, Mrs. Elmer Cameron, attended this grand event. Tables were spread underneath beautiful Gordon Johnston, Harold 'Coleman; shade trees in the Geiger lawn where lunch, Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Mrs. Wm. Cameron, Mrs. Elgin MsKinley. the father with his children and The sports were eagerly contested grandchildren had a real good time. and were under the leadership of Mrs Ross. Chapman and Mrs W. Coleman. HYMENEAL First prize Winners were: Children, 6 Fields—Reichert and under, Joan McClymont; girls 6- The hoe of Mr and Mrs Alfred 9, Sandra Doig; boys 6-9, Bobby*Mc- Reichert, Hay, was the setting for Clymont; girls 9J12, Alice Caldwell; a charming mid -summer wedding boys 9-12, Bruce Coleman; girls 12- when their daughter Loretta, 'became 15, Gladys Chapman; boys 12 -15, -Geo Coleman; girls' sack race Gladys the bride of Frank Alexander Fields Chapman; boys sack race, Berne Mc_ of Sarnia, on the staff at Clinton Kinley; horse race, ,Gladys Chapman Radio School. In a pretty cerem- and Bruce Coleman; paper plate race ony on the lawn under an arch of Bruce Coleman. A peanut scramble evergreens apd summer flowers, Adult winners were. kick the slp- Rev. E. W. Heinrich, Minister of St i ended the children's sports. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, per, ladies, Mrs. Harold Coeman; officiated. Miss Elda Love of Zurich kick shoe, men Gordon cJarnochran; ld t•aditio .1 wedding music. egg throwing contest, Gladys Cavee hap- 1 . man and Bob McKinley, trip to Cal- n r wedding, the attractive bride ifornia, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell and Har- chose a lovely floor length gown of old Coleman; young men's race, Bob white satin fashioned with a sweet - Laing; married men's race, Harold heart neckline, long sleeves tapering Coleman; married women's race, to a point over the hand. Her floor Mrs. Ross Chapman; necktie race, length veil of embroidered net was Mrs. Ross Chapman and Geo. Hilde- caught to a coronet of velvet flowers brand; paper plate race, Jean Me,, Kinley and Jim Chapman; baldest and her bopuet were red roses. She wore the groom's gift, a three strand man, Harvey Coleman. of pearls. Miss Ellen Love of Zur- Penhale-Snowden-Westlake ich was bridesmaid, gowned in a floor length blue satin, with matching three-quarter length veil. Her flowers were pink roses. Ivan Reichert, bro_ ther of the bride was best man. Mrs. Reichert, for her daughter's wedding wore a flowered silk jersey costume with corsage of white roses, and wore a two strand of pearls, gift of the bride. Forty guests sat down to a wedding dinner served from tables on the lawn. The bridal table cen- tered the wedding cake with vases of red roses placed at each end of the table. Serving were Mrs. William Davidson, Mrs. Harold Reichert, Mrs Ernest Laidlaw, Zurich; and Mrs. Wm. McLachlan, Kippen, cousins of the bride. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid was a two strand of pearls with matching earrings, to the painist, twin broaches, and to the best man, a gold expansion watch band. For their wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Ham- ilton, the bride travelled in a flow- ered navy ensemble with matching accessories. They will reside at Hen - all. Guests were present froni Men- ial), Zurich and Kippen. The Penhale-Snowden-Westlake families gathered at Jowett's Grove Hayfield, recently for their 25th an- nual reunion. Dinner was served to 44 members. The president, Milton Pollock, was in charge, Miss Janet Watson won the lucky ticket. The youngest girl was Sharon Cleave; the youngest boy, Douglas McCull- ough; eldest lady, Mrs. Art Clemence eldest man Wm. Slack. Officers for 1950 are: President, E. A. Westlake Bayfield; vice-pres. Harold Penhale, Hayfield; secy-treas, Mrs E. A. West- lake, Bayfield; assist. Mrs. John Keys Varna; sport's com. Gordon Westlake, Russell Grainger, Gladwin Westlake and Cligord Talbot. During tne at, ternoon, a few races were held. Girls and boys and three and under, Al- lan Cleave, Helen Grainger; boys 5 and under, Jackie Cleave; boys 6 and under Glenn ,Cleave; boy' 8 and under, Robert Westlake; girls 8 and under Shirley Cleave, Joyce Greer; girls 10 and under, Shirley Cleave, Joyce Greer; boys 14 and ' under Bill Pollock, Ken Pollock; young ladies' race, Mrs. Logan Cleve Mrs. John Keys. The next reunion will be held at Jowett's Grove, Bay- teld,li , the last Saturday of June 1950 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. SINGER SEWING MACHINES New Electric Cabinet and Portable& also treadle Machines. Repairs to all other makes of Sewing Machine* Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. Prompt Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION,. WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD ___FLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know The United Mine Workers Uniani will not allow a surplus ci coal las accumulate in the hands of the Opera ators. A sudden strike stops the flow fat coal at once. ORDER YOUR BLUM COAL NOW! • W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensel! ROE'S vrrimIzEn FEEDS V ADEINIMMIIIMEM•MIEr 41400001,4140 011410464114.004110414041100 ••••••••00001141100001009064100 wn-noval 414 Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 011141944540001011060000011•111141101114 *100009041114611M06661004180 11====== zumeirs 1 Grocery Store 1 75c Tomato Libby's Tomato Soup, 3 cans Tomato Juice, 28 -oz cans, 2 for 75c Golden Spray Cheese, Half -lb. pkg. 25c iRed Cherries, pitted, 20 -oz. can 29c • Heinz Catsup for 25c 20c ITapioca, whole, per pound • 29c 10c Dates, per pound Macaroni, per pound Menno Oesch 1 PRODUCE WANTED, Zuric Phone 165 lifareenVilpfereisaml31114111nuneneeno Deep Freezers Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at home and save trip, and valuable time during the busy season. A Great Convenience - Better Health with fresh Eatables. SEASONABLE ITEMS --- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "'Fencer's" Electric teries, and Insulators. Fences, Bat.. Imimmiii10••••• FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzentruher, Prop. Phone 11-97 4 4 '4