HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-06-23, Page 4AR 1 1ti Down With the Bureaucrats UP WITH EFFICIENCY ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE VOTE - PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE„! VOTE—ELGIN McKINLEY • • 5 • • • • •• • • • • • kldon Theatye GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment• the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday dune 24-25 "TARSAN'S MAGIC FOUNTAIN" King of the Jungle, daring a thous- and perils in a primitive paradise. Lex Barker, Brenda Joyce and Cheeta Also: Leon Errol in "Secretary Trouble" au.•: "Country Fair." Monday, Tuesday June 27-28 William Bendix Clare Trevor • • Progressive -Conservative Association. Huron -Perth DASHWOOI) Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft of London, i -spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Tillie Kraft and sister, Mrs. Boehler. Mr and Mrs Jack Reschke of De- troit were Sunday visitors with Mrs 7Merner and Mrs. Tiernan. Mr and Mrs Alvin Kellerman are on an extended trip to Montreal. Dr. Eunice Oestreicher has return- ed to London where she is on the interne staff of Victoria Hospital. Miss Shirley Smith of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here Mr and Mrs Albert Getz of Kitch- ener were Sunday visitors with fri- -ends here. Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs A. E. Oestreicher were Mr and Mr: O. McPherson of Bryanston; Mr and Mrs Chas. Thompson of Dorchester - Mrs. Jack Patience and Mr. Clayton MIIIIEMIBMSZEMINSESTEifInSIMEMECROMEOETO Patience of Thaniesford and Mrs. G. F. Neely of London. Misses Eleanor and Helen Bruer of New Hamburg spent the week- end with their grandmother, Mrs. J. Schroeder. Late Chris. Burmeister Chris. Burmeister, 69, well-known Hay Township farmer, died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Mon- day. He was a member of. Zion Lu- theran Church, Dashwood. Is surv- ived by two daughters, Mrs. John Neeb, Wellesley; Mrs. Edwin .11iller, Dashwood; and two sons, Courtney and Garnet of Hay Township. The body is resting in Hoffman's Funeral Horne, Dashwood, from where a brief service will be held on Thursday at 2.30 p.m., following by services in Zion Ltheran Church at 3 p.m. Rev. L. Higenell officiating. Interment in the Lutheran Bronson line Cemetery is vii Casino GRAND BEND SUMMER OPENING. SATURDAY - JUNE 25th. Neil McKay Monica Turner Ontario's Foremost Dance Orchestra NEIL McKAY Known Coast to Coast on C.B.C. Radio Programs Featuring MONICA TURNED Vocalist, and FRANK MONAGHAN Well-known Radio Pianist DANCING EVERY NIGHT Midnight Dance - July 4th. 12:05 A.M. Lakeview Casino regrets to announce that the Picnic Hall, which has been used without charge for 30 years, nas now been closed, with the exception of those picnics which have already made reservations. The building is to be used for storage and supplies needed in the operation .of the Casino. Charles Bickford in "THE BABE RUTH STORY" Paramount Newsreel tler Wednei;day, Thursday June 29-30 Robert Cumming with Laretta Young in the Finest Performance of her Career "THE ACCUSED" Suspense that grips your emotions. hold;, you enthralled. Cartoon: "Little .Cutup" WAS RAINED OUT The large Federation Picnic that was scheduled for last Wednesday at Goderich, was completely rained out, and the many farmers present took it very nicely, as their farms .clad not seen a good shower in weeks and all sports and contests were called off. Loss on the day's operations, it was calculated roughly, would be a- bout $1,500. It had been expected that with good weather, more than 10,000 persons would have attended the day's program. SMITH—McEWAN Donna Elaine McEwan became the bride of Harry Thomas Smith, Exeter at a lovely ceremony performed by Rev. R.R A. Brook, at the United Church Manse, Hensall, Saturday, June 18th at 3 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. D. Mc - Ewan, Hensall, the groom's parents are Mr and Mrs. Orville Smith, of the Parr Line, Hay Township. For her wedding the bride chose a navy sheer dress with navy and white ac- cessories, and corsage of Red Temp- lar Roses, and she wore a strand of pearls and matching earrings, gift of the groom. The attendants were MK and Mrs Don Cooper, tof Exeter, sis- ter and brother-in-law of the groom. Mrs. Cooper was gowned in powder blue with black accessories, and wore a corsage of pink briarclice roses. Fallowing the ceremony a buffet lun- cheon was served to the immediate relatives, at the home of the -,bride's parents. For receiving the guests the .bride's mother wore a navy arra white printed silk dress, the groom's moth- er chose a turquoise figured 'jersey, both wore corsages of pink Virginia Carnations. The bridal table eentred a 3 -tier wedding cake, pink tapers in silver holders, pink peonoes and snapdragons completed the decorat- ions. .Miss Mary Darroch and Miss Shirley Sparrow of Paisley, cousins of the bride, served. For their wed- ding trip to St. Catharines ..nd Mus- koka the bride travelled in a gaper - dine suit of cloud blue with match- ing hat, and matching accessories. They will reside in Hensall, thebride is chief operator at the local Bell Telephone office in HensaII. BLAKE The Blake School, S.S. No. 9., are holding their annual picnic to' Bayfield on Friday afternoon. Mrs. O. Ducharme and daughter, Mrs. J. Martindale and Mrs. Leon Jecrey are attending the Retreat at Brescia Hall, in London, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gingerich, bridal couple are getting nicely set- tled on their farm west of Blake. Mr. Frank Young of Toronto vis- ited Ms wife, Mrs. Young and fam- ily over the week -end. Mr and Mrs. Fred Bancroft and babe spent a day in London during the week. HENSALL ITS TUDORS in Hensall for Cool. Summer Dresses, Washable Shan Rays and Shantung up to size 44 at $4.95, and Martha Washington's at $12.95. Died at London Miss Edith Forrest, 80 formerly of Hensall, died Monday last in St. Joseph's Hospital, London fallowing a lengthy illness. She was a daughter of Mary Ann Smith and Cooper For- rest, was born and lived in Hensall until a year ago when she moved to London. Was a member sof Cannel Presbyterian church, Hensall. Surv- iving are two brothers, Oliver, of London and George, of Manitoba. The funeral was held from Bonthron Funeral Home, with interment in the I•iensall Union Cemetery. Institute Picnic. The lovely rural home of Mrs. W. Dinnin, near Brucefield, provided a fine setting for the annual picnic of the Hensall W. L on June 8t1. A bounteous supper was enjoyed by the members and children, after which an entertainment period of sports had been arranged. Mrs. Beer expre- ssed thanks toall after which all re- turned do their respective homes. Wurrn—Fletcher A. pretty wedding took place in IHensall when Rev. R. A. Brook un - 'ted in marriage Cora Mac, daughter ,f Mr and Mrs Carl Fletcher, New Salem, N,$., th Gryrald Albert, son of i HURON - PERTH Li 4e ! roads sts CKNX FridayJune 24th In Interests of:--- An f:--- An N1cL t LIBERAL CANDIDATE in Huron -Perth Remember These Times: 1:30 - 1:45 P.M. 10:30 - 10:45 P.M. HEAR YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE AND OTHERS ON THOSE IMPORTANT BROADCASTS ! (Published by Huron -Perth Liberal Association) ZURICH HERALD Thursday, JwunO,.x4 ' .949 lBIDllllf(1(illlil IM11IHI<(IIIIII11III1 i In Huron -Perth ELECT YOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE ANDRE McLEAN IF YOU BELIEVE THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT HAS DONE A GOOD JOB FOR CANADA AND CANADIANS AND WANT THIS JOB CONTINUED, THEN. VOTE FOR AND ELECT:. . McLEA Mark Your Ballot on June 27th: McKinley, Elgin, farmer R.R. 1, Zurich. McLean, Andrew Young, editor X Seaforth. Peters, John R., clergyman R.R. 1, Seaforth. Rernember ,there is no need for a change - VOTE FOR McLEAN - POLLS ARE OPEN 9 A.M. TO 7 P.M., D.S.T., or 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M:,• STANDARD TIME Published by the Huron -Perth Liberal Association Mr and Mrs Alvin Wurrn, Exeter.. The bride looked charming in a blue gabardine suit with 'white accessories Her corsage was of red roses. Miss Eleanor Keys, girl friend of the bride, wore a white suit with white accessories. Her corsage was white roses. After a reception at the gro- om•'s sisters' the couple left on a short honeymoon. They will reside in London. Married at London Westminster Hospital Chapel, tJondon, was graced with spring flo- wers and ferns for the wedding of Eleanor Jean, daughter of Mrs. For- ester, Bruce Street and the late F. B. Forster, to Douglas Scott Sang- ster, eldest son of Mrs. S'angster,and the late Wm. Sangster, Hensa all Rev'. C. W. 'Chine, officiated. Freer Sillett presided at the organ and Frank Emery was solo:ist. Miss Mar- garet Sangster of Hensall, sister of the groom was maid of honor; Miss Norma Sangster, also assisted. Rob- ert Sangster, Hensyall, was his bro- ther's groolnsman. Following the re- ception at Lyn Lodge the couple left on a wedding trip east, They will re- side in London. Evening services in the United i Church has been discontinued during the month of June, during July and August union services will be held. during July in Carmel !Presbyterian church, morning services only. Rev , R. A. Brook will ,occupy the pulpit, during August services will be held in the United Church, morning only, Rev. P. A. Ferguson will occupy the pulpit. .THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE To be a good citizen in a democ- racy means responsibility for better- ing existing conditions. Therefore, it is the duty of every patriotic citiz- en to exercise his or her franchise at every opportunity. Recently 90% of the eligible vot- ing population of Kincardine went to the polls and voted to keep King- cardine dry. As usual the wets put forth the argument that if lege/ sale was established it would attract tourist trade. One might esk if they, refer to the type of tourist which recently waged, ,a one-man war on T,istowel businessmen which resulted in a line in Stratford 'Police Cnn,^t• 1i for assault. Kincardine was wise lit. taking the long-range view in decid- ing to cater to their summer cot - Lagers who remain all summer rath er than trying to bait a (few) trans - lent tourists. The steady customers are the ones that count in any bus- iness and a survey amongst the cot- tageri showed they were against a liquor store by 10 to 1. '.l':he significent thing about all: liquor votes is that the issue is stir- red up not by those wanting to drink because anyone who wants a drink can get one ,but those who want to: profit by the sale. Science and education are making amasing progress in the study of alcohol and we predict that Ontario will soon see a marked decline in aleholic beverage consumption. Last year out +of 66 questions voted oil 46 were dry victories and 20 wet, This is the !handwriting on the wall. Remember If You Must Drink Only The Suckers go to The Bootlegger.. .Sponsored by Huron County Tempe ance Federation. ----Adv.