HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-06-23, Page 2ZURICH - ONTARIO n hetcLA1 the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tii.ts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every areal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu a cry PHONE 100 — ZURICH "Shirley, are you ready? Your boy friend's car is at the door." Y"Yes, mother. I hear it knocking." T of The Perth -Huron Unit o the Cancer Society urge all those who have not sent in their donation to the Cancer Fund to do so as -early as possible. Donations should be sent to. -- Perth Unit of the t. Cancer Society, Box 146, Stratford, Ont. Official receipts will be mailed. "suss..+ .c.. av, .:a. , •,>.;w..a... • i WANTED a "LQght from thr sun travels 1S5,• .000 m ie, a <cond. Isn't that a stup- endou. speed?" "Oh, 1 don't know. It's low ili '! a.I the way.'. COUNTY HOME BURIAL PLOT The County Home Committee of Huron County Council authorized the purchase of a block of lets in Clinton cemetery u.et, a a ae i burial place for resi- dents ut the holm: who have no rela- tive; lloy designated else•.' O1• bnrial. This aetion t+ t taken in order to ,..:sure that perpetual :L.nre would he given, and that the l: -?.,.t r.,sting place of the aged I:laopit> would be in.sueed I against neglect. APPLE BUTTER Apple butter, while it has never had much popularity in Canada, is made in considerable quantities in 1 the United :States, says E. P. Grant, Horticultural Divisions, Dominion Experimental Farms Service. It is made of apples, boiled apple juice, sugar and spine which is cooked, pulped and sieved. The finished pro- duct is of a butter consistency and has a tart, spicy, apple flavour. 'the lots were purchased, It was a- greed to -allow cutting of all popular tree: regardless of size, except lathe fifty foot belt along the road allow- ance. llowancu. Law enforcement officers are Nelson McLarty, for the -Twps, of .Ashdield, Colborne, Goderich, Hullett and W. \Yawanosh; l\Iartin •Graslby for E. Wawano.sh, 'Turnberry, How; Grey; ,lnd .Morris; William R. ')ougall, for McKillip, Tuckeismith, tanley, Hoy, Stephen and Usborne. HURON -PERTH YOUNG CONSER. VATIVES ORGANIZE Young people from all sections of Huron -(Perth gathered in Carnegie Library in Seaforth recently to pick Ross Cowan of Exeter as their pres- ident of the Uur,m-Perth Young Progressive Conservative Association Clare Westciott of Seaforth was nam- ed Secy-Treae.. Special speakers at the meeting . included: Miss Mary Skealas, Toronto, who is Secretary of the Ontario Assn; Dr. Jerry Stiirk, Brampton, a Vice Pres., and Rev. Miss Reba Hern of Varna; Tom Pryde, M.L.A. and Elmer Bell of -Ex- eter. The meeting went on record as ZURICH HERALD endorsing the publishing sof a small monthly'Young Progressive Conserv- ative Newspaper in the riding to stimulate interest among the young! people and carry news of local Young' ,Conservative activity, A coloured movie also was shown taken at the ' Young' Fog Conservative Sununu School last year near (iravenhui•. t. GETS UNDER WAY The site for the new $25,000 Com- munity Building in Hem:nil hoe been ,staked out. R. I1, Middleton, 'presid- ent !'j the Chamber• c9' Commeree says. Grading will be done im'nir diet - alt•, volunteers will ,soon ,be called on for work on the foundation, to dig footings and pciouring cement, et,! The -building will be steel •vered. The community centre, as Hensall saes it, i not a building designed to serve only the citizens of Hen -all. It is •s bnilrling which will encompa.-.s the activities of !all classes and all ages. The citizens of Hensall, and at the same time the rural citizen., who regard Hensall as their village, be their farm in Tu.ckersmith, Stanley, Hay or Usborne Township. By prov- iding the initiative necessary to er- ect such a community centre, Hensall TO ENFORCE FORESTRY BY-LAW The reforestation committee of Huron County Council has instruct- ed law enforcement officers to rigidly enforce the tree -cutting .by-law pas- sed at the January session, without any regard as to how, when or wiliere W •Yf. . 12JW..:•Y•..a. • :12,1 •:WC "!+f•:tFLL(j]:Yi CANCE EVERYONE SHOLD JOIN THE CRUSADE AGAINST CANCER CATTLE -- We will be pleased to handle your T. B. Reactor Cattle. F©r Best Prices ship • to United Fanners' Company, Toronto; .Through • the Heras'll District Co -Operative. • Phone H_ensall 1 15, or John Ingram, 83 r 43 for further Information. /- •�l $112.00 F.O.B. LONDON, CANADA • 11 SIL lest_, r U N DRE D S of satisfied DURO farm families tell us they don't know how they a managed before they at DURO Pumping Systems installed. And it's no wonder, since DURO puts the magic, MONEY SAY- ING convenience of running water every place on the farm .. , takes all the back -breaking effort and wasted time out of old-fashioned methods. instal the Best Instal D You can get shallow or deep well systems to meet ALL your needs .. in the home ... barn .. , truck garden . . , fire protection. Watch farm profits mount with the in- creased production running water brings ... enjoy the comforts that mean so much in everyday living. E "ICO Fiztetres end hetia s Simple remodelling can improve your property ... in value . , in enjoyment! See us today for information on how easily you -can have a new kitchen ... bathroom ... with real economy ; .. for any budget. STADE and WEIDO PHONE 9`' ZURICH - ONTARIO EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London - Hamilton - Toronto . Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver OWNING AND OPERATING METALS LIMITED Calgary - Sdi onion = Vancouver EC94 X Thursday, June 2'3rd, 1949 EYAIBLIRIXIfA�fJIBI IIIRY' Ii071A¢W:'argii 6 9 fi 9 For HI lig x@7.9 eed ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. h# i to o 011erative HENSAI..e,L. and ZURICH F''.4y9,.T sri'n"*releal• =,: rI' .w4 1yv a,netteeT.: eleftWt.�,ttener..r : wut >:!Smuete `i1r.:.'�^.s'Tc,`_k'6$.' ,..SCE (suet. ffireD has done a semi ;e, not only to its will be provided for recreation and own citizens but to those in the nei- already plan; are being to provide ghbouring rural areas, Heusall's coin- - organized recreational instructions Infinity recreation centre will providef'or clli•�ol children. The arrangem- a standard sized ice surface. It evil! (en ha, received the endorsation of also- contain meeting rooms for the i the district school inspector. The younger generation - Boy Scouts ' endorsation of the project is -proven Girl Guides. At the same time, rural � by the fact that four daIs after the organizations, such es Federation elf campaign' opened last year approxi - Agriculture and Women Institute' :mately $6,000, or nearly one-third of have not been forgotten. Facilities i the objective had been subscribed. in the lic 22 YO GEORGE DRE'.,*� Alderman, Mayor, Provincial Party Leader, Three Times PREMIER OF ONTARIO . Then -- LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION in The House of Commons, Ottawa. No other national leader can match this record of public service on ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITY. George Drew, more than any other national leader knows that government—to remain DEMOCRATIC, —must remain in the hands of the people. As an alderman he concerned himself with the problems of his ward. As mayor, he worked for a better community. .ri§ provincial legislator, he worked in the interests of the people of his constituency. As Premier of Ontario he gave his native province the finest administration in its history ... George Drew has succeeded as an administrator because he believes in TEAMWORK and CO-OPERATION on all levels of government. As PREMIER OF ONTARIO he held more cabinet meetings and with greater frequency than any government in Ontario's history. As leader of the official opposition at Ottawa, he brought new life and energy into the House of Commons, PR /Meimeenneevmsma•, eros Igen GRESSTIF aON$E and a renewed respect,for the principle of Parlia. mentary Government. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES give wholehearted support to George Drew because they will be Members of Parliament in FACT as well as in NAME. No longer willmembers be forced to yield all power to bureaucratic cabinet ministers and centralizers and fail to give full representation TO THEIR CONSTITUENCIES .. . Compare the records of George Drew and YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE candidate with those of other party leaders and candidates, Your vote on June 27th for your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE will mean that yore will be represented in Parliament by a supporter of A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERN- MENT under the leadership of George Drew, Ini TIVE CA Published by the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 141 Laurier Ave. W., Ottawa 63 twagesiorttourraweeweemusioittesewittmeeioperssesseereeetaireesaiiitelf 1hF