HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-06-16, Page 3fir)iy.;ly,! ljl, ru iu�r4�'ti� Idle )'11 +' ,,rrkkFF J`� y ;fila tr ,ahla�vu ,�;,•, d f ..+ .qtremote ''j n the t�'�� the me I is ready! No :heal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And 'PASTY -NU tasts good and is good 4tearty food for you. Every slice a tclice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start nowto serve more bread at every tttLeal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your focal Grocers. Tasty- sf akery PHONE 100 — ZURICH And . "Where To Find It" Beams Plate Bars Sheets ;^Pats Strip Angle Pipe Boiler Tubes Tanks Boilers Winslow Sash Steel Joists Reinforcing Mesh and many other items. M. Brown and Sons 1254 Union St. North Kitchener - Ontario Telephones 55645-6-7 ANDREW Y. Me. EAN Huron firth Liberal:: Friday even- ing luet in Seaforth, at one of the most largely attended conventions in lrhi s1i.;t tl;,. ulf the riding a-sociaticm, sr:t<l ted .Hull's. Y. McLean, editor the Huron Expositor, Seaforth, as the:. c:andi'l tte in the :forthcoming foiLiral election. 31r. McLean, who is 3 9 has bei.: editor a the Exposit- or -lice the death of his ::ether, the fatet K. lg. McLean in September of eeri ' t`,nr• to that he has been olciated with his father since re - tut. ;rag arc:.:` seh .ol in 1932. He i, 'mar tied, hie wife being the former wa'1+ t fret', .:i i', New G10 gew, N.S. tend iia. c...e (laughter aged a year awl a hell'. 1.c..:, cve; born in Seaforth where be received his early uduca't- `Iotta and afterwards attended iTniv- rz9srty u;ll Toronto. Active in the: Co1u- lnuttit . McLean is a palet pre. •i- nticttt of the Seaforth Liens Club and the l;;tuch of the Cana<I- ia11 f... e . File a rehouse oil. years S)e has been chairman -(if the .Seaforth Liolei Perk re- ln'e,.e. ,=his' edmin- isiat;t the widely known Seaforth Lt..ins Park and Pool. In 1935 he was appointed Justice of the Peace for Huron County and in the same year was elected to the Seaforth Public Utility' Commieeion. He is at present chairman of the commission. Nr. McLean ihas long been associated withplolities, being a past ' president of the Thomas McMillan Young Lib- eral Club and a vice president of the riding association. His grandfather, the late M. Y. McLean, represented ZURICH HER AL,: HREtHERiMEN! YOU'LL AVOID COSTLY DELAYS WHEN YOU USE "Eil Goodyear Kxxra rtxs Thresher Belting gives you maximum power . without waste of fuel or time. It grips the pulleys as if it were part of them. Klingtite is tough :. stays on the job un- affected by weather. Elingtite reduces delays and outlasts others. For a profitable thresh- ing season. , , see us now! GTiTE"TuffR BELTING • PHONE: 92 A COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES, LIFEGUARDS kuramenommeamma Huron in both the Federal and Pro- vincial houses. Enlisting in the spring of 1942 in the Royal Canadian Air Force, Mr. McLean was retired four years .later with the rank of 'squad- ron (leader, At the time sof his retire - BATTERIES B32 ment he .headed the .organization branch in Eastern Air Command which included the Maritimes, New- foundland and Lab -ardor. In 194.5 he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. ills f Thursday, June loth, 1949 (1111111 !II 1111111 11 '911111111 ISI WI 011111 Ifllll Ilii) 111101t1I 111111111111 111111111111111111111 dill 1111 1 11111 11 !11111111111111111 fill Mill 4, • 0 4, • • Rader 1ttIehoItz Hard 4. 4, • are • •• 40 • • • • • 411 46. • 4, 4, Let Us Take Care of Your PLUMBING HEATING AND TINSMITHING,; See Us For FENCING, BARBED WIRE, GATES, Steel Posts Coleman Products, Beatty and Duro Pumps We have a Full Line of Heavy and Shelf Hardware KEM-TONE, GLIDDENS and C. V. PAINTS Bug Killer, Fly Spray and Sprayers. A few Lawn Mowers left at a reasonable price. At present we have American Cement. If.. In.. Need,.. Just Phone ZURICH - 63. AM I imiiIII9111111111111111I (Ili miti11111111Nfi111111111u1N1111111111Ummi1lBImI8111H1fU11!1f11iINffuf8a1H1111I11111tUIIlI 1111flIIII11lIh1111111If hoot George Drew Since Parliament dissolved a few weeks ago, Progressive Conservative Leader George Drew has visited all ten provinces. He and the Party he leads, as a result of this tour, are convinced of one thing: It's Time for a Change! The important thing is for all Canadians to decide between now and June 27th is what that change will be. With this thought in mind the Progressive Conservative Party takes this oppor- tunity to present some of the major items of its Declaration of Policy. This is no hastily -drafted election manifesto, nor is it the opinion of one man. It expresses the unanimous opinion of delegates from every province who met in Ottawa from Septem- ber 30th to October 2nd last year. The importance of many of our statements of policy has been greatly emphasized by the conduct of the government during the recent session, but the policies themselves remain unchanged. They were prepared in the belief that they will serve the best interests of all the people of Canada. It is one statement of policy for the 'whole of Canada. The purpose of the undertaking we give to Canadians can be broken down under three headings: Opportunity. Security and Freedom PP ; TITT The Progressive Conservative Party will assure opportunity to all our people by a bold and progres- sive national development program. Canada stands on the threshold of her greatest period of' develop- ment. A vigorous Progressive Con- servative government with faith in the future will bring into product' on the immense resources which we possess in every part of Canada There is no part of Canada w -•''re there are not new opportunitie. of development if we provide the electric energy and other sour.es of power to encourage new industries and new types of agricultural pro- duction. The Progressive Conservative national development program will cover development of power, oil, co& mineral resources and the transportation facilities for their full use. We will: (a} .Establish a National Develop- ment Advisory Council in co-opera- tion with the provinces. (b) Establish a National Power Authority to co-operate with the provinces in the technical examina- tion of possible power develop- ments and inthe actual develop- ment of electric power at cost (c) Undertake the commencement of a joint conservation, irrigation and power project on the Saskat- chewan River. (d) Encourage the development of power in the Maritime Provinces from coal as well as other means. (e) Promote the development of the great iron ore resources of Canada and the establishment of greatly expanded steel industry, (f) Stimulate the development of petroleum and other mineral re- sources in co-operation with the provinces, by taxation and fiscal policies to encourage the investment of risk capital. (g) Institute a vigorous program of water conservation, reforestation, flood control, irrigation and drain- age schemes throughout Canada, for the reclamation of unproductive land and the preservation ,of our soil. (h) Establish a positive program of marshland reclamation and devel- opment. (i) Take effective steps as soon as possible to co-operate with the proinces in building the Trans- Canada highway and feeder roads, to not only greatly increase our transportation facilities, but also to develop Canada's tourist business. Sj) Remove the discrimination in freight rates between different areas. �v (x) Deal elTectivety with the special transportation problem of Prince Edward Island, Newfound- land, Cape Breton and Vancouver Island. (1) Take the necessary steps to proceed with the development of the power and waterways' project on the St. Lawrence River, Expansion of Trade The Progressive Conservative Party will adopt every practice' means to expand our external trade :vith the U.S., and all other nations. specifically we will: `a) Promote and expand overseas trade fhro1igh reciprocal trade agreements (b) Remove all abnormal trade barriers imposed by way of license, quota or embargo. ';c) Remove the arbitrary provi- sions of, the Foreign Exchange Control Act, (d) Re -value the Canadian dollar within the limits permitted by the Bretton Woods agreement to assist our external trade. (e) Open negotiations to make the dollar and the pound convertible, to regain our markets in the sterling area Reduction of Taxes iweep.ing reforms in our taxation system and reduction of taxes are necessary to encourage initiative and reward hard work, The Progressive Conservative Party will: (a) Increase exemptions to at least $2,500 for married people and $1,250 for single persons. (b) Increase the exemption for dependent children by $200. (c) . Lower the genera' rate of personal income tax. (d) Allow deductions to farmers for WQT1S done en the farm by mem- bers of the family, (e) End the persecution of our people by tax -collectors acting under arbitrary powers. (f) Encourage development of small business operated by the owner, by allowing, proper exemp- tion for money re -invested in the business and not paid out in profits. (g) provide for a graduated reduc- tion in taxes on other small busi- nesses upon the portion of the income left in the business for further development. (h) Abolish nuisance taxes and make substantial reductions in general sales and excise taxes on necessities, SECURITY Security of Employment The Progressive Conservative Party assures security to all Cana- dians by the following Declaration of Policy. in co-operation with the various provincial- governments we will explore every possibility of expand— ing the opportunities for work by encouraging new types of produc- tion. We believe that the greatest security for employment in Canada is based upon the fullest develop- ment of our resources which will create new employment and increase domestic markets Contributory Social Security Program 1'liis plan will provide the follow - Ing benefits: (1) Old -age pensions at 65 without n means test. (2) Unemployment letsurance benefits to be extended to include payments for time lost due to acci- dent or sickness. (3) Adequate medical and hospi- tal care to be provided under a national health program which will 'include the most extensive pre- ventative health services. (4) The same family allowance for every child, regardless of the number of children in the family. These and other provisions in our program will be worked out in co-operation with the provinces An Effective Program for the Construction of Houses L. Loans and priorities will be made available to those who desire to build their own homes. 2. Low-cost housing will be pro- vided under dans jointly -approved by the Dominion, Provincial and Municipal governments. These plans will be administered by the municipalities. 3. New types of construction will be encouraged to reduce building costs. 4. Restrictions on building sup- plies will be removed. Security for Farmers The Progressive Conservative undertakes to: 1. Enact floor price legislation based on the following principles: (a) A definite formula in the. Farm Prices Support Act for arriv- ing at floor prices. (b) The formula will allow for variations in produc- tion and demand. (c) Floor prices will be announced well in advance of the production period. (d) floor prices will be arrived at in consulta- tion with representatives of the producers. 2. We favour the restoration of the Canadian Wheat Board Act of 1935 to serve as a marketing agency for wheat producers. Coarse grains as well as wheat will be handled on a voluntary basis by the Wheat Board.. IT'S .TIME FOR A CHA The producers- themselves will decide the methmtd by which their wheat will be handled and sold. Marketing boards and representa- tives of the prode cer organizations should and will determine their own method of raarleetielg. 3. We will esta.dlish a board of livestock commissioners. 1. We will extend. the activities o the Federal Baran -Loan Board, so rat Farmers can take advantage of •:n.; -teras, lew=in eresir rates. We will increase the facilities fo. agr'cultural research, to find new uses for a,riculeteepl products. We will in eooperation with Pro- vincial Departments of Agriculture, conduct thorougiR, studies of con- tagious animal iced plant diseases to reduce the heavy annual loss from these causes. 6. In determining agriculture' policy, we will enlist the coopera- tion of farmers' organizations throughout Canada. The best interests of agriculture can be served under the guidance of those with practical knowledge of each phase of argrictlture Security for Labour Good working conditions for our people and friendly relations be- tween workers and management, are not only in the best interests of the workers, but also in the best interests of the country. The security and happiness of all our workers m rst.=be protected by - • legislation p'.': -g for effective collective bargee. ng, thi' deter- mination of mutual rights, as well as conciliat.on and settlement of :1'iffrculties which may 'arise (a) We will establish a Nat tuna! Labour Council equal re.pr.a- sentatiorn from labour and manage- ment. This council wil' examine causes of labour disputes and pro- pose solutions. It will conduct research to m - prove labour relations. (b) We will provide for greater labour represev ttion on govern- ment boards. oemmtsslons and agencies. (c) We will en,aourage profit- sharing plans, through adjustments in taxation. (d) We will improve egislation providing for cornnelsory collective bargain' ng; certification of labour organizations after a majority vote: machinery for conciliation of dis- putes.; falir and adequate wages; standard hours of work, keeping in mind the industry concerned; hol,- days with pay. Security for Veterans (a) We will eseablish a st.and.ng committee of the Ileuse of Commons on Veteran" Affairs to regularly review veterans problems; (b) to retain and constantly improve all veteran legislation; (c) to eliminate all unnecessary delays in dealings with veterans and to simplify pro- cedure; (d) to extend pension bene- fits to the members of the merchant navy; (e) to accept the medical category recorded on enlistment; (f) to stabilize pensions of First World War veterans, providing for upward revision where the disability has increased; (g) to increase and extend provision of war veterans' allowances —with an increase in the amount that a veteran may earn above the allowance paid. FREE* NI rhe Progressive Conservative Party pledges itself to terminate ;ureaucratic action by government - order -•n -council, ministerial pro- clamation and departmental regu- atti)t a We we restore responsible government answerable to the elec- ted representatives of the people. :In We believe in the widest possible measure of' personal free- dom consistent with law, order and the general welfare. Ice We are opposed to powers which give the government control over the rights of the individual. ,dl We will restore the full supremacy of the law and the equality of every citizen under the law. (pi We will conserve the author - le of the provincial and municipal 'overnments over local affairs. t' e'r ,tssum;nig office we will .. c,nvene e Dominion -Provincial con- orenee bV: be;ieve that nationa ur,;t=• depends upon respect for the constitution and the clear .1. fin tion of the responsibilities of the 1`crminion Provincial and Muni- cipa, governments, with assurance of adequate tinancia resource, to carry out f hose responsibilities. h) We undertake to restore free- dom of speech over the radio and to place the supervision of all Cana- dian hroadeasting under an inde- nendent administrative body. i We will abolish the license fee nil rad '0 receiving sets. •i) We give .our unqualified sup- port to the North Atlantic Security Pact. 1 believe tut, statement will provide ,'onvincing reasons why you should oast your ballot on June 27th for the Progressive (Conservative candidate in your own constituency so that the public business of this great country will be handled by a strong, vigorous and progressive eovertament in the years ahead. George Drew Victoria. 13.C., May 30, 1949 GE 14 YEARS IS TOO LONG PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA, 141 LAURIER AVE. W., OTTAWA i5r:M Sd:TKA/4tS''n'dS`.(!01,t '•'.R�Ys Wf'1. a ,•?===maiobNtlliremagsma.soiwuk* Y',:it . "i1 h ote f 3 extre 1.1 67