HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-06-16, Page 1,� .,,. t• ,; . liked J OO ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOuR.NI$' Are You Suffering Fro Headael c s se, Have your T yee Examined ear with 'gee Latest Methods mud Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.��Ite OPTOMETRIST i= OPTICLAN GODEIUGH. •--• ONT. • i•Good Glasses at Rersonalels Priem TELMER D. :,ELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 6 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twup. Glace) Beams She rHE HQME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Che Better Oil Permanents Applied * ith the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CAL.LI hone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHIIBE-Zurich Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grenier of Zurich, announce the engagement of their daughter, Blanche, to Mr. Emile Vallee, son of Mr and Mrs. J. N. Vallee, of Bonnyville, Alta. The wedding to take place on Saturday, June 18th in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. at nine -thirty a,rn. exemsseiesseasearei 111 i1a ew GRAND BEND SATURDAY 1 JUNE 1 8th. ART HALLMAN And His Orchestra Featuring TERRY DALE And the Vocal Quartette ,F.n"+1' ++fieri••i +.,.h. -3-.s- 4,-,--r .r...,... -.i• 4.1.+ ;• .,• lantral cit atr uthw alt cme, Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Ontario + 4", @•+r•: 444. i•-@••g.44444-4.444.414*4.4;+++4aS++ q;..; V.4. }...,t 4- 4.44+4.41 4 FILTER QUEEN B AGLESS VACCUM 4 ,11 • CLEANER, Polishes and Cleans all Floors. • • ' Two Year Guarantee; Life Time Service Insurance MAS N AN RICH PIANOS • New and Used • SALES • •• G. R. BATES Phone 102 - Canadian Products AND SERVICE - Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block T t IEL'S Suserior Store Nualtatarnag*IIIM..01=1.1,11V11/0.14/.2 MOMS e F FLOOR COVERINGS ON HAND AT PRESENT. Inlai.ds - Congoleunas - Rexoleums SEE US FOR PRICES, Men's Sportswear - Shirts Jackets Sweaters - Etc. DISHES DINNER SETS - BREAK- FAST SETS .. TEA SETS - AT GREATLY, REDUCED PRICES Mom 1 C. H. THIEL Zurich 4 4. 4. a e 4. 4. 0 4. A 4. i e e • e e e JUNE 16 9 49 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHE'Jt4 $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2,00 in U. S. A., in Advance. Engagement Mr and Mrs Alfred Reienert an nounce the engagement of their only: daughter, Laurette Caroline, -to Frank Alexander Fields, only on n' the late Mr and Mrs. C. Fields, of Sarnia, Ont. The marriage to take place the end of June, ZURICH COMMUNITY FUND SUBSCRIPTIONS Cash Pledge 110.00 1.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 Jos. E. Ducharme Wm. Ziler Wm. Edighoffer E. Blake Horner David Haugh Hilton Truemner Seth Amens Norman Gascho L. Prang George Hess 25.00 Milton Oesch Miss Pearl Wurtz .... 10.00 Philip Eisenbach .... 10.00 OrlandBattler ..... .10.00 Jacob Battler 15.00~ Orville Ford as".00 Charles McQuillen 10.00 Blackwell Bros. 5.00 Mrs. Wm. Northcott 1.00 Frederick Haberer 10.00 John Albrecht 10.00 Olive O'Brien 50.00 Harold Stade 50.00 Earl Weido 100.00 John Tuerkheiln 50.00 Wm. Clarke 58.25 Earl Deichert Claire Deichert Wan. O'Brien, Sr. . Gideon Koehler Roy Lamont Rudolph Stade Gascho Bros. L Prang Son Lorne Rader Earl •Campbell Harvey Keys Wm. Parke _ Hyde Bros. Mickle, George & Son Drysdale Hardware T. C. Joynt & Son .. - Fink's Plumbing Arnold Merner 25.00 50.00, 50.00 b.00 10.00 25.0.0 50.00 25:00 50.00 1200.00 0.00 25.00 25.110 10.00 10.00 15.00 40,00 15.00 10.00 15.00 50.00 Herb Dejardine & Son 50.00; Anthony Hoffman. 10.00 IMPORTANT PUBLIC MEETING nt 9 a.m. Friday~, June ;24th, there will ,be a )Public Meeting at the Township Hall, Zuiioh, to Which' all the people of the district, and par titularly those who have made con- tributions to the Community Centre and Arena, are urged to be present. It must be admitted that the camp- aign for building funds is not doing as well as expected, and the reason is that the present site will be too costly. It is therefore imperative that another meeting of the public be cal- led, (WHJCH SHOULD BE LARGE- LY ATTENDED) and that another, more suitable, less expensive site be chosen. The Committee in charge have been assured of more and much larger donations when this is accomp- lished. Will you therefore, as a good citizen come out lei this meet- ing; expr•ees your views and take part in the discussion relative to a• new building site and vote for the place of bolding which you favor as the best suitable for allround use of the Community Centre and Arena. PLEASE KEEP THIS DATE OPEN -FRIDAY, JUNE 24th, 9 p.m. Grand Bend Mrs. Nancy . Weber, relict of the late Louis Ravelle passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London„ on Wednesday, June 15th, in her 84th year. The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, at Dashwood until Thursday noon then at the home of her son Arnold, at Grand Bend from where the funeral will take place on Friday June 17th at 2 p.m. A memorial service will be held in the Grand Bend United Church at 2.30, following the in- terment in the Grand Bend cemetery. Attending Conference Rev. E. W. Heimlich is attending the Conference of the 'Lutheran church held in Hamilton this year. The'Synod will be foe the greater part of this week. . To Hold Decoration Day The annual Decoration and Mem- orial Service at the cemetery or the Evangelical U. B. Church on the Bronson line will be held on Sunday afternnoon, June 19th at 2.30, This service this year will be featured by theassistance of the Salvation Arxny Band in •company. with Captain F. W Brightwell, London, ae, guest .spea- ker. -FREE MOVIE - On Monday evening, June 20th, the :National Film Board will present their free moving pictures in the Zprich. town hall. Three feature's: "When all the People Play.". `An- irap+3lis Royal Children's Choir sing." "A codor Film." "A Family Camp- ing ;ltri:p in the Rockies." Story of the IZ:C.A.F, mapping in Canada's north Land." These .pictures are all Edu- cational to every one, so try and come. Bring the family with you, to see these interesting picturee. Aldo Tii€tre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. Following Attractions the HOLY NAME 60011,,'FY RALLY A very impressive r•eugious ewe:- niony took place at o.;epil, Last 8uuda, June is , it was cne p1allle Dally tor 1',1115 Cii,UiCt held m G,)1iJ anctlon with Dauer raliles tur'U- ugnout the whole bioee6e Ol Ldlllt0ll. ,b t. i eters i'arloa lter'e wa. 11uet t0 the nelgneouring paiislxes of St. i'at- ircii'e, •Lueai'y iul VW: Lady of .elount L uniei, or the Saered Heart, rark- iuil; of Vit, isonilace, Zurich; of bt. i'eter e Ulandeooye and of 6't. Col- ua�bia's, ]3ornish. In the parade were ;iuu. men marching to the liana music rurnished py the sound truck of Hess radio .naectric of Zurich while 200 women and children looked on. The object of these parades is tet profess pu'b'licly belief in the Divin- tty of Jesus Christ and to encourage respect for His Holy Name. Sincerity this leads to loyalty to Church an d tate and tills is precisely the subject which was discussed in a masterful way by the preacher for the occasion, Veiet. the Rev. J. 1'. D'aviglioon, of Centralia. leather D'Avignon's Overseas ex- perience during the last War aro numerous and varied and helped to bring out the practical side of the subject under discu-sion. Here is one o.f them. A Gerrn:ul soldier lay dying. 'ihe religious lned-, al found on his person .brought a Canadian 1;.. C. Chaplain to his aid. Neither could understand the other's language. The last rites were admin- istered and when it came to the an- ointing of the hands which is done in the palm the patient presented the top of Ms hands. The Chaplain was surprised; but he soon knew the reason. The dying man with faltering lips epoke in Latin saying: "1 am a Priest," and the tears rolled down his face, tears' of happiness at receiving the consolations of the Church. And then making a supreme effort he stated to give hiss blessing to those about, a blessing which was ended in Hoaven because death took hila be- fore he had finished. The man wa.- loyal to the end, loyal to his Church, Loyal to his coun- try •for which he died. • No doubt that each and every man in the audience thought of him as a model to follow when led by Father Macke: y the congregation renewed the Holy Name pledge of loyalty. Father P ogal tv assisted by rather Lucier and D'Avignon gave Bened- iction of the Most Blessed Sacram- ent and the ceremony received a Mt• ing ending in the singing „of Holy God, we praise T1iy Name." Friday, Saturday June 17-18 The greatest Western of all time, A thrilling Drama of the Frontier in 'Pechtiicolour with Glenn Ford, Wm. Holden and Ellen Drew "THE MAN FROM COLORADO" Cartoon "Stork Takes a. Holiday." - And other short sebjects Mon., Tuo•-day June 20.21 See Ray Milland, Florence Morley, Brod. Crawford "SEALED VERDICT" Every moment a thrill --every mom- ent a Danger, also Newsreel --Cartoon and other shorts. Wed., Thursday • June 22-23 1 The great Drama of the Skies from Annuals of World War 11, " "FIGHTER SQUADRON" IWith Edmond O'Brien, Rebt. Stack, Jas. Holden, Tom D'Anclrea and "a Special Attraetion -something iwe've aall been, waiting tome y Frasees, "Mr. Stanton. in "CINDERELLA HORSE N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA-STEINBACH - Prop. Auto Accident) Two drivers received slight cuts and: three passengers in one vehicle were shaken up in a collision on the Bronson line, Stanley Township on Saturday afternoon. Wm. Robinson, R.R. 5, Goderich, collided with an- other on the crest of a hill. Driver of the other car was Albert Deichert of Zurich, who was somewhat in- jured. Total damage was estimated at '$1,500. T,wo mens were fatally injured and onet er'itically injured in a head-on between ''a truck and a pass- enger car on highwy X21 a mile noath. of Wyoming, early Saturday morning The two killed are Wm. Burke and Glen McCort of Windsor. Murray Burke 19, is critically ill with brain injuries, A fourth passenger in the car, Theodore Masse, 24, of Tecum- seh, and son of Mr. Nelson Masse of Drysdale, suffered from minor injur- ies about the face. �Ft Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- ,DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOM- ING FOR YOUNG OR OLD -PLUS A SAVING - BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED r. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. SINGER SEWING MACHINES New Electric Cabinet and Portable,; also treadle Machines. Repairs tG all other makes of Sewing Machines Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. Your Blue Coal Dealer Wants you to know BLUE COAL is the cheapest fuel nn the market today, why pay. more ter inferior fuels. CALL YOUR BLUE COAL DEALER W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensalli • ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS Sega 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. l3 4. eeaseaneessee®a'+ei38at eeoe44.4 sesee eeeee4Den?Ditte4.4igitt4.4.40 gsr3GI3&beeA`iDe000estpeeee rte t# totaftv gult Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Servie Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich MIAMI 1 o;D • es 4. • 1 1 1 Libby's Tomato Soup, 3 cans Tomato Juice, 28 -oz cans, 2 for c 95c Golden Spray Cheese, Half -ib. pkg. Z$t- Red Cherries, pitted, 20 -oz. can 29c Heinz Catsup for 25c Dates, per pound • 20c Tapioca, whole, per pound 29c Macaroni, per pound 1Oc Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED.: �„S,.,.F...,.1..�rO" Z ur ic Phone 165 PS�stsi��'�t�`1q�1 ��-•TM's`' an. "gtaiN p' nt21 s====.1,1; ';sZn,r � ie, ns (vont ecus Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at home and save trips, and valuable time during the busy season. A Great Convenience - Better Health with fresh Eatables. SEASONABLE ITEMS -- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "Fencer's" Electric Fences, Bat- teries, and Insulators, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TUE BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 ilk 5