Zurich Herald, 1949-06-09, Page 2mt S 111N TEE t 'I LD orinanAlair IR.USSIA A few months ago the so-called Molotov Plan was being loudly ac- claimed — from behind The Iron Curtain" --' the perfect Russian answer to the Marshall Plan. Now, throughout the diplomatic world, it is being dismissed as a pretty flat failure. The experts base their conclu- sions to this effect on pieces of evidence seeping out of the land of the Soviets regarding increasing economic difficulties in Russian satellite countries. The plight of these countries is blamed on their utter lack of west- ern imports, and on the fact that instead of pouring recovery goods into Eastern Europe, the Russians have been draining the resources of those countries for their own bene- fit. Now there are reports of possible very drastic moves by Russia, or by the satellite countries, to try and ease the situation. The most dram- atic of These reports conte by way ot former Czechoslovak officials now in exile on this side of the AtIentic. These mien say that the Communist government. •,u n d e r Moscow direction, plans, to put a ilt'Illber of non-Coinniuitists into official positions in Czechoslovakia —the object being to make the whole regime appear more accept- able to Britain, the United States anis other western countries. The purpose of such a snauoeu- ter would be to interest the west- ern nations in relaxing controls on shipments to Czechoslovakia, and possibly giving other assistance. Whether or not the Czech gov- ernment is to be actually reorgan- ized. such reports reflect a grave concern in Prague over the coun- try's economic condition. Poland, 91 Trotting Toward Hambletonian—With trainer Del Miller at the reins, trotter Rapidan. owned by W. N. Reynolds, works out at Roosevelt Raceway. If Reynolds' Hambletonian hick holds up, Rapidan should at least be in the tnonev, for the tobacco plan leads all other owners by having backed eight hmey-winners in previous runnings of the trotting classic. Rapidan's dam, Mary Reynolds, won the Hambletonian in 1933. too, has been pressing hard for an easing of the controls which pre- vent h from getting any of the Marshall .Plan "gravy"—brit, so far, the Poles do not seen to have made much headway in softening up the Kremlin top brass. Two other developments which have created considerable interest are a heavy emphasis in Russian prppaganda broadcasts an revival of East-West trade, and a reported move by Romania 10 try and in- terest Great Britain in making in- vestments in that country. THE 'UNITED STATES A. rather netiv note in Labor Capital relationships is sounded in a recent dispatch from Chicago. The Avil+lsen Tools and Machine Company manufactures twist drills, cutting tools and things of that sort, and during the past few Donn at Woodbine Park on King's Plate Day, several promin-• con Progressive Conservatives were ver.` much disgusted when a gen- tleman who had hacked the winner, Epic, and who was feeling very gleeful about it, pointed out in tones that could be heard far half a block that what had just hap- pened was the very finest sort of a hencli for the future. f 04 " i bere," he said, "is an exact picture of what is going to come off on June 27. The George McCullaglc entry gets away from the gate bad- ly. is slow to get going, and al- though continuing with real cour- age through the stretch, is never able to seriously threaten the win- • ner. tvho ran as though consider- ably the best" 0 just in case you do not happen to catch the meaning of the allusion we shall merely inform you that the "George McCullagh entry" in the Dominion Stakes set for June 27 is a gentleman named George Drew—and let it go at that. W hen they make a baseball movie, almost invariably they in - elude the incident about the ball player who slips and' slips—=due to one thing or another, generally booze—until finally he is cut adrift by the club he has served so long and loves so dearly, 0 Then, toward the end of the piece, he always does a comeback I —"saved by the power of a true woman's love"—and the next -to - final scene is when he either pitches a 19 -inning no hitter—or slams out a homier with the bases jammed— to beat out the team which tossed him into the discard in the final froth: of the World Series, Such things happen, as we said before, with the greatest frequency in the dear old cinema—but in real life. not so often. And although some of the essential elements of the drama were lacking, what hap- pened at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn the other day must have brought it deal of satisfaction to a ball play- er named Pete Reiser. 4t e • Last winter Burt Shotton, master !mind of the Brooklyn Dodgers, de - tided that Reiser was either too brittle or too erratic for that team, so Petie was traded to the Boston Braves in exchange for Mike Mc - t orltlick. Ile fore the start of the game al. - luded to, the }Braves and the Bums were deadlocked for first place in the National League scramble -20 wins and 15 losses apiece. And when the Braves cause in for their eighth -inning whacks, the Brook- lynites were coasting :Hong on a lee• 6-3 lead, anti the:, was great '•1}' among tilt` 1'latd:l1:... rooters, aR lora e•4 like a eine' s F 111 bit Ma. end Collide Rpm rl, .o bitters both of them- r- i:ed. ef)rr Edrdie'ifanky had o rs fouled out, Elbie Fletcher trolled. So, when our discarded hero, Mr. Reiser stepped up to the plate, be found the sacks—as one oi,server put it—F.O.B.—Full of Braves - :x And did our gallant Pelle emu, late one, Casey, of immortal mein- ory? Did be take three healthy swings and hit nothing but that pure Brooklyn ozone? He did not) All Petie did was take a nice toe- hold and smite one of Palica's shoots clear out of the park into Bedford Avenue. And as he jogged around the bases, who could blame Petie if, to himself, he was hum- ming that little ditty about "re- venge being sweet"? Just what Manager Shotton had to say about it, however, we haven't heard as yet; and if we had, we _ doubt if we could reproduce it in a journal meant for family consump- tion. For the final score was Braves, 7; Dodgers, 6. k 0 Our reading, of late, has been confined mostly to horse racing in- formation—our n- formation—our desire, of course, being to get a certain Ring's Plate winner for our long-suffering read- ers. (We'll go as far as to say that. at least, we 'picked you one that yott couldn't lose money on—the filly of our choice failing even to get to the post). Anyway, we missed the details of a tennis match which set up a flock of records, some of which are liable to stand far quite a space. It was the match in which Ted Schroeder, and Bob Falkenburg de- feated Pancho Gonzales and Hugh Stewart for the Southern California doubles championship—and just in cast you, too, overlooked it, here are a ew of rhe highlights. and the new marks set. The match went fire full sets and in the first set, no less than 70 —count 'em -70 games were played Schroeder and Falkenbtirg taking it 36-34. Other set scores were 3-6, 4-6, 6-4, 19-17, a total of 135 games. nted Immediately Young women 16 to 21 years For Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry Picking A000modatibn in frarm Service Farce Camps Supervised by Y.W,C,A, Good Meals Good Pay Good Fun For Registration Forms apply to : High School Principal Nearest Employment Office OR Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, bhtario,. AUSPICES; Dominion Provincial Farm Labour 'Committee, ISSUE 24 11149 in onlis bttsiees- hasn't been so good. Orders fell off to such an extent that the management felt that a cut in the overhead was • absolutely necessary; but, instead of laying off a lot of employees, they put the natter up to the work- ers themselves. The workers—who had been av- eraging around $1.61 per hour, came right back with all offer to take a twenty per cent wage cut, in order to help the company "en- joy prosperity." if business improves, the com- pany has promised that it will pay the workers a salary recovery bonus later out of any profits be- fore it pays any dividends to stock- holders. Company officials say that Avild- sen Tools and Machine Company has enjoyed especially friendly re- l: tions with its workers and that, since the war it has turned over to them one-third of its profits before taxes, in the last three years the company has given its employees some $350,000 --or around a thous- and dollars per per-on—in the form o; bonuses. 'So we asked our employees to temporarily share our losses, just as they shared our profits," one official put it. • 1lycd-in-the-wool trade union of- ficials will, of course, look upon such voluntary action on the part of workers wi h something akin to horror. (The Avildsen workers are non-union, by the way,) But to an unbiased onlooker it would seem like a far more reasonable inetlhod of settling disputes that the usual way of both sides taking an "adarn. ant" stand — forcing a strike in which both :ides lose heavily — and then coming to the sort of compromise which was inevitable from the very beginning, Still, as a Unionist friend remark- ed when he heard about this in- cident, the Chicago firm's manage- ment slid its share, too, in pros- perous times toward building up 10 suclt a friendly settlement when :he real pinch came. BY PROXY .\ large 1t onion and her meek little husband stood before the judge in traffic court. "What were you doing at the time of the accident?" asked the judge. The • honor, Street, wheel . woman spoke up, "Your I was driving down Main with my husband at the tp Just heat and rub in MINA2OD'S, and note the quick relief you get. +Greaseless, fest•drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. 16,46 LARGE xeoN°M(CAt size 65a 114 Ft; CLASSIFII'D A0i0NTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES insecticides, Electric )hence Controllers, , Oust) and Barn Paint. ]toot Coatinss, etc, Deal' r are wanted. Write Waren grease Oi1 Irlmited, Toronto BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Retail our guaranteed necessities at grand Profits. Splendid openings nearby. No rink. Never a dull season, our Representative will be in your district shortly. Let us have your name and address and he will call specially. show you the 1+amilex film. etc„ without obEi- gatlon on your part. FAMILEX 1000 Delorinlier, Montreal. ZIP-QRIE—a magic) word—our agents earn large commissions demonstrating the New ZIP -GRIP Clothesline—needs no clothespins. For full particulars. Zip -Grip. 401 Dawes Rd•, Toronto. BABY Ot1ICiiS R10DI1..1f13E1t what happe,nerllast Year? The poultry raiser who got pnnlelty about feed Prices and cut his chick order away down or cut it out altogether, spent the fail looking at the high egg and poultry prices his neighbors were getting and picking himself becanee he had missed the boat, This is the year to May in. 1.f you haven't already ordered your chicks do so at cure, We can give prompt delivery on day old cockerels, non -sexed pullets. Alec started chicks and turkey poults. Reduced prices for June and July. Free range pullets 8 weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, WE HATCH '1311, you snatch 'em. For over 15 years that's been then story at Top Notch Chick Sales. Just as fart as we can hatch those hu,4ty, healthy, Top :2oteh chicks suc- r•essl'ul poultry raisers all over the country buy then, Top Notch chicks are all from Government Approved Putlorum tested stook. We have all the well known breeds and stress breeds Day old, started, non -sexed, pullets, coc•]terels. Turkey prinks. Older pullets eight weeks to laying, Free catalogue. Reduced prices for June, Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. Ul'ICIN(i AND CLEANING HA VF. TOC anything needs dyeing or clean• Mg, Write to us for information We are glad to answer vont questions. Department H. Parker s Dye works I.imtt,•d tot Fnnge Street Toronto ontor0 EMPLOYMENT WANTED SJONES reliable married man of excellent ehn raster, 1 child; fully understand° fann- ing, desires to work farm on shares, or take charge. R. Liboiron, Varennes, Que. eARMS COR SALT LARGE and small farms always available. Irving H. :Biller, Rea] Estate Broker. Prescott. ()Marto. 01,40&—Ft1OR acres, new house, furnished, trout stream near village, Stamped enve- lope, Robert Iridins, Castleton, Ont. 4'()R SAL& At auction, entire herd Polled Hereford cattle; Monday lune 27, Exhibition Grounds, Bran- don, Manitoba Fiord and yearling bulls, cows with calves al foot and to calve, bred and open heifers A herd with a world-wide re - Potation being represented in four countries. Seale. conformation, breeding, production. Where Otto Leader. Reserve Champion Paler. mo Show Argentine, last August, was raised Fully accredited, Plan a holiday and attend the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba "The greatest agricultural show in Westevn Canada" the tollowing weep also, Write for informative catalogue now. Malcolm McGregor, Brandon, Manitoba MUSKOKCA—Lovely frame house, furnished, insulated, oil treating, twelve rooms, large barn on three acres. Tourist business estab- lished. Stevens, Tall Timbers, Gravenhurst, ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped 'Corrugated and ribbed styles, 0 to 10 ft lengths Immediate delivery from stool+ Write for samples end estimates Steel Distributors Limited, 500 Cherry St Toronto BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS Batts made from your own sheep's wool, or 11 you have old woollens or cotton we will re- make the Into beautiful blankets or robes Write Brandon Woollen Mi11s, Brandon, Man. STATION WAGON 4I FORD. aped rrmlitinn threnohout, heater 01.100 47 MERCURY RA.U1U, neater, driven only 20,000 miles - 81,800. The above cars are privately owned and driven. H. T Barnes. 2 College St., Tor- onto. Telephone: Pr. 2181. USED S.P. combines, Cockshutt 12'; 2 seasons, 2 Massey 10' one season: A.C. 8' with motor, pickup, one season. International auto- matic baler, John Deere H. Tractor, 2 row hydraulic cultivator, J,D. "D", rubber and condition good. Tuan Martin, St, Jacobs, Ont. PORT ABLE Alfalfa Meal and Grist Grinding Boniness, Fleury hammer mill 12" driven by 50 H,P, unit, permanently mounted on Dia- mond T truck chassis, good condition: also 1946 three -ton Studebaker truck, like new, M. Sndeyko, Gormley R.R. 1, Ont. ' SPECIAL OFFER—SAVE 30% 91.65 VALUE, ONLY $1.14 Don't miss this money -saving offer! To intro- duce the quality of Enamel manufactured by us, you gel a quart of Enamel (any color ]sated below) and a 11" brush set in rubber at this amazing low price; choice of white, ivory, Jade green, Chinese rod or daffodil. Specify color desired. Brush supplied with each quart or- dered. Remit to Pure Paint and Varnish Co., P.D. Box 90, Station N, Toronto, Ontario, PAPER DRAPES l.uol:: Drape like costly fabric, Ready to hang. t;eorgeous multi -colored patterns in fiorale, stripes and leafs. Popular background. Colors. Flame resistant, Valance tiebacks, 21 yards long, 58" wide, Retail 81,49 postpaid or 0,O.D. extra, Special price to merchants. Gersten of Canada. 529 I3nnseconrs, Mon( - real 1, POWER WAGON -46 Dodge, les, Army F,W,D., 7 -ton Baden winch, ideal f0r ploughing or togging; will go anywhere; 10,000 miles, excellent condition, 01,600. ALSO 41 Chevrolet Speelel it -door 01,100, WA, 1211, Toronto. • PUREBRED SCOTCH COLLA ,S Sable and white from champion steak on both sides; Four Male and one female left from this tine litter. Fine specimens of a fine breed. Prided reasonably to good homes with pedi- gree, Write A. W. Chapman, Owner, Welles- ley Farms, Sutton West, Ont, FOR SALE Oliver 98 Tractor, four years old, excellent condition. Brant Farm Equipment, Brantford, Ont. 7,000 ACRES Crown Land Timber Limit with low stumpage dues, approximately 60% hard maple, 25% birch, 25% hemlock and miscel- laneous; situated off Highway No. 69, four miles from MacTler on 0,P.R, and 0.14,R, Footes Ray, District of tIuskolta, Township of Freeman, Roads accessible in Whiter, Apply. Bogdon Jc Grass Furniture Co„ Ltd., Walker- ton, Ontario. PAINT—High grade oil paints, exterior and interior, all colors, $0.25 gallon. Barn paint red and aluminum 02.45 gallon, suitable for cottages, fences and barns. Clear varnish $2,10 gallon. York Belting Company, 88 York Street, Toronto. BEAUTY shop; in busy town north of Toronto. Near a large summer resort, new modern equipment, extensive clientele, Little opposi- tion, moderately mired to sell, Write Box 294 Stayner, Ont, roto SAM 4/A2 91lT$ !broad ilreastee -branee and White Holland for June and ;July delivery Valusbe .ea turkey ender. Tweddle Chick I•Iatcheries, el'sug, Ontario. EdisnextED come pups, sable and white, Grandsire Champion Sterling Starmlet. Black Coker Spaniel, Mrs. Brodie, Aulteville, Ont, 70090 SALE 1 Allis-Chalmers Model "B" tractor with A-0 mounted power mower. A•pPlY E. Paff, Wellesley, Phone 101, LARGE VILLAGE GENERA- $tore, going concern ot exceptional value, Located in prosperous community, established 90 years. Yearly turnover 080,000-$00,000, well eciuipped, new gas pumps, nearly new compressor and deep freezer, coulters, scales etc., generate 8 -roomed house, newly decorat- ed, with bathroom, toilet, waterworks, eleo- trleity, aleo new granite chimney. Double gar- age, hen house, cow stable. all buildings in good condition, well painted. Priced consider- ably below value for quick sale due to 111 health, immediate possession. Box No, 89, 128 18th Street, New Toronto, IIene' OVANTAL+ PUBLIC WEALTH 54000SES THE STORMONT. Dundee and Glengarry Health unit requires qualified Public klealth Nurses for generalized program. Salary sOhed- ule with annual increments according to ex - Parlance. Address lnquh'lee o1• applications to: Supervisor of Public Health Nursing, 104 Second Street West, Cornwall. Ontario. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Qualified staff nurses required for Peel County Health Unit. Salary range $1,900-$2,000, Write Supervisor of Nurses, Court Gouge. Brampton, Ont. GENERAL DUTY NURSES Starting salary 6120,00 per month, with room, board and laundry. Salary increased and trans- portation refunded after six months' service, Thirty clays' holiday after one year's service. Accumulative sick time, medical and hospitali- zation plans, Apply to Superintendent, Kirk- land and Distriet Hospital, liirklan,l Lalte, Ont. kileDTCAI IT'S EXCELLENT. Real results after taking Dixon's Remedy far Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, et tawa Postpaid 91 00 _ . PEP •UP!• Take C.C. S: B, Tonic Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general delrillty. 60e and $1.00 at druggists, PEOPLE ARI5 TALEi:1NQ about the good re. sults from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- matic Pains and Neuritis Munro s Drift; Slnre, 509 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. OPPORTUNITIES tor IIEN and WOMEN BE .A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thoueands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest system Illustrated eatn Logue free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Blom St W . Toronto Brunches 4d King St , Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa HOME STUDY AT ITS BEST Bookkeeping, Accounting, Law, Management, Specializing in this type of training exclusive- ly. Hundreds of successful graduates com- plete training for professional degrees. The School of Accountancy Ltd., Great Western Bldg., WVinnipeg, PERsorgm. BARGAIN IN BEAUTY LOVELY SLENDER YOUTHFUL FIGURE Banish ugly fat safely without pills, drugs or starvation with 1'IODIS dietary reducing plan, TRIMS pure delicious vitamin candies cost only 01.05 for three weeks sunny. TRIMS are sold at drug stores or write PROVAN, CRONE and Company, 204 Tonga Arcade, Toronto. L � with the NOBBLE VENER Draw Bar Save time and labor. This lightweight high tensile strength draw bar allows you to pull more barrow sections with less weight, Slade of special tubing for double strength. Shock resistant. Can't drag or bog down. Floats 10 to 12 inches off the ground. Passes through gates tandem style. Models for 2 to 8 flexible and 8 to 12 diamond harrow sections, ram the faster, modern Lasa• with the Noble Brener Draw Bar. Write for Full Information and List of Better Farm Bquininent to ACME Distributors & Sales Co. Winnipeg, Manitoba TISING P alSONAL HAIRY? One short treatment at home with Global Bair. Xtemover will remove your unwanted hair to weeks from arms, face or legs, etc., and will discourage its regrowth. (t'a safe and leaves Wit eat and °lean. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Postpaid $2.00, 0,0.P, $2,10, GLOBAL PRODUCTS 4084 Hutchinson St'., Montreal, Quebec. STAMPS 00 DIFFERENT.' stamps Including air posse commemoratives, pictorials, 10 cents; ap- provals. Peter Johnstone, Hopevllle, Ont, TBA OHMS WANTIIiD WANTED, Six qualified teaohers for Hag ii and Richards Township School Area. Com- mencing September 1, 1949. Minimum salary, $1,800.00. Experience and certificate con- sidered. Apply to Mrs. Florence Recoskie, Secretary Treasurer, Round Lake Centre, Ontario, TEACHER wanted, Junior room, thirty Uupilp, Grades 1 to 4, Salary sixteen hundred. Apply r. C. Lewis, See.,Treas., U.S.S. No. 1, Westree, Ont, MUANITOULIN; qualified Protestant-. teach. r wanted for No, 8, Tehkummah, about 0 pupils enrolled. Offering a salary of 61800.0 Duties to commence Sept, 0, Apply Carl )frown. Sec., Tehkulumab. Ont, ERAMOSA Township School Board requlrge three Protestant public school teachers after holidays. Schools equipped with hydro and in. mutated. Ontario Teachers' Federation haste salary schedule in force, Picea() give usual particulars with application, Frank Day, Sec., Rockwood, Ont. DURHAM County, Protestant teacher. Plea04e apply, stating qualifications and salary ex - Peered, to 0. Hyland. Burketon, Ont, THREE Protestant Teachers wanted for Car- low Twp, School Area, Hastings County. Please state qualifications and salary expected, Cecil Loney, See.-Treas.. Fort Stewart, Ont, PATENTS PETIIBRSTONAUGTa ,e Company Patent SO. Iieitors Established 1890 350 Bay Street, Soronto Booklet of information on request, II AN 11141) • URGENT 3 drivers ((Anglican) women required B,C.. Ontario, Saskatchewan. Also 9 teachers, Juns to end of September (or middle if universal; students). No salary, All expenses paid, Air- mail. Eva ITesell, Synod tlftic•c•, Winnipeg. EXCELLENT OPPORTt'NTTY for single, class A mechanic for garage in Northern Ontario, Please give full particulars In first letter to Box 40. 129 -19th St., New Toronto, Ont. 1 Tureskote Polystyrene Emulsion Paint waterproofs and protects mas- onry, silos, stucco, indefinitely. Pastel shades from alkali dry color, Dries hard & washable in fifteen minutes, Erick red is permanent, Dealer -Applicators Wanted Turesco Sales (Ontario) 839A Bloor W., Toronto Ha* Flexible FT Converts any motor, drill press, eloetrie drill olectl'io fan (10 lab or larger) into a handy rotary tool. attach SHAFT in a 4iffy. 1440 for grinding, polishing, sharpenbig, cleaning, engraving, marking tools, eruw- ing on metal, plastic, wood, glass. Conveni- ent handpiece for easy handling , 49 -inch overall length, Complete with chuck, Order today) SEND NO SIONESI Mail Your order, Pay postman only 86,95 plus postage on Modern Diste1 udon 32 ST-LAURENT Valleyfield — Quebec For tC oki 5 ! t 1 ii*N' 4` i4 Cigarette Tobtcc "" eeeielie ALSO AVAIiAl ll„IE IN A POU ARCHRE %MOT FLIM, QUICK!! A `CASN Al -WAYS BUT AACH° 7,5 FA 70 •„Y. ,@ietL L. H'O'G" HOW by Montana WELL, YOU ... ,;,. r CERTAINLY • DIDN'T THINK T'I) CAI'sRY A SHI.UT REAL GUN! UPI WHY 1., • r 7% 1•i 11.4 B, '7- 27. 0