Zurich Herald, 1949-06-09, Page 1ZURICH HERAL (Established 1900 Zurich Beauty Shop T -HE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS he Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! ilirhone 153 for your A.ppointraents, DOREEN Sl,HILBE—Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? C111/ Eo, Have your Eyes Iltattuned with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Priem NOTICE FOR SPRAY PAINTING :See Lynon Graiiton, Grand Bend. LPhone Dashwood 42 r 18. +444.-a++++++44444-14.44,144,444. Z. ),-arrp • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, .DR. EUNICE OESTREICHER On Saturday, June 4th, 1949 Dr. Eunice Oestreicher of Dashwood, re- ceived the degree of Medicine at the :Spring Convocation of the Univer- ity of -Western. 'Ontario, London, Miss Oestreicher is the .only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. 0 estreicher, Bronson Line, Hay Township, near Dashwood. She. at- tended Exeter High School and Lon- don 'Normal School, and taught for a short period ;before beginning her studies at the University of Western Ontario'. While at the University she received the Hippocratic prize in Antomy, a Dominion Provincial Bur- sary and a Hunon County Bursary, and in her fourth year was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha, College Medical' Honour 'Society. She sang in "Meds +++++.'-' 4.f4.++++++++++++ 4, affinaR If mural hnic Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF TEE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashw 4. a++++++++44++4.'e-reeeeeetetfeeee.+4 — Ontario • ;or 11.4' 4,-1,01,/,',..61t, 41, 17, n.4.4 J•n : (o, .4*. klk • 4. ++ 4-4 4, 4- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. eeeemeeeaeeeeemea.eseseeaaava.usu FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACCUM CLEANER, Polishes and Cleans all Floors. Two Year Guarantee; 'Life Time -Service Insurance MASON AND RICH PIANOS .New and Used - Canadian Products SALES AND SERVICE G. R. BATES Phone 1102 Zurich, Ont. Thiel's Block • • • 0 • 0 • 0• • • • • • • • • 111 T JEL'S exior Store 01 giete a ge OF FLOOR COVERING'S ON HAND AT PRESENT. Inlaids - Congoleurns Rexoleunis SEE US FOR PRICES. • Men's Sportswear - Shirts Jackets Sweaters - Etc. DISHES - DINNER SETS - BREAK- FAST SETS - TEA SETS - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Phone 140 C. H. THIEL 7:orich aterryMakers," was a member of The Sunday Nine O'Cloak Committee in '47-'48 and class secretary -treas- urer in first and final years. For the .coning year Doctor Erni- , ice Oestreicher has an appointment on the Interne :Staff of :Victoria Hos- pital, London. iCANADA'S PREMIER VISITS DISTRICT Last Friday climaxed every cele- bration that we know of rwhen the Premier of Canada, Hon. Ltuis St. Laurent, his wife and daughter, ac- companied by other local politicians visited over the noon hour at the old and tiny French Settlement conimun- ity of St. Joseph, v*here the guests were greeted by the Settlement with heartfelt sentiment and open-handed French hospitality. Here the prime minister spoke for the first time in French at the conclusion of a brief adress in English. The words of welcome to the St. Laurent party were spoken by August Roche, a '``local citizen" and an ex -Newfound- lander, Mr. Dennis Bedard acted as chairman. The prime minister was handed the history of the Parish, and wasintroduced by the Liberal Candidate, Mr. A. Y. McLean. i'he former member, Mr. W. H. Golding also spoke, thanking the Prime Min- ister for coming. Mrs. St. Laurent was presented with a ;baguet of roses by Patricia .Brisson, and her daughter Mrs, Samson was presented by Thresa Oorriveau, who kissed the little girls along with the Prime Minister. The invitation was then extended to lun- cheon by the chairman, which was prepared by the ladies of the parish. It was here that the prime minister enjoyed the French cooking and the French brand of hospitality he loves so well. The Brodhagen Band and the children of the surrounding schoolz, were on hand to greet the visiting premier. Following their visit to Zurich, where a large crowd .of people had gathered for the grand reception which was given to the party. The public meeting was held. on the Main Street, the platform being in front of the Zurich Snack Shoppe. The Premier was again introduced by A. Y. McLean, the Candidate and Ivan Kalbfleisch acted as chairman. Mar- ion Turkheim .presented Mrs. St. Laurrent with a boquet of roses and her daughter, Mrs. :Samson was pre scented by Donna Oesch, who receiv- ed hand shakes and a kiss from the Premier and greatly thanked them for their kindness. Mr. Albert J. Kalbfleisch thanked -the Premier and his party for coming to Zurich as it was a great honor to have him vis- it with us.Reeve Armstrong of Hay and Reeve Lawson of Stephen gave short addresses. The Premien spoke. very kindly to the many children who looked lovely and after the much hand shaking, the happy party joui neyed on to Exeter for a similar vis- it. Zurich shall not for a long time forget this fine visit by the Prime Minister of 'Canada. 'Mr. Leeiaad Willert treated every child to ice (Team, which was greatly enjoyed. Valued Citizen Laid to Rest .As we paid our last respects to a most highly respected citizen of Zur- ich, and a very close friend, we could not help but shed a tear of sorrow, When visiting the remains of the Tate A. F. Hess last Thursday afternoon. This outstanding citizen for years, rendered his efficient service to the Municipality as Clerk and' treasurer,. gave of 'his good advise so freely to all that took him in confidence when in difficulty, and his advise was ala ways worthy of consideration and acceptance. "Andy" as we knew him when a very young man, posses - sad a very cheerful disposition, en- joyed a good laugh, and generally saw the humorous angle whe IT things seemed to go wrong. It was +back in 1914 (the year the first world war broke out) that Tee purch- ased the Herald Printing Plant from the late E. Zeller, having been. en employee with Mr. Zeller, a a prin- ter some previous years.. And that fall the present publisher was taken in as a partner in publishing the Zur- ich Herald, This partnership ended 5 yeare later on January 1920, when during these years Mr, He's was ap- reinteas Clerk and Treasurer of Hay Township, Superintendent of the Hay Telephone System, and his con% voyancing and insurance businese hid grown to such 4111 extent that he re- linquished hie interest-, in the print- ing 'business to the present publisher, who, had it not bean for the depart- er's foreeight, we likely would not havo come to Zurich te live. and who may knows probably na paper would be attlaiehed here at preeent. Ae we look back over the pawing veare, NVe rail recollect the an happy Sunday afternoo11e. w h e "AlldV" and his veva close friend. "Lee" (T, Lester Williame) would hitch the none. and tale 0 dl'iVEI AOVI7,11 to thO SMiat 111111 at the lake. and wient erand time we used te JUNE 9 4949 Pivie04.61•11/VAMir,Vio Water Shortages The unusual dry weather has cre- ated water shortages in most of the larger centres, and we notice it is also effecting us locally, as a big dis- play sign in. the Post Office reads, of no hose sprinkling in Zurich, iby the town water users. We hope that. a good shower of rain will soon visit this part of Ontario. Heavy frost was experienced on Wednesday morning, and hundreds of acres of beans that were already up, will have to be sowed over again, as will many of burgardenplants, tomatoes, etc. In fact in some gardens the potatoes have turned Iblack. Entertained Distinguished Guests Mr. and Mrs. Ivan L. Kalbfleisch of town were privileged to open their home to their distinguished guests of honour, the Prime Minister of Can- ada, the Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent; Mrs, St. Laurent, and their daughter, Mrs. M. Samson for a pre -arranged brief interlude immediately preced- ing the Prime Minister's tour from Zurich to Exeter, on the afternoon of Friday, June the third. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. 1VIcLean Seaforth, and out-of- town members of the Huron -Perth Liberal Association executive and their wives. Assisting Mrs. Kaib- fleisch serving refreshments were Mrs. J. W. Haberer, and Mrs. E. J. Deters, Jr. MANY ATTEND YOUTH RALLY About aoo people attended the Clinton Area "Youth for Christ" on June rally in Clinton Town Hall. All expressed erejo3nment of the program. which featured such attractions as London's 14 -year old Billy ,Oarnie with his famous trumpet and Mr. Lance Norris :with his xylophone, ac- companied on the piano (by his '9 - year old daughter, Margaret. Sev- eral solos and duets were sung by Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Rogers af Lon- don and Mr. F. Cellar of Wingham. The message W2•5 brought by Rev. Roy Campbell, of Hiawatha Baptist .Charcla of .St. ,Tharnae Ont. 'He spoke on the subject "Whan 1 preach the second ooaning of Christ." BEE KEEPERS MEETING The spring meeting .of the Huron, Perth and north Wellington District of the Bee Keepers' Association was held. at the Apiary of E. F. Klopp Son, with a good attendance present The meeting was in charge of the president, Mr. Ankerrnan of Gowans- toevn, Ontario. The main speakers were: Mr.. Townsend of the 0.A.C.,. Guelph. Mr. Bryant zef the Ontario Honey Peoducers' Co-operative of Toronto, Mr. Jones of Bedford, Quebec, manufacturer of Bee Keep- ers' Suppries. Mr. McVicar, man- ager of the Zones Bee •Supply House, in Guelph. Mr. Theo. ,Haberer of Zurich and Mr. Gibbons •of Clinton, gave a repeat on their recent Bee Inspection. Mr. Townsend, Provin- cial Apiarist addressed the meeting on the necessity of Farmers an& Bee. Keepers; co-operating in the grow- ineaof legumes to insure better crops is figure years. After the meeting' was adjourned, refreshments 'were served—Lorne Klopp, Secretary. ZURICH LIONS CLUB Owing to the march north. On a- wing fishing trip of some tf the. teens, the attendance fele down semewhat, but the meeting was in- deed interesting. District Deputy .Albert Traquar of Exeter was pres- 'eat and when he is present: there is always an interesting time. He told the Lions of the wonderful Club we have, it ,being looked up to by all the spring fishing trip of some. the honor it is to belong to so fine .a bunch of live Lions. A great deal of routine announcements were gone over, and Lion Albert presented the local Lions, 81 numbee, who had perfect attendance for the year, with the 1948-49 pin. The new member Lion Don. Charlton was officially taken in. Lion Milt. doing the laa touches of the initation. The meet- ing was indeed interesting. Federation News ibn't miss the big annual Field Day, on June 15th at Goderich Agr- icultural Park. The guest epeakee fur the day ie Laurence A. Steinhardt who became United. States Melbasador to Canada in August 194a. In the last 15 years he has held a num- ber of important positions. He was Antimesador to Mtscow tor three ha.ve. Put time marches an, year during the Hitler-Stelm pact generation follows goaeratima B"t I ,tnl the Nazi invasion of Russia, and ...oilow;n,c that three tcltse years in as lona at we Ire spared with health we shall not forget the much kin- Ankara, 1 -ie graduated in Law from nees, ,cheerfulnese and sympathetic the Columbia. Uraversitv in New deeds that the -departed had in such or city, and has Seen Much work s'afelY in military aftleirs. A very interest - great abundance We feel . sayinct that Zurielt shall not tor,vorae favoured with SO 11)10 y -0ng ePeaker, and will be. atreat IA eof eitizen, the largt gathering anatipated CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHE,04, $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A,, Advance, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Prom Optical Service BY ARRANGEMENT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT KINGSLEY ABELL, 286 DUN- DAS ST. LONDON BRING US THE PRESCRIPTION, WE CAN FIT YOU WITH THE FINEST IN SPECTACLES BECOIYI- INC. FOR YOUNG OR OLD —PLUS A SAVING— BROKEN FRAMES AND LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. assaaasacaeassaaas a SINGER SEWING MACHINES New Electric Cabinet and Portahlew also treadle Machines. Repairs tio all other makes of Sewing MachMen- Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. Your Blue Coal tealer Wants you to know BLUE COAL is the cheapest fuel on the market today, why pay more for inferior fuels. CALL YOUR. BLUE COAL DEALER. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 30 - Heneall ROE'S VITIMIZED FEEDS fiCSIMOafte 69601116•0006.0604106600410O6 WOO toilattg guntriat 1••••••••••••••• *WY Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Res. 89 - or 1122, Zurich Telephone: • a 0111011110114611•0111111400600%06 1 tsuttltlystWrtt 1 1 la 4130001000410•000041D•rn•••••••••••......a Gold Medal Jelly Powders. 3' fr.. Culverhouse Canned Peas, per carr Tomatoes, 28 -oz. can Chocolate Mallow Cookies, per•1151 Falcon Floorwax, 1 -Ib. can- at Olives, 12 -oz Jar Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls for Prune Plunis, 20 -oz. can ... Menno Oesch PRODUCE WANTED, otagrogutut:Ast :rtz. nL1ii ee snack ....... .........25c 19c .15c .. . 39c . • 41.0•••••• A. • 19c 28c , A A 25c 15c Zurich Phone 165 xtertliZerMITOMINIAIII10,....192.42501143111511WIMIMISI Freezers 4. 4,3 a Electric Farm Deep Freezers will keep your Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Etc., at horn e and save trips,, and valuable. time during the busy season. A Great Conv.enience Better Health with fresh Eatables, SEASONABLE ITEMS .-- Nails, Staples, Barb Wire, "Fencer's" Electric Fences, Bat. teries, and Insulators, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND i1IF BLA kiE SA011 WA E. Schvalertzentruber, Prop. aatala•ONSitafaittialeatateigeaa, Phone 11.97 (