HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-05-12, Page 2"Most Eligible Bachelor,—Screen actor Montgomery Clift looks over a scroll naming him as "America's Most Eligible Bachelor of 1949." Five hundred girls of the Barbizon School of Modeling voted him the title. Concurring in the general opinion are models Vivian Kennedy, left; Marian O'Leary, center, and Lynn Moore, right. When it was announced the other Clay that Pentti Lund, of the late and unlamented 1949 New York Rangers Hockey team, had won ibe Calder Trophy as the year's outstanding rookie; and that furth- ermore his young team-mate Allan Stanley had taken second place in the balloting, words of wisdom fell from the lips of one Conn Smythe. * * * "Thank Heaven" or words to that effect quoth the Maple Leaf's man- ager, "they don't decide the Stanley Cup be vote." Now far be itfromus to question the knowledge and judgment of tie individuals who select these A 1 Star teams and the winners of the various annaual awards, As for Pentti Lund being a pretty fair 'winger, and Allen Stanley a highly useful rearguard, we would be the last to deny that such is the case. * * Still, there does seem to be some- thing slightly haywire in''the fact that the Maple Leafs, who have been practically outclassing every- thing else in the loop—that is to say when the real shooting started — should be so consitently overlooked when the honours are being handed out, also the extra cash that goes with them, We were just about to give up as one of those deep, dark mysteries too tough for us to solve when an old adage came to mind. It runs something like this—In the Country of the Blind the one -eyed man is King." * * * So maybe that's the solution, Compared to their teammates— a very sorry lot, taken as a whole— Messrs. Lund and Stanley looked so good that they deceived the selectors. k * :k Sport has on this continent pro- duced a rather slim amount of po- etry that is at all out of the ordin- ary: There was the ditty, years ago, about "Tinker to Evers to Chance," and the one about the great jockey Earl Sande, the re- frain of which ran, "Gimme a handy guy like Sande, booting those babies in," of course. But, outside those and naturally the immortal 'Casey at the Bat"—]nighty little bat woald grade above run -of -the - But e rather liked some stanzas by Arthur,, Kramer, in the New York Times, and because we thought some of you ball fans might enjoy thein, also because they'll kelp fill up space on a day more fit for fishing than pounding a type- writer, we reproduce then] here with They're entitled "KIND WORDS FOR THE UMP." And here they are: True To Form Robinson was the champion bor- rower of the district, and one of his Chief victims was his neighbour, Jones. One day, Jones, goaded be- . And endurance, knocked Robinson down. When the latter had recovered, he called on Jones. "Wel', tv"hat do you leant now?" demanded the angry one. "Does your first-aid book say what to don for a black aye: If so, can yo'n lend me for a few mo- rnent,?" asked Robinson, mildly. The umpire, in his sober blue, Nobody pipes a paean to. Nobody croons him loving lays. Nobody flutes him notes of praise. Nobody Iaughs with him at bars, Or offers silver foiled cigars, Or make him gifts of bottled brews (However liberal with their boo'Li) And this, I think is truly sad. He too, was once a normal lad, With normal instincts, normal powers, No different, I am sure, from ours. • If, by chance of life, there slid A cankerworm across his lid And; in the course of time there stole 'A dreadful blight throughout hie soul To warp his judgment color his mind, Curdle his love for humankind, Debase his reason, dim his sight, Convert his kindliness to spite, Harden his heart to pleading youth, Deflect him from the ways of truth— Is his the fault, is his the blame? Shall pity never ease his shame? Shall we forget he, too can trace A kindship to the human race? Be fair i Not all his deeds repel] Why should we choke a friendly yell For those he does surpassing well? Then loudly let us celebrate The art with which he sweeps the plate, And sing (or if that's too much, hum) The graceful up -thrust of his thumb— In short, let's sometimes cheer the dumb, Thick-headed, squint-eyed, blundering bumf —ARTHUR KRAMER for Safety's Sake A man who had made a huge fortune overnight was boasting to a friend of the estate he had had just bought, and of the three swimming baths he was having built there. "But why three?" asked the friend. "One will be filled with cold water, one with warm water, and one is empty." "But . .. what's the empty one for?" "Well, you know, lots of my guests can't swim." MINARD'S LINIMENT I. Apply freely, and rub. That's all, It's greaseless, 16.46 fest-drying; has no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscle and ,joint soreness, stiffness, ache. LARGE ECONOMICAL sin 65c ISSUE 20 — 1949 TGOES IN THE WRLD Q.y1\lorman8lair GREAT BRITAIN A very slight change in the word- ing of any statement can make a very great difference in its meaning. Back in 1926 the relationship of members of the British Common- wealth of Nations to the King was defined in this way; "the Crown is the symbol of the free association of the members of the British Com- monwealth (who) are united by a common allegiance to the Crown." • .On April 27th., after a conference lasting six days, representatives of eight members of the Common- wealth announced a new definition of each nation's bond with the King. "Acceptance of the King as the symbol of the free 'association of its independent member nations and, as such, the head of the Com- monwealth." 'While sarcastic Londoners were suggesting that the national anthem be changed to "God Save the Sym- bol", there was an important pure pose behind the changed definition. As it reads now it permits the Do- minion of India, which has an• nounced its intention of becoming a republic owing no allegiance to the Crown, to remain in the Com- monwealth. The loss of India would be a serious economic blow to the United Kingdom, which badly needs that country's vast nbarkets. India, on the other hand, apparently made her decision to stay under the new definition largely because of the trade advantages the system of Empire preferences will guarantee. On the whole, the effect of the announcement has been a real strengthening of the British Com- monweaith's prestige throughout the world; and there are those who believe that Burma and Ireland, which have recently become in- dependent republics, may wish to join the Commonwealt'llY on the newly -defined terms. GERMANY With the possibility that the Berlin blockade may have been lifted before these words reach readers of this column, a slight glance backward might not be out of place. It was on June 23rd, 1948, that a Soviet news service in Berlin made an announcement which read. "_All freight and passenger services from the western zones of Germany. to Berlin is hereby suspended be- cause of technical troubles." Witte that, the blockade of Berlin was in full blast. The following day the British, American and French Military Governments imposed the counter blockade which banned all ship- ment of goods to the Soviet sector of Berlin. Two days later British and American pilots flew fifty trans- port planes into the German Capital, carrying supplies. In the eleven months that have passed the blockade and the spec- tacular airlift have been the biggest things in the daily lives of the two and a quarter million Berliners living in the Western sector—and the success of the air lift, which was far beyond even the most opti- mistic hopes, has been the major instrument in softening the once - adamant position of Russia regard- ing the matter. It looks very much as though, for once, the Russian bluff was "called"—and without provoking the armed clash which so many thought inevitable. RUSSIA For some weeks there have been rumors that the Soviet Union has launched what appears to be a delberate, large-scale and officially inspired campaign against the Jew- ish peoples. Even those who are willing to believe the worst regard- ing Russia found it hard to believe these reports, but evidence that they Fiery !WhinSKI :', ,TP se Brings Quick, Blessed Relief From Misery — Distress If you paid ten times the price there'', nothing better anywhere than MOONE'S EMERALD OIL, and druggists who know this recommend EMERALD OIL beeauee sufferers get real results. So if you suffer from any Itching Burning Skin Irritation or other Surface Skin Disorder -- ItehJng Scaly Seale or Itching Toes and Feet — try EMERALD OIL—Satisfaction guaran- teed or money bark. A11 druggiets. CLASSIFIE _.. L'.DVERT1 11. G AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES ineectioldes, Electric Fence Controller's, .Beusm and Barn Paint. Roof Coatings, ate. Dealers are wanted. Write Warw. Grease & Oil Limited, Toronto BABY mums GE'.r BREEDING that gives you high pro- duction—Tweddle chtcka. Fill your empty brooder house* with May and June chlake tor quick meat and early 'Winter layers. "80% since etarbing to lay". "Livability of yours !a 100%". "Best layers I ever had". "All alive and feathering tine". These are excerpts from Nome of the many letters sent to us by our customer*, Unprejudiced ophilnns based on their own actual experiences with Tweddle ehicka. Proof positive that Tweddle ehicka do satisfy our customers. Prompt delivery on day old, started two weeks to nine weeks, non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Older pullets eight week* to laying. Turkey poulte, all iron Government Approved Pullorum tested breeders, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergu*, Ontario. MONICTON Poultry harm Chicks—Ail we San say 1e try them Results tell the story All Breedera pullorurn-tested and government banded Write for 1949 price list and cata. locus Monkton Poultry Farms, Monitton. Ont. STARTED chick bargains while they last, non - sexed, pullets or cockerels. 2 weeks to 9 weeks. Send for special pr1ce11st, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DON'T DELAY. if you want some of Our well started chicks 2 weeks to 9 weeks. Non - sexed, pullets or cockerels. Special priceliet. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. wESTSIDF7 POULTRY FARM. R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock and approved Sarno a Rock oroesbred chicks. Canada accredited hatchery, Pullorum clean. For folder and paces write E. W Fisher, Neustadt, Ont. REMEMBER what happened last year, The Poultry raiser who got panicky about feed prices and cut his chick order away down or out It out altogether spent the Fall looking at the high egg and poultry prices his neigh- bours were getting and kicking himself because he had "mieaed the boat". The Fall of 1949- 50 looks good for eggs and poultry. Ton Notch chicks are all high duality chicks from Government Approved Pullorum tested breeders. Day old, started chicks two weeks to 8 weeks, non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Older pullets eight weeks to laying. Turkey nouns. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales. Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor—Llai of inven- tione and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEARING PIAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean Ing? Wrote to us for information. We are glad to answer your questiona. Department II, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. (FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE, one mile Perth, 106 acres, 70 acres tilled, excellent soil, 500 tapable maples, wood for home use„ good well, never - failing spring in pasture. Good brick house, all necessary farm buildings. Hydro avail- able. Matthew Dodds, Perth, RR 3. FOR SALE "BREN GUN CARRIER." very powerful, ideal for skidding logs or for transportation over rough difficult country, hardly used, wonderful buy. Write Box 617 Seapeler. PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY Your property at lowest cost with preiabrlc- ated wood picket fence. Four mectione aid feet' long and Ave potato packed in carton all ready to Instal, anyone can put it up. Write for de- tails now. Manufacturers Salem company. 116 'Young Street, Montreal 3, ONE heavy-duty five-foot motorized Seaman triple tiller, in excellent condition. Apply Don Stickle. Essex, R.R. No. 1, Ont. are true is piling up, slowly but surely. The methods being used are a little more aubtle than anything pre- viously attempted by the Kremlin boys. The tactics consisted of de- nouncing as "passportless vaga- bonds" and "homeless cosmopoli- tans" certain well known artists, writers and critics, nearly all of whom are Jews. Frequently the Jewish names of the victims were printed after their Russianized ones, Copies of the well-known Mos- cow satirical magazine "Krokodil" which recently arrived in America bear further evidence that such a campaign is in progress. Anti- Semitic cartoons satirize critics of Soviet music, plays and movies by showing each of them with a delib- erately emphasized hooked nose and other supposedly Jewish character- istics. Strangely enough the artist who drew the cartoons is himself a Jew. One of the cartoons bears the caption. "Pitiful and unpleasant are the quiet skeptics, the abstract persons, the passportless vagabonds of the human race." Names men- tioned include those of D. W. Grif- fith, Walter Lippmann, Somerset Maughan] and Jean-Paul Sartre. Just what the Russians are up to in such a campaign—well, your guess is as good as mine. But I'd be willing to lay reasonable odds that it isn't anything which promises to be beneficial to the Jews. FOR SALE FOR SALE, water power moll property, with house, garage and bpsineee. Apply Harold Marshall. Lyn, Ontario. 1111AUTIPUL team of coach `nares, Youuug. Bouldered as hunter brood oared and best all round team far farm work, etc. Guaran- teed sound, App1Y 3. F. Vincent, Ashburn, Ontario, GENERAL STORE and reeldenae, Muskoka. Frame buildings, good condition, turnover Forty -Five Thousand, Excellent opportunity, Price Fourteen Thousand, stock extra, about Five Thousand. Particulars. D. Litchfield, Utterson, Ontario. CIRCULAR SAW, 32 -inch self -aligning roller bearing, mandrel sliding table, driven by 0 h.p. International engine equipped with clutch pulley, mounted en Chevrolet truck. Or can be sold separately. Further information write: 3. E. Moody, Box 45, Glen Wliiams, Ontario. FOR SALE: Eight room frame house, newly renovated; ten acres land, situated on high- way. thirty miles N. West of Huntsville, $2,000. 00 acres adjacent land reasonable if wanted. G. 21. Deans, Real Estate, Spruce - dale, Ontario. USED Oliver 90 tractor fully equipped on rubber, recently overhauled]. International 15-30 on Steel three furrow Case' plow. Reasonably priced. Apply Chris. 0. Zeh1, Tavistock, Ont. Phone 119. RADIO DEALERS, servicemen and experi- menters. Television parts and aerials in stock. Let us know your requirements. Radio Trade Supply Co. Ltd., 595 Yonge St., Toronto MEN'S WORK SOCKS, white tops and white reinforced heel and toe. Direct from our mill $6.00 per dozen pairs. Enclose money order with letter. CHART KNITTING MILLS, PENETANG, ONTARIO FOR SALE -1. 22-36 McCormick Doering Tractor op steel newly overhauled. 1. WI{ -40 International Tractor on rubber. starter, lights in first class condition, MIIIbanit 'Farm Ser vice, Millbank, Ont9.rio, BARGAINS -1 Viking wind charger. 32 volt, 1,000 watt, with batteries complete with 110 ft. tower. Alae 1 Muskoka Lakeshore building lot with road and hydro. Various used launches and marine engines. Lakeshore Motor Service Milford Bay, Ontario. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles, 6 to 10 ft. lengths. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steal DFstrlbutore Limited, 600 Cherry St.. Toronto. BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS Batts made from your own sheep's wool, or 1f YOU have old woollens or cotton we will re- make them into beautiful blankets or robes. Write Brandon Woollen Mills, Brandon, Man, 35 b.p MEIN DEERE power unit, 11 inch vessot grinder, heavy duty, mill type. Walter W. Burkholder, Markham. Ont. R.R, 1. 12-20 CLETRAC tractor $350.00: 20-35 Allis Chalmers tractor. $750.00 A. Fife, Indian River, Ontario. STATION WAGON 41 FORD, good condition throughout, heater, $1.100. 47 MERCURY RADIO, beater, driven only 20,000 miles— $1,800, The above ears are privately owned and driven. 2 . T. Barnes, 2 College St,. Tor- onto. Telephone: TR 2181. CEMENT Bag, Truck, Carload mum. RE. PHONE, Cement Supply aa9 Maig Blvd., Lakeview, Ont.. Phone Port Credit 3013. fI30 0' WANTED GIRL for general housework in private borne. Good wages, exceptional prlveleeree private room and liberal time off. Small family, bendix washer. References required. ]tire. Lerman, 32 Heydon Park Road, Toronto, EXPERIENCED salesmen in house to house mailing. Merchandise used in every boumo- hold, Exclusive anda beautiful line without competition. Your euccess assured. Small in- vestment required for stock. Also a man with organising ability and direct selling needed. We are offering you a real business aypor- tunity. Fo rfurther information write to Houm- hold Domestic Distributors, 1010 St, Catherine Est, Room 415, Montreal, Que. 'WANTED IMMEDIATELY, young women 16- 21 years, for fruit and vegetable work in Farm Service Force Campo, Supervised by Y.W.C.A, For full particulars write Ontario Farm Service Force, 9 Richmond Street Eaet, Toronto 1„ Auspices — Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee. PRACTICAL NURSES, general duty, exa ]lent accommodation, good salary. Apply, Perley Home, 2 Barton St., Ottawa. MEDICAL DIXON'S REMEDY—For neuritis and Rheu- matic Pains, Thousands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. READ THIS—Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. NURSERY STOLE CRAMER NURSERIES, White Fox, Saak, Hedge Carragana, 24 inches, 100—$3.00. Ginnala Maple, 15-81.00, Spirea 600, CENTRAL NURSERIES LTD. For first quality Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Evergreens. Roses, etc. Get our Free Priced Catalogue. St. Catharines, Ontario. AFRICAN Violets: Small plants of over 20 varieties, 75 eente each. Send for price lief. ]lire. F, G. Copeland, Port Credit, Ontario. OPPORTUNITSSIS for MEN and WOMEN RAISE HAMSTERS, terrific demand, Money making Information for stamp. .7. Craig, Box 724, Saskatoon, Sask, BE A HAIRDRESSER 30tH CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Eairdreealna Pieaeant dignified profession, good wages thousands succeasful Marvel graduates, America's greatest eystem Illustrated cote Logue free, Write or Call 53ARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCI200Ls 358 61oor St W , Toronto Branches. 44 King St., Ramiltoa & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa ,CLL YOUR OWN ETTER CIG RETIES w4 N.,•res g,',:: CIGARETTE rosy=== OPPORTUNITIES for MEN anti `NOMMEN ONI,) a few coplee left. "Jews Unitel"— Genuine Diving Meseage. 160 pages. clot* bound. Dlagrame. Illustrations, and addl- tional. explanatory lettere, $2.50, Medlator'e Publiahers 20 West 47 Street. New York 19. BOUQUET Knitting Wools. Free price iiia and color ,•hart. Lockeweave, Dept, Ii, Como, P. Quebec, 1.1AGLC TR ICES'. AMAZE FRIENDS, 3 clever trioke and cata- logue 50e, Quality Magic, Dept. W., Box 04. Station 1C, Toronto, WISE GUYS TRADE TIES Four of your good ones and one buck gets feet torn' fresh ones when mailed to Y'S MEN'S TIE EXCHANGE 227 Metcalfe, Ottawa, Ont. IT'S READY Our latest catalogue of men's and boys' near. fillet] with tactnree and actual swatches of material, Send for your free copy today. Diamond Mall -Order. N.D.O. P.O. Box 52, Mon treat. PA'T'ENTS FETHERSTONAUCIE & Company Patent So- licitors Ustabliehed 1800 350 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklet of information on request. TEACIIERS WANTED PT. STANLEY, Elgin County: Protestant grade teacher, six -room aohool: duties commence September. Mrs. 33 Taylor. Sec., Pt. Stanley, Ontatdo, WANTED HORSE RADISH ROOTS, ANY QUANTITY. WOODMAN BROS.. BRAN'PFOILD, ONT. The Amazing Handy -Worker Ploughs, Discs and Harrows in one operation DEALERS WANTED THROUGHOUT ONTARIO IHR LIGHTER, 1AFEfI HIGH-POWER �p,i,idlat:FB @tOWSEPOWE If WOW ROTARY ®LADE VACUUM ACTION1 EASIER CUTTING m WEIGHT 51 POUNDS 1,1MpROVESACIONI313.10l308.4. WN WATSON( MOTORS 2678 i1►latnforth Ave. GR.. 2127 TORONTO, ONTARIO, OESMESE E r, ALL YOU ELt THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of Relief That Helps Make Yougg Sarin' To Go below the belan t—Liu your 28feetbowels that helpsndigestion strikes, the etorinacb AND below the belt. What you may need is Carter's Little Livor Pills to give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet' of bowels. Take one Carter's Little Liver Pill before and one after mettle. Take them according to directions. They help wake up a larger flow of the 3 main digestive juices in your stomach AND bowels —help you digest what you have eatenen mosttfolksge thee kind of relief that makes you feel batter from your head to your toes. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter's Little Liver Pi11e from vtn,r druggist -33e. MAYPE 111 B OTTER. GAM 'o DU AYFARLY RETAINS/It FEE(