HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-05-05, Page 8ZURICH - ONTARIO Kik 000 ego X00 4p 0* e TELEPHONE 59 P a We- have recently remodeled our Men's' Wear Department and are now ready to supply your needs in all lines of Men's Wear. We are Agents for Coppley, Noyes and Ran- dall, an old established firm for Ready to Wear and made to Measure Suits and Top Coats. Also carry a extra fine line of Milltex Clothes for Men and Boyc. We have fine Garbardines, English and Scotch Woollens, some with two pair trousers, otheu s coat and trousers only, made in season's newest styles, and finest workina`:nsh^-p. Stock on hand in above lines at present is 60 Men's Ready -to -Wear Suits, prices range from $29.50 to $55.50. We have 25 fine Men's Top Coats from. $25.00 to 49.50 each. 125 pair Men's fine Trousers, prices range from $7.95 to 18.50. Also 45 Youth's and Boy's Suits from $15.00 to 25.00 each. Shirts P., rackets Sweaters A large supply of fine Shirts, Sport Shirts, Jackets, Sweate s, Ties. Jerseys;.. Biltmore.. Hats. „Every- thing in Underwear. ork CI tt .es Walkers and Big B. Overalls and Work Pants, New Supply of Work Shirts, Caps, and everything in Boy's Clothes for Spring and Summer Wear ZURICH HERALD ) ;.k• L))Ct JTh jQ S Mr and Mrs Allan Fraser of Exe- ter called on their sister, lir and v Mrs. Earl Thiel on Tuesday evening Mr. Cecil Uttley and daughters of London were week -end visitors at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Herb Uttley. Mr and Mrs Ted. Smith, Crtridal couple) have returned to their home in Windsor after a pleasant week -end with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Conrad ,Schilbe who had not been enjoying the best of health, is getting along nicely and able to be up. We wish him continued progress for a speedy recovery. Mies Delores Mittleholtz of De- troit, Mlrs. Dora Hartman of London are .. pending a few days this week at the home of the former's parents, 'Mr and IvlrsTed ltrittleheitz o�v 1�G ST. PETER'S Evans; tical Lutheran Church i URICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.1a.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m, —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURC REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Desch—Organist Mr and Mrs. Ed. Brenner and da- 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: ughter Marion; Mr and Mrs. Lorne 11 a.rn.—Sunday School. Cac:k Mfrs. C. I3eimbe'11 all of Iiia- 7.80 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: chercr were week -end visitors at the , home of their parents, Mr and Mr.' John Brenner. Mrs. Catherine Emery, and daugh- ter Margaret of Toronto, are at pres- ent visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Weber who is in resi- I Bence at the home of Mr. Conrad! ---""" Schilbe. 'lir and Mrs Gideon Koehler and Mrs. Wrt11. John: gn_snotored zo Mil -1 verton on Sundaj* forenoon to at -1 —._—_-.— tend the morning service'at the Con-1WE HANDLE THE. GENUINE ference and then journeyed on to Kitchener for the afternoon where C (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA they visited .WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. �kk✓ RUG' X00 ZURICH X00 0 ISIS ONE MIS b AK nationally-advertis- He brushed his teeth twice a day—with a ed tooth paste. The doctor examined him twice a year. He wore his Rubbcre when it rained. He slept with the windows open. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several glands. He golfed --but never more than eighteen holes at a time.He got at least eight hours .sleep every night. He never smoked, drank nor lost his temper. He did his daily- dozen daily. He was all tet to live to be one hundred. The funeral will fee held Wednesday. He is survived by t•ighte'en special - h -1 four health inetitutione six gymnasiums and num- erous l ianufacturers of health :feel and antiseptics. 1.1'T' i ORGOT (i01), lived as though this world t as all, and is now with these who say, • i'he hall -. t le pat, sum- mer is ended, and we are not saved Joie 8:'20. TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, S:intlay 9. to 10. A.M. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich.., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m. worn-out p,.._...... e3ele.4,ee `4.3ri r °.0.13 •etteeeele;c-aeee .. s<,. • .e..- HARDWARE e.. HARDWARE • Yo'ir itg bWill receive ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m.,. at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) L relatives. I READING and PITSON ANTH- ls At Hospital l I2,ACiTE HARD COAL. FOR THE Mfrs. Theo, Steinbach was taken i to f.lir.t :n where she had an appen- :BETTER QUALITY OF COAL di-: ooeret1en r' •formed,. and is sett iiig along ni:ely. Her many friends LEAVE YQUR ORDER WITH US her a speedy recovery. FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Farm Sold ' Mr. Leonard Geeemette has sold it Bryn/ Mit O hi; 70 Itcre farm to Mr. Karl Haber -1 er, who received immediate possess- I ion. The latter selling the house and one acre of land to Mr. Laird Thiel of t :wn, who also has received poC- j se.s ion. • 1 Mrs. George Swan Passes Funeral ervices for Mrs. 'Gcor;ge Swan, well known resident of Bruce -1 New Electric Cabinet and Portable, geld, who died in Scott Memorial oro pital, Seaforth, were cc:also treadle Machines. Repairs to Beattie'sed all other makes of Sewing Machines. on Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in You Singer Sewing Centre funeral home, Clinton, by Rev. E. 78 Ontario Street, 1;. Stanway, Brumfield United STRATFORD - ONT. Church. Ieterment was :rade in Clira ton Cemetery. Surviving are her hus- '------- band, two daughters, Mrs. Frank FOR SALE Strange, Toronto; Mrs. Ervin •Schilbe Isitchen Cupboard 0 -ft. long, mos of Zurich; and three, sisters, Mrs. F. unite top, natural finish.—Edgar Mc- Temperton, Windsor; Mrs. B.. Warr- , pp ington and Mr.i. F. Luffort, Toronto. SEEDS and FURNPTU el .1q �rr}}tjj}} p t .e attention with us i; left in alenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early +it to with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR I-LEATING t � I!':"I EN r' r a.*o r v.�'o%,a ill v.. .,u.._w v <'7 FwW.r't:ii ;�t ;, ",,A ;;• , �...: .��e.��.. or .3'.e31�'. x�.'.'•.�:5;'. � C.'.'��nt�c�v Q3 d i>o..3.:. za � ": i �� � n r a'�rray' .• 4<� 8va,t.. : ert, �Wa:"�`v' Yv.Y�s'.e ;L,fN;. 1��` �!,:.�.o�. .,. ;..:.u.:.., w via'/`1�t�5::',,. petit iaetj offera�%a,lr a vIefi sift n i.1+ C N1>e Beg dd'9.d�%ai ll to les. We carry a full line of the \X'ell K. nf:►'d",'n and Trion and Proved Sherwin-WilliamsPaints, Oils, \/arnialres, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor way OTHER SEASONABLE r EED � :4 ft, PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) SINGER SEWING MACHINES ;w Miss Patricia Mittleholtz of Land - 1n; Mi. s Delores Mittleholtz; Mr and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert - and daughter Sharon of Detroit; Mr and Mrs John Smith and sons of Windsor; Mr and Mrs Joe Smith and family, Mr and Mrs Simon Smith and son,Miss Ag- prance of thi happy event, we ask nes Hartman. Mr and M1 John Hart you to accept these gifts. loan of Hemilton; Mr and Mrs. Roy Signed by Your Friends, Smith, Ir: Parra Hartman of Lend- The bride elect was then presented cn Mr and Mrs. Cha:,. H;earn and Miss, '' n-'' of Srernrlh: lit and liCr^v with a decorated basket laden with 1lllhs',rt Sinith and baby , f Alvinston € ifts which was carried in by Norma ,, , ,,' ,.: +l,e 1 c"1ltion in honor of. Love and Glen Reicheet. After the Mr and Mrs Ted Smith, iridal couple presentation Elda replied with very en Saturday fright in the Zurich town fitting words. A dainty lunch was hall. served. Mani* at Conference .A r•rut 30 Zurich Evangelical,, at- tr tended the nne nal Session of the Canada Conference Evangelical U.R. Chnr•'h last Seeelay it �rilver'tnn. The Conference was in session all last wee'c. ending oe iinadny of this w ,ek. Contrnry to lite traditional '•Mtot•r" :1f tit least halt' a dozen or Bride Ki p ee. Ont., Phone 100 r 25, Hensall. -p PIGS FOR SALE • Several ' litters of small pigs cros- sed York and Taini, apply to Stanley Souder, Phone 94 r 22, Zurich. c • reeve of the minister, t:.^''11 year, af- ire. :1t is i s ,•e •1111 not UP a single tealtsfor this year. This year's e•'�1it11 !'!"li'�"••''1 to ll,l':'e been an nntst:1141 1'`t in it':; entirety. P.v. V. 11. 11 1 ll:t been at ,rt 1'1..111',ell? ',t dee 1iee. be re- .; eel, ee rt n ' is;i: t` :L lIt'oim, .11.1 i tied. „h Erb. 1 :pent at Dei y.tl 10 It Plumbing, i' urn lce Work. Evetr''m,?'t,3tig anu Finany.rey ing our Specialty. Pull line of heavy and shelf Hard- 0 ware always in stock. ab mist ,ZUR1CH QUALIT''a' — PRICE .- SERVICE ONT. 1•.'11 ":111': t:.:!i l'•:. .::,1)py event tele.11.-, wr,yo • a e i,. ire d; (i llilisgreen, 4 n• rt t1 1 d: evening to wiee, : est, , melt lee in ;eel], new vett- •(1 1 ft i tt 1':'.1 r .e•!; gill should II Iv,; a ...!IP 01'1 - [';et'YI, and a ban- -e 1. 11 otv to uph _r1!1 the umbrella _ ine ;11 :2 11'14. Wr• 1'e joice3 that el end Erele at. 1:ot/ 'iling out to - gather on thi:1 Vast e'a of inatrienolny It takes a lot of courage to taoltle th1.4 great uneni-1 n.inty earl make the best of it, come what may, Yalu will be expected to smile, when Sl'rni0' truck breaks doyen and he is late for his meals. We wish you a long and happy married life together. May your joys he adeted, your :worr•ows subtracted,Tour pleasurex multl'plied. and your cares divided, As a reltem ! Thursday, May 5th, 1949 a lw sseettera+r see rttx�rs; cw Oana.ian A II I 0 Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, =Y White Rocks,, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicks are also, producers. N.H. x Sussex; N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock. x W. Leghorn.. 1i McKINI .FY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 - 1 1,. I-lensell. �.h w+i1�5'�n"a'"•'x:&o'.Y—oi?:. `TMT* prng s We can Supply your Spring Needs in Harness and. Harness Parts; Black and Neats Foot Oil. .Also Motor oil for tractor or auto. Fertilizer kept in Stock. Cerefan Formaldehyde - Insectsi.des FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND PLSgu L a E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. E S. Phone • 1L97 ]I1!11f@jMWl®I@iMf®11➢Nl1011110EM@1EMENB11(nIR111 NIX1111®EGIIIIIIII ijl(UjlMjl@IVllME1 INN 11111111111,111110.3=41314,1.11'.1.i FL '' '.:.'r R TILE FO R The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TL -TEX ALSCLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TUI`" KHEIM r Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given • 11111111 MEII IEIlllllMME111 EIINE 11111l8l4I 8! It l u ul ul'8 1 .1.0..tite;etel .3.•': 'l••eieta'let •lee-v•l 4ei••i• 'ea let ee • • ''eine id - btu' G+ tt TNG ,,NcSr 31 LYElt'PLA4',C ;/ ' by a( Y N,"4/ _ TRADE MARK §716Kut✓ For 0Yiv°1i? 8 Dossert Spoons, 8 Forks, 8 Salad forks, 8 Teaspoons, 8 Knives, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. $6975 eat ALBERT G. HESS JXWELIslt AND OPTICIAN IIlfii' 130.1.++++++++++++4.1443+4444.890 Received Shipment 1f Na, 1, 5 Cedar Shingles $99O par s ue re JL''a L)0 :: :.1 1•01A Phone 69 � aw , ,.r"e Te,te,"'P fe , •a ,e ee •. p,'• s� tli"ii�i'A16�t1 �• s„�,e?..L' r , 3 4 . a t , k!'tl „ i AtA 114 l? SON ZURICH _. ,s :.e. Yn.,vms.ctim._v.n. a •¢aG.,ax,��•,. 4: 1 HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- 11-IARI2US REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arai for Canadian Farin” +n..wKar Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Knopp Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE