HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-05-05, Page 1'1,7:,stnlelishecl 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5 1949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. 7,1 nn • f oi_o greatest m.edjiarai to : 117.="jr • j. ‘..:..`"Zika:=MEIP44.=MIZEIg 74'4E raa.1D.7.7"i=7 Arena 77.4LLESS'i Commanity Centr Wh t this Pr ject Means to the Com r u ity There is an awakening among communities in Can- ada as to the necessity ()fall year round community recreation, because it is realized that not only can the Centre he a deterrent to juvenile delinquency, but that at the same time it provides a common meeting place 'where all ages, all classes, all inter- ests may join on a common ground. The Arena and Community Centre, which is suggested for Zurich and district, or in other words, Hay and Stanley Townships, will provide in addit- ion to an ice surface of 170' by 70', a large Audit- orium.• Snialler rooms will be available for many uses and Teen-agers will find adequate accomodat- ion for their activities, as will also the various groups in town and country, such as the Federation of Agriculture, the Women's Institute and so on. The Arena and Connartmity Centre will be an im- portant asset to Agricultural exhibitions by provid- ing greatly resuired space in the Arena portion. This Arena will have ample seating for any and all exhibitions. The benefit which will result to the farming element of the community as a result of the Exhib- itions, which it will be possible to accomodate in the proposed Centre and Arena, are many and varied. The Community Centre ana Arena will fill a long- felt need in the district in which it is built. HOW IT CAN BE FINANCED: The Arena and Cpmmunity Centre is estimated to cost approximately $45,000. is proposed to obtain this money from various sources including the following: A public sub- scription, Government grants, Grants from various organizations and business. It is estimated that the Government grants will amount to at least $10,000; Donation from the Zurich Lions Club, will be approximately $10,000 by the end of the ..711lInmer when it's ArAnwll Folic, Car Draw. and .. !I.:1 of Lion property ts cvasurnated. The remain- $25,001 Intizt he ri,,..r.,7.,,2:1;.7, up by public subs:, -,74.- .:..; a'afilil ll.-&:iil ii.7..te 1-e.',,,,,xttl of the district 7.1) ,lat,,:t ;,•7.,,,,,, .,,,,, wh.,:t sra.,,Y -, ,, othz,'.-. ze:,2tIces,-. ..,'....3 ,;;:zijarnittee hi ,,,:71,:li,°,7...., ',••11' ... tillthcalal. :44„:,,,Ti Eor;l13171:',"I.i; tif,44 that this &,-;,-;:ecti,;:::. ,of $2 .;,000 :A 6e, ,•,:neit whole hart My 11.7.,:j people when 1:he canvass is made, for each and , V every one within the dict will feel proud in hay- 1H it, 4 I` • e Pe Pictures and Dance INTERESTING MOVIES AND DANCE Following. Muiic by the Rau Orchestra. Sponsored by HECTOR FORCIER, J. DENOMME IMPERIAL OIL DEALERS St. Joseph Parish Hall Friday, May 6th. Silver Collection will be taken, aU to be used. towards ;buying play- ground equipment for school aild- ren. EVERYBODY WELCOME FLOOR SHOW and Pi 'TAN AT St. Joseph Parish Hall on WedneSday, May llth. Floor Show 8.30 to 9.30. Dance to 1 a.ni. KID BAKER AND HIS RADIO STARS. Admission - Adults 75c, Children Everybody Welcome 011 Injured Foot Mrs. Rudolph F. tade met with a petinful accident while going to the basement of their home, as she slip - en ..an the second last step and fract- ured a bone in her foot, with the aid iof ,a walking cast, she is now able to . go about in her home and getting a- long nicely. TO HOLD CONVENTION W. L. Whyte, President of the Huron -Perth Association has anno- unced that a nominating convention for; the purpose of selecting a cand- idate to contest the riding in the forthcoming Federal election will be held in Cardno' Hall, Seaforth, on Friday evening, May Gth at 8.30. Attended Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ropp and daughters Ina and Luanea; Mr end 10. Alfred Ropp and daughter Elva attended the funeral of the former's Mother on Sunday. The late Mrs. Ropp who was in her S8ta year re- ' sided in Wellesley. She had been en- jloying good health until Saturday 86e , night of the previous week when she became ill with the flu, gradually growing weaker till she slept peace- . fully away early Friday morning. DANCE! DANCE! ROUND AND SQUARE TOWN HALL HENSALL SAT. MAY 7th. 9 P.M. TO 12. IN RERSON 8013 MASON AND HIS WESTERN SWINGBILLIES HEARD DAILY AT NOON OVER C. F. P. L., LONDON ADMISSION: ADULTS 75c.. CHILDREN FREE, UNDER 12 (if widi parents) TPe- funeral which, was largely atten- ded was held at the Poole A. M. Church, with interment being made inthe East Zorra A. M. Cemetery. HAD SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY very pleasant evening was spent Teursday evening, April 28th at the • J heene ;of Mrs. • Theodore Steinbach, • een a group of friends gathered at ite;home to honer her. •AIrene ' much taken by surprise when the party entered her home. Much laugh- ter was realized in opening the gifts which were a large variety 'of foods as well as a revere tea -kettle. Irene replied with many thanks for all their kindness in. remembering her with their presence as well as the gifts "FIXERS" EXPOSED BY DAN PARKER Ace sportswriter Dan Parker turns the spotlight on big time gambe who are busy giving sports a bad name by throwing games and corrup- ting athletes. He names names in The American Weekly magazine with this Sunday's (May 8) iseue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to read Dan Parker's dynamite -packed article in this Sunday's Detroit Times mg a hand. in st,t.ch Waal While enterprise. 1. WHEN WILL THE BUILDING BE COM- PLETED? 1":1 if 75% of the $25,000 is available by the 31st of October or before, construction will start at once., Lwtt Main Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Friday, Saturday Saturday Matinee NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE Garry Cooper Medeline Carroll Preston Foster, and All Star Ca,t. May 6-7 Monday, Tuesday May 11-10 BODY AND SOUL (Prize Fight Pieture) —Starring,— fledg.:.1, lueinbur. 1:1!.. • - 1011n Garfield Palmer speaker for .01,7 k W•I•. l• rate Otelley 'el, I who cr....vrt wort.. ow n , • ; , ;int;„ all -;',e;!, ; H.; • , which had been presented. A de- lightful social evening was spent by all. YOUTH FOR CHRIST MOVEMENT An event of interest to many is taking place week in Clinton. "Youth for Christ" a national and international organization. W111 1101d a rally Sat. night, May 7th in the T,own Shiee it's formati.A, some 15 years ago, it has grown un- til it is now operating for the Salvat- ion of Youth in over 40 couutrios uf the world. It's eim is the evangeliz- ation of the world in our time. It's program is designed to appeal to youth and youth has vesponded in a marvelous way. It ha, received and enjoyed the co-operati en of all de- nominatione and is iteelt non -denom- inational. Lions Club News A. good attendance was are,eut the regular supper meeting on day night at the Dominion A. new member candidate we. yowl into the Club, haincly Itoa i:art- toa, who will ii; 1,,Aol,,o e know!' 1llllllfflMIlIU1llFfflflIllh1llIMWfl .• Wodar, by. Tharla,,- 11-12 THEE WOMEN IN ‘,4,';;;'ITE . • , .67loonor Added----:`,141:411,•al C,-yrd.i•Ay Eattalatrt.1.71* 1 ir II it t IAA VAIMI411730M 41.7$45E=1974.117010Mattgaelg).*:=D:Agn1 4.1.505.77VV.J0 1.111j1.•.1 ..., - IJ t, • tyt. t. , • • t.JJ,01.,..;11'.0• I r ,.'70 .•.''' 7-' ',Irt'j ‘,1 -•*:'..1.k-••'''''') Tle'rja'.: ji."..'",..",j... j,k.'''.•J ' . . . : ',•.:r..ir.....-at;;• f4,,.:. '0d'.'',7.7.,,i0.!,,,:tv.drat. , 114 Tile. h4 ilt...J,.,. rot. H,,J, ,... , . . Followar,,, Atirtteliiions IC,..,:ii.A..., isA on Oi,,I.,,-.10.;;;;„ -,•,-.:, ,,,.;,.,,,.. „, ,,..:. • . •:"elrMatel 2. WHERE WILL IT BE LOCATED? On the site behind the local Public School. 3. HOW WILL IT BE MANAGED? By a Corarnission of Seven, set up under Ontario Government Regulations. On it will be repre5;ented the Municipal Government, and other bodies such as the 'School Area Board, Agricultural Society, The Lions Club. Etc. Etc. 4. TO WHOM WILL THE COMMISSION BE RESPONSIBLE? To the people of the district. who have sup- ported the erection of the Arena and Com- munity Centre. 5. TO WHOM DOES THE CENTRE BELONG? It belongs to the people of the district and ownership is vested in the Municipality. 6. WILL THERE BE AN ANNUAL MAIN- TENANCE COST TO THE TAXPAYERS? No. The Centre will be self supporting with the aid of Government grants through the - Department of Education. 7. WHO WILL USE THE ARENA AND C MUNITY CENTRE? All organizations will find it a handy place fm or eetings} will be of particular NT' alue the Farming cornmunity, for the large arena 170' by 70' will be a perfect setting for stock shows and exhibitions. . WHEN WILL THE DRIVE FOR BUILDING FUNDS START? The men eelected to canvass die district for the necessaey building funds will. start on Monday, May 9th in Znrich, and a few days later the rural area will begin. The entire district to be canvassed mus",: be finished not later than the 31st of May. NEVER BEFORE has there been an Oppora ..—_,.......--.....— land i-wr r..,a,;I.,v,, v...i:i ,;,;:l.i,-., 1:H.' ,•;,.. 14, adv. on the front paee of 1.11.le testeee ie.e Fr,,11 illar, Stif)i lirtVI:..: 1 ill“i ,i ' *i. ,.1...i. !i. ,.11-1., l'.- ,• ! .... ' ' '.. , '• . : 111 TeChnie-010ethe printer. 11111;ils ,!ope - Scott of the Arktartir; i in to 11:4 Tuesday evealleg, ;led as John Mille, Derel- BI,ond , ,oes• .eq ,, .. , I uellee, , we trre 11 J.:J.). .j,';t',,J". it., t 1 :•1, , • Iliann Churellill l many tit our teadere Owing elvey volume of adverti,diee we The Royal (lommand Performance I n Film, Plee ne'publish many inirere.alle itene.. ! e SUPERMAN Al' BAY 1340,11411 are crowdoti out. 11o.-i,ii ,, I are printing five pages. But when I -;'\1817 9-1' .11,vassyr volnes tiloi 'Monday, TO0;ably oui Iinywerd Donnir)--.K."1'°1 with enile, subscribe libevellY, s e i 11 .11 Lonko Allbritton, this aitr one opportleeity Cen itaa Walk a Crooked Attila do AGIA,,,tliing. for (_1 LU.generations. Stark, Thrilling' Drama II:11;4A And people will say, you bevel the Nation's Iteadnilea a 'fine Coremunity Centre, 'then y..u. artoon "Boe Ben 'Parade" and can feel contented that you Ited a Peramount Nowroel, .part in building it, lee tr:41 tunity for the People of this Area to Pool their Contributionfor such a Worthy Cause right in their own Community. 'lime Without Number; We have all clone our part in this or that Canvass for funds„ but never for anything that you could :lay Directly Denefited the Community az a whole. Here is c,k7:2 chance to Really Help Ourselves anJ! Our Childeen for Generations. it is an old f,aying w'k ssnitalq,,.. for the OCCal.li;IX.” let it iinri too Qui''..;;Ily" 3.72,7,7 .lyatT,, Cheie- ear 1.1.te et, Chetirreteoe; .7ee,e1 ' • 1, Stade. lais....0Ne. tS'SitS di ab t's.;: Centre h und are dessuctaoic wlien returne Et re natoe Receipts vsill be sent each the end of campaign. it):1 11 OM 1; i),3i;' t 41C:44 (..)% person corttributieg at (This space Pias bee Genn by tile vifions lar Advertisers) , . .J.:,....',..,63411010,,,M10410.54:ia.id4HFIR44400,9911114i91104lUR46111C11104011F ,1\ AdISYdiglgt, A 4