Zurich Herald, 1949-04-28, Page 8ZURICH - ONTARIO 511,E We have recently remodeled our Men's' Wear Department and are now ready to supply your needs in all lines of Men's Wear. We are Agents for Coppley, Noyes and Ran- dall, an old established firm for Ready to Wear and made to Measure Suits and Top Coats. Also carry a extra fine line of Milltex Clothes for Men and Boys. We have fine Garbardines, English and Scotch W'Voollens, some with two pair trousers, others coat and trousers only, made in season's newest styles, and finest workmanship. Stock on hand in above lines at present is 60 Men's Ready -to -Wear Suits, prices range from $29.50 to $55.50. We have 25 fine Men's Top Coats from $25.00 to 49.50 each. 125 pair Men's fine Trousers, prices range from $7.95 to 18.50. Also 45 Youth's and Boy's Suits from $15.00 to 25.00 each. Shirts ® Jackets S eaters A large supply of fine Shirts, Sport Shirts, Jackets, Sweaters, Ties. Jerseys; .. Biltmore.. Hats. ..Every- thing in Underwear. ork thes Walkers and Big B. Overalls and Work Pants, New Supply of Work Shirts, Caps, and everything in Boy's Clothes for Spring and Summer Wear WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. sch TELEPHONE 59 ros. ZURICH ZURICH HERALD T VP L ub,„ otES R * r io Rev. Mr. Getz of Dashwood, made Q Q a business call in town n Tuesday.• OD C dG VP �r0 aQ0 4D BUD 60v OD OG BUD .o HIS ONE MISTAKE He brushed his teeth twice a day—with a nationally -advertis- ed tooth paste. The doctor examined him twice a .year. He wore his Rubbers when it rained. He slept with the windows open. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several worn-out glands. He golfed—but never more than eighteen holes at a time. He got at least eight hours sleep every night. He never smoked, drank nor lost his temper. He did his daily dozen daily. He was all set to live to be one hundred. The funeral will be held Wednesday. He is survived by eighteen special- ists, four health institution.,, six gymnasiums and num- erous manufacturers of health food and antiseptics. HE FORGOT GOD, lived as though this world was all, and is now with those who say, "The harvest is past, sum- mer is ended, and we are not saved." Jer. 8:20. TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.M. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m. .Mr and Mrs Emanuel Koehler of Detroit were week -end visitors with relatives in Zurich. Mr and Mrs Henry VolIand of Goderich spent a• few days Easter Holiday week at the home of Mrs. Louis Schilbe. Mr. Gordon Gill and Mr. Jack Pollock, Miss Shirley Chapman, all of London, enjoyted,. a visit at the home of their friend, Miss Jean Krueger. Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and son, Robert and Mr. Clayton Hoffman, have returned to their duties in Galt after enjoying the holiday season with relatives in town, The wet weather has greatly de Mrs. M,. Oesch—Organist layed the seeding operations, and Some grain that was put out two there :till is a lot to be sown yet. 10 a.m.—Worship. 11 11 a.m.—Sunday School. weeks ago, is coming up nicely. 7.30 p.m. --Worship. Sermon: Mr and Mrs. Bert Kummer, Mrs. ° Carl Piellush, Mrs. Win. Zinkahnn of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the home of the latter's brother, Mr i BARRISTER - SOLICITOR and Mrs Herb Krueger. EXETER, ONT. Mrs. H. E. Koppel is visiting at Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich the home of her daughter, Rev. and At (New Twnp. Office) Mrs. Ralph Waugh and children at Lambeth for a few days, while her husband is attending Conference. Mr and Mrs. Graydon Peters of Weston, Ont., were visitors at the home of their friends, Mr and Mrs Ed. Geseho. The latter returning with them for a few days to visit re- latives in the city. Mrs. Merano Weber of Elmira re- turned hone after spending a few days over Easter week -end at the home of her niece, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Merner. The latter accompanied her aunt and -pent a few dave at the home of her parents near Kitch- ener. ST. PETER'S Evan elical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV, E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 nam—Divine Services.. 11.15, a.m. —Sunday School. 7..30 p.m. Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to 4711 Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister ELMER D. BELL, B.A. 10,9496941 41gW119094,944 3`7t4P-t~g9'*•,o,ee,•; HARDWARE -A SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel eedB Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over z for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best A. Advantages. ro " We carry a full • line of the Well Known and Trieo and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS sir • Plumbing, hurnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinamit,, ing our Specialty. Full line ..f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STA E El DO ZURICH OiVT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE r +s 1 a A 8 9 Mr. Elgin McKinley is attending the big Prog. Conservative Conven- tion at Toronto, where they will be electing a new leader for the party who will then become premier of Ontario, this Wednesdays afternoon. June 27th is the probable date of the Dominion election, as announced by politicians at Ottawa. That will be about two months away, which time it takes to get the machinery in working order. Mrs. Henry Krueger who has been for the winter months, at the. honne of her daughter's Mrs. Carl •Piellush and Mrs. Wm. Zinkhann of Kitchen- er, has returned to her home in Da-hw^od, after a visit at the home of her son, Mr and Mrs Herb Krue- gel' FRIDAY and SATURDAY ldnly! Twelve dre-ses to be cleared atthe bow price of $6.95. These are regu- lar $12.95 jerseys and crepes, but they must go at $6.95. See them on Friday and Saturday at Tudor's in Hensall. Started New House . The new house of . Mr and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut is off to a fine start, the foundation being completed a few weeks ago and now the carpen- ter, have arrived, being the recent Souder, Phone 94 r 22, Zurich. c rains, they were unable to make the expected progress. Contractor Mr. John Turkheim and his staff are do- ing that work. WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Sch+ilbe PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) SINGER SEWING MACHINES New Electric Cabinet and Portable, also treadle Machines. Repairs to all other makes of Sewing Machines Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. FOR SALE Kitchen Cupboard 6 -ft. long, mas- onite top, natural finish.—Edgar Mc- Bride, Kipper+ • Ont., Phone 100 r 205, Hensall. -p Thursday, April 2Sth, 1949 Canadian Approved CIIICKS Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex,White Leghorn, White Rocks, Fast Feathering Barred. Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicksare also producers. N.H. x Sussex; N.. H. as. B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. McK.INI.FY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 - 11, Hensall.. ... Y:ua+•�r OINICIMIXONEM 11111111111111111111111111'IPIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111if 111111M11I I III 11111114 4. 4 FOR SALE 30" Sink, cast iron, high back, also like new Rotary Water Pump. A. G. Hess,Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE Several litters of small pigs cros- sed York and Tam, apply to Stanley I•iURON DELEGATES TO P.C. Huron is being well represented in Toronto this week when the Progres- sive Conservatives will elect a leader to succeed Premier Thos. L. Kennedy on Wednesdays. Among the delegates are Thos. Pryde, MLA.; E. D. Bell, president; Chas. McNaughton, W. E. Middleton, Exeter; Hugh Berry and Wm. Elle:rington of Usborne; P. Eis- encach, Grand Bend; Mrs. Taylor and V. Becker of Dashwood. Visited at Hospital Mrs. Jacob }laborer, Miss Ethel Hess, Mrs. Herb. Block motored to Clinton Hospital on 'Wednesday to visit with the latter's sister, Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and Mrs. Paul Hess who are patient., in that Hospital. We are pleased to report they are progressing as well as can be expect- ed. Mr. Andrew Hese, who is at his residence in Zurich is ass,sted by Mrs. Block and his brother, Mr and Mrs. George Hess. We wish the Hess patients a speedy recovery. LATE REV. W. H. SCHULTZ The death took place in Stratford General Hospital .Wednesday April 20th of Rev. William Henry •Schults pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church I3rodhagen. His passing calve as a shock to his many friends where he had won afFection and respect during his eight years as pastor there.,hav- yt ing been ill only a week from a heart atter':. horn April 24, 1885,at esutads ''1 Grey County. He enter- ' ' al V,7 a' •:1-o College as a student in 1,):10 and graduated from the semin- a, , .v .+a 1.926 and was ordained the I,mule. year • at St. Paul's Lutheran church,. Hamilton. He was married to Martha Geelharr, Kitchener in 19127, • who survies. For four years he had 0 charge of a Lutheran parish at Ran- - kin, Ont., 11 years at Linwood and 8 years at I3rodhagen. Besides his wife he is survived by a son, Eric; now a student at Waterloo College. The funeral was held on Sunday..al.-- tenon and was very largely atten- ded. WANTED Anyone wishing to pasture Cattle for the season at St. Joseph Air Port kindly get in touch with Frank Den- omme, Zurich. 150 acres of farm land, about half plowed, for sale. Write Lott Bros., Leamington, Ont. aae.a4-4•+ 4.4- 4.4++1++§+4++1 +t a+.l.+e e -i- »y .'r.I, 4. 4. Westlake Furnitur His A Good Choice OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE! Including Floor Rugs, Lamps, Etc., Reasonably Priced. AGENCY FOR ---Eureka Vacure Cleaners, Kirsh Venetian Blinds. Also a Good Supply of Springs and Mattresses on Hand KEITH B. VES Furniture -- LAKE Phone 122, Zurich 111111111111111111IIllilIllllillli!!11111111►111111111111111i111111IIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllll iIIJ11111W IDillL lIER • 11111111111 The 1111111 III IIII II 11111111101 fIEI 11110 1111111 MIDI®I®I ERID FLOOR TILE FOR Best In Mastic Tile GET 11 Floor TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given III 1111111111111111111111111111111111 111 111000111001 11111$liloeeetee000010llll1411100preell'elle1111 CLEARING SALE OF SOWS Yorks, 112 due in May. Lack of room, so all must be sold immediately Alex Sparks, 4.th Concession; 3 miles north of Bayfield. FARMS FOR SALE Consisting of 150 acres of good tillable land, plenty of water, large L-shaped barn, stable 60 cattle and 50 pigs, brick house, implement .,beds, Hydra throughout, 6 acres of bush, well fenced and drained. Lo- cated 11/2 miles north of Crediton. Apply Harry Trick, Crediton. NOW- TWO BIG SECTIONS So everyone may enjoy the fun, The Detroit Sunday Times now pre- sents the world's greatest comic hits in TWO BIG COLOR COMIC SEC- TIONS. See PUCK, The Comic Weekly, The big color comic mag- azine with this Sunday's Play 1) issue of The Detroit Times. Fun and thrill galore, including a new PHANTOM adventure. )ASH\X'/Ot:)!) Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto, spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Wit- zel Mrs. Susan Merner i, spending a few days with her daughter in Clin- ton. 'airs. Henry .Becker has returned home after visiting with her daugh- ter in Kitchener and her son in New Dundee, also spending a week with her daughter Miss Elfrieda Becker in London. Mr and Mrs T. Harry Hoffman at- tended the Undertakers' Convention in London last week. ,Bern•- I3operoft At General' Hosrpital, Halifax, N.S. on Friday April 22nd to Mr and Mrs. Fred E. i•operoft (nee Dagrnar Holland of St. 31ohn'.s Nfld) a son. t TICS Received Shipment of NOW 1, 5-X Cedar Shingles At $9.90 per square F. C. KALB LEECH SON Phone 69 - a - ZURICH 4.01.54++++++++++F+d ++++E4' dr+Z + 4++4.+4- .fr4.+4.+p+4 +++++++444,40.4.1 +441 IViassey- I atria HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES., COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Tel, Shop 1491 Oscar Klope R:: AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE . 67 tonotWaBi