HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-04-28, Page 5.1110044004404004., ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD.;outhorized as second class mail, Poet Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD €1 iropraetor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter ' Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar KlOpp LICENSED AUCTIONEER MR sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central fr ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - Farm and .Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" thone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT T LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINAR1A.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.J. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON D flee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popul r jkLFAT M ARKE T' t Us siippiy you with the v ry Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Tryng hlut & Son PRODUCE Silver ord MBES Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Horne Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry 'Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi• tient accurate -service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS A, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . &mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31 4e 1946 $73,6$9,238.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.,39 P,ate.. on Application E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods owl all kinds of Fire lnsur: •rr• ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column WANTED ICan take in a few head oaf 'young cattle for pasture—Wm. Leiboid. FOR SALE Choice mixed baled hay for sale. Earl Gingerich, Ph. 90r7, Zurich. p FOR SALE Choice sucking pigs ready for sale. Quantity of choice potatoes for table use and for seed — Leonard Gero- mette, Zurich. NEUHAUSER CHICKS CLEARANCE SALE Buckeye Oil Brooders large size $'19.95. CHICKS! CHICKS! CHICKS! Thousands available weekly, Chick days Tuesdays and Fridays. All Breeds and Cross -Breeds, Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St. London, Ont. FOR SALE A brown pin striped tailored (Bonds Wool, at London) Ladies' suit, size 18. .A Ladies' Brown 'win- ter coat all wool in Tuxedo style with fur squirrel trimming down the front size 20. These garments are like new, in the best of condition, reason- ably priced.—Apply at Herald Office FOR SALE A limited quantity of white sweet clover seed for sale. Apply to Theo. J. Haberer, Phone 99, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE 1 chicken house 12x1'2, suitable for colony house, Box 306, or phn. 216, Zurich, FOR SALE Two choice Durham Heifers in calf.—Jacob Gingerich, Phone 84 r 2, Zurich NOTICE FOR RENT—Part of the Schilbe Block in Zurich, formerly used as the Zurich Feed Store—Apply to Erwin Schilbe, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Fire Proof Register Cabinet, small Coleman gas heater. Apply to Phone No, 15, Zurich. CATTLE MEN! Cattle Men do you have some non - breeders? Do your calves have scours? Do you have some cows which are not doing right? Do you have mastites or garget in your herd? Do your cows or calves eat the man- gert? All these problems can be taken care of by Garnet Jacobi, Phone Zurich 88 r 11. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., London, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 25 -acre grass farm, located 1 mile west of Hillsgreen. About four acres of woodland. Immediate posse•ssiiop. Apply to Alvin McBride, Kippen, Ph. 81 r 3 Hensall: -- NOTICE TOP PRICES Paid for live Hogs, ship every Tuesday and Cattre every Saturday. For best of satisfaction and best prices give me a call. Have small truck for pickup. ---Maurice Masse, Phone 98 r 24, Zurich. FARMERS! ELMIRA FERTILIZER, for im- mediate deliveries. Also sand and gravel. —Harry McAdams, Phone 82 r 5, Zurich, Ont. pt4-2 FOR QUICK SALE WOOD — We have 600 cords of 12 -inch wood for immediate sale. — F. C. Kalbfieisch & Son, Ltd., Zurich RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Doom, Made to Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well renown Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Succ'4st;or to flees Insurance Agency J. W. H.A.BERCR t,hene 1131 Z'..'.C''', C' :'a LOCAL NBWs Miss Roseibelle Albrecht was a vis- itor to London recently. Mrs. Cal. Cutler of Detroit, spent a few dafys visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. P. Rau. Mr and Mrs Hilton Truemner made a business trip to Milverton one day last week. Rev and Mrs Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Elmira visited with relatives in the vicinity last week. Miss Ruby Church has returned to her duties at London, after a Easter visit at the home of her mother, Mrs Ella Church, Mr and Mrs Harold Bell and fam- ily of Hensall were Saturday visitors at the home of their sister, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Block. Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel, Mr and Mrs. Harold Johnston enjoyed the week -end at the home of Mrs. Thiel's sister, Mr and Mrs Morley Witmer at Detroit. The three Doerr sister, Edith, Al- ma and Muriel and friends iof Lond- on visited at the home of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Elmore Thiel on Sunday. Mrs. Norman Fleischauer and dau- ghter Marion, enjoyed a few days in the holiday week at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs. Earl Heywood, at Wingham. Miss Jean Krueger, nurse-in-trajn- ing has returned to her duties after a pleasant three weeks' holidays at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Herb Krueger. The lovely rains are visiting this part of the country and with warm weather the growth of grass and oth- er plants will come right along. "April Srowers bring May flowers". Mr and Mrs. E. Holden of Gran- ton, Misses June Hambly and Nola Krueger, who are on the Sarnia tea- ching staff were week -end visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. G. Krueger, 14th Concession. Mr_ and Mrs Jno Turkheim enjoy- ed a few days over the week -end, visiting at the home of the former's sister; Mr and Mrs Charles Carr of Stratford, and with Dr. and Mrs. Coxon of Wellesley. Mrs. Eldon Johnston and children of Sarnia spent Easter week at the home of Mr and Mrs Herb Krueger, the former's husband visited on Monday, when. his family returned home with him. JUST ARRIVED!. Another ship- ment .of Shorties. Wear this year's most popular coat in . blue, red, black, navy or grey. Sizes 12 to 20 at only $19.50. See them now at Tudor's in Hensall. . Attending Conference Rev. H. E. R.ppel, pastor of the Evangelical Church is this week at- tending the Annual Canada Confer- ence sessions held at Milverton this year. Mr and Mr; Fred Bate -tone and daughter Joan h llee of Toront,, re- turned to their home la the- city af- ter Visiting with their Mother, Mrs, E Turkheim and other relatives. Baby Jean Ellen, four months, had the pleasure of receiving baptism at the St.. Peter's Lutheran Chnrcii, ey the Pastor, Rev. E. Heimrich. Attended Funeral Rev. E. Heimrich, Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, along with several members of his parish, at- tended the funeral of the late Rev. W. H. Schultz, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on Sunday afternoon, which was largely attended. Rev. Heimrich assisted in the funeral services. Moving Effects Mr and Mrs Ivan Yungblut moved their household effects to the hone of the latter's sister, where they have rented an apartment until their new home is completed. lir. Nap. Bed- ard has taken possession of his home which he purchased from Mr. Ivan Yungblut. Mr and Mrs Ernest Gemming and children of Rochester, N.Y., were Easter visitors at the home of their parents, Mr and 'Airs Wellington Johnston and brother, Mr and Mrs Ross Johnston. The former returned home, while Mrs. Gemming and chil- dren remained for a week or so ana have now returned to Rochester, where they were accompanied hyher brother, Mr and Mrs. Ross Johnston who on their way home called on their friend, Mr. Gordon Sewell, manager of the Bank of Montreal at Fort Erie, and formerly of Zurich, who was indeed delighted to see them MOTORIST INJURED A. E. Wuerth, of Exeter is suffer- ing from a fractured rib and bruises received in a car accident while mot- oring to visit a daughter, Mrs. R.M. Long, Royal Oak, Mich. Mr and Mrs Wrrerth and their sons Reg and Ray with Reg. at the wheel, were in a collision at an intersection leading to the Blue Water bridge at Sarnia. The fender and one side of their car was damaged and with the exception of Mr "Wuerth, the others escaped unhurt. HENSALL FOR SALE — Late 1946 Hudson Super Six, perfect 'condition, built in radio, sun visor, cushion tirert,and many other extras, trust be seen to be appreciated. Applbys to Russell Broderick, R.R. 2, Hensall. Phone 91 r 5, Hensall, Two Teachers Resign Resignation of R. 'Dennison. and Mies June. Br inion frain the teaclh- 1 READ r on the table-READ1, v t the me 1 is ready! No :Heal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. And TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy_ Buy an extra Loaf today—start tiow to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breaa at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Baktry PHONE 100 — ZURICH 1 2 3 4 5 HOG FARMERS! Are your hogs anemic, pale or scurfy? Use Finn's Hog Fix one pound treats one pig. You should deworm your hogs with Finn's Hog Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser. Simply fed in the feed. Save money on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag. Mix Finn's Hog Minerals, containing no salt. No concentrates are need- ed on our plan. To have healthy, strong litters of pigs feed your sows Finn's Hog Minerals at least twenty-five pounds from breeding to -weaning. Costs $121.50 to insure a strong healthy litter. Do your sucking pigs scour? Use Finn's 'S.E.S. tablets one dose does the job. Costs 10c per pig. Contact Garnet Jacobi, our district salesm.,n, Phone Zurich 88 r 11. He can Help Tau. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., London, Ontario. accepted with regret by the board. Miss Rhena Avery, who has been on the teaching staff at Granton and. Miss Winnifred Gray, Dublin, will be new teachers next fall. Don McKaig, wax' veteran, received the appointm- ent as caretaker of the public senool Thursday, - April 2 $th; 1949 Eor Highest Quality Bud► CogoOpM Feeds ONLY RE -CLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS. Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH Grassommammommacsatratirmerseasanewnastessocasmaroicaracsatnwsnacinamssencanzenrernsamm s Barley Acreage anted • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • GET YOUR CONTRACT EARLY AND BE ASSURED OF GOOD SEED ORDER YOUR FEED SEEDS NOW! W. E. REID • Dashwood Phone 87W. Thedford 456 0 a • 8 8 • • • 8 8 3 0 0 • 8 0 • • • • ••• • • 8 • • • 0 8 • W 8 0 0 8 "MARQUE DEPOSES SERVICE DE 34 PIECES POUR HUII • 5 Cuillers i Dessort • iI Corps's 3 Thi • 1 Fourchettes • 1 C,uteeux • 1 CeuloSu i Beurre • 1 CuIller i Sucre NOM DU MAGASIN 1co1. >tl19 l r! s Ad.No, 4? -TF ALBERT G. HESS Tie ry s ale Store The Store With the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES ALSO PIONEER FEEDS Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN N. DENOMME - DRYSDALE - Phone 98r1 • 8 8 Oc VISIT THE OESCH SHOE STORE And see for yourself the various lines of Footwear . for all Classes: REN WOMEN and CHILDREN Our Latest Shipment includes the Sisman Work Shoe of Horsehide Leather. YOUNG MEN ---Kid and Brown Girlie Ties. Also Bergandy Summer Shoes with woven vamp. LADIES ---Green and White, Red and White, Navy and White, Saddle Shoes MISSFS---Navy and White Saddles. MEN ---Don't forget we still have a few Goodyear welt Brown Oxfords to sell at $5.95. Give Us a Call! You Won't be Sorry! • a!8 e • 0 • • • • • 0 • • • iiits & VarnisYes Use SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - Hard Permanent Finish Also • THE NEW ALMATE,X PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps arid other hard-wearing Surfaces Elite - Shellacs - Varnishes, - Etc. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE • Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces e► Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios o Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY • 9i atars O'Brien ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213 8 • • • • 8 414110**0*99.000 1 • • • 0 • • MAIN i 1 al 1 •a 4 4 a •1 1 1 4 1 1 •1 4 a a 4 1 4 y 4 a 4 4 d 4 r .,e 4 4 1 1 4 4 a 4 •A q 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .4 a 1 a 4 1 1 1 4 44 4