HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-04-21, Page 8ZURICH - ONTARIO imprapracourremeeconerrounerr S A LARGE SHIPMENT OF DRAPERY GOODS Just Arrived. We have a very complete range of the following: Cretons, Chintzes, MonkscIoth, Hoxnespuns, Tapestry Coverings, Curtain Netts, Scrimms, Chinelle dotted Curtain Scrimm, also made up Curtains of every description. Window Shades in standard sizes, and can supply special made -to -measure orders in short notice. We are agents for Heesmade Venetian Shades. ir116 r 6 pieces of new Inlaid Linoleum just opened up and have a large supply of all the various lines of Con- goleum, Feltol and Rexoleum, also Congoleum Rugs in every size and can supply the following in Rexoleum Rugs at very low prices: 6x9 - $5.25 7 �z x9- 6.25 9x9 - 7.50 9x101,2 - 8.75 9x12 - 9.95 sci TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH ZURICH HERALD 111,1%) at it, , ; r i 6 1 Mr. and 11Zns. 'Garnet Walper of Detroit, were Easter visitors with relatives here. 0 IVIi s Lauriene Oeach is spending Q0 some time at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Rudy •Oesch. Mr and Mr's Louis Farwerr and Q efamily spent Easter Sunday with p their parents, Mr and Mrs. Kuno 0 ra Hartman. Miss Mary Geromette is spending 0 her Easter holidays in Detroit with Q e her brother, Mr and Mrs. Alphonse Q Geromette. TO Mrs. Ernest Denoni ne who spent h t t th ' Kitchener J3 W HIS ONE MISTAKE He brureahed hie teeth twice a day—with a nationally -advertis- ed tooth paste. The doctor examined him twice a year. He wore his Rubbers when it rained. He slept with the windows open. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He relinquished his tonsils and traded in several worn-out glands. He golfed—but never more than eighteen holes at a time. He got at least eight hours sleep every night. He never smoked, drank nor lost his temper. He did his daily dozen daily. He was all set to live to be one hundred. The funeral will be held Wednesday. He is survived by eighteen special- ists, four health institution:, six gymnasiums and num- erous manufacturers of health food and antiseptics. HE FORGOT GOD, lived as though this world was all, and is now with those who say, "The harvest is past, sum- mer is ended, and we are not saved." Jer. 8:20. TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, STATION CHUM -1050, Toronto, Sundays 9. to 10. A.M. WCAR, 1130, Pontiac, Mich., Sundays at 12 to 1.00 p.m. t e pas win inter month s rn r , has returned to her home on the ' . W. Highway for the sunvrner. Mr and Mrs Victor Gingerich of Waterloo spent Easter at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs Jacob Gingerich. 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R,,th of New 1,1 a.m.—Sunday School. Hamburg were visitors with Mr and 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: Mrs. Alan Schwartzentruber of the ELMER D. BELL, B.A. village, also calling on other friends.' Mr. Victor •Hartman and Miss I. Girard of 'Windsor spent the week- end with the former's,. parents, •Mr. ' and Mrg. Kuizo Hartman. ' Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lou of town, •accompanied by Mrs. Earl Smith of Detroit, enjoyed the day at London on Tuesday. Mrs. Rude ()esch who is a patient at St. Joeeph's Hospital, London, is progressing very favourably. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Laporte of Windsor were in town on Saturday. They were enj•,ying the Easter week end at their farm home near Drys- dale. . Mr and Mrs Roy Perkins of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd IPolick and little Patsy of London, were vis- itors with Mr and Mr., Isiah Witmer -LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US ST. . PETER'S Evarst elical Lutheran Church e URICI3 — ONTARIO REV, E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a.rir.—Divine Services, 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Desch—Organist BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER; ONT. • Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) AJ WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL over the weel:-er-d. MAKE ;•HAT DRESS NOW! from the wide selection of Prints and Ginghams at Tudor's in Hen -'all. They have Simplicity and McCall pattern books. Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon of Richmond Hill, and Mr. and Mrs Hugh MacKinnon and little son RD's of St. Thomas, spent the Easter holi- days at the home •of the former's mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. The Faster season was again ap- 1 otheg3' 'GS,�ii i$olie`ci voa@v7 ',R n.R HARDWARE -m SEE and FURNITURE Y.ur re Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty We always try 'to supply our Customers with Suitable Fuel for their heating insure deliveries with us so we can YOUR HEATING in time always equipment. leave arrange for your your of the time. most But to a orders early supply EQUIPMENT • FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin SchUbo PHONE 75 - ZURICH • (Office. in Residence) SINGER SEWING MACHINES b1 Thursday, April 21st, '1949 Cana 'an .Approved I 0 K Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rocks, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicks are also producers. N.H. x Sussex; N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. McKINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 - 11, Hensall. New Electric Cabinet and *ort e, world over, which goes to that also ire adle Machines. Repairs to propriately observed the �christran although many ferns are developing and making their inroads, still there are a lot of christian religion worsh- ipers. TUDOR'S in Hensall Sufi have a wide selection of home -spun draper- ies and Curtains, Criss Grose, Celon- ese and Rayon Voile, Tuscan Net, Ruffle Dot, Tailored Dot ana Cottage Sets. Any of these curtains will add beauty to your home. Mr and Mrs Alphonse Geromette, of Detroit were Easter visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs Leonard all other makes of Sewing Machines Your Singer Sewing Centre 78 Ontario Street, STRATFORD - ONT. MINISTER GOES TO O.A.C. Hensel].— Rev. W. A. Young, a former pastor of Carmel Presbyter- ian church and late of Fergus, has been appointed chaplain and lecturer of the Ontario Agricultural College. A graduate of the OAC. in 1926, Mr Young has been minister at Fergus since 1939. From 1942 to 1945 he Geromette, Goshen line Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. WeI of theWell K d Tried 1 „I.,!!!!!!, an,r� 1111111111IIII11I111111II IiII11111111IIIII1IIIi1IIII! IIII III IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII11II I1111111111111111H Illt + + + + + + + + + + north, also served as a chaplain in the Canadian Gerald Geromette, and Mr and Mrs Ariny In 1932 he assumed the chit - Morris Lalyn, parents of Mrs, Al- rge of Carmel church, Heneall, and phonse Geromette, all of Detroit. remained there .until called to the Mr. and Mr,, Milton Hey and Fergus church, 10 years ago. daughter Marilyn Dee ofRoyal 4. 4 . + 4 4 1- 4 4 + Furniture--- Phone 122, Zurich 4. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIINHI1 inter 4 coons OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A VERY GOOD VARIETY OF BEDROOM, DININGROOM, CHESTERFIELD AND DINITTES SUITS. ALSO FLOOR RUGS. ALWAYS CARRY A GOOD SUPPLY OF SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. KEITH B. 'VESTLAKE Ro gal Oak, LOOKING FOR ENTERTAINMENT E. Mich., the latter a student at the You'll find it in PICTORIAL RE- _ Michigan University at Ann Arbor; VIEW! Enjoy comic comment, fic- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hely or Detroit; tion, sidelights of Washington and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hey of Crediton, Holliywood cartoons —all by Arner and :Mr and Mrs. Herb Hooper of ican topnotch writers and artists, in London were Easter visitors with Picturial Review, with this Sunday's their mother Mrs. E. Hey of 'town. (April 24) issue of The . Detroit Farmers at Seeding Sunday times. wa.l,•; ,4,o ++++++ § i +++++++ ++++4, Farmers are busy with the seeding I - A FINE BOOK siderably A copy of the annual "Year Book" ;• • 111 111 II I®I®Ill llllWll1llII10MllIh f�V�i®I®Il EI®Il�li�im mRIBISEEMZUMMIM JOHN M. TURKHEIM FLOOR TILE F O R The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent m Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given 11111111111 MEN 1111 111 pil IE11101111119E1 � 11111111 11111111RIP EKE operations. Some have con of this done, while others with heav-1 printed by the Bureau of Statistics ier and lower land have most of it to at Ottawa, has arrived at our desk, I do. If the weatherman 'behaves this and which we welcome very much. i. week, most of the seeding will go The masses of information compiled • in. The continued rains -and snow I about this Canada -of ours is amazing the latter part of last week, greatly 1 in many lines. There are many il- delayed the work. lustrated and with a number of re- OnI productions in colour, it presents in Daylight Saving time is again be= Daylight Time! nice form and :survey of the nation's growth and its economic, social and ing adopted in Ontario, and this is I cultural progress. Herbert Marshall taking place next week -end. thiSo is the Dominion Statistician, and by when you go to bed this Saturday `getting in touch with him, you can night, turn your° clock an hour ahead I be the proud possessor of a copy of and all will be well and you wviil riot this great little book of much value. be fooled as to time on Sunday. NIuch 1 TO HOLD NOMINATION CONV- as some of us hate this change, yet ENTION we cannot get along without falling The members of the C. C. F. forin line and obey the powers that be. Huron-Perthmet the other eveningLions Club News lin Exeter to receive. the report of 'the nomination committee. Several names were propoel•1 but no one was definitely nominated. The matte:• was laid on the table* until after the pro- At the usual Mo:aday night supper meeting in the Dominiin Rouse, this week, the Lions were pleasantly en-. terrtained by the guest speaker, •Mr. i vino til rally of the prospective Can- is K. Fal'+e ;f Crediton, who did ate; to be held at Guelph shortly. is the Secretary Treasurer of The d,id H. 0. Hall' heFederal candidate' Hay Mutual Fire Insurance Company for London, and r. Miller Stewart, and who gave a very fine talk on i organizer for London di •nets were Insurance, its origin, as well as this 1 present and ;'ave valuable info* oat carry a full line e Known an ;!.ang he 1 in rlarei+ 4r. 1 f He a s dvrged i ion relative to the Federal election, and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils,. Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS '.•'it meetings to organise the Com - 4 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and s ware always in stock. ST ZURICH QUALITY PRICE 1. ONT. SERVICE OBITUARY. tie there see hu similar Mutual Com ,pie• in r' daeiri at present in open- his ration and iii Hay Co,was organized 1 1- avid E,ai gleson, 64, died et it S epi• e.::r, 1s64 and there were 1 home Concession 20, Stephen 'Twp. '' •riv ,* •:ent for Ileo first meeting. I on April 14th, following a heart et - h 1 ' s two Late David Eagleson z a�+ Tinszn4: • ; ; r. Ellber talked on progress and I tack *e• r ` F helf Hard-<' a,lol;mrryiit ,1 ,.;N $01 int as wellldtephtvs, Mrs. Calvin Greenlee, o. a: insuraece end clo ed his inter* et • Stephen Twee; Mrs. J. Itod,jins, Me- ing address �wi°h ar eery appropriate Giiliviay Twp.; two sons, Donald art St •h n Twp • a sister .:, .poem. entitled "The Tlridp;e Builder", ;home, I aul, ep e , , 'Thea speraleer wa inti'orluced ley 1*ioir. Mrs. l,. I oilock, and a brother Wm. Jacob e it 0 err, and was thanked f•,o; bothof Stephen Twp. The. body res - his address by Lion Milton Oeseh, I ted at his late residence where the who invited the speaker to return a -i funeral took place on Saturday at grain in the near fntnre, ma, tither 2.30 pterinent an, Rev. K, Woods officiated, is n member o1' tilt,Exeteri io�ts i I3r ndri Cemeteryeery as made in Grand Club.i 1/111111111111111111111111.9111.119.111011911111.1101111110011: 44•11..+,.'44++4+4+d+444+444 444k; NOTICE Received. Shipment of ,, o. 1, 5-X Cedar Shingles At $9.90 per square F. 0. KAALB3.T LEL'C.H & ,SON ZURICH Phone 69 - isow t -4'B'.& !'•E•.•3h+$•+ +a "Q'++4,4'444, 4.4, F•Ta•P+444+4,4• •E••F^ir+-:•ar++++$• 3' assey'-" ...# rains HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS' REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" TeL Shop 14i9 Oscar K lea. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE