Zurich Herald, 1949-04-21, Page 4ZURICH -- ONTARIO Alfon Theatre of Waterloo spent the weak -end with Ci. .�Ta` and Mrs. 'I`. Jlarry' Hoffnxan. Mr and Mrs Glen Brown of Lon - GRAND BEND don spent Easter holidays with her Presents for Your. Enjoyment% 1tliort parents, lIr and Mrs Wm. Wein. Following Attractions 1 Mr and Mfrs Joe Bruce of Windsor sOas Friday, Saturday April 22-231 Seven Keys to Baldpate Philip Terve Jacqueline White Eduardo Cianneni And on the sane Program The Arizona Ranger .:fiction at Bullet :$"peed as Tim Holt Hits the Saddle again Superman "Mast in the Depths" and Mr and Mrs John Snyder of Brantford spent Easter with their mother, Mrs. Hayter. Mr and Mrs Harry Parsons o£ Windsor spent the week -end with her parents, NIr and Mrs Jack Wein. Easter holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Guenther and fanc- ily of Toronto, Mr and Mrs. Harry Guenther of Windsor, were here; Mr and Mrs Harold Kellerman at Han- over; .141•r and Mrs Milton Webb and family in Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolfe of Toronto; Mr and Mrs. B. Carr and family and Miss Thelma Weber of Sarnia; Mrs Taylor and Anne in London; Mr and Mrs. S. P. •Ctaitie=and family in Meaford; Mr and Mrs Harry Cook of Windsor; Mr and Mrs K. Streets of Clinton; Mr and .Mrs Mervyn Stelck and Patsy and Mr and Mrs Ed. Tuprrng and daughter of Bradford; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Russell Eckstein and Miss Lily Hoff- man of London; Miss Shirley Smith of Toronto; Glen Haugh of London; Mr :and Mrs Jas Taylor of Sarnia, and Nirs. Smythe of London; Mr and Mrs. Jack Reschke ,of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs Glen Walper of London; Mr and Mrs. J. Finkbeiner of Crediton and Mr. Wm. Hooper of Exeter; Mr. Kenneth McCrae is in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London where he will undergo. an operation for appendic- itis. BLAKE :Monday Tuesday Apri 1 25-26 Barbara Stunwyck Burt Lancaster Sorry, Wrong Number Ann Richards (Adult Entertainment) Clear all the Wires for Excitement and Suspense such as You've Never Seen Before. Paramount Newsreel, Cartoon "Mite :Makes Right" and Popular Sience Short Thursday, April 21st, 1 ZURICH HERALD �LAW I gasolineengine in good condition. ' Coinsnencing at 1' pan. sharp, Pre bfi 9ose•�`h and Beaver g'ow'n M final Instructions to carry en the es Faith he had left them. I Implements--M£ollowiziassey Harris binder g: V - 1I H r ago,and! 6 -ft, cutn disc fertilizer dein; Cock - walnut .Chesterfield suite, like new Mr and Mrs Vincentcoffrey of But after that glosrius Easter 6 -fit. in good •cAondntson, Sunday of many centuries ! Shutt disc n- bearing wagon, like wanlnut dining room table; 5 dining•• room chairs; large hall mirror, ,Spar. tan electric radio, in first class ma clition; leather rocker, 3 rocking' chairs, small rocker, antique walnut centre table, 3 wooden beds with springs and mattress like new; Ray- mond sewing machine, day bed, 2: small dressers, bureau, sideboard, 2. large dressers, organ, various flower - stands, stands, crokinole board, congoleum rug 9x12 with runner and mat to match, congoleurm rugs of varsoaa sizes, 2 antique chairs, square top• extension table, 4 kitohen chairs, wooden cradle, copper boiler, meat grinder, Doherty kitchen range; in good condition, large size coal heater,,.. 2s -burner Hydro stove with oven, Hydro lamps, coal oil Tamps, windows screens, horse hide leather 'coat like new; kitchen clock, electric iron,.. ironing board, large flour container, I2 -piece tea set, antique dishes, sir••- verware, glassware, kitchen utensils,. coffee grinder, toilet set, table lin, ens, cushions, mats, curtains, meat' saw, steel, level, wash sink, bottle. capper, apple peeler, quantity of' sealers, various jugs, pictures and: picture frames; Eureka 3 -gal. pres— sure sprayer, lawn mower like new,,. 12 muskrat traps like new, duck de- coys, quantity of salt, 1 bag garden fertilizer, hedge clipper; 2 ladders,. car jack, shovels, square, various= pails, wheel -barrow, galvanized coal" shute, 2 -barrel shot gun, quantity o> ' Iath, trussels, window frames, many-. articles too numerous to mention,. Clearing Auction Sale Everything is in first class condition.. No reserve, everything will be sold TERMS—CASH Henry M. Willert, Proprietor. - Earl Birr, Clerk. Detroit spent Easter Sunday with their relatives in this vicinity. Mr and Mrs Leonard Masse :of London spent the past week -end with their parents in this neighbourhood. Mrs. Paul Masse and daughter Geraldine of Windsor, were visitors over the week -end in this commun- ity, Mr. Plaine Dueharme. of Windsor, spent a few days with his parents of the B.W.H. • From Windsor guests to their par- ents over Easter holidays were: Mr. Philip Sopha, Mr. Sonny Sierran and Benedict Bedard. Miss Alma Denomme and friend of London, spent the holiday at the home of the former's parents, in Beavertown. Mrs. 'r yru.s Stansberry and fans -1 Shipka. The undersigned Auction- new; Buffalo robes, stoneboat, c ily of. Detroit spent a few days with eer has been instructed to sell by ken shelters; step ladder, 4 cement Auction - her parents. Mr and Mrs Fred Du- Publi'•c Auction, Ions troughs, wooden vice; iron sledge, chorine of the B.W.H. • WEDNESDAY APRIL 27th. • set double harness, twine sacks, Mr and Mr, N. A. Cantin of St. grain sacks, 3 good horse blankets, Joseph motored to Detroit on Sunday Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. quantity salt; self feeders, crrcular for a short visit with their children.• saw, pig crate, wooden tub, 2 rolls Comment— Cattle --Red. Durham cow, milking; barb wire, 5, 550x17 auto tires; var- On Sunday last Easter Sunday Roan Durham cow, due. at time of ions sap :buckets, doubletrees, neck - known throughout the world, as the sale; light roan Durham heifer, car- yokes, devises, forks, shovels, and great day of resurrection, Victory of rying her first calf, due in November; numerous other articles. Life over death, and from which the black heifer, 2 years old; 2 roan Hay -10 ton of choice quality Christian faith was established, near- yearling heifers, 1 white calf. mixed hay. No reserve, as the farm ly twentycenturies ago. The first These cattle are all of good qual- is sold. Easter Sunday was a joyous one af- ity and Government T. B. Tested. TERMS—CASH ter Our Lord had suffered persucit- Hogs --Choice Yorkshire sow, car- Melvin Peariso, Proprietor. ion, He arose from his tomb on the xiying her third litter, due in May; Earl Birr, Clerk. first Easter Morn. 3 chunks averaging 125 -lbs. each. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. His persecutors were amazed - at Poultry -250 New Hampshire - his reserrection, though previously Barred RTractor Hybrid eypullet rchicks, he had told them. The temple they is Pony ' Tractor, 'conpletly equipped with starter, lights, power take -off, plow and scuffler. This tractor is in per- In feet condition and was purchased new last year. Gibson 1Sfa H. P. POULTRY FARMERS! 4 Revive your weak scoury chicks and turkey poults with Finn's Red Blood Quick tablets. Costs quar- ter cent chick, half cent turkey poult. Simply put in drinking water. :2 Avoid Coceidiossis by using Fina's' Easter holiday visitors in this com would destroy he would rebuild in Kew TabletseranddFinn's Poultry, rnunity were. Mr and Mrs Archie three days. They understood not his Conditioner every and Intestine rthreeClean- Mustard and family of Brucefrelcl; ser every month for months. devine words; his followers had dis- d daughter directions Even tho after his resurrection and appearance to them, they immediately strength- ened in faith, and those in command at the time they went forth filled with wisdom and Love for the faith entrusted to them, and today through out the world Easter Sunday of to- day is like the risen One of long a-. go, and one which the Christian world sings its highest praises. Clearing Of Livestock, IPouitry, Tractor, Farm Implements and Hay. On north -half Lot 8, Con. 22, Stephen Township, Half mile east and 2 miles south of Grand Bend, or 3 miles west of Auction Sale new; '15 -ft. hay rack; wagon box; Frost & Wood hay loader in good condition; 2 hand scuftlers, hay rake, hay fork, set bob sleighs, 3 -horse cultivator; Peter Hamilton 5 -ft. mower, 3 -drum steel roller in good condition; outthrow disc; M -H. bean waffler and puller; 3 -section diem- ' and harrows; riding plow, walking plrow; harrow cart, extension ladder, large 17 -ft. extension blower; large pulley, 2,000-1b. platform scales, sat sling ropes, Chatham fanning mill complete with sieves, bag truck, root pulper, various chop boxes, rron ket- tle, Vega dream separator • 500-1b. capacity, like new, fence stretcher; post hole auger, grease gun, Cyclone grass seeder, . electric fencer like Simply fed in the water and the feed. -3 Mix your own growing mash for your birds. Save from sixty to eighty cents per bag by using Finn's feeding plan using straight grain and Finn's Poultry Tonic. Start feeding at eight weeks of age. These Products have been fed and recommended by Harrison Morton, turkey breeder Ailsa Craig for nine years and theirs. - ands of Ontario Poultry flocks. Contact Garnet Jacobi, our dist- rict salesman. Phone Zurich 88 r 11 about your livestock problems he can help Iyou. R. A. Finn & Co. Ltd., London, Ontario.. Mr and Mrs. C. Meyers an Speared ns all srec eons. v. and Mr and Mrs. Donela all of Lon- don; Mr and Mrs. James Burdge and daughter and Victor. Hey of Goder- ich, and Mr. Frank. Young all with Mr and Mrs. Sam Hey and Mrs. Young and family. Mr and Mrs Lloyd. Jeffrey and Ag- nes of Windsor with Mr and Mrs. L. Jeffrey and family. Mr and Mrs R. Ducharme and fam- ily, London with Mr and Mrs. 0. Ducharme; Miss Phyllis McBride of Brucefield and Betty Parke of Clin- ton Collegiate and Audrey Heimrich at Zurich, all with their respective parents; Mr and Mrs L. McBride of Windsor with Mr. S. McBride; Mr and Mrs Fred Bancroft with relativ- es from London; Mr and Mrs E Oesch with friends from HensalI. The Easter Thankoffering of the ' WMS was held et the home of Mrs. Clarence Parke on Thursday even - ling. During the program Mrs. Roy . McBride and daughter rendered a , very nice duet. The Presbyteride meeting to be held in HensalI Unit- ed Church on April'26th. A good re- presentation is urged to attend 'this - rally from our auxiliary. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Amos Gingerich of the Bron - f son line recently purchased the home 1 of Mrs. B. Bechler. DASHWOOD Daylight Saving will go into effect son Sunday evening, April 24th. The Dashwood baseball team have organized and. planned a sports day for May 124th. There will be a girl's softball game and Exeter will he the opposing baseball team. Watch for adv. at later date. The alterat ions to the ball diamond are now being made. Mr and Mrs Morley Saunders o F:::eter and Mr and MrsCarl Heppe they hadbeen taught and giver. their • Cash for Used Clothing WE WILL PAY CASH FOR MEN'S, WOMEN'S • CHILDREN'S AND BABIES USED CLOTHING We need Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Odd Slacks and Slack Suits, Sweaters, Men's and Women's 2 -piece suits, Women's and Men's Fall Overcoats, (No winter coats please), Odd Suit Coats, Neck Ties, Odd Trousers, Shoes, Purses, Babies' and Children's Clothing. We pay from $3.00 to $10.00 for Men's Suits. WE PAY FAIR CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.... OR Clothing Returned Prepaid Therefore, there cannot be any expense involved to the sender. Directions for Shipping 1. Wrap and tie securely in corrugated b,ox, paper or. sack. 2. Mil,•e sure your return address is written clearly. This will help speed our 'cash remittance to you. 3. Phone the express company-. They will pick up the mer- chandise at your door. If your shipment is over 100 -lbs., please ship by freight or transport. 1. Do not pay any mosey for ebipping. Tell the driver you are ehipping the parcel collet, and we will pay the ship- ping charges at this end. Send parcels to: THE GREB TRADING CO. :Dept. H-29, 67 St. Nicholas St. Toronto, Ont. If you've a eye dor ! .. . SEE ' "HE CO DAUM at et The new Goodyear Deluxe gives more mileage .. ; 34% more mileage than the big - mileage Goodyear it replaces. Gives added protection from blow- outs ... PLUS super - traction . . it's Canada's most popu- lar tire . • . the over- whelming venwhelring choice of thrifty motorists. Ci1lyo • ty :kµ jyelr•SAAA.M+xM1itlN.....m*.A.o'rowo,R'M4' b00.*'A. WNftbY • • • "" •YR:1W Apar; OF HOUSEHOLD EJk'ECTS the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD On SATURDAY, APRIL 30th. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. sur'•�?v,•.+,Oa`��",a.'�.y��•,<?�..v;r;: Le, *Sees -Se That's a lot of money! It represents the gross income from farm products in Canada for 1948. It represents the earnings of Canada's biggest primary industry. Is the share of this huge sum of money which came off your farm as much as it might be? In other words, is your farm producing to the full extent of its possibilities? Could it be made to produce more? You can answer these questions for yourself best if you are in a position to know exactly how much you spend and 'how much you receive in each of your farts operations. You can know these facts only if you have some reliable way of keeping track of your receipts and wr c WORKING W expenses. We don't mean anything complicated... just the opposite — something quite simple, such as our Farm Account Book. A few minutes at this book every day or so and you will know just which operations of your farm are doing well, which only fair, which are falling behind. Then you can take the necessary steps to correct matters. A copy of this book is yours for the asking. Call at our local office for a copy. While you are in, have a word with our manager. He will be glad to see you and to discuss any problems you may have in the operation of your farm. DO YOU NEED READY MONEY FOR SEED AND FERTILIZER THIS SPRING? Drop in and talk over your financial requirements with your local B of M manager. That's what thousands of go-ahead farmers do every year. It's a routine part of their farm financing, a tide -over arrange- ment till the proceeds from sales come in after the harvest. And remember — when you ask for a loan at the B of M, you do not ask a favour. You'll find your local B of M manager easy to talk to and anxious to he of service. BAN F ONTRFAIA eweiced4 7eUe Veude Zurich Bratrch : C. C. McBACHERN•, Manager • Hensall Branch: J. K. IRVIN, Manager "MY BANK' 10 A MIilION CANAOIANt CANADIAN Pr IN. EVERY WALKOF L 1 P E SINCE 1 II 1 7 . .. .... .- "• .... ...M/6.1.0diVeent,t/r ZNI.CIS=i4C1.1'..9`<r1040i.h.*eDl^t..M1:F.`italA-:'4.1 %tirtUitedad't:i1A..`:0,:.a'L(L"Ynw..N46.1...MithWW,