HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-31, Page 6riLD• Norrnan Bla r THE UNITED STATES It was on August 2, 1914 that Germany started World War One: but it was not until 2 years and 247 days later that the United ~tales was drawn into the conflict. Germany went to war against France and Britain, to begin World War Two, on September 3, 1939; but the tfnited States did not take part in the struggle -at least of- ficially -for another 2 years and 97 days. There were many' who thought, and who still think, that Germany would not have started either of those aggressions had there been any certainty of swift and powerful .American retaliation right from the outset, 1n his inaugural address last January, President Truman stated that "if we can make it sufficiently clear, in advance, that any armed attack affecting our nation's security would he met with overwhelming. force. the armed attack might never occur." On March lith there was made ;public the text of a twenty -year -pact embodying the intentions and hopes expressed in the American Presi- dent's words. This was the niuch- talked-about "North Atlantic Treaty", which means that the Unit- ed States has abandoned the policy of strict neutrality which gave com- fort to the aggressor to the two World Wars. `Che Treaty is, first of all, an at- tempt to convince the Russian eiders that they dare not risk ag- gression against any Western Euro- pean country because that would mean war with the United States. It is, second, an attempt to forestall "internal aggression" -that is to so bolster and strengthen Western European Governments so that they may effectively deal with any at- tempt at a sudden coup by native Communist parties, Just how the North Atlantic Treaty will work out, in practice, remains in the lap of the gods. But all men of good -will are at least loping that it will have the effect of bringing about what all the world has been longing for -a lengthy fi eriot't of peace. Real peace, that is, not the Sham variety we now GREAT BRITAIN ' For almost ten years the British people have been living by ration book. These little 5 by 3f� inch books have been as necessary for life in Britain as a passport is for travelling in Europe • The end of the war did not bring any relaxation of controls. As a matter of fact, in some lines ration- ing `)ecame even stricter as the Labor Government acted to hold. down home consumption in order to build, up export trade. At the be- ginning of I948 an adult's allotment was 24 coupons for 6 months - enough to get an adult male either one suit, of three shirts and a pair of shoes. 1n recent month; the situation :Inas improved greatly. Shoes were cltrationed last December, woollen goods in JarluarY. About the middle of March Britons got their best coupon news since 1940 -all cloth- ing and household textiles were completely derationed But although the news was good it did not mean the end of austerity. Many foods are still rationed; and the meat ration has just been cut to one half the War allowance. The trouble is a still highly dangerous dollar deficit which ztands at one billion, three hundred and sixty million dollars. This is the amount by which Britain's, pur- chases from the U.S. and other dol- lar countries exceeded her sales to time countries. Closing that gap is 'essential for Britain by 1952, when ECA is scheduled to end. If the deficit is not wiped out by then, Britain's outlook is apt to be gloomy indeed. .A tui who smashed a juke box, was adjudged insane, How near to insanity a lot of us have been. Feet Too Big -Fingers Too -:,-The camera doesn't lie, but at tinges stretches the irutli a bit. Clint H'artung,. New" York Giants' pitcher, looks as though lie's composed mainly of hands and feet at the Giants' training camp. But it's the salve kind of optical illusion opposing batters suffer when they face Clint's fast ball. 'We are some distance from being z sentimentalist of the Sam Ber- nard type, for that great comedian had feelings so soft and easily touched that it is reliably reported he even cried at card tricks. Still, there are occasions When we. find' these eyes becoming misted ,with non-alcoholic tears, and a lonely if something, bulky in our throat. ' C_Xlere we are reminded of the only really witty remark we ever heard from the lips of Tommy . Daly -the name, by the way, is "Tommy" not "Tins"- ,well know Maple Leaf trainer. Daly was seconding a haul -and -egg box- er who was up against an oppon- ent who figured to halfmurder hint, Just before the opening gong Daly said to his fighter, \C, hen you get to the centre of the ring you'll -feel something' • half choking you. But don't try to spit -it out; because it's liable to be yobr heart.") k :Y TO get lack on the rails again - one of the occasions we speak of was right after Joe Louis caught tip with Jersey Joe Walcott in their second fight, and sent a message over the radio to his mother saying that he was through fighting for keeps. 'We were so sentimentally touched that we resolved to sit right down at the typewriter and write, for the 'delectation of our ,readers, a real soh story about "The Passing of a Great Fighter" or some such. Now, we're glad that we refrained, • Not that we don't ,Sill ,told the very highest opinidn of Joe Lout's abilities as a scrapepr, and of his conduct over fifteen years or s0- meder circumstances and amid telup- •tations that might have been an excuse for a few lapses -which made him a real credit to his race, and to the game. The only trouble is that we can't help having a sneak- ing feeling that some day -perish . the thought -Joe will try 2 come- back. And one thing we hate is writing obituaries for guys who are apt to turn op ttlive and :ticking after they're written. What makes us think that Joe may someday be enticed bark into the ring is the :fact that, in spite of all the millions he made, little of that money stock to Louis. That is to say, what he has might seem like a fair pot to folks like us, but not to Joe, who can get rid of money about as fast as the next gent. (fTe never went in for wine, women or warbling to any extent, but it is said that he regularly loses anything from $500 to $1,000 a• week betting on his golfing skill.) Then again, Joe has just gone Are Poul You? Are you a trailer, or are you a trolley: Are you tagged to a leader through wisdom and folly Are you Somebody Else, or You? Do you vote by the symbol and swallow it "straight?" Do you pray by the book, do you pay by the rate?: Do yoll tie your cravat by the calendar's date? f)o von follow a rule.' . Are yon a writer; or that which is worded Are you a shepherd, or one of the herded? Which are you ---a What or aWVho [t sounds well to call yourself "one of the flock," But a sheep is a sheep after all. At the block You're nothing but mutton, or possibly stock. WTonld you flavor a stew? Are you a being and boss of your souls Or are you a mummy to carry a scroll: Are you Somebody Else, of You? When you finally pass to the heavenly wicket Where f'eier the Serutinous stands on his picket, Ave yon going to give hint a blank for a ticket? Do you think it: will do? .Edmund 'o• xl1„c a lk, into the boxing business as a pro- moter;; and while he was almost undoubtedly one of the three great- est heavyweights that ever, lived - second. beet in our book, Jaek John- son being tops -We greatly doubt that he' has the 'mental agility to niafcti • ']ts With the double-crossers and seconddealers who are up around the top in that smelley lar- cenous racket. ,e F Louis is quite a dresser and -pos- sesses a large and very complete wardrobe. But before he gets through with promoting heavy- weight fights, don't be- surprised if he hasn't even got a shirt to his back. That is schen the tempters will be whispering in his ear, "Come on Joe -you can lick all these rum - dunes without raising a sweat, so why not get yourself a soft half- nlillion or so?" And, human nature being what •it • you know as well as we do. w11at• the outcome twill he. - We hope, of course, that -we're wrong, and that Louis will not only do well as a promoter but also stay out of the squared -circle •except to take an occasional bow. His place is right in the line of the really outstanding heavyweight champions -John L., Jim Corbett, Bob Fitzsimmons, Jim Jeffries, Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey and Gene Turney, And it would be nice to remember him as he was atts hest --in the second Schrneling fight, icr example, or it his battle with Max Baer; and not some fat, short-winded shadow of his former greatness, in there not because of any love for battle, but just to get back some of the ,money he should have eevcd «^lien he had the chance. \s to the merits of ,foe's first proposed heavyweight promotion? Well -some months ago, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Jack Dempsey -Primo Can - era fight, we tried to bring back some memories of that unforget- table encounter. We think we end- ed that piece with words something like this -"And now they're smok- ing up the likes of Ezzard Charles and Jersey. Joe \\Walcott as• fit to wear the nlanfel which once draped the shoulders of Jack Dempsey," § R e Well, the hoot Joe Louis ie pro- moting for the heavyweight cham- pionship of the world will he -it appears at this writing -between Ezzard Charles and Jersey Joe Wal- cott. If they don't send 115 passes, we want worry too greatly, HE KNEW A fellow INC know who goes to work at 6:30 every morning told lis that as he left the house one day recently he saw a neighbor fumbling drunkenly with the key to his front door. The cop on the beat came to his aid and asked, jok- ingly, "Where are yon going at thio hour?" "To a lecture," replied the drunk. sr ISSUE 14 - 1944 CLASSI[FJED ADV -''? TISING AGENTS IW ANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers, Rouse and tarn faint, Roof Coatings, ete. Deatere are wanted, Write Wave Grease 1 011 Simile t, Toronto A SPLENDID opportunity of becomning Your own basal Retail our 230 Guaranteed household necessities including the fun line of insecticides, in at territory of your choice. Part time agents eon:Adered. Hundreds of sue- cessfnt Femilex agents started with a borrow- ed orrowed 525 or $50. No risk -it Is worth a trial, Travelling equipment essential its rural dig triets Bu.•inees is good. Write to -day for details and 1'REE catalogue.. e'AelIf.EX, 1800 Delorimier, atuuttral. HOUSEHOLD Furniture and apidialwee are fast welters. Make a worthwhile extra in- come ,selling these lines on a full or part time basis. Generous ronlmlesions• proportion paid daily. Complete selling kit provided. Write for full details to iMU'rUAL FURNISHERS LIM- ITED. Dept, 0, 4166 Craig St, tw., Montreal, Quebec, IABP CHICKS HEAVYCOCIOERF.LS 5... CENTS FOR FAST GROWTH and eure profit try flock of our big husky cockerels, $5.00 per 100, or $40.00 per 1.000, all heavy breeds, immediate shipment, Big Rork Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. WHETHER you're primarily interested hn pro - during eggs or meat, you want chicks that are "built for the job." We have the,follow- ing cross breeds to choose from: White Leghorn x Barred Rock. Barred Rock x White Leghorn, White Leghorn x New Hampshire, White Rock x White Leghorn, Austra White. Light Sussex x White Leghorn, Barred Rock x New Hamp- shire. New Hampshire x Barred Rock, New Hampshire x White Wyandotte, Light Sussex x New Hampshtres. Black Minorca x White Leghorn, New Hampshire x Light Sussex, Light Sussex x Barred Rock. Also 12 pure weeks old. Older pullet's eight weeits to laying. breeds. Also started chick two and three Turkey insults all Canadian Approved. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. LEGHORN PULLETS :6°6.00.___ IIOL,LYWOOD LEGHORN'S WJLL produce more eggs for you bee, ..'- they have records of 250-300 eggs for tete past 10 generations and have the large bodies necessary for con- tinued heavy egg production and are targe as mold heavy breeds when sold for meat. Write for price list and free calendar. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. LOCK'S CHICKS Big honky northern chielts from our own flock of Government approved birds ratsed on our Poultry Farm. Barred Rocks. New Hampe and crosses. Mixed chioke 315.00 per 100. 'gullet chicks $26.00 and cockerels $7,00. Started chicks at reasonable rates LOCK'S POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY R.R.2 Sault Ste Marie, Ontario .RE7DROC PULLETS $23:00 REDROC HYBRID PULLETS noted for year rotind production of big eggs, livability and targe body size,' pullets 323.00, non -sexed 018.00, write for price list. Big Rock Farm, MONKTON Poultry Farm Chicks -All we can say is. try them. Results tell the story, All Breeders pullorum-tested and government banded Write for 1949 price llst and cata- logue. hionkton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ont. LEGRO0 HYBRID CHICKS $12.00 LEGROC HYBRID CIiICKS, World record long lived layers of big eggs, Save Time - Make more money with these big husky better bred hybrids. Their rapid growth and plump bodies make them ideal for two pound broilers or fryers, prompt shipment; free calendar and price list. Big Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont, OXFORD Accredited chicks, live, lay and pay. They are the results of, twenty-three years of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S. They have to be good, because we want the very beat kind of chinks for our own flocks - big, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks, white Leghorns, Kamp x Rork Cockerels, Rork x Leghorn Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The OXFORD FARMERS' . CO-OPERATIVE PRODUCE Company Limited, 434 Main Street, il ood- stoek, Ontario. Mille Roches, Ont. • RED SUSSEX. POLL. $23.00 EXTRA EGGS, EXTRA meat, extra profits. For combined egg and meat profits try our red Sussex Hybrid chicks, bred for fast growth. quick feathering, large size and heavy egg production., Pullets $23.00, as hatched 213,00, two hatches every week, im- mediate shipment. Big Tack Fenn, 111111e Roches, Ont. BARRED ROCJ4 C1itCRS 013.00 noted for year round production of bug eggs, BARRED ROCKS, THE fanners favnurtte, vigour and top price when sold for meat, they' will put profit into your poultry enterprise. Quick shipment, Cockerels 35,00, millets 228.00, as hatched $13,00. Rig Ronk Farm, Mille Roehee, Ont, WE -WANT YOU to have our new eutetogue. If we missed you, send for free copy at once. It is chucked full of valuable informa- tion, Read the success stories of customers who have purchased 'rweddle chicks year in and year out, sone of them for 26 years. Tweddle chicks do give customer satisfaction. That's why the majority of our business each year comes from old customers. We have special chicks for egg produielon,•for roasters and broilers. Also two and three week ntd chicks. Older pullets eight weeks to laying and turkey mutts all from Uovet•n i rut Approved breeders, Twedrtte •'hick Tee telt stiles. T.inited, Fergus, (Jnterio. LIGHT SUSSEX rt LI,It7'S 523.00 LIGHT SUSSEX ARE renews for tenth egg and meat production. They are fast growing healthy birch that develop in yplentlid market fowl. Our Sussex chicks are usually sold far In advance so kindly place your order early. Big Reck Fern,, 111111e Roches, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Ale OFFER to every inventor -List 01' Inver• Heins and full information sent free The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Alt ern eya. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa le .lust beet and rub in MINARD'S, and note the quick relief you get. Greaseless, fast -drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. 15.46 LARGE eco N0M1GAC sIse 65c DYEING AND CLEANING 33,tVI YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write 10 us for information. We are glad to gnawer your questions. Department H, i'eriner's Dye Works Limited, 781 Tongs Street, 'roratito, Ontario, VAltlt HELP 1ROLLAND immigrant tamlies available, with one or more worltere. Arriving during spring, Farmers here is your opportunity to obtain reliable help, Apply P.O. 234, Chat- ham, Out - _ WANTED -Two married men, Experienced, One to wont with sheep and swine and one for general farm work. Unfurnished cottage euitahle for small family provided. Write giving age, health and experience. P.O. Box 223G, lifeeDonald College Que. FOR SALE. MODERN DAIRY with one-third share in pasteurizing plant. Reason for stoning' pool' health, 1'nr further information write Leo Otto, Box 374, Sioux Lookout, Ont, VILLAGE of Athens, brick veneer home, all city conveniences, large lawn and rose gar- den, low taxes, near schools churches and stores, Write owner 1:I, T. Green, Athens, Ont, GRINDING. and feed business for sale, on CNR tracks; new cement block building. H. W. Boyd, Mallorytnwn, Ont. NAILS - NAILS _ NAILS ORDER NOW FOR APRIL DELIVERY Compton nails (in kegs), standard sizes 2" to 6". Prices up to $9,92 per cwt. (tax included), in 100 keg lots. Discount on carload lots (400 kegs), F.O.B. CARS TORONTO McCABE INDUSTRIES 627 Adelaide St, W. STEEL DIV'151014 USE FINN'S Red Blood Quicly tablets. Revives weak, pale, scoury baby chick, turkey poults. Cost quarter cent chick, half cent turkey. Guaranteed or money refunded. One dollar trial sample. R. A. Finn ('n, L• td„ London, Ont 318,000.00 real estate, meat end gruceiy bust - nese, ideal location, well-equimted g00d turn over, apply Brown 2 Jones, Barristers, Se - 'loiters. Ridgeway, Ont. FURS -DIRECT FROM FACTORY Fur collars, beautiful Silver Fox 36.60 -Wolf, blue or natural 53.50, Finest Fur Coate from 576.00 up, Write Leslie B. Scott 366 Mayor Street, Montreal, FLAMELESS LIGHTERS No wick, no flint, press plunger and tip glows red hot, Attractively boxed with complete in- structions.. Only 52.60. Just right for out of door's. Fairway Distributing Co.,. 223 Brown St.,, Sault St. Marie, Ontario. - STEEL NAILS Common wire, 1 -6 -inch; finishing, lie -3 -Inch; bright shingle or plaster board, Ili -Vie -inch. independent Nail Co. Ltd.. Write, wire or phone Beverley St, Galt, Ont, -968, LADINO CLOVER, $2,25 LB. Grownfront Certlfled seed, Gov. Grade No. 1. Lots of 10 pounds or more, . express prepaid. Pa.pple Bra, R. 3 Cainaville, Ont. "KIDDIE-KROME" CHAIRS Are designed for kiddies from 6 months to 6 years old, Hs one purpose is their comfort and safety. For illustrated folder write Box 28, 123 -18th St. New Toronto. ANYTHING ELECTRICAL - WHY PAY MORE Motors -new or used. 26 or 60 cycle, from $9.85 up, all types and elzes. Washers, used, 039,90 up, New standard makes, $66.00 up. Radios, used, $15.00 up. New 327.00 up. Hotplates, irons, toasters, pumps, wiring ma- teriatt at reduced prices. Everything fully guar- anteed. We sell hundreds and can save you money. Fixtures and fitierescent lights, 20;5 oft. Write for price' list. Ontario Rural Con- etruetion 719 Gerrard E., 'Toronto, FREE SILK TIE Finest quality mercerized broadcloth white enol striped shirts, postpaid: 32.75 with a Free Tie, 2 for 26.20, Refunds, Efrosa Textiles, 1311 Ontario, Montreal. COUNTRY GENERAL STORE Good farming district, 3Sew highway near lake, Large turnover. Brick store with living quarters, General stook, dry goods, groceries. Hardware, etc., good fixtures. Post office. Price 33500 each, Stook invoice prices, Some terms will be considered at a larger price. Aet oulckiy. M. J. Leppard, Broker, 'Keswick, Ont. Phone Roches Point, 97-.R-12, MAKE YOUR OWN PIPE Italian Briar Blork and Stem, 76c; Semi -finish- ed pipes,'"85c: 4 Birch or Cob pipes, 21.00, Un - Painted plaster wall decorations, Postage paid. Stonehouse, Wallaceburg, ONE JOHN DEERE Tractor; Model A, 30h.n. Year, 1944 --on rubber, 11-88 rear 550x16 front Row crop type. Guaranteed in Al shape, Apply L. Jackson, MR.. No. 1, :tlitehe.11, Phone 648-R-2. BALED HAY, steams and legume, for im- mediate sale. Apply for price, stating ouen- tity required, to Hawlhorne's Fartus, Presrult, Ont, ALL STEED. Heavy duty cordwood saw frames with pulley and 30" or 32" blade, adapted to any make of tractor. Very reasonably uricetl. Bettger Industries, Strafford, Ont, IDEAL, 11031E for retired farm couple over sixty years old, London township, close to city limits, bus service, five toom rotteg9 and garage; furnace, hot and cold water, onmplele bathroom, hydro, small garden spare available rent free In return for care nt cottage, grounds and barn containing few hetes. Pert time work in city also• available tr desired. Box 33, 1.2e -181.h St., Net' Toronto, RISS Melody," New song;, Nere den.e trate. Send 30o to: A. K. NNtC.'rea,• Brown's Mill, Port Essington, B.C.• MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Junior Tractor. 33 Peril Truck, - Reo bunk -rake, quantity hey and straw. .Jack Laidlaw, l:agersville, Ont. VEw FLEURX No, 21 plow complete with straight thither/ or aktmtner and two shares. Regular price $29.66-ottr nrlce $19.76 here G. (4. Kent, Delhi, Ont. GILDED Wire Name fins. 50e-7 for 53.30. enuvet•, BEagle 310, Co,. 4320 t1ctneis St.. Van. fg, DRUG Business In Galt for Sale. Owner re• tiring on account of health. For particulars apply Cant's Drug Store, Galt, Ontario. FARMS FOR 5.4.I.0 -J1 It is a dairy chicken, tobacco, or ordinary farm we have it,. All sizes, All types. Contact Morris B.•YER(:1- VAi., Real estate, 225 Queen's Ave.. Loudon, Ontario. Western Ontario's Foremost Fern IFIlea AgeneY, FOR, SAL,9 ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross -Crimped C rrugated and ribbed styles, 6 to 10 ft, let te immediate delivery from stook. Write Lor samples and estimates. Steel Distributors Limited, 500 Cherry St, Toronto. FOLDING CHAIRS, new guaranteed, sturdla fold fiat, No, 1 Staple. natural finish, $2.90 each, Paramount, 108 King least, Toronto. 80.4 0032 Flame Grine, Weed and, brush burners, of many uses. Immediate delivery, Write for itustratrd catalogue, Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited, Lennoxville, Quebec, BI.AClf and Docker Electric Drills, brand new portable, 110 -volt, 00 (or 25) cycle, gutaranteed, i,5" 540,00: ?s" $21,00. Surplus 'fable, 108 King fdast, Toronto. USE PINN'S S.E S. Tablets. Stops calf ecour5 and pig scours. Cost fifty cents half. Ten cents pig, Easily given, Guaranteed "r money refunded. One dollar trial sample. R. A, Pirtle Co. Ltd., London, Ont. WOOD LATHES, 12",x38". heavy duly Timkin bearing, reduced from 549 to 330. OgilVy'at Power Tool Shop, 147 Besserer Street, Ottawa. 6-8092. NEW WAR SURPLUS Heavy Duty Tiro chains for farm tractors, heavy trucks, road graders, ete, A11 sires, Width for prices. Jack Wardell, 764 3rd Ave. "A" West, Owen Sound, Ont, MEDICAL PD'S so/LLEN'T, Real termite after takint Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains' and Neuritis, Siunro's Drug Store, 865 Elgin. Ot- tawa Postpaid 51,00. PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the good re- sults front taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheu-- matic Palne and Nettie tie .11unro's Drag Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. NURSERY STOtI{ MIXED GLADIOLUS bulbs, large. 56, medium 53.50, small 02.60 per 100, 26 bulbs fres with orders received before April 1st postpaid, Now Sequoia potato eyes,' bug and blight resist. ant ,at 100 eyes for $1,25. Frank Lanz, Box 184, Kelowna, B.C. DAHLIAS FOR EXHIBITION. As low an 52.00 per dozen. Write for cattle logue to H. H. ,Johnson, Box 64, R.R. 3 Kel- owna, B.C. BUT DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden. New Catalogue now ready. Write for Free Copy. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont, PLANT a Hedge -Reserve now for Spring de- livery -extremely hardy -quick growing Chi- nese Ehn-will grow two feet the first year - enough plants (25) to plant 26 feet. Special Price 25 plants for $2.98, 12 -snob elze: or. 26 plants for $4.98, 2 -foot size. Write for New Icree Full Colour Garden Guide, l6eook- date.-Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville: .Ont. AMAZING VALUE! - 2 evergreens, 2 shade trees, 2 ornamental shrubs, ,4 chrysanthe- mums, 10 perenhials, 18 plaits,' 1111' diltet'ent, 31.49. 5 apP1e trees true to name, all differ- ent, 4 /6 feet, 52.96. Complete nursery Sete: logue 1059, Mayfarm Nurseries, Galt, OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and 'WOMEN POEMS set to music. S011ge copyrighted. Frei examination, Send poems lJarmonyst, Box 68, Weston, Ontario, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn • Hairdressing Pleasant 'dignified profession, rood wages, thousands, successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system. illustrated cata- logue free, Write or Call . MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Btoor St. W , Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton 8c 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa, • PAINTS FREE/ -1 Gallon Paint for best,letter contain- ing helpful painting hints, Barn Paints. white, gray, green, tile ted and, Fence Pointe all colors, 32.96 per gallon. New 1949, Enam- el, Seri-G:lose, Flat, not a sulOtus paint. All colors, inside and out 92.96 per gallon. Quality guaranteed or money refunded, H. L. Steiner. 21 Russell Street, 'reronto. Mail Orders ac- cepted. PATENTS , FETJ:IERSTONAUGH & Conipany Patent So- licitors, Established 1890, 360 Bay Street, Toronto, Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Scientific. Ac- curate, Please write for information', Eva Winfield, 869 Thurlow, No. 206 Vancouver, Canada, STOP SMOIIING without taking anything in- ternally or using any will power; For in- formation send 4e addressed envelope to Pierre, 442T Birks Building, Edmonton, .'tibert e.- rURICEYS FOR SALE ' WHITE HOLLAND Pnults now available, of - ;Melly banded and blood tested. Picked,fer the finest in their type, $70,00 per. hundred. Sunny Acres Turkey Fx rnn, Pa richt \inhnlson. Atnhel'sthttrtt•, Ont. IF Y(1(1 WANT Canadian Approved terltey poults ;(3113'1 delay in placing 'your order. Some of our dates are fitted up. A11 turkeys hatehed from eggs proeufed from some of On- tafl's outstanding breeders, Free rireular, Tweddie Chicle ' Hatcheries Limited, Fergusi (loterio, WANTED WANTED: Alt types of obeetet.e Cat•tridges- any quantity. W, Bileslci, 145 Linden Ave- nue, Nast ittldanaa, rtaa,•'. "WANTED, percelain barber chair, Write or phone, Hamilton Beauty Supply Co., 211) King 54,,315mi,11011,'•0nt: SOMETHING NEVG "Next," -aid the new businces college ittltruetor to the boss„ 'tT will give the class the fundamen- tals of the triple entry system." 'Triple entry "e leaed,'the.11 it loan. ''I'ye heard if double entry,. but evhat is triple • entry?" - , • "It's very simple," said the new. instructor, 'One • entry for you, showing the true profits; another for your silent partner, . showing modest profits; and a third 'entry for the income tax people, • shutt- ing a net loss." ROLL ¥iii UR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES wins/ 40,3 RETIE T+ CCO REG'LAR FELLERS YES, i'm4 STORE 'THESE IMMO OM REGULAR.. Ttt,]e$l'TY•$Ive cam. VALUE ! SALE REGLIM14 Jest Npvisrtlr BANkS AraW 750 t 4 7 watt., rO YA GOTTA ova IT '150 MEEFORE. I'4.t euY ot)E d By GENE BYRNES JUST TO MAKE SURE, DROP A DIME. T hT 7h''$ALEtr IG PRIM!