HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-31, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO 1.-141cH .1:1ERALP, ZURICH HERALD Ausnorezed as second class mail, Post Office Departmeat, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD •Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except j Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS ro—pi 0 sc ar Put Your Want, For Sale Lost. Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE IA Cockshutt 11 -run fertilizer Drill with grease fittings and oil 'bath This drill is like new.—Earl Dietrich Phone 81 r 16, Dashwood, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, *MI sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" Phone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED- AUCTIONEER Perms ,Reiisonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 011ice with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Time -96 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular NOTICE .....i•••••••••••••,. FOR. RENT—Part of the Sehilbe Block in Zurich, formerly used as the Zurich Feed Store—Apply to Erwin Sohilbe, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE - — Fire Proof Register Cabinet, small Coleman gas heater. Apply to Phone No. 75, Zurich. FOR SALE Locomotive gas washing machine, nearly new in Al eondition. Clover seed for sale at. reasonable prices. Apply, David Blackwell, Hensall, R. R. 2. !Phone 88r8, Zurich. NOTICE TOP PRICES Paid for live Hogs, ship every Tuesday and Cattre every Saturday. For best of satisfaction and best prices give one a call. Have small truck Lor .pickup. --,Maurice Masse, Phone 98 r (24, Zurich NEUHAUSER CHICKS Thousands of tChicks available (week- ly; Twenty breeds to chooae•from. A wide -variety iof breeds and cross breeds in our, brooders now. Come in and see them. Neuhauser Hatch- eries, 81 King St. London. FOR SALE 1947 llord DeLux Coach, Custom, Radio, new tires, is in perfect •con- dition. Privately owned. Apply at Herald Office. MEAT MARIK.T FOR SALE Let Us supply you witiv' /IA three -section Massey„ Harr. very Choice of Fresh and.Ceit; - iing tooth drag harrow ad Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, oondition Etc.,always on hand. Kept iresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hide; and Slabs' - Ff. Yungblut.& 5o9 PRODUCE SilverwOQa DAIRIES. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery LOCAL .NEW.6 Mr. W. C. Pearce of Exeter wa.sa business teener in town on Tuesaay. Mr and Mrs Calvin Cutler of De- troit were week -end visitors with her mother, Mrs..1, P. Rau, Monday was one of those nice and balmy early spring days and how we did enjoy it. Mr and Mrs. Fred Ducharme are: spending a couple of weeks in Wind- sor and Detroit. Mr. Raymond Hartman or Goshen Line south spent a week in Windsor and Detroit. • Mr. Kuno Hartman and son Law- rence made a business trip to Ham- ilton last Thursday. • eier and Mrs. Donald Robertson and daughter Linda, of Toronto, visited with Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz the past week -end. Mr Lorne McBride of Windsor, was a visitor in town on Monday. He was a visitor with his parents, Mi and Mrs. Robert McBride at Kippen over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McClinchey and little son enjoyed a few days over the week -end at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs Roland Geiger. .DO YOU KNOW that Tuuor's at Hensall have NuKook !Skirts /n size 12 to 44. They also have a few new spring blouses left. Mr. Henry M. Willert of Dashwood called on friends in town on aVlonday. Mr. Willert whois not enjoying his usual good health, has recently been in Victoria Hospital, London for nine days for treatment. The nice weather is greatly drying off the roads, which in many places were not good. The Zurich Road is very, very rough, but the grader is working on it, and will soon have the worst holes fulled in we hope. Short Course To Be Held A short course on oven meals will be held in the Town Hall, Grand Bend, on April 7th and 8th froen 1.30 to 4.00 pen. The Zurich Ladies are invited to attend. Returned from Hospital Mrs. Laird Thiel has returned home from Clinton Hospita where she had an operation, and is getting along nicely. Her many friends wish her continued health, ' Don't forget the Three Act Goni- edyPlay entitled "Where's Grandma" given. in the Town Hall, Zurich, nn Monday evening, April 4th, by the Young People of Elimville, and spon- sored by the Zurich W. Institute. Bring your Friends for a good laugh( Mr and Mrs Ferd Haberer were called to the bedside of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Charles Pulford, (Greta) of Windeor,- who ,had • been ill 'With a sore throat and a tooth had been extracted. We are pleaSed 'to report that the patient is ienprov- ing nicely, and her many. friends wish her a speedy recovery. is ii good' . —Doug. Robinson; Phone Hensall 97 r 2. FOR SALE bedro0311..'l ,suite.; Figidhir pficticaily new ;-piece parlor suit; new 8 -.piece kitchen din- ette.—Apply. to.JOSePh Cantin, St. Joseph, Ont:' c FOR..,SALE Blue Stroller,, in good cOndition, Baby Tenda like new, BabyWalker, Bandsaw 14" 'bill' 'bearing, ,cheap; wieh machine, electric, 'wooden tub. Two • 80:612te -inch, tires and: tubes; Trailer 16" tires.—IVan Willert. FARMERS! ELMIRA FERTILIZER, for im- mediate deliveries... Also sand and gravel. —Harry 1VICAdams, phone 82 r 5, Zurich, Ont. pt4-2 ..Your Home Market for Cream • Eggs and Poultry -Highest Cash Prices paid plus s premium for deliverecicream We are equipped to give effi- cient- accurate service. Egg end Poultry department in -charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE • FOR QUICK SALE • Dies at ;Hyde Park .Mrs. Adam Thomas (Annie) D-ig- las,..71, -of Hyde. Park, died su idenly at her horn; last Thursday. Born in Huron County,. the daughter • of ti,e late Mr .and Mrs.. John Johnston, she had lived in Hyde iPark for the past 80 years. Prior to that rhe had lived in the Blake district and for a while in Hensall. Mrs. Douglas was a me- mber •of the Hyde Park Women's In- stitute and of the New St. James Presbyterian Church in London. She is survived by a son, AllanJ. Douglas; two daughters, Mrs H. H (Margaret) Vair, both of London, and Mrs. Gor- don (Norma.) Arrand, of Hyde Park The body rested in .the George E. WOOD — We have 600 cords of Logan .& Sons funeral home, where 12 -inch wood for immediate sale. — funeral services were held on. Satur- F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd, Zurich dare afternoon with Rev. Richard the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. Arno TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice a slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—stari now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea( at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery , PHONE 100 — ZURICH FARMS FOR SALE FARM—Consisting of 100 acres, •being located half mile north of Zurich, on Goshen Line, known as the Koehler homestead, has Hydro and water through the buildings; bank barn 75x55-35 feet high. Is in good state of cultivation, one of the best farms in the district, 2 acres of bush, well fenced and drained. Possession can be had in reasonable time. FARM—Known as the Taylor farm, opposite the above mentioned farm, consisting of 70 acres of good tillable soil, all in good cultivation, 6 acres of bush, has house with Hydro For further particulars appry to proprietor, Leonard Geromette. BORN • Steckle -- At the Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich on March 26th, to Mr and Mrs: Asa Steckle, Stanley Twp., a daughter (Doris Elane). Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Rader of Zur- ich are very happy te announce the birth of a baby boy 814. -lbs, at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs. Charles Thiel, March 29th. RAG RUGS and CARPETS Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance CO. On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth 0. Amain, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. OF WOODSTOCK TBE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS a OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. ,Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31re, 1946 $73,699,23.6.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds, $444,115.39 • Rate,, on Application 'E F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all Linclb pf Fire Inburanceii Contract Barley WE ARE AGAIN CONTRACTING BARLEY FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY. IF INTERESTED, a ET IN TOUCH WITH US Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Phone 103 Nights 133 HENSALL - ONTARIO . General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, • SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Reprwienting well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Inettrance Ageney 3. W. HABERER Phon0 16 Una* and is. Thursday, .March 81st, 1949 Start Your Chicks On CO - OP. CHICK STARTER Available at Hensall Dist. Co.Cperative HENSALL and ZURICH ONLY RECLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS 1 1 cently married. The bride and groom received many .useful gifts. •Dancing was enjoyed to music by Fred Walt- er's Orchestra. In the near future the pupils of Hensall Public ,Se.hool will be calling on -citizens selling a.esorted cards and seals:. This. is part of a campaign to raise .funds for the Junior Red Cross Your help will be aerpreeiated. Mr and Mrs H. J. Neeb and Mrs M. Wolfe and Jimmie Of Tavit,toeie and Mrs. J. Little, Lucan, Mr and Mrs. Basil Nagle and Barbara, Loi - don, visited with Mr and Mrs. Win. Brown. Stewart, New St. James PreSeyterian Church, and Rev. John Fleck, Elm- wood Ave. Presbyterian church offi- ciated and burial took place in the. Hyde Park cemetery. Among those who attended the funeral on Satur- day were: Mrs. Ed. Datars Sr., :NTIFA Anna Deters, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Det- ers, Jr., Mr and Mrs, Clarence Parke, Mr and Mrs. Rumen Heard; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Soldan. RLAk.E Mrs. Gordon Erb and babe; son, Charles Gordon, have returnea home from the Hospital. Congratulations to the proud parents of their first son. ,Mr and Mrs Asa Steckle leave a new baby daughter also. congrat• ulations to them also. Several of the young people at- tended the closing exercises at the Bible School at Kitchener held last week from this vicinity. Mrs. M. Denomme Sr., is confined to her room after receiving an injury the result from a fall. Her nany friends wish her a speedy recoverY. Mr and Mrs Emery Bedard and on of Goderich and Mr and Mrs. Edsol Ducharme. and baby visited their parents, Mr ,and Mrs Oscar Du- charme during the week -end. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Dinsmore attended the funeral of a relative at London, on Saturday, the late Mee Ed. Douglas of Hyde Park. Some - years ago she was a resident of the town line near Blake. Her husband was a brother of the late Air. It. N. Douglas, store keepei. at one, time in Blake. • • • 0 • • • • Barley Acreage Wanted GET YOUR CONTRACT EARLY AND BE ASSURED OF GOOD SEED ORDER YOUR FEED SEEDS NOW! W. E. REID Dashwood Phone 87W. Thedford 456 • a • 1 11 1 1 WMS Meet The Womens' Missionary Society held their birthday party in the church, schoolroom on March 17 and was one of the best ever held. Invit- ed guests were the ladies from Car- mel Presbytehian church and St. Paul's ,Anglican church of Hensall. The schoolroom was attractively dec- orated with flowers and decoration. Luncheon was served and. a largo birthday 'cake was partaken off. 144 members and guests were present. Elecitriciiins Meet The March meeting of the Eleatic - al Contracters Association ot Huron County and district was held in the New .Commercial Hotel, Hentiall, Mr John Passmore was in the Chair.Nom- inations were called for election of °facers. It was decided that each member 'pay $12.00 per year to cov- er cost of operation of the organiz- ation. • A euchre and dance will be held • in (the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday, April 1st, sponsored by Amber Re- * bekah Lodge of Hensall. Murdock's • Orchestra, ladies please provide. Flowers From England Mrs. Harry Horton of Hensel, re- ceived a lovely box of flowers con0 - tabling violets, primroses, primulam and ivy, picked from the garden of • her brother, J. W. Page, Heston, Eng 41 in happy 'memories of a year ago when Mr and Mrs Horton visited to there. The flowers took two days to cros.a the ocean and were in splend- id condition 'on. arrival. Funeral Was Held •Pubille funeral service for the late Mrs. Catherine Baker, oldest Hensall resident, was held from 13orithron's 0 Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. P A. Ferguson. Mrs. James A. Pater- 0 son rendered a solo. "Unto The Hills' , Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. The flower bearer.; were re ftve greategrandelfildren: Joyce and • Greta Pfaff; , Sewall; Ronald Neil,, 5 Ray IVIeNichol, Melvin Tebbutt, Lon-' The Drysdale Store The Store With the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boys. A fine Assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances. 'ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES ALSO PIONEER FEEDS .Call on U6, .Your Patronage will 'be Appreciated at all times! JOHN N. DENOMME -,DRYSDALE - Phone 9814 - VMS" .1.,-easienautticitaiXertai47 4eStAiti ee•a•gMsaercca...... 14ENSALL don: ttie bearers were Jack Nee, g A large number relatives aril Tebbntt, Alvin McNichol, VVilfred HAVE YOU PURC ASED YOUR New Easter F otwe r If not, be sure and visit our Store and see for your- self the new Styles in Pumps, by Dolls, Stripes, Etc., Etc. WO EN'S PUMPS: 4lack, Burgandy, Green, Bronze, Red and Grey. Also Pumps and e new 3 -strap for Ladies' wearing an E width. GROWING GIRLS: Babydolls with Straps in Black and Burgandy :lack, Suedes and Rept- iles. Red and Green, Straps. BOYS: The new Ghillie Tie. MEN: Guillie Ties in Brown and Red Scott - McHale Oxfords in Calf or Kid. Also Brown Oxfords, Goodyear Welt as low as $5.75. Men's and Boy's Work Shoes in various price fields. SEE OUR BARGAIN RACKS! esch Sh Paints & Vanishes Use SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Hite - Shellacs - Varnishes, - Etc. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning- Needs - Radios Plumbing - Heating - Tinsrnithing OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY Dotal's & O'Brien • • • a a 1 • • PHONE 213 4 friends gatherin ed the Town Hall gerdeen. Lonain; Wilbert MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE Friday oVenime last in honor of Mr t William Pfac, Hensall. There ever, I re ' Mao oere mailly lovely rasa', -1-ewee‹.1:a,',0001.",.&0110,18e-- s