HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-31, Page 1z RICH rats.blished 1900 HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH ;11949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PermisR .K , e $1.75 a Year in Advance, $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. thrertising the greatest medium to `Let people know!' ARTHUR FRASE Income Tax'eposta ookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER "OFFICE :—Coiner Ann, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 35& lunch Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied "with the very latex% of methods end Equipment. GIVE US A CALL! flame 153 for your Appointments. ElPOREIN E—Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? Ef ®a, Have your ETete lezuretnied with a eLatest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, RAI ',OPT-OMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOE — OWL (Teeed Glasses at Rasoonsir&s Prieeee NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223. Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Leavitt's -Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone ➢ 35 Wednesday, Thursday March 30-31 MY OWN TRUE LOVE —Starring— Phyllis Calvert Melvyln Douglas Also "DYNAMITE" Friday, Saturday Apr1I 1-2 Saturday Matinee IVO FEATURES: .JUNGLE JIM. Starring Jonnie 'Weismuller W.H 1.RLWIND RADARS —Starring— (Charles Scarett Smilie Brunette 3Viionday., Tuesday April 4, 5 TWO FEATURES: ".MAKE YOUR OWN BED" Comedy Feature, Starring Jane Wyman, Academy Award Win- ner, And Jack Carson, an all Star mat SEA WOLF .Starring Edward G. Robinson OOL'a2ING—Wed. April 6th, Variety Concert, South Huron Junior Farm- ers; armers; April 7-8-9 "When My Baby Smiles at Me." El Paso. Conneciut Yankee. 'Northwest Mounted Police. :+ 4 1 L art] •- alkyl fterat 350111e 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4 4. 4. 4. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and injured .. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF TUE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY «R NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 j eshwaxodi — Ontario Ti1's � B Su rior Store 0.`ICE THIS T h, r ay, Friday an turday► WE ARE OFFERING LADIES AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND SKIRTS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR A BARGAIN SEE, OUR DISPLAY! STILL A. FEW MORE BUNDLE LOTS OF WALL PAPER. SEE THEM WHILE THEY LAST! Phone 140 C H. THIEL Zurich Where's Grandma A Three Act Comedy Play entitled "Where's Grandma" will be present- ed in the Town Hall, Zurich On MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 4th. At 8 o'clock. A good cast with plenty of laughter. This play will be given by the Young People of Elimville, sponsored by the Zurich Women's Institute. Admission 40e. Children 25c. under 12. MONSTER DJ-%NeE OPERA HOUSE - EXETER Saturday, March 26th. Plan a Party - get in the Fun! Big Crowds Clayt Steeper's Orchestra IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mrs. Chris. Enb, Tavistock, who departed this life two years ago, March 29th, 1947 Peacefully be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breath thy name In life we loved you Dearly, In death we do the ,same. —Sadly missed by her daughter, Mrs Edmund Schwartzentruber, Blake. "Spring is Here! The spring season carne sri very rapidly this year, as the warm wea- ther soon changed things from mid- winter to springlike. The robins; and other birds are here in . abundance, the frogs are crtigking`iloud xtrrti'l rr in the ponds, and with a few days of nice sunshine and wind the land will be• dried off ready for the spring seeding to go in. The maple season, which always sweetens many a pal- ate, has been very short, in fact less than half a crop, and if there will be mo frost within the next few days, the season will -be a thing of the past Federation News (by W. V. Roy) County Forums held a rally in the Auditorium of the Seaforth Collegi- ate, on Friday March 17th, with Robt. McMillan of .Seaforth acting as Chairman, Clare Burt, Provincial Secretary, gave an inspiring talk on Forums and Folk Schools. The audi- ence enjoyed a concert provided by forum people and witnessed the fea- ture film produced in Huron County "The Books Drive On", 'which was .followed by a lunch and social get together. The broadcast on income tax re- turns, proved to be the most popular broadcast of the season. Forums think farmers should file income tax re- turns, whether they are taxable or not, and eight to one of those op- posed, feel that farmers should keep records in any event. A large delegation from the Co- unty is attending the Annual Meet- ing of Ontario Hog Producers, in Toronto this week, at the Ring Ed- ward Hotel. • To Be a Real Show • Credit to bring to Clinton Spring Show the largest and best display of live stock ever seen in Huron County goes to W. R. Lobb, President of Hurn County Federation of Agrie- ulture. Mr. Lobb attended a meeting of 'the Ontario Federation last week when plans were formulated to bring to 'Clinton Spring Show, the tour of international 'delegates, who will be attending the International Federat- ion of Agricultural Producers, �•t Guelph Agricultural College, the eel of May. This means that representatives of about 50 foreign countries will visit Clinton, and witness the parade of livestock held on the afternoon of Friday, May 27th. Phe date hnaa been changed to coincide with this fa t Sold Farm Mr° Arthur Gabel of the Bronson line, ...Who has sold one of his farms to ,l\(1 . Clark of Grand Bend, has givert°:.possession and Mr and Mrs. Gabel..and daughter Idel'la, have mov- ed ort their other farm formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Browne, Mrs Browne is now living in Toronto Finger Injured Mater Allan Thiel, younger son of Mr aiid Mrs Earl Thiel had the front of one of his fingers on nis right hand ,.badly crushed while playing. Medleal aid was given at once, and it will •be able to save the tip of the finger without being amputated. Horne From Hospital 'lbe many friends of Mr. Earl Hey- wood Canada's First Cowboy Sing- er of the stats of .CKNX Wingham, are pleased to hear that he has 'T- urned from the Wingham Hospital, after:; an operation for apendix: We wishhinr continued health. WASTE PAPER COLLECTION .On�:Tuesday, April 5th, the children df Z rich School will collect waste pape3j and rags in the Village. PIease tie newspapers and smooth -finished magazines in separate parcels. And tie all parcels Securely and place all in front of home or business place befori noon, Tuesday, April 5th. Had Operation We have been advised that Rev. Father L. W. Power, former parish priest Of St. Boniface Church, Zurich and Iilow of Ridgetown, has had an operation performed at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and is progressing niceIY' We join Father M'ower's many Z fattends in wishing him a spe- edy re -era. Successful in Piano We take great pleasure in congrat- ulating Mr. Cyril Ducharme of Lon - an, youngest son of Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme of town, who was successful in receiving at the Con- ervator;y of music at Western Univ- ersity of London, honours in Grade 8 Sr.. in piano and first class honours in Grade 5 Theory. We wish Cyril continued success in his studies, as it is a fine vocation in life, Were Married 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Ex- eter, were married 50 years ago, and on their golden wedding anniversary day relatives and friends came to their old faun hone, 2nd Concession, Hay •Township to extend congratu- latioiis and to bring gifts. A three- storey wedding cake centred the table decorated in gold and white. The Campbells have two sons, Earl of the odd homestead, and Percy, 18 grand- children and six great grandchildren. May they enjoy with good health many more anniversaries - Late Mrs. Cecil UttIey Mrs. Cecil Uttley, 32, of Thomas street, St. Marys, died on March 17, in Victoria Hospital, Landon, where she had been confiend since January 20th. She was the daughter of Ar- thur Knott, of St. Marys. Mrs. Ut- ley was horn in Downie Township, and is survived by her husband, two daughters, Judy, eight, and Jill six; three 'brothers of Downie Twp, and a sister 'of St. 'Marys. Funeral services were held at the L. A. Ball funeral home, Saturday last at 2 p.rn. The Rev. W. E. Waldworth St. Marys United Church officiated. Interment was in the St. Marys Cemetery. Highway N. 83 to be Improved to Port Blake Announcement comes from Tho,. Pryde, M.L.A., that the Department of Highways will continue to widen and grade No. 88 Highway from Das- hwood to the Blue Water Highway this year. The work of building the bridges, widening and grading the highway from. Exeter to Dashwood big event,and theparade will be was recently completed. Owing to the number of bridges and the amount of timh heir visit. fill re Nedever witbeftore have, breecrers at cruised to raise and widen the livestock in Huron had the opnortme road this was a big undertaking. The ity to display their beat strains to• amount. of, work required to build representatives of so ninny different the zoacl froth I)ashwo.od to the Iiluc countries the world over, and this Water Highway will be considerably, Promises'. without doubt, to be the less. Whe'.i completed it will be one biggest leir ever held in this part pt of the finest stretChee oa' highway Tri the province. preNtinet„ TUDOR'S IN HENSALL have Con- goleum Rugs now at pre -War prices. They also have Axminister and Re- versible Rugs 25x40, and wash Mats for the kitchen and bath. DOES YOUR Engagement and Wed- ding Ring look shabby and old fash- ioned? Why not have the Diamonds reset in a smart modern mounting? Your worn wedding ring can be re- melted and re -engraved. Come in and see them at Hess the Jeweller. THINKING OF HOUSE CLEAN- ING? Think of Tudor's in Hensall for Curtains. Riffle Dots, Criss Cross, Tailored Dots, CeIenanese Voile. and Tuskan Nets, also Riffled Curtaining by the Yard. AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR PARENTS. There's wholesale entertainment for the yeungseters in The Comic Weekly Corner, in PUCK, The Comic Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Tames. This ,coming Sunday's (Ap- ril 3) issue ,presents a party game, a follow -the -dots color puzzle, a magic trick, secret code message and still other fascinating novelties. Get' Sunday's Deroit Times!. For Positive Identification of the Worl'd's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co,, Vitimizea Feeds W. R. ?► AVIDSON Pone 'I 0 - Hensall 00000000000111001100110090 ®0•@A • t • FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service I _Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, . Zi icli i ••••41•'••••4 /1000x7•®•®•• L„ito71�a t nt � d Mt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral +ii�ectina Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital' Bed and Wheelchair for Rent !•• ea I aBssess easseasa rase pease •saes �e.,®®w•asa:•0000es•a�• • • a 0 • • a a • • 0 0 0 • rP .11131061 Marmalade;, 3 flavours, 2 lbs. jar 28c. Vegetable soup, per can i 0c Ginger Snaps, per Ib 23c Raisins (seeded) per pkg. 1 9c Macaroni, per lb. .1Oc Peaches;; per can Z8c Baker's Cocoa, . l -lb. can 29c Pumpkins (canned) 20 oz., 2 for 25c. Mend Oes ,,:,h 4ric PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 1.65 Ven-ageosooiew000seeetm eer S Laying mash and Hog Grocers, Dairy Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Bran,.. Shcor-ts, Middlings, „Wood's Electric Grain.. Grinders.,,. Oat.. Rollers,.. Milkers • and Water Heaters, Save labour, Time and Money with these Labour Saving Machines. Fresh Groceries and Fruits on hand at all times. Ow Store will be open Wednesday afternoons for the Winter Months E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11-97 mea”.