Zurich Herald, 1949-03-24, Page 2ttiiTcms
lir DID
*7, NoMidnEcir
Russia coverone-sixth of the
world's land surface. and this month '
delegates fragn its most remote
corners gathered at a ineeting
the Supreme Soviet in Moscow.
There were Uzbeks from Central
Asia wearing skullcaps; Caucasians
in smocks; Yakuts from the Arctic
wearing white elkhicie boots; and
others whose appearance and dress
mirrored the 180 nationalities—
count 'etn-180—who make up
R.ussia's population.
The Supreme Soviet includes 1085
members of the Communist party
(the only party allowed to exist)
and 254 non-party Bolsheviks. And
all 1339 of them were simply there
for the trip—as they are "yes-men"
and nothing else.
They hold sessions to approve
the decrees of the Politburo, tvidch
controls both the Communist Party
and the Ministries of Government.
They would no more think of dis-
approving than of spitting—public-
ly, that is—on Uncle Joe Stalin's
picture. The main order of business
was to approve the 1949 budget—in
which the Russian armed forces get
79 billion rubles, as compared to 66
billions last year.
The meeting drew world atten-
tion—nor so much because of the
budget but because of the dramatic
shifts in the Soviet high command
which has just been announced.
The Politburo was presentz--and
Molotov sat at Stalin's right hand.
His appearance there seemed to
lend weight to the theory that Molo-
tov has by no means been demoted.
Instead, he has been relieved of his
duties as Foreign Minister in order
to devote more time to bigger policy
tasks—possibly that of succeeding
Should this occur, there will prob-
ably be little change in the Russian
attitude toward the "war -mongers"
of the west. As one ribald observer
put it, "the only real difference be-
tween Molotov and Stalin is that
Joe's' moustache is more liable to
get into the soup."
Just a month before the Nor-
mandy invasion—on May 11, 1944
to he exact — the German radio
broadcast a program titled "Vision
of Invasion." It depicted an "Ohio
mother" dreaming of all the horrors
of D -Day. There were vivid sound
effects of screams, groans and battle
noises and the program was "beam-
ed" both toward the United States
ar4 at Arnerieari troops -in Enghmth
—the play reaching areagonized cli-
max with the death of the "Ohio
mother's" soldier son.
The part of the mother was play-
ed by "Axis Sally" — in real life
Mildred Elizabeth Gillars, now 48,
an American 'who had lived in Ger-
snany for years and who had
handled many other Nazi propa-
ganda assignments.
Last January Axis Sally went on
trial for treason at Washington.
Records of her broadcasts were
played in court. German actors
identified her voice. Her •defense
was that she had been forced to
broadcast — and that anyway she
had taken the German oath of al-
legiance, and so was not guilty of
treason to the United States.
Early this month the jury found
Miss Gillars guilty of treason,
specifically on the count of her par-
ticipation in the "Vision of In-
vasion" broadcast. Her lawyer im-
mediately petitioned for a re -trial.
If the motion far this is not suc-
cessful, Miss Gillars faces a mini-
mum sentence of five years in
And. all things considered, if she
gets off with the minimum, most
folks e. ill hink it little enctgla,
In sone of his retirement as Presi-
dent. it stairos as if Chiang Kai-shek
is still putting a finger, or perhaps
two of them, into the Chinese
political pie. His influence is still
strongly felt, and various high -
platted Chinese figures either tele-
phone or visit hin regularly.
Sc Nationalist China seems to be
in the state of not being able to get
along with Chiang, and not being
able to get along without him—
especially eine.e a nomber of key
army et»mnanders will take orders
only f rom him.
Before he left Nanking, • Chiang
appointed his own men to posts
along the /Me of retreat extending
along the Fukien coast to Formosa.
At the same time he started a south-
ward movement from the Nanking -
Shanghai area of government files,
equipment of all descriptions, mili-
tary supplies 'and the central gov-
ernment' a gold reserve.
A considerable sum in gold is in
Formosa, where it is conveniently
separated from the mainland. Look-
ing on Formosa. as tilde last bas-
tion, ;op Chinese official § have not
been :smnindful of the fact that
Arian military men have dis-
played more than passing interest
in that ielatul, which lies along the
4.omMunication line between Japa n
and the Philippines.
Chiong niniself regards his fight.
with the communists as part of the
largor international struggle. People
elose to hint have dearly indicated
i is pinning Ms hopes on 50
;et. e di'cat ion nf R ussian-Ailleritan
•;.•eti. la !lie Far Rag,
To Fight For The Heavyweight Crovert—Ezzard Charles, left
above, and jersey joe Walcott are set to lip -ht a 15 -round match,
in Chieago next Tune for the heavyweight crown vacated by
Joe Louts. The Brown Bomber himself, now turned promoter,
will sponsor the match.
Among the countless Canadians
who take an interest in Big League
b a s e b a II doings, the Brooklyn
Dodgers probably number more fol-
lowers than any of the other fifteen
clubs in the two major loops. If you
happen to be one of these, our ad-
vice is to keep an eye on how Rex
Barney goes this season; as there is
better than a fair chance that he
might develop into one of the great-
est pitching sensations of all time.
A few words regarding the color-
ful Mr. Barney might not be amiss.
If, in dishing them out to you, we
lean rather heavily—although un-
beknownst—on the writings of
Arthur Daley of the New York
Times, thinkenothing of it. When
we started otit in this writing dodge
we resolved that, should we find it
necessary to steal, we'd only do so
from the best available sources. 0
* * *
When Barney first reported, as
an 18 year old kid, to the Dodgers
back in 1943, Branch Rickey kept
insisting that he'd develop into one
of the greatest pitchers in the game.
Of course Rickey might have been
a trifle prejudiced, seeing that he
owned Rex; 1)4_ jpe DiMaggio
ihoiTd-bed.'able to give an unbiased
opinion. And DiMag—after batting
against Barney—declared that he
was faster than Bobby Feller in his
Yet-, up to the middle of last sea-
son, Rex .never really clicked. He
was so utterly lacking in control
that all he could show for his first
twelve games was one 11 -inning tie.
This caused Lippy Leo Durocher,
then manager of Brooklyn, so say
"That kid just hasn't got _it. and
he'll never pitch another important
game for me!"
* * *
A few days later Durocher was
out of the driver's seat and soft-
spoken Burt Shotten was handling
the reins. Shotten seemed to have
Barney's number; and Rex proceed-
ed to string up eleven wins in a row.
He probably made Durocher sorry
for his harsh words too: for one of
his victories was a no hit. no reT1
game against the Lippy One's New
York Giants.
One trouble with Bartley that
he never had a real chance to learn
his trade. After entering organized
ball he molted up with dizzying
rapidity. going from Durham to
Montreal to Brooklyn in the spaee
of four months. And the first pitch
he made at each of those ston, Wae
—Well, out of the ordinary, to tat,
the least.
The first hall he thre',v at Durham
eluded the catcher, barged througa
the screen behind the plate. and hit
a sports writer on the head—prob-
ably the least vulnerable spot he
could find on any of that tribe. The
kind of support he got at Durham
made winning rather difficult. His
team-mates made as many as nine
errors in, one game. He pitched a
one-hitter—and lost, 1 to 9. Once
he bad a 5-4 lead going into the
eighth and Bruno Betzel, his man-
ager, grimly advised him that if he
wanted to win, he had better strike
out the next six men. So Rex
obediently struck out the eget six
Fresco Thompson, the Montreal
manager, didn't' want anybody so
green—and when Barney got to the
Quebec metropolis he sat on the
bench until he had a hole worn
through it. On orders from above
Thompson finally started Barney,
His first pitch went a foot behind
Goody Rosen's back and tore out
the screen. The next few batters
were so afraid to take a toe -hold
that Fresco Thompson cracked, "It
was the only pita 1 ever saw that
retired eight batters in a row." But
Barney lost that game- in the 13th.
* * *
That was his only Montreal ;thaw-
ing. Brooklyn called him. and ba
started for the Dodgers she tame
afternoon he arrived. His first heave
hit Eddie Stanky, then of the Chi-
cago Cubs, in the middle of the
back, and the score was tied when
he was removed in the fifth. His
record for that year was 2 wins 2
* * *
When he got back from war ser-
vice in 1946 he was bad when he
pitched and spent most of the time
on the bench. Although 1947 could
have been a big year, it wasn't till
the World's Series that he really
rose and shone. In a daring move
he was started against the Yankees.
He walked George Stirnwiss. Tom-
my Henrich doubled. Johnny Lin-
dell walked to fill the bases. And
up to the plate stepped Joe Di-
ig.=4 rz3Z.=
Ineeerieldere Electra: Teenee Controllers, !Tonse
mei tarn Patent. Reef coatings. etc. Dealers
ere wentea. .Write Ware() Ceettse a 00
Lite(ted. Toron to
A SPLENDID opportunity of bcCOflitng your
own trues! Retail our 220 Guaranteed
hoesehold nereosil liteleding the fell line
ot leseetieiden, in a territory of Your thole°,
pail time mutat etineldered. Ilunareds of sue-
leemilex ageni 0 started With a borrow
ed $25 or $50. No ,-telt--it is worth a trial,
Tretallitig equipmeat eesential in rural dee
trees Berineee in good. Write to -day Inc
details and FREE, cetal ogee. , FA el ILEX.
1460 Deloritnear, I /Mil.
11:7 ;41-)1101,1) }•.11:11 4115e /111,1 A I/ (I) it1411.113 050
st Fellers. Moire it wortliwbiln extra in -
(twee these liees on a full or part time
(tenerous emettl :sriotie. proportion paid
eatte. complete whine nit provided, Write Inc
fun details to 51.U1'llA FURNISIlleatel Met
erene, Depr. 0, 45 c rein Si. W., Montreal.
IF YOU did itot reeeive a cony of our new
11111 catalogue send Inc a free veiny itt onee.
The information contained In same will be
very useful to yon. We particularly want Yoe
mad page 4—"The Better the Breeding—
The Less Feed per Dozen." We have 12 pure
breeds and 13 cross breeds to (hoose from.
speeial breeds ter egg production, special
breeas for ruaeters, special breeds for broilers.
Also started chielfs two and three weeks old
°la( r pullets eight weeks to laying. Turkey
potties all from Government "approved breeders.
Twectdie Chick wheel, . Limited, Frrgna.
Be; bustry northern chicks from our own floret
nf Government ameneved birds raised on our
Poultry pone, Barred Itoeks. New Miami
05(1$F,1: S. Mixed ehleks 915.00 per 100. Pullet
((beers 326.00 and texterels 57.00. Started
ebiake at reasonable ran's.
LOCK'S POULTRY FARM Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
5-------40N14To.-4Poultry Farm Chieirs—All we
can say is try them. Results tell the store.
All Breeders pullorum-tested and government
banded. Write for 1940 price list and cata-
love. Monkton Poultry Farms, Aionkton, Ont.
Cyde Seakeforth raced out toward.
the mound and Barney thought he
was going to be yanked. "Nothing
to it, Rex," said Sukeforth with a
grin. "Just strike the big bum out."
So, with the bases jammed, Rex
Barney fanned baseball's most
dangerous hitter. He threw out
George McQuinn on a force at the .„
plate. And he fanned Billy Johnston.
"A.11 my life I'd been a Yankee
fan and DiMaggio was my idol,"
Barney said afterward. "I sorter
felt ashamed of myself. But then I
thought that if I could do this to
the very best of them, I might do
all right with the others."
• *
What happened last year, we
have already told you. After a poor
start under Durocher, his new self-
confidence really blossomed playing
for Burt Shotten. He warmed -en
for his no-hitter with a one -hitter
against the Phils—and the one hit
of the lucky variety.
B. hr 11,1 of the 1948 season
there vtaan"t a better pitcher in
baseball. That's why we think it
might be interesting to keep tabs on
how he gots ill the coming cam -
Merry Menagerie–B!,wah Disney
'He V.- Se dreaming of seafood,
and vegan drooling!"
Tin irate. Any
.lonaft eaahato
en, eters NI eat eat( In Cetera ee
PLASTIC . tigist*eipi-4 •Alltottive 'Slid: Colon
CONcErtiENT.,. Diroppears in 0Flesh!!
IDEAL EOP ft ilia. Sporn. Parties Honey lode
for ;1.00 Postpaid
eteereceet, tax 1992. to, emote: ee, tete
FOR dila .week, Barred Rooks non -sexed
1.2c- Pullets 26e. Coekerels 53.95 per 100.
Order from this add today for delivery tomor-
row. Started pullets available. aliller'e Chick
Hatchery, Fergut, Ont.
1949 T.00KS like another good year for the
Poultry raiser who starts good chicks and
starts them early. We have the following pure
breeds to choose from; Black MinOreas, Jersey
White Giants, Anconas, Black Australorps,
White Rocks, Light Sussex, White Wyanelottes,
Rhode Island Reds. Barred Rocks, White
Leghorne, New Bampshires. Also 13 cross
breeds. Also started chicks two and three
weeks old. Pullets 8 weeks to laying. Broad
Brested Bronze and White Holland Canadian
Approved turkey Deltas, Free catalogue. Top
Notch Sales, Guelph, Ontario.
AN OFFER to every inventor—List of inven-
tions and full information sent free. The
Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys, 278
tianh Street. Ottawa
HAVE YOI) anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information. We are
glad to answer your questions Department
13, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Ynnge
Street. Toronto, Ontarin,
HOLLAND immigrant /aerates available, with
one or more workers. Arriving during
awing. Farmers here is your opportunity to
obtain reliable help, Apply P.O. 284, Chat-
harre Ont.
aGETCNTRY attire and service Station, in
village on good road, close to lake ehore,
hundreds of cottages in prosperous communitY,
doing good business; nice living quarters.
J. Douglas Murray, Realtor, Cayuga, Ont.
GROCERY STORE—Modern equipment and
locker storage; both doing a nice business:
with fully modern house attached; priced
reasonably for quick sale. This property must
be seen to be appreciated. Would consider small
house as part payment. Apply 14. W. McCurdy,
Corinth, Ont. No agents.
Men's, two buckles. Sizes 10, 11, 12, very
slightly used. Refund guaranteed. Modern
Distribution, 32 St -Laurent, Valleyfteld. Que.
FIST-1/NG NETS, Get our prices on smelt and
gill nets. Minnow selneat and dip meg for
suckers and minnows. Dont. 27. Hallam
Sporting Goods, Toronto. Ont.
WITH Spring to close you will want a baby
chair that you can use outdoors.
with their wide leg surface ean't tile Can't
mar your lawn, For illustrated folder write
Box 28. 123 -18th Street, New Toront,.
Rayon. 2 inches wide. 36 inches lorg; for
braided or booked mere 41.2 pounds 51.00
Schaefer, Box 174,
Drummondville, P.O.
ME FINN'S 44.311.13, Tablet*. Stops calf Neoure
end Mg seuttra. Oust fifty 0e17le ealf. Ten
tient* pig. Weeny given. Guaranteed or money
refeeded. IMO d01101. trial emulate. R. It, Finn
(e). led., Loudon, Ont.
MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Junior Tractor. 39 Vord
Truett, nen buelf-rake, quantity hay and
straw, Jaelt Laidlaw, Dagersvale, Ont.
NEw Fianna No. 21 plow complete with
straight (matter or eltanmer end two shoree.
Regular price $20.60—our Drive 519.76 acre.
GDRUGGIBeltital:'inDeseathit.911(Salt for Sale. Owner' re-
tiring on amount of health. For particulars
ripply Cent's Drng Store, Galt, Ontario.
FARMS FOR s.4.1.419 --a1 It is a dairy, chicken,
tohnevo, or ordinary farm we have it All
stzes. All types.. Contact Morrie 13. rEnci.
VAL, Reel estate', 226 Qeeen's Ave., London,
Ontario. Western Oetarlo's Foremost Farm
Set les Ageney.
Cronathiraped Corrugated and ribbed styles,
0 to 10 ft. lengths.. Immediate delivery from
etocle WrIle for samples and estimatem. Steel
Distributor% Limited, 500 Cherry Ste Toronto
TWO lien r Wheels ror Reek [stand treetop
Molel tel—DP 16-26, or heed t Meter
tile 001110 model. Me(7ortnielt Deering nom -
Mon) (hada lift plow or long beton for same.
M. L. Johnston, Leonard, opt,
GILDEDWtre- Name ('inc. 50e-7 for 58.00,
eicf.g. CO., 4320 Frantic St. Van -
Railer. Briar 7310,,k rind S ete - 75e. Semi -
Finished pipes — 85e. 4 Itereh or Cop pines
$1.00. Postage paid. Sten -bre'. Wallayeburg,
200 ACRES clay levee, brie!: homes and bank
barns. 3 miles west Allisten, Highway 89,
101111 sell separately. 1 foroodiate NO:se:1510n.
Apply 10 Z. A. Ryen. Ont, Sox 7.
Mixed, our selection, 51.00. Pr -e 1.0 t Free
on shrubs - roses. GOrtion's Floral Gardena/,
594 Aberdeen Avenue. Hareilt on, Ont.
USE FINN'S Red Blood outely tehlete. Revives
weal..•pale, severe- k•i• /whey Poults.
Cost Quarter cent ...hek. nett teed terkey.
Guaranteed or 111011.-•y eireled. One dollar
trial semple. co. eel,. Lohlon.
BEATTife'S modern stable eettipment, ties eri
19 eows. complete with drinking Wm Is, one
bullpen and two calf pene, all in first Class
:drape end easy to remove. Pelee, este). John
A. Madsen, Cnionville. Onterio.
FOR -SALE, country generel stere with deem_
ing, post offiee, mei] route. geed ewe
'hipping and feed beeiness. Warehottee and
elevator on Chesapeake rata ORM RaiiWaY.
Situated between Dreeden end etiolates on
paved highway. Law 1'-:': ee lees. Peopeietnr.
Ternerville, Otte
When eou remove the Internal caw* of
idles YOU get worthwhile reeulte that
ast. That's the simple reason for
?YETI/NI:VS great eneeeee. No matter
(that sett have done for thie torture,
or bow long-standing and etnbborn
your Airree, modern eeienee has the
(a llould taken by Menth), tour first
bottle ,prores Dile or the price refunded
at onee. That's our guarantee of PIT,
TONE'S ourtlite, 51.75 at an modern
USED International' Day Baler, almost new,
rubber ttres. Write or partienle.re to: Dun.
dos Bros,. 251. Railway Si Timmins, Ont.
F0 ra) rxo OITA MS, new 01011111110ml, bemire,
fold flat, No. 1 maple, natural finish, 52.0e
raeh. Paramount, 168 Eing lenst, Toronto.
HAlIcle Flame Guns, Weed and boish burners
of many uses. Immediate &item. Write for
Rust ra toil catalogue. Canadian Co-operat IVO
WOO Growers Limited, Lennosville, Qttebee.
BLA('S and Decker leleetrie Drills, brand
new. portable, 110 -volt, 00 (or 25) cycle,
gnara.n teed. %'' 040.00: i.5." moo. surplus
Tools, 168 King Tenet Toronto.
WOOD LATHES, 12x36", heavy duty Timkin
Raring, reduced from 549 to 830, Oglley'e
Power Tool Shop, 147 Besserer Street, Ottawa.
NEW WAR SURPLUS Heavy Duty 'fire
chains for farm traetots, heavy trucks, road
graders. etc. All eizes. Ne'rite for prises. Jack
Wardell. 764 ere Ave. "A" Wet Owen
Sound, Ont.
WANTED A. good man for a fox, mink and
ttlrkey rancb, must be e, good worker, trust-
worthy and come well recommended by former
farm employers or other reliable parties.
New house, all conveniences, well located,
Apply lime 32, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto.
PROFITABLE esidellne, guaranteed Mosquito
and Black Fly Repellent, Ontario districts
open. Box 291, Adelaide P.O., Toronto.
.A. TRIAL --Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains
or Nenritis should try Dixon's Remedy.
Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Post-
paid $1.00.
IF YOU are a SUFFERER from SINUS, Hay-
fever, ireadcolds, Catarrhal Deafnesa, you
should use NAMELESS Coal Remedy. Con-
vincing triai. Postpaid 51.00. Address Purity
Producta, Exeter, Ont.
HAVE YOU HE.ARD about Dixon's Neuritis
and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good
results. efunrcee Drug Store, 885 Engin, Ot-
tawa, Postpaid 51.00.
BUY DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden.
New Catalogue now ready. Write for Free
Copy. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont,
PLANT -a. Hedge --Reserve now for Spring de-
livery --extremely hardy—quick growing Chi-
nese Elm—will grow two feet the first year—
enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet. Special
price 26 planta for 52.98, 12 -inch size:—or,
26 plants for 54.98, 2 -foot size. Write for
New Free Full colour Garden Guide, Brook-
dale-Kineaway Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ont.
AMAZING VALUE! — 2 evergreens, 2 shade
trees, 2 ornamental shrubs, 2 chrysanthe-
mums, 10 perennials, 18 plants, all different,
$1.49. 5 apple trees true to name, all differ-
ent, 4/6 feet, 52.95. Complete nursery cata-
logue free. Mayfarm Nurseries. Galt.
A home away from home Graduate nurses;
male and female; night and day duty Excel-
lent meals. prices moderate. private and semi-
private rooms available. Our specialty is
nervous, aged and convalescent. Our aim:
courtesy and service,
for information apply to superintendent or
phone 5-8353
Become a local dealer of one of Canada's
fastest-growing industries.
If YOU are already selling, can sell, or are
well known in your lorality. This is your
opportunity. For personal interview write
to -day to: Mr. H. L, Longhtiret, 8 Evans
Avenue, Toronto 9, Ontario.
PO2.3121 set to muse:, Songe copyrighted. Fret,
examination, Send proem. Harmonyet, 'Boo
es, weetnn, Ontario.
.90IN CANA DA'S LEADING 8011007.
Great OPPortunity Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good wage",
thoomende successful Marvel graduatee.
Arrierlea's greatest system Illustrated Cata-
logue free. Write or Call
858 feloor St. W , Toronto
Branches 49 King St, °Harrentre
R; 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa,
In1tE2ei-1 Gallon Paint for best letter contate-
fine helpful painting hints. Barn Paints,
white. gray, green, tile red and Fence Paints
all tutors, 52.95 per gallon. New 1949, Enam-
el, Semi -Gloss. Flat, not a surplus Paint. Ail
colors. Inside and out 52.96 per gallon. Quality
guaranteed Or Money refUnded, II. L. Steiner,
21 Russell Street, Toronto. Mail Orders ace
eepted •
FleTIlleitSTONALI(11-3 & Company Patent So -
Renews, Established 1890, 950 Bay Street,
Toronto. Winkler of Information on request.
As'r1twoul,eAL f.tead in gee Salentine,. A.;
curate Please write ror information. Eva.
Winfield, 819 'rhurlow, No. .2011 Vianceuver.
'1 reel taking, a vomit, h watch repairing and
1 nee,/ old Irritates for prat:Gee. I would be
very gratefni to anyone who would send me
some." Dollard Voutour, J. el, Sanatorium.
The Glades, N.B.
STOP SMOKING without taking anything In-
ternally or ming any will power; For In-
formation fiend at addressed envelope to Pierre,
4421' Blrlts Buildiog. Edmonton. Alberta.
l'ARal electric wiring, go anywhere, free esti-
mates, motors, (hoppers, pumps, pressure
syeteins, completely installed. Ontario Rural
Consithetion, 719 Gerrard St Etter, Toronto.
interesting stamps given as premium to any
collector writing for either my illustrated
pamphlet showing world wide bargains con-
cerning :sets, etc., or for my splendid assorted
approvals, and malting a purchase, sets, air
mail at reasonable prices, singles at one cent
and more. P. Dufreene, 2557 Fullum St..
HAVE buyers waiting that want lower priced
farms anywhere in Ontario. Write giving
full partieulars to P. S. Starr Real Estate
Broker, 951 Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
$500 C.4101 for old Farm or Log Cabin.
Must be situated on good size lake w1(h
lake frontage. Reply at once. 07 Fairside Ave.,
F r
Pre Season Specials
No. 1 Seed (about) Alfalfa 0072.
Sweet Caner 10% ....... .............. S52.00
'No. 1 Seed: (about) Red Clover,
90%, Sweet Clover 1072 f640.00
No. 2 See; (about) Alfalfa, 83%,
Red Clover 30%, Timothy 30%,
Sweet Clover 7% 840.00
No. 2 Seed: (about) Red Clover
40%, Alsike 15%, Timothy 35%,
Sweet Clover 10% 532.50
BAGS FREE.: Orders over 75 lbs,
delivered anywhere in Ontario
If possible, order through your local Co-oP
'United Co-operatives of Ontario
Seed Division : 736 Dundas St. E.
Toronto, Canada.
As the little birdies well know,
many a love nest is built on no
stronger foundation than a cute
little limb.—Schleswig Leader.
A psychologist for children says
a spanking misses its aim, Tt
didn't when we were a lad.—Mara-
thon Republic.
If you want to kill your wife with
curiosity, just clip a brief item front
the paper before she's read it. —
Estherville News.
How To Get QuickRelief
From Sore, Painful Piles
can help most pile sufferers. I be-
lieve I can help you too If you want
relief from the !thing soreness and
burning pain of piles
My_ Hem-Roid treatment is different.
Flem-Roid is an interne! medicine — a
small tablet taken wtb a glass of
water it corrects the conditions IN-
SIDI.] your body that cause you attach
intense pile soreness -and pain.
But 011 be honest with you. Rem -
Reda seems to help some pile sufferers
more than others so I want to protect
tboee who are not satisfied I refuse
to tisk nenple to pay for something (hill
does not help them as mob as they
expect it to, If Hetn-Rold helps you,
surely it le worth( the small cost Other-
wise 1 want YOU to have your =nee
back, 011 take your word1 rind ole
are honest about such things.
All I • ask is you use Hem Rom es
directed for 10 days. Then if 55113 101
not satisfied return what you eta not
Use and get your money back. This is
an unusual offer but Hem -Reid is rn
Unusual medicine. It has been sold en
a refund promise for ..over 40 years 9
am not asked to make many refuels
so it must help most Milts wile 1200 1
At all drug Mores
C'LL yogi 0w
ETTE - -11
.R CTa
.00:0 410:000
ty Margarita
tl •