HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-17, Page 7teen -d ol:me P. Cla,rice
Well, it looks a: if the ground -
bog knew what he was doing last
month when he crawled back into
Ms hole—there is a cold, biting
wind this morning and quite a
Hurry of snow. Like it or not we
have to take what comes, so we
may as well make the best of it,
Now it has turned cold again 1
am glad I did what I did last week.
Oh no, it wasn't .a big job of house-
cleaning or anything like that. It
was nothing more or less than a
wound of gadding! In fact I believe.
lit was out somewhere every day last
week—and sometimes twice, all ex-
cept Saturday. And that is some-
thing unusual for me. And while
gadding doesn't help the work
along at the time, I believe it does
help one to shake off a sort of
lethargy that comes with staying at
home too much. Anyway, here 1
sun again, all set for a good week's
work, so I haven't quite reached
the stage complained of by a friend
of ours who said—"Seems to the 1
aian't work and run around as well,
so I guess I'll have to quit work."
One thing T like about gadding is
the contacts one makes. I did so
enjoy meeting a lady the other day,
who, for ten years, has been work-
ing on an historical research pro-
ject. To my way of thinking history
is about the most absorbing and
fascinating study there is. I love to
dig up facts concerning the early
pioneer days in Canada, and so,
with very little encouragement I
was soon off ,on that track again.
The trouble is it takes up so much
time. Hunting through some old
press clippings afterwards I made
a discovery about our own farm
which T had previously overlooked.
It appears that in May, 1822, the
early settlers in this district—all of
chem Scotsmen—arranged to meet
en the trail by Lot 2, Concession
3—which is this farm,, but before it
was a farm. The purpose of the
meeting was to discuss the advisa-
bility of starting some kind of
school for the children in the dis-
erict. From that meeting plans were
made from which emerged the first
log school house in this section
where between 60 and 70 pupils
were enrolled the first year. Many
erf them had quite a distance to
walk through bush country as there
were no busses to pick them up
along the road in those days!
Another interesting evening 1
had was when I was invited as
guest to a Book -of -the -Month
Study group. I got quite a kick out
of that—just sitting back wondering
what the reaction of the group
would be towards the book under
review which I had read years ago
but which was unfamiliar to all but
two of the group. The book was
'Tom Jones"—if you have read it
yon will know why I was amused
Answer to Crossword Puzzle
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at possible reaction,. It you haven't
read it—well, never mind.
Then there was the Can.adiau
Club which featured lantern slides
of Quebec. It was splendid. For
anything of that sort I much prefer
lantern slides to moving pictures.
With the latter beautiful scenery is
flashed on the screen and gone
again before one can take in all
the details. Scenic loveliness is not
something to hurry over but to
linger with so that one can enjoy
and appreciate the wonderful color-
ing and variations in light and
shade. Lantern slides are a grand
way of acquainting us with parts
of Canada which we may never
even have a chance to visit.
To finish out the week Partner
and I went to see "Hills of Hone"
—more beautiful scenery, this time
of bonnie Scotland. And of course,
there was Lassiel Saturday night
Partner and I stayed home and
listened to the hockey broadcast.
And what of the farm? Well, an-
other calf arrived so that means
another cow to milk. The hens are
still laying and our cats and dogs
continue to provide us with interest
and entertainment. But we are
minus one animal that we parted
with without regrets. It was a
skunk that had already killed three
of our Sussex hens. So Bob set
four trap units runway and in
half -an -hour the skunk was caught.
It was well it didn't take any longer
because 1 was having a great time
keeping the dogs and Joseph -Mark
from doing a little investigating on
their own. So far I haven't done
any gadding this week but we have
already received or entertained
three neighbours, two insurance
agents, one gentleman of the Jewish
faith and five small boys looking
for pigeons.
Easy -To- : t e
Two Purpose Ba
Here' is an idea for a useful,
easy -to -make bag which may serve
two purposes. It can be a clothes-
pin bag, to hang on the line or from
a belt at the waist when clothes are
hung or removed from the line. It
may be flung from the blanket rope
in the automobile. Magazines, writ-
ing equipment, rnake-up kit, gloves,
or anything that needs to be easily
accessible may be stored in it.
To make the bag, a wire clothes
hanger and a piece of strong cloth
such as cretonne or awning cloth
are the materials needed.
Cut the material an inch wider
than the straight bar of the hanger
and double the depth you wish the
bag to be when finished. Three
quarters of a yard doubled is quite
Make a narrow hem on both long
edges. Turn an inch -wide hem In
one end of the cloth, fold the ma-
terial crosswise, letting the hemmed
end come to an inch and one-half
below the unhemmed, edge. Sew the
sides of the bag together. Now, hem
the raw edge over the bar of the
In Union City, N. J., a young
woman whom Walter Blazeck had
picked up robbed him of $150 and
his car. When police asked him to
describe her, he offered: "Over -
dew Travelling Clinic. Til keeping with its p'l icy of bring -
In. g. preventive medicine to its -employees the Canadian National
y,:ll 'ailways has novo Placed in service a new all -steel medical car. '
�1his modern clinic is equipped with the latest instruments for
liirst aid. physical 'examinations andvision testing. sting. 'Pilo new car
will mallet' a continent-wvide tours of the system and for the next
Iwo years wilt be office and hotnc' for a raiiway medical officer.
Shown inspecting the car: left 10 right, are: )r. K. E. Dowd,
t•lticf medical officer ('.N.R., Nurse R. Boudreau and E. N.
Paisley, chief of motive power and ear equipment.
Miracle Of Grogan's Mill -14 year old "Bubba" Long, \ti iiuse
whole life has been spent suffering from rheumatic fever, asked
for a "bushel of letters" on a big radio program. He got an
estimated 100,000 pieces of mail, many of them enclosing money
—almost $20,000. Bubba's father works at Grogan's Mill and
people are calling the event "The Miracle of Grogan's Mill."
eta Andvews.
One of the greatest of all food
controversies is in regard to fried
ehicken—southern style. There are
almost as many theories regarding
the proper method of preparing this
succulent dish as there are about the
best way to mix a mint julep.
So today I thought perhaps you'd
like to have a recipe guaranteed to
be authentically "southern"—and it
has nothing to do with fried
chicken, Maryland, as that entails
batter and deep fat. So here we go
Select chickens of from two to
two and a half pounds weight; and
if you have the butcher disjoint
them for you, ask him to use a knife
rather than the cleaver, as the lat-
ter splinters the bones, leaving them
uneven and unsightly.
Some Southern cooks use two
frying pans, one for the white meat,
the other for the dark. Thus the
pieces that require about the same
length of cooking are grouped to-
gether—the white-meated portions
are done more quickly than the
dark, of course.
Season the chicken, including the
giblets; with salt and pepper; dredge
with flour. (Either roll in flour or
shake in flour in a paper bag.) Melt
chicken fat in two frying pans so
that it's about a half-inch deep.
When hot arrange the white-meated
pieces in one, the dark in the other.
If only one pan is used, put the
dark in first, as they take longer
to cook. Turn often, being careful
not to pierce the flesh so the juice
will escape. Cook from 30 to 40
minutes (depending on age and
tenderness of the birds) or till ten-
der and a deep brown in color,
The gravy, is almost as impor-
tant as the chicken, and here again
there are different schools of
thought. In Tennessee they favor
a brown gravy, made with water;
in Alabama, a cream gravy, done
with milk. But be sure and make
plenty, which ever style you choose,
For each cup of gravy desired
leave two tablespoons of fat in the
pan together with any•brown crusty
portions of chicken that have
dropped off. Pour off all the fat in
excess of desired amount. Blend in
flour, allowing two tablespoons for
the sane amount of fat, Cook,
stirring till flour is brown. Slowly
add water or milk, one cup for
each two tablespoons of fat and
flour. Cook, stirring till thickened.
Boil one minute. Season to taste.
'I'o go with the chicken 'and
gravy, nothing could be more ep-
ropriate than hot buttermilk bis-
cuits. And people down Soutit de-
clare that we northerners make our
biscuits ton thick and too big
are not nnull bigger than a half
around. They favor biscuits that
dollar—thin and crispy, brown on
top and a glossy white inside.
2 sups sifted enriched flour
1 teaspoon salt
TA teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon double action or
134 teaspoons of tartrate or
phosphate baking powder
4 .tablespoons shortening
14 cup or slightly more of
Have your oven very hot. (500
degrees .la about right). Sift to -
Cether the dry ingredients twice,
hop ..i1 a-thei shortening with a
pastry blender or .two knives till
elle mixture resembles coarse corn
meal. Add enough buttermilk to
give a soft dough. Stir till the
mixture forms a ball.
Now turn out on a lightly floured
board .and knead for about thirty
eaconds. Roll to a quarter -inch in
thickness and cut with a small
biscuit cutter. Put on a greased
baking eheet. If a glazed surface
is wanted, brush the tops with
sweet milk. Bake at 500 degrees
F. foe about 12 minutes, or until
brown. Yield; about two dozen
biscuits of an inch and a half in
And if, after eating this combine,
tion I've described today, you
ehould. find yourself breaking out
into "You -alias" and "Honey chiles"
don't blame me. It will be that
Southern influence.
By Rev. R. 1larciay Warren.
Jesus Among People Of Other
Mark 7:24-37
Golden Text:- God is no re -
vector of persons: but in every
nation he that feareth Him, and
worketh righteousness, is accepted
with Him. Acts 10:34-35.
In the first year of His ministry
Jesus laboured mainly in Jerusalem
and surrounding territory. Here was
the magnificent temple, the center
of Jewish worship. The next year
he devoted particularly to Galilee,
but the third year he went beyond
the borders of his own race. When
approached for help by a Greek
woman from Syrophenicia he re-
plied in the mood of the day, "Let
the children first be filled: for it is
not meet to take the children's
bread, and to cast it unto the dogs."
But she was not deterred by the
reference to the Gci:tile dog. She
must have deliverance for her
demon -possessed daughter. Her in-
sistent faith was rewarded. Jesus
cast out the devil.
But though Jesus tested this
woman's faith by speaking as his
countrymen, his statement also
served to bring into bolder relief his
own attitude to people of other
races. To this woman, to the deaf
and dumb man of Decapolis and to
many others he accorded the same
mercy and love that he did to the
children of Abraham. His ministry
was to all.
It was written into the American
Constitution that "all men are born
free and equal." But four decades
passed and much blood was shed
before the Emancipation was pro -
A British survey attributes head-
light dazzle to an incorrect align-
ment of lamps rather than to failure
on the part of drivers to use deflect-
ing mechanisms. It was also found
that low -mounted passlamps are
more likely to dazzle than deflected
headlights, A regulation made by
the Minister of Transport as a re-
sult of the survey provided that on
and after Jan. 1, 1949, a lamp
mounted with its center less than
two feet from the ground would
not be held to comply with the
Road Vehicles Lighting Regula-
tions of 1936 unless the lamp were
used only in fog or when snow was
falling. It is proposed later to fix
an upper limit of 3 feet 6 inches and
a lower limit of 2 feet for head-
lamps and passlamps on all cars
registered for the first time on or
after Jan. 1, 1951.
You can't tell whether a man is
delightfully witty or just boorish
until you know how much money
to has.
When YOU remove the internal cause of
ones you get worthwhile results that
tact. That's the simple reason for
PYLTONE'S great success. No matter
what you have done for this torture,
or how long-standine and stubborn
your ease, modern science has the
at liquid taken by mouth). Your first
bottle proves this or the price refunded
at once. That's our guarantee of PVL.
TONE'S quality. 81,78 at all modern
claimed whereby we iylack slaves
were freed. But those in glass
houses shouldn't throw stones. We
have our racial prejudices in Can-
ada, too. We shouldn't allow immi-
grants to enter our country if we
are not prepared to equally share
the benefits and privileges with
them. We should remember that we,
too, are really foreigners here, for
this land originally was inhabited
by Indians.
Let us bear in mind that God
"hath made of ane blood all nations
of men to dwell on all the face of
the earth.' Acts 18:26. This con-
sideration should eliminate racial
prejudice and help us to love and
help men of all nations as Jesus
Healing, Soothins grid An iselptic.Dr.. Chase's
Ointment brings quick relief. Regular Size
69e, Economy Size, 6 times ss much 32,23,
6t healer for over 50 years.
yo I
Help Your Forgotten '28' For The Kind Gl
Relief That Helps Make You
g Retia' To Go
below the beltalin you r�28 feet is
So when indigestion strikes, try something
that helps digestion in the stomach AN
below the belt,
What you may need is Carter's Little Liver
rills to give needed help to that 'forgotten
79fest" of bowels.
Take one Carter's Little Liver Pill before
and one aftermeals. Take them according to
dtreotione. Tey help wake up a .larger floTe
of the 3 main digestive juices in your stomach
AND bowels—help you digest what you have
eaten in Nature's own way.
makes youofeel better fr the
ur head to that
toes. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter's
Little Liver Pills from your *untie —See.
Robin Hood and his Merrie Men had to *yore
a hit with a bow and arrow or they didn't eat !
To score a bit today shoot over to the grocer`s
for Post's Grape.Nuts Flakes -•- tbai convenient,
ready -to -eat, eesy.to•digest cereal made not front
one but TWO grains — wheat and malted barley.
What a treat! -.. that gorgeous Grape -Nuts flavor
in erisp honey.goiden flakes. Good for young
and old because Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes pro-
vide nourishment ... useful quantities of rarbo-
byelrates, proteina minerals and other food
essentials, Served in a ,jiffy -- eaten on sight. eek
emir grocer.
By Arthur Pointer
l rrER i IP HE tial
GETA UNArlv'Tlif�
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