HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-17, Page 4Alda. Theatre VIRAEND irbsorite for Ylour. D Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Mrs. Jane 13rissea Who has made her home with Mr and Mrs, Joseph Martindale's, died on Tlcuarsday r -v - ening, March 10th. The fulteral was held on Monday at 9.30 to St. Peter's Church, De sdale for High Mass. Many attended the funeral from a distance, her son and wife and fam- ily irate 'Chicago and relatives from Goderich, Drysdale, ,Zurich ane the vicinity In which she had lived. Many are ill with the flu again. Mr and Mrs E. Gingerieh returned, hone after being away a fewdays. ons' Mr and Mrs Leon Jeffrey Visiting were in Goderich on Sunday their son Leonard and family. 'Mr and Mrs. H. Finlay were in Iron don on Friday and called on the •lat- ter's aunt " and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. D. Saunders. The March meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Lamont in Zurich on 'Thursday after- noon. /Friday, Saturday March 18-191 Srrol Flynn Ann Sheridan Thomas Mitchell SILVER RIVER Never 1 efere has The Silver Screen the Rugged West, Plus .,Supermen "Into the Electric Furnace" ..Menday, Tuesday March 21-9.2 THE HUNTED • Freston Fester., Balite Pierre Watkin You'll be Gasping for Breath at the End of The Trail "Technicolor Short "World Gardens" and Paramount Newsreel Mrs, Wm, 'Gassman was taken to the hospital shot week, undergoing treatments. HENSALL • Mr, and Mrs. M. Giles of Toronto were, eisitors with the former's sister Mr and Mrs Geo. Thompson. Mrs. Woods and ' Miss grey, of Grand Bend Makes Preaenitatia,as Following the regular chair pract- ice the other evening, the choir of the '.Tnited Church, Grand Bend, held a social evenbag in the churns basem- •ent to honor F -L and � R. A. B. Ellis, who are leaving Bend in the near future to reside at CIin- .one g�a3g theirtime here "Bob" ihas been a valued member :of •the choir and in presenting him with a eatillfold, Mervyn Love, on be a1f of• -the choir, :expressed the appreciation .of all members for the contrili' ition lie had made to the musical part 'of the church service. BLARE Mr and Mrs 3. "Baecbier and Mr and Mrs. H. Finlay end fancily at- tended the funeral of Mr Chas. Man- ning in Clinton en Thursday after- noon. Many were shocked on Friday to learn of the passing of Mr. David J. Stephenson in Egmondville. Until a few years ago, Mr and Mrs Stephen- .ason farmed on the Goshen Line north ZURK, To Have Irish Social An Irish social is planned for St. Andrew's United Church ion. March 17th, at 8 p.m. A play will ,be pres- ented by -00 young people from the Blue Water and Bronson Line. Some humorous numbers will be given by talent from Zurich and Hay Twp. The men of the church will serve re- a'yfield, were visitors with Mr and I freshtnents. Mme R. H. Middleton. t Beverly 1McClinchey arrived home Mr. John Tudor of Hensall, has l after ppending the past two years in recently purchased the business of . Alberta. He is visiting with Mr. and R M Kirby. Mr Tudor, who since 1 Mrs. Chas. Bell. Had Day of Prayer The World's Day of Prayer was observed in St. Andrew's U. C. The leader, Mrs. Emmerson Heard led mens had extended the period lite in devotions, others taking part were which 1948 plates and licenses were" Mrs R. A. Lawson, Missr Lottie Greer valid to avoid crowding at registrat- Mrs. L.C'Il kine, and Mrs. A. Crew, ion offices. They found in recent we - Heard. . MakMa Mrs. Russellan eks however, that the offices were op - Heard. Miss Maude Stirling gave an eratingat only one-third capacity. impressive address on the meaning of . this day and what the offertory is HENSALL CO.OP. HOLD BANQUET used for. The annual meeting and banquet STANLEY TOWNSHIP of the Hensel' District Co -Op was Mrs. Alex. McConnell or Varna, was held in the town hall, Hensall, on Thursday, March 10th. Overative was called to Minneapolis recently, 200 members attended. The chair - Missillness llness of her sister, man for the evening was Mr. Samuel Miss E. Easier. Hendrick of the Blue Water High - •Mrs. Ferguson of Sudbury, is vis - DASHW@OD Mrs. Thos. Hopereft is visiting with relatives in Woodbridge. Mrs. E. K1einstiver who has had an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital London, has returned to her home. Col. and Mrs. E. E. Tiernan of. London were Sunday visitors with his mother, Mrs. Mary 'Tiernan. Mr and Mrs. W. Firkins and daug- hter of Howell, Me h.,• spent the we- ek -end with her parents, ma. and Mrs Wm. Nadiger. Mr and Mrs A. W. "Elder, Jack and Nelson and Miss Eunice Oest ehors her all of London were Sunday with Mr and Mrs. A. E. 0estreicher. On Friday night there will be :i Congregational meeting in the Evan- gelical Church to which the entire congregation is invited to attend. After thee business session a short 'progra'm will be given and slides will be shown. Mr .Gordon Bender is in London Hospital, where he is undergoing an operation on his eyes. 11Mr. T. Harry Hoffman has return- ed home after spending two weeks M North Dakota and Sask. Mr. Ev- erett Heist, who accompanied hirn, remained to visit with his daughter, A number of his neighbours and In- in Wakaw, Sask. .endo from the Goshen Line attended Mrs. E. Koehler has returned home -the funeral services on Monday held from the hospital, where she has from the Eginondville church. been for so'nse time. the retirement from (alae RCAF. has been associated with bis father in the Commercial Hotel, he will oper- ate a ladies' wear, dry goods and household furnishing business. Jean Kennedy, little daughter of. Mr and Mrs Clark Kennedy, is in the War Memorial Children's • Hospital, London for treatment in the interest of her health. Had Ladies' Night The Masonic Order members and their wives .were Pleasantly entertain ed in the Town Hall, Wednesday ev- ening last when the ladies,bt St. An- drew's Church, 3Gippen, served a del- icious banquet. Later progressive euchre was enjoyed. ; Bill Carlile, son of :Mx and Mrs iting at the home of her parents, Mr Walker Carlile, who was operated • and Mrs M. Elliott and family. on Monday last at Clinton Hospital Miss Rena Johnb-ton, R.N., of Tor - for appendicitis is improving nicely. onto, is spending some time at the Tor - Condition. on. Improves home of her mother, Mrs. W. John - The 'many friends• of •Mr. M. G. ( ston, Varna. Drysdale, who ittas been•,eonfined tc Mrs. Souter who has been with her his home with illness, will be pleas- daughter, Mrs. Orrin Dawson, for ed to learn is ianproving nicely. some time, was taken to 'S.eaforth Name A.sesraor Hospital Sunday last. Her many Don E. McKimnon was appointed friends hope for a speedy. recovery. assessor at a salary of $150 a year Late David J. Stephenson at a meeting of Hensall Council. The funeral was held on Friday James A. Paterson, Clerk and tress= for David John Stephenson, of Eg- surer, reported oa interviews with niondville, who died suddenly at his different ;officials in London regard- home. He was born in Stanley ing false fire alarms sand rewards that could be offered for the appre- hension of guilty person's. Tax ar- rears are $335.89, he reported. Con- stable Frank Harburn was instruct- ed to order a new uniform. The clerk and assessor will attend 'a meeting of assessing offiae.rs in Harrison, on Manch 16th. esseamenaisaassisienosaviroossooniseennassusa :', re i Liberal etc n • to be held in TOWN HALL .ZURICH FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH 4,18th. at 8 p.m. To appoint Chairman and vice chairman of Hay Township; Chairman of Zurich; Chairman for each poll and also Deputy Returning Officers, Clerks, Enumerators and Delegates. All Liberals of Hay Township Cordially Invited Dennis Bedard, Ivan Kalbfleisch, Chairman of Zurich. Chairman of Hay Twp. Com iste Dispersal STiLNS 72 Head of High Quality HOLSTEINS. 72 Head Cows - Heifers, all Calfhood Vaccinated AT THE FARM: ON NO. 34 HIGHWAY, TWO MILES WEST OF HENSALL; FOUR MILES EAST OF ZURICH, on FRIDAY, APRIL lst. C'O\1.111aNCING,A'r 1.O(i O'CLOCK. ]',M., SHARP The Offering Includes: 4 COWS, 6 years old, some in milk, or soon to Freshen. 4 COWS, 4 years old, some in milk, or soon to freshen. 20 HEIFERS, carrying first CaiE, some fresh, or soon to freshen. 25 OPEN HEIFERS, rising 2 years old, 12 YEARLING HEIFERS. 7 SMALL HEIFER CALVES. 4 CHOICE YORKSHIRE SOWS, 2 due at time of sale; 2 one month later. 30 YOUNG PIGS. from 6 to 10 weeks old. These Cattle will be sold subject to T. E. test. No reserve, All :old under Guarantee basis. Other Articles: MAPLE SYRUP EQUIPMENT: 3 sap pans of various sizes; 175 sap pails and spites. APPROXIMATF.LY 300 good Cedar Posts. 11(3 H. P. International, 32 -volt Delco combination motor. (SALE T() BE HELD UNDER COVER) (PLAN TO ATTEND THIS AUCTION. YOU WILL RE ABLE TO PILL EVERY NEED HERE) TERMS •--•• GASH nRUel'', HO iIT,ER. & SON r>EONAR •,141gel OWNERS CLERK SI.VIN W.1LM ,. .i. R. Niel.EAN, AUCTIONEERS r -1 ThUraday, Ilat rclt tiXr7th, 1949 Start Your Chicks On CO OP. CHICK : STARTER Available at Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH aG�IN ONLY RECLEANED USED IN OUR FEEDS E., Hay Township, 75 ages, more or less, on which is situated' a white brick house, Drive Shed 40x16 -ft; Hen House and pig stable; Bank barn 40x60, all in 'good repair; all buildings were recently painted; 10, acres in wheat; 10, acres'freshly seed- ed; 15 acres plowed. Also, Lot 20,. East Part, Con. 1, L. R. E., Hay' Township, containing . 46 acres, more or less, 5 acres of mixed 'bush, hal: ance in pasture, en TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: — way. Mr. N. M. Marshall, ef Ford- 10 % of purchase price on day of wich, president of United Co -'Operas- gale and 'balance on completion of ives of Ontario was guest speaker. Sale in 30 days. If possession ie The Company had a very successful desired before 30 days an additional year, having had a turnover of 10% is to be paid as a deposit._ $215,189,922., and a net savings of OTHER EFFECTS.— $8,0:17.07. During the year they Automobile — 1938 Ford Coupe„ purchased the Zurich mill which has correct mileage 34,006 miles, orig-.- inial tires. This car is in perfect core been doing a nice business since it i RAYFiELr; Mrs. M. F.. Woods and daughter, Lucy have returned after spending the winter months at Hensait. Mr and Mrs Chas. MacKenzie of London, visited with Mr and Mrs T. MacKenzie. Miss 'Maud McGregor has returned. home after spending three weeks in London. Mrs. Josephine Robinson, of Tor- onto, spent a few days anthe hone of Mr nd Mrs •GrantTurner. was taken over early in June. The Directors for 1949 are: John Armstrong, Zurich; Samuel Hend- rick, Dashwood; Edison Forrest, Hen- ing Hens. sall; Duncan Cooper, Kippen; Har- Farm Implements — Rubber tired: vey Taa'lor, Brucefield; Gordon Love, , wagon 600x16 tires; Maxwell hay Kenneth Etue, Zurich; Bert Klopp, ; loader, 32 -ft. extension Ladder; a of Zurich, is Secretary, and Don. l quantity of lumber; oat roller, 8 -inch Township, being a member of one Charlton is manager of the Zurich plate grinder, 6 h.p. gasoline engine, of the best known families in the mill, while Mr. M. Jinks, is manager '40 cedar posts, steel pasts, 2 roll. at Hensall. dition. Live Stock and Poultry — Holstehe Cow 8 years old. 30 Hybrid ?yeast— township, and following his marriage to Eva Eleano Armstrong in 1899, settled on a farm at the Ga hen Line Stanley. After successfully farming for a goodly number of years they moved to Bayfield, then to Varna, and finally to Egmondville two years ago. They were always very much interested in 'church work.. Surviving besides his widow are three, 'daugh— ters, Mrs. Lee TvlcConnel, Varna; Mrs. i,usseTl Erratt, Babylon Line, and Mrs. • Percy Johnston, Welling- ton, Ont. one son; Elmore, of .Eg- mondville, and a brother, Ralph, of Varna. YOUR AUTO LICENSE PLATES March 18 is the last day to get your vehicle registration plates and driver's licenses, Highway Y,finister Doucett has announced. The Depart - rommoSysiouressirirrosiemssmormorrirmirrsionsvissersorritemmemeiloortemeromr AUCTION SAI .F Of Real Estate, Farm Intplernents and Household Effects On the premises, Hay Township, Blue Water Highway, Six miles north oaf Grand Bend The undersigned Auctioneer has been Instructed to sell by rublie Auction On Wednesday, March 23rd. Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE— At the same time of said Sale. there will be offered subject to a reserved bid the Farm consisting of Lot North Half 21, Concession L. R. barb wire; 40 rods 8 strand wire fence, small roll 8 -strand 'wire fence,. 18 bunches No. 1, cedar shingles, block and tackle, 25 -ft. rubber belt, 2 rolls single wire; cart, cutter, buggy, gang plow, DeLaval Cream Sepatator, cross cut saw, steel pig . trough, pig boy, various carpenter tools and numerous other articles. Household Effects — 1 steel bed, 2 wooden beds, sideboard, box stove,, couch, leather rocker, organ, Edison Phonograph • including 50 records„ and other articles. TERMS — CASH Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Earl Birr. Clerk. Samuel Hendrick, Lloyd Hendrick, Executors ,of the late Emil Hendrick Estate. HANDS I\ TRAINING FOR O\TARIO Learning to Make Plasties Ontario the 'wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. 'rlhcse dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities wltidi contribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which aro important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative .efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. in schools and in factories our workers,yolrng and old, are given`the opportunity •to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and inclusttiai activity. F'orrins•taiice, as in the pictures shown here, every effort. of Ontario s newly -skilled pia:+tics workers will Mean better plastic products•--wilp help to make Ontario a finer place, in which to live and work. THE .BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Oar Way of Life, 'l1 .1,1,vnvdds 'I'rarlaied Hands (hitar:k, workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higherstanalard of living, • in direct ratio 10 the skills thvy se- • cpiire and the way they make ase • of thous. That's ;denies true in a :free economy --that's Ns hy rrnr cont. p etitive system 'rill continue to make Canada great and a great place in whirls to live.