HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-10, Page 6Ci GOES ON j
; iN THE
e• Norman Blair
The French )ch anll 12alien Com-
munist unist 1,a t'cs have a membership
of not far short of three and a half
million, and in both countries they
have large blocs of seats in Parlia-
ment. Cc i ntunists also control
much of the organized labor, and
there are party members and sym-
pathizers in the two countries'
Armies and civil services.
So when there is a Communist
move in either France or Italy, it
means something far more serious
than it would on this side of the
Atlantic. And just a week or so ago
chieftains of the French and Italian
CP's said. in effect, that if Russia
invaded those countries, the Com-'
monists !mist side with Stalin's
Just why eolith statements should
be made at this time is not quite
dear—but there is a general feeling
that they are part of the Communist
effort to discredit the North At•
lantic Pact.
Maurice Thorez. Secretary Gen-
eral .ef the French Communi-t
Party. did not mince words. ''ff
our country should be dragge',,
against its will. into a war against
the Soviet Union." be declared,
'and it the Soviet Army, defending
• the cause of freedom and socialism.
should be brought to pursue the
aggressors onto our soil, could the
workers and people of France have
any other attitude toward the Soviet
Army than Iias been that of the
people of Poland. Rumania and
In the debate which followed in
the French National Assembly, the
attitude of the anti-Communists
was hitter and many called the
Thorez statement treasonable. Pre-
mier Queuille even threatened to
take Iegal steps against Communist
chieftains for "trying to undermine
the morale of the nation and the
army." The upshot of the debate
was a majority resolution condemn-
ing Thorez, saying that his words
were an insult to patriots who had
given their lives to defend France's
In Italy, the Communist chief-
tain Togliatti spoke, a few days
later, in almost identical terms. "I
think that the Italian people—
would have the evident duty to aid
in the most efficient way the Soviet
Army in order to give the aggressor
the lesson he deserves," he stated.
These two statements are being
interpreted in th light of the great
East-West .struggle. Both the
French and Italian Communists
awe alaying on the people's fear of
being,. caught in another war.
Thorez and Togliatti are apparently
trying to hammer home the idea
'that the North Atlantic Alliance is
a move toward such a war, and
must be opposed. They also seem
lo be pointing up that fact that—
Itri case of war—France and Italy
would be torn by a terrible civic
When a British film organization
made a moving picture of "Oliver
Twist" the character of Fagin was
based tipou a picture drawn by
George Cruikshank for the first
illustrated edition of Dickens'
famous novel. Last fall, when the
]movie was scheduled for release in
the United States, there were so
many Jewish protests against the
Fagin characterization that the dis-
tributors deferred its release in-
To those in Canada and other
countries who saw the film, this
ttemed to be stirring up a "tempest
1n a teapot". After all, Fagin was
the only Jew—and there were a
(dozen or more characters of Eng -
fish origin portrayed as just as re-
pulsive as he, without any patriotic
protests from the Mother Country.
However, "Oliver Twist" seems
destined—in this film version—to
cause real trouble. A Sunday or so
ago the picture was presented in
Berlin, where anti-Semitism is still
a strong force. The showing was
interrupted by a demonstration
staged by displaced persons and ,
Berliners—and at a second showing
on the Monday a group of some
fifty Jews charged police lines and,
after a short but violent riot, forced
the management to cancel the show.
The film has now been withdrawn
from German circulation—possibly
with good reason. One correspond-
ent said that showing such a pic-
ture in post -Nazi Germany was
"too nluch like leaving a bottle of
whiskey in front of a recently
'cured' alcoholic."
Man's Best Friend
Musician Arthur Nikisch used to
be stopped on the setreet by in-
numerable admirers. Swooning la-
dies would kiss his hand and tear
pieces of his garments from his
body. They even begged for locks
of his hair. To this last request he
was always amenable, mailing a
few strands to each adrniring appli-
t Cant.
"Ai thie rate," a friend warned
hint, "von will grow bald in ale
"Not 1," Nikisch answered with
a wink, "My dog!"
It's All Done With "Mirrors"--ivlartha Mitchell isn't really
skiing in the sky. It's simply that the cloudy sky above is
reflected in the clear water over which she glides.
.Although, as we tap out these
line s with two long-suffering
fingers, the professional hockey
race, haven't by any t")^an, been
decided yet„ already the baseballistt
are beginning to work out the kink:
from arin muscles weary with the
toil of lifting food front table to
mouth at -between-season banquets.
also stomach muscles even more
weary with the labor of trying to
digest fried chicken and other
comestibles served at such orgies.
* * ,s
Anel 'With the hockey moguls
promising to lengthen out still
further their season, the golden era
is fairly in sight—that much yearn-
ed -after time when we shall be able
to enjoy baseball every afternoon
and hockey every night, all the year
through. (We're trying to think of
an apt quotation to stick in here,
but the only one which comes read-
ily to mind is the one that begins
"Oh, Death where is thy--").
* * ,
But that isn't what we started to
talk about. Fired by the success of
our amazing January prediction that
the Toronto Maple Leafs would
positively Slake the playoffs, we
now give the faithful old crystal
ball a few preliminary spins and
take a- gadder into the future,
especially as regards Big League
* * *
In the American League, we
might tell you that Cleveland In-
dians, New York Yankees and Bos-
ton Red Sox appear to be strictly
contenders; but, heck, any of the
minor prophets—the lads whose
names you used to forget in Sunday
School when asked to naive the
Books of the Bible—could have
dished out that sort of information.
* * *
Always original—even at the ex-
pense of trying to write common
sense at times—we are tipping you
to keep your eye on the outfit
known as The Philadelphia Ath-
letics as a distinct 'possibility of
taking it all. (Two minutes ont
here for loud, raucous laughter.)
But such a prediction isn't as
wide of the mark at, at first glance,
it might seem. Last year the Ath-
letics were in and out of top posi-
tion all through the month of May
stuck within reaching distance
throughout August, and only faded
in the stretch run. And Mr. Mark
still has a pitching staff—Phil
Marchildon, Dick Fowler, Joe Cole-
man, Lou Brissie, Carl Scheib and
a few like that—which is a distinct
refutation of the old turf adage that
"you can't keep a fast horse in a
poor (paying) Stan's stable,"
With just a little more hitting'
power to back that sort of pitching
ug, the Athletics might very well
have travelled the entire distance
on top last season. And the canny
Canny Mack seems to have gather-
ed just that bit of extra power,
notably in Taft Wright, who used
to smack otit a lot of long halls for
the Chicago White 'Sox, likewise
Wally Moses, who will play a
pinch-hitting role for Philadelphia,
and could very well break up more '
than one elose struggle.
* * *
So don't put dawn our hint to
watch the Athletics this coming
season as just the idle wanderings
of a morbid imagination. In fact if
you hear of any of the future books
offering—say-85 to 1 or better
against them, take a couple of
tickets on our behalf. We'll posi-
tively pay off just as soon as we
Set the proceeds from that Irish ,
weepstakes receipt we're treasur-
ing so carefully.
* * *
In the National League, we're
askingyou to take a glance now
ow), ten at the progress of a team
it ttltled title (;hIeago Cube. 14o'- '
we're not `acing that a club which
finished a lovely last in 1948, trail-
ing the Boston Braves by 27.4
games, will all of a sudden float to
the very top. Still, unless we're more
mistaken titan is customary, those
salve Caths won't finish the current
scamper way clown in the cellar..
* * *
The Cubs have been doing con-
siderable trading and purchasing
during the off months, and their
infield should be a whole lot strong-
er. They will have the veteran
Frankie Gustine—a great early-
seaton hitter—at third, which will
let Andy Pafko go to the outfield,
where he belongs. And Einil Ver -
ban, at second, should be far more
of a help this season, as he only
joined the club about halfway
through last year's.
And the Cubs hare made what
appear to be tremendous strides
toward greater mound strength.
They have a fine lot of rookies, and
have coralled two capable starters
in old Dutch Leonard and Walt
Dube]. There's even a possibility
that the ancient Mort Cooper might
don a Cubs unie, and pitch a few
wins for Charlie Grimni.
So, between now and next Oc-
tober, give an occasional look at
Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia
Athletics, is the nearest to feed -box
info we can hand you right now,
You may not be following two
pennant winners—but we think
they'll be a couple of clubs who will
provide you with plenty of action
and interest.
An evangelist .ehouted for all those
in the congregation who wanted to
go to heaven to arise. Everyone
stood up but one lean.
"Dont you want to go to hea-
ven the Minister bellowed at the
"Not immediately," he replied.
Pavement -run '(rothe ies with high
needs (Guaranieed) perfect cofditton.
e0otld — SPECIAL $4,00
1 1 111:4--11-1 CONDITION $1.00
A11 outer sizes ---54.50
High Treads (Guaranteed)
i50t2(1—lo ply—$115.00 '[Tubes 52.00
825x;11-10 ply—$10.50 Tubes 50.00
PTRET' +t,t,n'mdlee rind Sport 0ot:donne
Corner queen es York Sts,
AGENTS w'AN'rea)
LOB ibuif OWN 00001—Distribute, on kart
Time or Pull Time basis, our 250 products'
Toiletries. Vitamins. 1' xte:tote, tipiees. Bal(ine
Powder, Cakes, lege l: nuts, Cleve alvoa,
Furniture and Shue Polishes, eto Burt,
individual u customer Excellent app0r1unite
to test Sous business abilities wine for
free details end eatable:1e4 PA'11I1,TOX. (0140
Delorintler, blonuull,
SAL2' 11111 N to handle the ;slew Lit:InninM 1,41.
ing 11ao1i n' for only $111.0,. A d, sk nt"d01
portable, prcoision boli, folly atmraa)teed,
every Melt a t,usiiless umehine. letter' to ep e-
ate—easy lc sell; 14112 cnlnnth+. lens. write tn-
day Lightning Distribul urs 01' Canada, 243
Montrortl Ruud, 011(4W1a Ont
At1.3'VT4 granted 10 11 the. tulsu• 1244 01 01(.eraengulshers. write T.x, et Fire, 1`070 Rtai-
sonneuve 11., 54onlrenl, P.Ii.
11AI1V 01118120
8111 huslty northern (hicks from our own Bork
of Government ltnpraved birds raised on our
Poultry ihu•nt. Barred Rocks, Net' Ilunlps and
crosses, Mixed cbielo 010.00 per 100. Pullet
chicks 3 26,0 0 and cov)terets 57.00, Started
chicle at reasonable )cites.
8,21.2 Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
MORE AND 5101(12 people are beginning to
recognize the importance of purchasing chicks
with known breeding bark of then], They recog-
nize that only one extra egg per bird next Fail
will pay the difference in price—if there is a
difference—between an ordinary chick and one
of known brewing. More than 10,000 Twe,ldie
cnetomers have learned from experience that
every Tweddle chirp is born with a bred -In -
profit -record. Also pullets eight weeks to
laying. Special broiler chirps, started 0/dells.
Canadian Approved Turkey poulte. If you
haven't received our new 1949 catalogue send
for your copy to -day, Tweddle Chick Hatch-
eries Limited, leerglls, Ontario.
it•IONIZTON Poultry 1"1rul Chicks—Al l—'ive
clan ea.' is try them. Results tell the story,
All Breeders pullorunt-tested and government
banded. Write for 11140 price list and cata-
logue. 13)0alkt,nl Poultry Farms. 11onItton. Ont.
AN 0111)41)1 new for the delivery dale you wish
assures yon against delays in delivery and
risk of I'I'iee rise. If pri,'os drop yon get full
adt'antage and yo11 get 021144 Top 4)11:11114' lire,
healthy ehb'Its from Top Nnteh. elle have 12
pure breeds and 13 cross breeds 1:0 eh0ose
from. .111 from (lovernmeut Approved pullorum
tested etre*. Day o14, two and throe ]reek o14,
broiler Chicks, pullets eight weeks to laying,
(tovernnlerrt Approved 1nr9cey poul ts. Free eata-
10gue. Top Notels Chick Salve, Guelph, tint.
800140 on Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, A,ivariil, Dees
Birds, I'It(e0ne, Poultry, Dairying, Farming,Fruit, Flowers, Fishing, 1111111:lig. Catalogue
Free. Morgans, London.
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of inven-
tions am) fel) information sent tree. The
Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys, 271
Rank Street Ottawa
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? tVr)te to us for Information We are
glad to answer your Questions Department
Fl. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge
Street, Toronto, Ontario
WIREHAIRED TERRIERS, purebred healthy
beauties: two female pups—sire: C hnmpi0n
Vanity Huntsman, Priced reasonable. Mabel
Brown, Mountain Grove, Ontario,
Heavy yielding, short strong strawed, thin
hulled, disease resistant power cleaned graded
1 seed 9414,e germination. $1.35 Bus. F.O.B.
CairneroftFarms, Box 328, Brantford, Ont.
Are you looking for a gift for .the um baby?
Something new, something different?
On the new low level are safer for baby and
less tiring for mother. For illustrated folder
write: Box 28, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto,
MASSEY-HARRIS 101 ,Tumor Tractor, 39 Ford
'truck, Roo buck -rake, quantity hay and
straw. Jack Laidlaw, Hagersvilie, Ont.
NEW FLEURY No. 21 plow complete with
straight coulter or skimmer and two shares.
Regular price $29.60 --our price 319.75 here,
G. G. Kent, Delhi, Ont,
DRUG Business 111 Galt for Sale. Owner re-
tiring on account of health. For particulars
apply Cant's Drug Store, Galt, Ontario.
FARMS FOR SALE—IE it is a dairy, chicken,
tobacco, or ordinary farm we have it. All
sizes. All types. Contact Morris B. PERCI-
VAL, Real estate, 225 Queen's Ave., London,
Ontario, Western Ontario's 3'oremost Farm
Sales Agency,
QUEEN 011 Burning Brooder Stoves, 323,.
freight paid. Send 35 deposit with order.
Geo. (1, South, IIeatlicole, 'Ontario.
ONE horizontal Shingle & Box Board Heading
Machine. Also excellent for Slaking Basket
Bottoms with simple and rapid adjustments
and saw jointer. all steel frames in excellent
repair. Also shingle Packing Box. TT. Rose,
Brown 73111 P.O., Ontario.
GOODYEAR endless rubber belt 9 inches wide
23 feet long, perfect condition, Ideal for
mill or farm, Write Box 017, I•Iespeler.
Various uuulrt,-'trtOl,' rn, near descriptive
Bade,s 44011 prices
322 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont,
Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles,
e to 10 rt. lengths. Inu004101e delivery from
stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steel
Distributors Limited, 500 Cherry St„ Toronto,
REGAL custom farm tractors, 3 plow size,
Powered by Chrysler industrial engine, good
territories available for dealer franchise. Dis-
tributed by Regal Motors Ltd., Brampton, Ont.
DALED }IAY, commercial bales, 310.00 ton
at barn; $20.00 10.0.13, shipping point.
Loads tracked, A. Hadley. Stirling, Ont.
insect(cidcs, Electric Fence Controllers, House
and Barn faint. Roof Coatings, etc, Dealers
are wanted. Vrlte Warm Grease & 00
Limited, 'roronto.
GILDED V'lre Name Pins, 60e-7 for s3.00.
Eagle Mfg. Co., 11320 Francis St., Van-
couver. Ti C.
USED- International Hlty Baler, 411411031 new.
rubber tires. Write or particulars to: Dun-
das Bros., 251 Railway Street, 't'hnntlne, Ont,
GUNS, now, used, SCUMS, ammunition. Write
for fiat, 'red 1IAN0R133( SPORTING Goods,
220 Ottawa North, ITnmilton, Ont.
S71)NN one matt power saw, used on144 six
Weeps, excellent for log's, 117000 or ice,
standard erase cut blade easy to sharpen.
Write Lox 017, II(;speler, _
For malting Candy of all khlde. Anyone can
matte candies fast and easily at 1101110 or for
resale at a nice profit with our imported
Voorhees rubber candy molds. Ask for free
ilusirnted Cata.iogue with directions,
You can bake Novelty Cakes that will be the
talk of your friends for Easter and other
(tensions like he,. Big Egg, Rabbit, I3eart,
C1'.icken, Shamrock, Br 40'set an(1 others.
Easily halted with free cake recipes, and
decorated in original ways for Year-round
celebrations. Also for ,Telly-nteat. Jello, any-
thing, for casting, Aslt for fre folder 01 our
imported Renaltle Aluminum eake molds.
Chas. E. LePage, Distributor, 72-14 Sac -
Cartier Atm., Quebec City, )' Q.
1'Olt 4,11.E
WIT$ be disappointed. 1)1•dei' T014 \It(p
1sruo HOW ,'rota 41 1•epniable producer itt
spring t.1 Ivory $1.15 per gallon delivore
ieteconet "n 111r100r Vuat1t101es. Stall yo
('leame of money rder to 14ayroel, Fal'm
R.R, No. 2, itra'ebt$lgn. Ont. .111 (n1lct
promptly aeltn,n 1,'1lged.
0A01 0111 i, softball ream manages lo
prides cud service, Write for Priem). TI
1! :1 NI 1;1'Olt1.IN(i floods, 1120 Ottaw
North, 11:114141011. Out.
FiSH1Nil NETS.flet Our prices on smelt at
gill nuts. Minnow seines and dip nets fe
seekers 1411)) minnows. Dept. 2v, Hallan
Sporting 110uds, Toronto, 010,
4Yrd1)'Lleerle Sawmill Edger, Siabsaw, an
.1,'0,' 41101110—$1,000.00. Mall chain ea'
.414411.40. Precision Bow Saw 3300.00, Gatnc
Westlake, Breton, Ont. ,
11114N turd boys to learn to become 0. rail•oa
Telegrapher. Taught by lame course, a
altogether new method, anyone can learn
write: soma of Telegraphy. Box 304, Por
Arthur. Ont.
000D opportunity for young -energetic niarrie,
man with life experience in general fare
warp and deirying. Separete house wit]
hydro. T. 0. Dotson, RR. 'No. 2, Brampton
Phone '4'ietm•ia 17-3.1.
NATURE'S HELP•—Dixon's Remedy for Rhec
matte Paine, Neuritis. Thousands praisin
it. Munro's 141)1:; Starr. 1;1:, 1•214in. Ottinva
P0811/01(1 31.00.
FOR. ECN12hIA1 -'.limlu,etid".-'she pets match
1eae and efficacious ointment. 13y Alai! 60e
Trappist' Fathers, North -Rogersville, N.B.
"HOW to live and keep tve1)," "Immo Reim
files." for every disease—$$4.50, Free eir
colors, Lev) Ilousrer, Deanlsville, Ontario.
IF YOU area SUFFERER from SINUS, ltay
fever, ITeadooldt', Catarrhal Deafness, 4401
should use N:1n1ELEsS Cold Remedy. Con
vineing trial. Postpaid 31,00. Address Purit:
Products. I•)xeter, Ont.
STOP SeIOIiINrl without taking, anything in
n'rnally or using any will pow•eee For in
ferthaBBon send 4c addressed envelope to Pierre
442'1' Birks Building, Edmonton. Alberta.
PEVP'IO. )•Icadeol,ls, Catarrhal Deafness,
13'otl should use NAMELESS Gold Remedy. Con
t'ia,'ng trial. Postpaid 31.110 .Address I't:RT'1'T
Produo)s. 1ss01ia', ont.
emote itl40cLtTTlON—Every sufferer of Rhele
matte Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'
Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot
tawa. Poutpald $1 00.
CALLING ALL gardeners. There are no
priorities ., plant materials for this spring
except what your early order and Our supply
imposes. Send for descriptive price list on
shrubs, roses, etc. Special offer to early
buyers, so send at once. its 'Free. Watt's
Nurseries, Fonteiclt, P.O„ Om.
PUY DEPEND.), 131,E Seeds for your garden,
New Catalogue nolo reads'. Write for Free
Copy. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont.
PLANT a Iteelge—Reserve now for Spring de-
livery—extremely hardy—emelt growing Chi-
nese Elm—will grows two feet the first year—
enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet. Special
price 25 plants for $2,08. 12 -inch size:—or,
"5 plants for 34.98, 2 -foot size. Write for
New Free Full Colour Garden Guide, Brook-
dale-Kingsway Nurseries, 13owmanville, Ont.
A home away from home. Graduate nurses;
male and female; night and day duty. Excel-
lent meals, prices moderate, private and semi-
private rooms available. Our specialty is
nervous, aged and convalescent. Our alm,
courtesy and service.
for information apply to superintendent 01
phone 5-8353.
le EAZIN nlil i.l' 11'1102114 � -'
1r spare or 5'1111 -Time aCney nu,lcing Learn le
d, matte randy at home, earn ns you lento, Yrrel
toots se/polled. Cerrerpnndence course, Nae
s. tlonai Institute of Confectionery Redd, Dee
's arhner 1'.0.. Box 132, Montreal, One,
IdGreet Opportunity Learn
a ileirdressine
Pleasant dim ill ed prefesal0n, good Wages
d th ntlsends sut'Cesaful Unreel graduates,
it America's gl'e11(001 system ttlustrated cats
tone free. Write or Call
d 968 Gloor St. W , Toronto
w Brunches. 44 Bing St., Hamilton
it & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa.
A system.
Booklet free. Zoe Goucher, Box 12, Ottawa,
(Old popular sheet music for sale. 01d songs
d Wanted. Up to 02 paid. List free,)
4RE0) Three months' trial subscription. Send
t toe for mailing, to American Ruralist, 606
N, Oakland, Indianapolis 1, Ind.
1 POEMS set to musk:. Songs t'opyrigbted, Free
r examination. Send poems. Harmonyet, Box
t 08, Weston, Ontario.
1'1t)8)el—I Callon Paint for best letter contain-
ing helpful painting hints. Barn Paints,
- white, gray, green, tile red and Fence Pointe
1 a)1 colors, 0 2,9 5 per gallon. New 1940, Enar12-
el, Setni-guess, Flat, not a surplus paint. All
colors, ineicle and out 02.05 per gallon. Quality
guaranteed or money refunded. Y3, L. Stegner,
21 Russell Street, Toren,,,. Mail Ordera ac-
' vented. ,
FETHERS'lONAUOII & Company Patent So-
licitors. Established 1390. 300 Bay Street,
- Toronto. -Booklet of information on request.
ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Scientific. Ao-
curate. Please write for information. Eva
• Winfield, 850 Thurlow, No. 200 Vancouver,
• Canada. -
' "I 1,11 taking a course in watch repairing and
need old watches for practice. I would be
- very grateful to anyone who would send me
some." Dollard Voutour J. 8f. Sanatortutn,
The Glades. N.B. "
Civc'ks, Ronson and Therms Lighters repaired.
prompt guaranteed service, Man orders filled.
Teling's, 401 Yonge. Toronto.
ALL DIFFERENT. 500 worldwide Ole; 1,000
worldwide, $1.50. 20 Newfoundland 26e:
Tokelau complete 10c; 1949 New Zealand
Healths 10c. Nice approvals. II. F. Hughes.
Shaunavon, Sask.
Interesting stamps given as premium to any
collector writing for either my illustrated
pamphlet showing world 'wide bargains con-
cerning sets, eta, or for my splendid assorted
approvals, and malting a purchase, sets, air
mail at reasonable prices, singles at one cent
and more. P. Dufresne, 22557 Fullum St.,
IF YOU want the beat In turkeys all hatched
from Government Approver] Pullorum tested
breeders, sent] for our turkey folder before
buying. Tweddle Ch lel/ Hatcheries Lim ited.
Fergus, Ontario.
BROAD BREASTED Bronze, day old, and
started. Government approved poulte. Leo
Parotin, St. Rose de Lima, Que.
Oldfashioned buttons. Alta old postage 5tampe,
160 Evelyn Avenue, Toronto.
Brand new or reconditioned .
Head Office — OWEN SOUND, Ont. — Phone 2088
Then Try This
Remarkable Medicine!.
Are you troubled by distress of female
functional monthly disturbances?, Does
this make you suffer, feel so nervous,
weals, tiretI—at such times? Then do try
Lydia E. Pinkllaln's Vegetable Compound
to relieve such symptoms!
In a recent test it proved very helpful
to women troubled this way. You orae it
to yourself to try it.
Pinkhmnee Compound is what is known
as a uterine sedative. It has a soothing
effect on one of 100411elt'14 114.0442 impor-
tant organs.
�`�r�lt trli
For over 70 years thousands of girls and
women have reported benefit. Just see
if you, too don't report 0xce1Iene results,
Worth trying!
NOTE Or you May prefer LYDIA E.
PIYKY1ASI'S TABLETS with added iron.
By Arthur Pointer