HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-10, Page 5sV*IC1r, osirrmiso 'rl. 8IC ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER Will Bell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ALV1N WALPER Licensed Auctioneer -Specializing In - :Warm and Purebred Livestock Sales "Service That Satisfies" Alone 57r2. R. 1, DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, S'at'siaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH diene —9 6 BUTCHERS ZurlCbS' Popular ME A T MARKS T, Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- . ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, 'Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins .H. Yin obit & San. PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES -Cash Market fax Ct'eain, Eggs and Poultry -Rade Your Eggs Graded our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich on Zurich Creanmrs- Your Henle riarke�, for Ct+ea'Yt9i 1.;:11.., Eggs t id Poultry • o Seth o A %iA]'1c11y Highest Cash Prices paid pet ist • _____ a premium for deliveredcre ,. We are equipped to give Put Your Want. For Sale Lost. Found. Etc Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE Barn, size 40x60 feet in good con- dition. Apply to Earl Dietrich, R,R. 3, Dashwood. Tel, 31 r 16, ' To our syrup patrons. We will not be making this product this sea- son. — Bruce Koehler. PIGS FOR SALE A number of choice sucking pigs for quick sale—Leonard Geromette. FOR QUICK SALE One pure bred Hereford bull, 7 months old. Phone 83 r 3, Zurich, Harold Finlay. FOR SALE A Oockshutt No. 4 Manure Spre- ader like new with tractor and horse hitch, Apply to S. Baechler, Phone 14r97, Zurich. - NEUHAUSER CHICKS—Thousands available we- ekly. All breeds and Cross breeds. Government Approved. All chicks guaranteed. Chicks in our brooders now Started. Some two weeks old. Come in and see them. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ontario FOR SALE BUILDLNG Size 21bc2,8 'suitable for double garage or hen house, re- cently built, asphalt roof and siding, priced reasonable, for particulars Phone 372 J, Hxeter, or write Box 184, Exeter. FOR SALE Blue Stroller, in good condition, Baby Tenda like new, Baby Walker, Handsaw 14" ball bearing, cheap; wash machine, electric, wooden tub. Two 30x34:2 -inch tires emu tubes; Trailer 16" tires.—Ivan Willert. FOR SALE A large Holstein cow 6 'years old, due middle of March; 1 'agetd Dur - harm cow, just freshened.—Neil Gin- gericli, Phone 00 r 2, Zurich. FOR SALE Two Dairy Cows, due freshen shortly.—Elton 'L. Bender, Phone Hensall 97 r 12, Thursday,' March 1Oth, 1949, ' ` LiGOAL VV" Mr, Leonard Geminate spent few days in Detroit last week. Mr, A. Alexander, Huron County Assessor of •Goderich, was on official duties in town on Wednesday. The Hensall District •Go -Operative are holding their annual meeting and banquet at Hensall Town Hall, • this evening, Thursday, March 10th, • Mr. Dennis Denomme who has for some time been driving a large Supertes't truck, has now engaged with the Zurich Bakery, where he has been for sone years previous. Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme are spending a few days with their dau- ghter, Mr and Mrs Kuno Hartman, Goshen line, south, Mrs. Stuart Stover and sons of Chatham spent the past week at the home, of the former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. 1P. J. O'Dwyer. An auction sale of the effects of the late Emil Hendrick is being set for Wednesday, 'March 23rd, when the chattels and farms will .lie off- ered for sale. Mr and Mrs. Victor Gingerich of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at the hoane 'of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob Gingerich. Mrs. Victor re- maining for the week to visit, with friends. Mrs. George Truss and Mr and Mrs. Parker of London were in town on Friday. The foamier calling on her sister, Mrs. George Thiel, while Mr. Parker, who is a Creamery In- spector, looked over the local. Zurich Creamery. Mr. Louis Durand, of the B. W. Highway, north of Drysdale, and who has been in Clinton Hospital, for the amputation of part of his leg, has recovered sufficiently to re- turn to his home. Unfortunately Mr. Durand now has part of iboth of his legs amputated, but is in the best of spirits. Had Birthday Mrs. Jacob Gingerich entertained about 25 guests on Tuesday in hoi- or of their daughter Gloria's birth- day. A quilting was in order for the day, while a social time was enjoyed by all present. Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs Athos Gingerich, Mrs Roy Gingerich, Mrs. Wm. "Baechl•er, of the Bronson line, Mrs. Edmund Oesch, of the Goshen line, attended the funeral of a friend in Tavistock on Monday, Enjoyed Banquet The Directors and Secy -Treasurer, of the Zurich Agricultural Society enjclyed a sumptuous banquet at the home of their President, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haberer, one evening last week. Needless to say everything was of the very best with plenty of it. After the banquet Euchre -Vas: enjoyed by the gathering, and some interesting games played, All were very grateful and thanked Mr and Mrs. Ha'berer for their genial hos- pitality. _ -BREAD on the table- ,- the able the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty of delicious wholesome bread. Ano TASTY -NU tasts good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice s slice of energy_ Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at every meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brear at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. as ymNu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH ",x ,i i' OR •SA Lk. 125 acres level tillable dark clay Ioam brick house, large bank barn, 21/12 miles to public or separate schools; $6,000 cash or terms. April posses- sion. —Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter Hay Township, 75 acres .pasture with small bush; creek, well end windmill. fWm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE FARM—Consistir>;g of 100 acres, being located half mile north of Zurich, on Goshen Line, known as the Koehler homestead, has Hydro and water through the buildings; bank barn 75x551.35 feet high. Is in good state of cultivation, one of the best farms in the district, 2 acres of bush, well fenced and drained. Possession can be had in reasonable time. FARM—Known as the Taylor farm, opposite the above mentioned farm., consisting of '70 acres of good to tillable soil, all in good cultivation, 6 acres of bush, has house with Hydro For further particulars apply to proprietor, Leonard Geromette. the discussions have been very good with more than ever .taking part. Forum people generally have been well satisfied with the subjects di -- cussed during the season. Why nut try an example set by Molesworth Ferum in Grey Twp., .and invite some town people to your meeting. It may make for a better understand- ing between town and farm people. May I suggest that you invite l '� your local news paper editor to your film showing in the next series, when ';,e filth "The Home Town Paper" be shown. to—Ted. LeIbold, Keine $i-7. 1-IYMENEAL � Keller—Dinney In a setting of flir•wers and fern, at Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood, Hi •melt officiated at the far -1 income is dependent upon hrs 2aittl- I nage of Miss Verde ing knowledge, his herd Volk , the jl daughter of Mr and Ivirs Adolph weather, Italie mid rahrkets, whereas Keller, and Mr. John Stanley Din- ney,s on of Mrs. Isabelle Dinney and rstophe • Dinney. Mrs, NOTICE Specials on Permanents beginning Feb. 18th to March 4th : Countess reduced to $2.50 Glowave reduced to $3.50 Eugene reduced to $5.50 Life Oil reduced to $6.50 Machineless reduced to $4.50 - $5.50 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR QUICK SALE Farren F orurn 'A large size Quebec Heater, apply 'rete Unique, 'arm Forum int at i •- •- BARGAINS THE GENERAL SALE IS NOW OVER, But you are still not too late to get for yourself Articles of Footwear at as Iow a price you have never before experienced. VISIT US AND LOOK `THEM OVER Womens' Shoes as low as Child's Booties as low as Etc. Etc. Etc 95c 25c Oesch Shoe �tore • e • • • • • • tt • • • s • • • • • • a1 • • �isY�►-4.14:6:rao�.�l's'�� ..-a"�i>..i..N��i::. -.,. - �.::,� _s>;iii:�iu.��'•"�.v.�'�•.:•.-t���...� �O �_�.:.r�►�.�+�i�.':. Paints & Varnishes Use SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS For Floors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Flite - Shellacs • - Varnishes, - Etc. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios Plumbing - Heating - Tinsrnithing OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY Datars & O'Brien MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213 FARMERS! EL LIRA FERTILIZED, mediate deliveries. Also sand and gravel. —Harry McAdams, Phone 82 r 5, Zurich, Ont. • pt4-2 FOR QUICK, SALE the 1tOtlle of Mr and Mre BltliCy 1`Jn'.•- ner with 31 menvbers•I:thd two guests present. Mrs, Ethel Merner' led the discussion eta "According to Worth" whidi. went as follows: A farmer's Rev. L. 8 Frieda Keiltlr, manly otha.' .06cupational groups. re - WOOD celve tha?r salary regardless of above lnel'*�toned facts. We think income ..ax is a fair method of taxation be - WOOD — We .have 600 c^ids of cause the people with the high in- --2-i» , comes are the ones who can afford -.�c�t'tioad for inimedi�te sale• — to pay taxes, The next Meeting will be 'held at MP and Ml's A6.ion bey - RAG RUGS and CARPETS irerdcher 'the discussion o "Many pp ea di Ha y Returns". Mrs. Clare Geiger CC>'i• Now Modern Loom, Made to was in charge sof recreation. The 1 f 1fLr e � i mann, • Hostess served a delicious lunch. , Corttra.ct edelfatiOn NeWS (.by W. v , tt ) the late Chr' E. Merrier played the weddittg meek. The bride given in marriage by her father, was gowned in white bridal satin, styled with high nylon yoke, fitted bodice, with long sleeves ex- tending to points over her hands. The flounced skirt was caught• in three points with roses and bows. Her floorlength veil fell from a sweet -1 heart headdr'es1 accented with blot,. The bridal bouquet was of t•f+il tt: o.;, white, npl:CiNsus and fefrl, Vier only iccessoa'ies were �l i.;( •and of pearl.; with matching earrings. tt wird annual Seen 1dir for,. I -Y, yon County will he ht •'a; T?i the e111 accurate service. 4 CRCIlt and Poultry deer WE ARE AGAIN' CONTRACTING BARLEY POR CANADA MALTING COMPANY.. 1F" IN'1'EI:ESTEII, GETIN TO1.3'CIt WITH US Geo. T. Micky val. Sons Phone 103 tights 7.83 HENSALL - 0,111`iiLRItj... Egg atiy charge of Mr. T. r •trtment 1eyers. Chas. Mims➢- ,,�t11, Proprietor INS AlRANCE eve ,cin! Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co; OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ••ANE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS I- OF THIS KIND IN ON'T'ARIO . Amount of insurance at Risk 'din Dereniber 31st, 1946 fiv �b ,�xx23 �7, 7 Clinton Collegiate A‘Iditoriam on March 1t21th, Exhibits will be open tor inspection at 10 a.m, Douglass Bart, one 01 Ontario's best known farmers wilt be a special spea'kei for the f- telnoon. Plan to spend a profitable day in rch see the best geed Huon ron County hah s to offer, Producers arc Huron County 'Flo); holding an educational meeting; to discuss the results obtained in • the Hog Cost of Production Survey, which has been conducted by the Ont, Dept. of Agriculture, during the past two years. This meeting willt place in the Agric. Board Room, Cl- inton, March 18th at 2 pan. A tour of the Whyte Packing p'1 t •n has also been ar- Genefi� . Insurance T361itisl' Total Cash in tank atilc'4 $444,115.3 '99afldn Rates en App ,n�0b... F. �" 1IaOPP-^_"LLIIriCDhI E. Also Deafer i t Ll lit'I'1731 �Rocla 1 t.rt. P.. ,.Lax lrli,a..::. ..;• 4 AI,. 4'v' `' 'dt CJI1 ill 1. i .i Y,1 i FMB, l+sttiTdividiRal, 1 iVitl ] • i[ rASBs tleltl`!tl'.18S" afttd ,W.0 ibil'LN ai 1, 'ALI) L�I1Vll'S1 if,Xt)PiPtt' `1L'4preserai ig°`cv'b11 11ittowl*n ' attardiein ° Oottiip t lies noted without •ebligat-' Mate. gladly q' •ion Successor to I{e s llnsttt•anoe At en''Y .r, "'w. `Hiai:�ttlit an 'i Stratford. ranged for Wed. March 16th Aoy- one wishing to take part should be at the Plant at 1.00 p.m. The Annual meeting of the Ont- ario Hog Producers will 'be held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, on March 20th and 30th, and the Ont, alio Beef Producers Assn, will hold their Annual 'Meeting in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, to r FridayIdav Match Li -5th. Forum Y ite •� e. end , 11 KGsLon will Tile I!'kt1•r11 el after the meeting of March 21 ,1, 'rho attendance and number ,of for- mn meetings should pa„ all ,previ- aus repot ds, We must give the, wen. t C..,4 f .har'reii# vrxt• Lul �t'i.L ✓rG\i4r lar • • • 0 • • • • 0 0 • • • HON. STUART GARSON TO SPEAK AT HENSALL Hon. Stuart S. Garcon, Minister of Justice, is announced to address the annual meeting of the Huron -Perth Iand (South)th ) Huron Association O Gra ti o n a t Hensall on Saturday afternoon, Mal, 11;2,th. Mr. Garson was 1'1'0n11er of Manitoba before joining the Ottawa Govermnent a short time ago, an'l this wilt be his first public appear - Sugar 'n 6pise and Everything nice .. alncl easy to make at home' • .Appetizing, salisfying, inoneyy.sawitgl Make up this Purity Flour Sweat Bun dough and IN titsick time you can have hot buns, fruit buns, spied bunt er iced buns...oven fresh. 1 cake compressed yea„ 2 cups milk (scalded and coaled to lukewarm) �/ cup granulated sugar /a cup shortening 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 51/2.6 cups sifted PURITY FLOUR Soften yeast cake in lUke•warm milk. Cream sugar and shortening and add welt. SWEET B(JNS Tested Recipe front the .Purity Flour Kitchens -- Beaten age• salt, yeast and milk mixture. Add sufficient "lour to make a dodnh soft enough toftb:• conveniently handled, and knead ismooth, Place lightlygreased bowl r:nd dough In e surface of the dough lightly,groves nd leave in a wormgCover and until if has doubled place bulk.(80 un to downn and she rolls P bulk. Punch d p' into rolls. Place on a greased baking sheat, rover tightly, and let rise until double in bulk. Bake in a hot oven (400'-423"P) for 20.30 minutes, or until light brown. Yield about 31/2 dozen rolls. FRUIT BUNS—Add 11/2 cups currants or raisins, dredged with flour, before shaping the dough into buns. Just before baking, graze with a mixture of 1 egg white and 2 spoons'weter, table. CINNAMON BUNS—Rett dough out to a long narrow sheet r over melted butter. Mix 1 cup brown sugar with 1 t leas dough. If desired t /x peons einnnrou ch thkk,. Brush with Cut into 1 i /_ Bull of robins may be atltled. Roll up lel . n and. sprinkle mak and sprinkle with sugar nd lacce end side down in well -greased Ymu fashion and.seal n cinnamon mixture, muffin tins. Brush.lap What a taste thrill ..what a thrill, to get a recipe that means so much •wonderful food for so little tnoncy. And this recipe calls for Purity Flour . .your favourite, the flour that's specially milled from fine hard wheat„ the flour that means successful cakes, pies„ cookies or buns, every time, all the time. tIn the Purity 1 #1 bays Ypx tet, famous PURITY COOK BOOK 1 with its 875 recipes p Flour Kitchens.ens Sendt o� our naartis Purity JO., Montreal, - t. John -ice 5 ' off flour Mils iQuo„Ottawa,,OZ,?oronla, Onr., wmnipeg, Man., Calgary, Alta., VancauYer,.B,( 1 Name if 1 Street iii L ti' B51 -f -11P YOU NEE• ONLY ONE ftOUS pURr! furlty pato-• dicot ler hr.obrost FI:0UR fOR 'ON* RESU4T•-iEllftC7ION City Prov