HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-03-10, Page 4Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment, 't)its Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Ma'c 11-12 GENE AUTRY THE LAST ROINUOP Cartoon, Sport 'Short and "Supermen" .Serial Monday, Tuesday March 14-15 'Tops in Entertaininent on a Big Double Bill BIG TOWN,1kANDAL 'Arid DISASTER Flue a PARAMOUNT NEWSWOL A. Th t Ladies of the Aake ;aarial*. .Gosh - ..en W.M,S. met in the Blake Church co. Friday March 4th, .for Whe "World Day of Prayer. A. good ..ittendance from each Society Was, presnt. Mrs.. T. Dinsmore, llne president, presided for the .progs.namme and the ladies of both soelkttes taking part, Rev. Reba Rrn gave a very fine address, M. Elliott presiding at tho FareVelt Gathering On Thursday evening the neigh- bours A•11a. nilermbers of the Goshen and Blake Otr..ches ;met at the home .Mur and4lIts Roy Lament of. the GosliM. WO, ,Stanley Township and relfehted'illein with a farewell oren- ing.and.Sotoe very rice gifts. Mr. !and Mrs ,Iamont 1..repled very 6a.iting- IrtY. 'ElielVone wishing t.hein a well eon -RAI' tirement from Tartnia10. Iong'Sk4in every good WW1 ',611611. riewh�Ae in 7..aliich„ BAYFIEL1D ('Giand Bend 'bliss Mary Yoe was a Weikzend visitor in -London with friends., Mr and Mrs Russell Webb L. 'Max TUrnbull and Jack Atztei De- troit Yattending the wedding of 9 that city. and Mrs Wm. Bak ere re- . ,centVisitors in Goderich. *Iond-Olk-urriiirt':4pent a Mrs. Well. Baker visitell•her stster Mrs.- L. Swartz in Loridop-ifer.arfek, ,days. Mr Eric Mcllroy has Our .zate horses he is getting ready for the eummer. On Tuesday eve, March •rth, in 'the itcfmn hall the Grand Bend 'W, Instit- ute sponsored the showing of lthe rfilrn, "Let -There ,Be Light," BLAKE Mr and -Mrs Wm Oesch and fain.. ily of Goshen Line north, visited re. curtly with 'his parents Mr and :Mrs Oesch, Ilfrs Fred Bancroft spent a few 'days in London recently. Mr and Mrs David Meyers...and family 'have recently moved to their v home ni Zurich. 11 Had 45Crtt-Sti.":triNMe aiiaaktendante of )i) ;pr een Barveld Lie1i Cltib held ts .surcess. faldinner roPetingiin The Little Inn Baik field !jai s '.C,1431) .herd strecep-- wai in the iohadr. *Miss A. rTaite ;..of• .44 n's Sttift, IBtiOield 'oat, pr 614. 'A'd took .gveral Ipletures 4 the club t embers...1; ..hiAight of&e .11,eeting aV41;,4 • IVO itYtt'yit b'=to. lit'uartette eo...lsilinp.,/of 1. Weston., -It :Paitivr ..airido.EITant. Dar- ner, amaompartied to.,‘„•...Mr,k• Jantes Fergw.141. Cf4meMry :13o/erk1ah--,saliize The annqt.tl .nree1ing Cemetery Bijard avas Aat.lki at '7. fie home of E. A,. Wesilake. H. 'NI c • Naughton acted s • am irman : ci gave a very liAteueateng -*.tai.k on Ihe past devglopments oir the cemetery, explaining how well tfhe 'work 'had been managed and th.e responsibilityl that the directors have had -in tbo, caring of a large cemetery. A satis-I factory financial report was yre.ex..1 The Directors were all re-elected for the corning year: C. B. Middleton, D. H. ,IVIeNaughton, R. S. Reid, E. A. Westlake, A. Hudie, W. Reid, L. Scotchmer and R. .Heard, Other officers are: President, L. Scotchmer; vice-pres. A. Hudie; secy-treas. • ',11.011413n Drysdale 8 • The Store With the Best Variety of all Kinds •• • • • • • A fine Assortment of Hardware and Elestti_cat 5 of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes, for Men and Boy& ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES ALSO PIONEER FEEDS Call on Us. Your Patronage will be Appreciated at all times! JOHN N. DENOMME - DRYSDALE Phone 98t1 Ann 'al Hur and 4 , 1 ,..e.i=11121111101211M111111111191111M1111(1111111MEM1SIIIIIMIIIIM eeting erth uron AS.:CeCIATI Saturday, March 12 ens ctflP at 2:30 p.m. art5 HEAR Hon. Stewart S. arson MINISTER OF JUSTICE Dont Miss This Outstanding Speaker! W. H. GOLDING, M.P. And Others 1-luron-Perth and Huron Liberal Association ALBERT KALBFLEISCH, W. L. WHYTE, President. Secretary. "COD SAVE THE KING"' etaisisiasemeasessintideseeineaseksaarialeileilett*OPOateteeralWrV' Skinnymenywomen gain5,10,15Ibs., Get New Pep, Vite, Vigor up;WhU Orel Blow' limbo en ugly hollows :It r " gig! ;lir It),Cilt.b11`631.=dirlioi irle wienien mon, who never could gulfl before:" are now.proud of chapels", hgo!thy-Iookiug bodiets,„ They thong the epeeist vigor -building. Stith -budding tonla, Ostror. Ito conies, atimulante,, invigorators, iron, vitamin elu alom, enrich blood, Intl:Wore uppetlte and digeation o food Wee you mor strength and nourishment; put ileala on bare bone5.. Don't fear getting too fut. Stop when you've gained the 5, 10, 15 or 50 Mg. you need for normal weight. x...matii little. Neu- ''get nounitlated" eiee only 60e. Try Mamas ()oivea Tonio Tablets for new vigor bunt addet pounda,ithio very day. it.t OU unisons ZURICH HE..IRALI) Master John Kellerman celebrated his fifth birthday on Thursday, Mar. 3rd, and 'entertained a number of his little friends to a birthday party. Mr, Elgin Merner is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Mrs. .0scar Miller are in London Hospital un- dergoing treatments, A new Bridge Club was convened last week at the home of 'Mrs. How- ard Klumpp, under the auspices of some of the young married women. Officers elected for the current year were: President, Mrs. Howard Klumpp; Vice ;Pres. Mrs. Milford Westlake; auditors, L. Elliott,Merner; Bee. •Treas„ Mrs. Stuart 3 Parker; sexton, R. Orr. A motion. Wolfe. The Club will meet every Friday evening at a member's home. The next meeting being at Mrs. Ross Guenther. HENSALL 'nrr•'w.s.w.s. of the Evangelical ihurch attended the World Day of confined to 'his home, is improving was passed that $10 +be charged per grave for digging. DASHWOOD Mr. .George Hess, who had been ), I tty'r Grand Bond1 last week. Mrs. Melcher, who has been visit - Mr and Mrs Russell Broderick, ;Rig -with her daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Joyce and Jerry have returned after Getz, for some time, has returned to a winter vacation in Arizona and 'her home in Pembroke. Miss Lois Geiser of London, spent Florida. Mr .and Mrs Jack Faber and the week -end at her home. here. ' Joyce visited friends recently in Mrs. P. Kraft who had the misfor- tune to fall and fracture her hip is not improving very math. The many friends of Mr. Chas. Mr and Mrs George Link have re- Jinks are pleased to know he is im- * turned home after spending the past proving in health. twoFlorida. months in a.They re port a most wonderful time. Mr and Mrs Lorne Kleiristiver; spent the week -end in Bowananville. I Mr and Mrs Howard Klumpp spent the week -end in Toronto where they celabrated their wedding anniversary i'flrs. Lucinda McIsa.ac who has bee M in Detroit since Christmas, nas retivtrned home. 7 VII' and Mrs Willis Mcisaac, ac - eon apanied her home and returned to Del aoit on Monday. AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Farm Implements and Household Effects On the premises, Hay Township, tinue Water Highwary, Six miles 1 north of Grand Bend The , undersigned Auctioneer has 'been 'instructed to sell by 'Public Auction On Wednesday, March 23rd. Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m, sharp BEAL ESTATE— At the same time of said Sale, there will be offered subject to a reserved !bid the Farm consisting of Lot North Half 21,, Concession L. R. E., Hay Township, 15 acres, more or less, on which is situated a white brick house, Drive Shed 40x16 -ft; Hen House and pig stable; Bank barn 40x60, all in good repair; all buildings were recently painted; 10 acres in wheat; 10 acres freshly seed- ed; 15 acres plowed. Also, Lot 20, East Part, Con. 1, L. R. E., Hay Township,. containing 46 acres, more or less, 5 acres of mixed :bush, bal- ance in pasture, TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: — 10 % of purchase price on day of Sale and 'balance on .completion of Sale in 30 days. If possession is desired before 30 days an additional 10% is to be paid as a deposit. OTHER EVrECTS.— Automobile — 1938 Ford Coupe, correct mileage 34,000 miles, orig- inal tires. This car is in perfect con- dition, 1 • 3• • a 3 33 a 'Thuisday, March leth, 194$1.. Live Stock and Poultry — Holstein. Cow 8 years old, 30 Hybrid iyear-.. ing Hens. Farm Implements — Rubber tiredi wagon 6004.6 tires; Maxwert hay loader, 324t. extension Ladder; a quantity of lumber; oat roller, 8 -inch plate grinder, 6 h.p. gasoline engine, 40 cedar posts, steel posts, 2 rats. barb wire; 40 rods 8 strand wire fence, small roll 8 -strand wire fence,. 18 bunches No. 1' cedar shingles, - block and tackle, 25 -ft. rubber belt,. 2 rolls single wire -' cart, cutter, buggy, gang. plow, DeLaval Cream_ Sepatator, cross cut saw, steel pig trough, pig boy, various carpenter tools and numerous other articles. Household Effects — 1 steel bed, wooden (beds, sideboard, box stove„ couch, leather rocker, organ, Edison. Phonograph including 50 records, and other articles. TERMS — CASH Alvin. Walper, Auetioneer: Earl Birr, Clerk. Samuel Hendrick, Lloyd Hendrick, Executors of the ]at Emil Hendrick Estate. Start Your Chicks On CO OP. CHICK STARTER Available at Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH ONLY RECI .F.ANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS 4:6 2,asaeenesisasi .,,••••• •- • • Notice Regarding the LI -IM d Zuspersi of Lightin: elations 1:00 P.M to 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday 7:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 a.m. Monday fReatikotions isti, .5 and 6 (under the heading "Part II) Livigting") t,of the Regulations Respecting the Use of Eledricity in Ontario Put Into Effect September 14, 94, oind Amended October 13, 1948, Are Suspeaded Between the Above Hours. Contitmed improvement in water conditions, coupled with unusually mild weather, now enables the Commission to meet normal demands during night hours and on weekends. In view of this, the lighting restrictions set out in regulations 4, 5 and 6 (under the heading "Part 111 Lighting") of the Regulations made by the Commission under the Power Commission Act, are suspended each night from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday to Friday inclusive., and from 7:00 p.m. Friday to 7:00 a.m, Monday. However, during the daytime from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, resources are still inadequate to meet power demands fully. The Conamission therefore requests that the Regu- lations be strictly observed during these hours and that voluntary conservation be continued. The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Muni. cipal Systems wish to express their sincere appreciation to all Hydro i.i.sets who were affected by these. Regulations. Your splen- did co-8peration provided invaluable aid during the critical period of the power emergency. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWEil COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 1.4r, 7 • •