Zurich Herald, 1949-02-10, Page 8Orotiiia* torrikkos. sl • io 1 ,1 1,1 t I NI/ 111i Clearing. Sale FOLLOWING OUR USUAL CUSTOM WE ARE AGAIN HOLDING OUR ANNUAL. CLEARING SALE, OFFERING SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON MANY LINES OF SEA- SONABLE GOODS. WE CAN ONLY LIST A FEW, BUT ASSURE YOU IT WILL BE A REAL MONEY SAVING EVENT AND WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND SHARE IN THE MANY EXTRA BARGAINS WE OFFER. . FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, BEGINNING Saturday February 12th 5 KINGSWOOL BLANKETS, REG. 13.50 FOR $11.95 PAIR. WOOLCOT BLANKETS, REG. 5.25 FOR 4.75 Each MOSSFIELD SATIN BOUND, REG.10.95 FOR ..9.95 Each 3 ONLY COMFORTERS, REG. 8.50 FOR 7 25 Each KIDDIES SNOW SUITS 2, 4, 6, SIZE REG. 10.50 for 8.25 REG, 7.50 FOR $5.50. GIRLS' SKATING JACKETS, LINED REG. 6.50 FOR $5.50 FLANNELETTE SHEETING 72 -in. @ $1.10 Yd. TERRY TOWELING, @ 49c. a Yd. EIDERDOWN, 36 -in. @ 85c. a Yd. LINEN WEFT TOWELING, REG. 59c, FOR ..49c Yd. LINEN WEFT TOWELING, REG. 75c. FOR 65c Yd. Extra Special 200 YARDS PRINT 36 INCHES, at. 39c. a Yd. Men's Wear EXTRA REDUCED PRICES ON ALL MEN'S AND BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS WE HAVE 30 MEN'S HEAVY OVERCOATS. REGULAR 26.50 to 45.00 REDUCED TO 19.95, 26.50 EACH 6 ONLY YOUTH TWEED SUITS, SIZES 32 to 36 REG. 24.00 FOR $17.50 9 ONLY IN WORSTEDS, SIZE 32 to 36, Reg. 26.00 for 15.95 ALL OTHER BOYS AND MEN'S SUITS AT SPECIAL. PRICES GROCERIES LAUNDRY SOAP, Reg. 2 for 23c, Now 2 for 19c HEINZ CATSUP, at 26c CHOC. MARSHMALLOW COOKIES at 49c CHOICE CANNED PEAS, 2 for 25c TOMATO JUICE, 2 for 19c JOHNSTON'S CLO COAT, Reg. 98c for 89c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 59c RED COHOE SALMON 390 (PITTED DATES 19e QUAKER TOMATO SOUP, 2 for 15c FINE TOILET SOAP, 3 for 20c Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH CP THE MOST INIPORTANT QUESTION IN THE WORLD WHO WILL BE SAVED? All those who have put their trust in the bloo d. of Christ and have their sins forgiven. Christ died on the cross in our room and stead --we are saved by faith in His merits. WHO WILL BE LOST? All who have neglected God's free offer of salvat- ion, and are lost in their sins, not having trusted in Christ as their Saviour. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom. 4: 5 TUNE 1N -Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, 40490011410.12.400.60.41M30001.490496i0e-eniaspi3)4psoz.so.seiszvosnallell HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over J an you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best nd Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmitl, ing our Specialty. Full line af heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEID ZURLCH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE 1 1 1 AUIRIC11-1! ssirItAis17- ITEMSOF LOCAL MUST Mr and Mrs Louis &brag of St Marys were week -end visitork, with relatives here. Mrs. George Wilson spent a few days at the home of her sister. Mr: and Mrs. Ed. Beaver. Mrs, John Ehlers has' returne1 to her home in town after spending some time at the home of Mr and Mrs. Sam Oestreieher. Mr and Mrs. Chas. tPulford, of Windsor enjoyed the week -end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Ferd Haberer. Mr and Mrs Arthur MacLean and son of London visited at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs.. Lloyd O'Brien over the week -end. Miss Cecile Bedard who -has ac- cepted a position at Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of her parents on the B. W. Highway. Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheizn, Mr and Mrs Ivan Kalbfleisch and dau- ghter Katherine, spent a feW-days at Toronto last week also attended the ice follies in that city. BOYS AND GIRLS, MAKE YOUR OWN MOVIES Here's fun! Learn how you can produce a rib -tickling, slap -stick comedy. Yes, kids, you will find how to snake your own movres and many other entertaining features, in The Comic Weekly Club 'Corner, in PUCK, the big color comic magazine, with this Sunday's (Feb. 13) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. -TUNE IN-! I - Next Sunday, February 13th, at 1.30. p.m.. the. weekly program, "Sports Hall of Fame" will be broad- cast over radio station CJBC (860 on your dial). This program will feature the life of isne of our Zurich Boys in the nersnn of the late Char- les Albert "BABE" Siebert, whose tragic death by drowning occurred in Lake Huron, only four miles from here tin August 1939. Tonsils Removed Mr and Mrs Roy Gingerich, Mrs. Edmund Oesch and daughter Gladys motored to ;Clinton Hospital on Sat- urday where the latter had her ton - ST. .PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH. - ONTARIO ERN. R. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 asna.-Divine Sex -vices. 11.15 a.m. -Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Servicec. EMMANUEL - EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL, Minister Mrs. M. Oesch-Organist 10 a.m,-Worship. Sermon: 11 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -Worship. Sermon: ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) COAL WE HANDLE (Trade Mark) READING and THE GENUINE PENNSYLVANIA PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Schilbe PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) nils removed. Her mother remaining with her at the hospital. They retur- ned home On Sunday and we are ple- ased to report Gladys is progressing real well. 1948 Store Business Sold The well known and -thrifty gen- eral store business known as the Drysdale store has been sold to Mr. John N. Denomme, who has been the manager of the same for the past number of years. Mr. Denomme has taken. over full control, as stock taking has been Complete . aspast owners of the business still Continue to own 'the building the store it in, along with the dwelling attached. We wish Mr. Denomme every success in his undertaking. Has Grand Ice The ice on our local rink on Sat urday evening was in splendid con- dition. As Charles Hay, the icaretakei seems to know , with the .co-operat- ion of the weather man how to make a good. base for skating. Skat- ers tell us it being a pleasure to skate. Here is hoping that it will re- main so at least until after the Car- nival which will be held on 'Friday evening, Feb. llth. Come and bring your friends. Don't miss it! Saw Black Object? When Mrs. Wan. Haugh of the 14th Concession returned home one even- ing recently with their auto, the motor stalled,when she turned oc the lights to start, she felt some- thing near the car, and large paws against the side window. She binned- iately turned on the lights and not- iced a large black object in front al the ear. Running away as 'she was walking towards the house, she heard it jump the fence towards the orch- ards. It sounded as if it might have been a "Big Black Bear," as this seems to be a rather wild country just now, infested with wolves and other animals. One going outsalone should carry fire arms for their pro- tection. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the New Commercial Hotel Hen - salt. The financial statement showed the Society in good financial ' con- dition. The following ,officers and directors were appointed President Redve George Armstrong, Ray; 1st Vice pre, Wm. Decker, Zurich; Secy-Treas., Sydney MacArthur, Hensel]; Directors: Hay Twp., Earl Campbell, Win, Decker; Tuokeramith Roy Bell, Thos. ,Sherritt; stanieiv, "liner Webster, Bert Peek; Hibbert, [Toward Wright, R. Kinsman; Step- hen, Allan \Yelper, Eimer Lawsoni Ifensoll. Fred Smallacombs, A. W. Kerstalf.e. Uaborne Twp, Sam Obligati Harry Strang; Associate Directors, AIvin McBride, Arthur Nicholson, 'mid Glenn, Hugh Berry, Harvey Coleman, Prwin Willert, Shedd -10c, John McGregor I. H Mid (Beton. Regret at the passing of Mr. Keith McPhail McLean, Hon, memb- er and for many years secy-trea,s, of the society, and e. letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs. 'McLean and farnilY Committee incharge O Pield Ciop Coropeititioo, itoy 8e11 (dtaithrtart) Alvin McBride, and Gerald Glenn, Committee in charge of Horse show INCOME TAX BOOKKEEPING, ETC. Income Tax Forms Available Phone for Appointment. Hen.sall 88 r 16. Dublin 14 r 12 Thos. D. Wren, Cromarty, R. R. No. 1. BORN At the Farwell.Nursing Hoane, Zu ich, to Mr and Mrs George Stephen - SOD, Stanley Township, a daughter, sister to Charles. .--COMING- THEY'RE COMING -Stars of the Stage and Radio in Person, Bob Mason, Radio's tallest Singing Cow- boy and his Western Swingbillies a Big Stage Show followed by Barn Dance in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday, Feb. 10th, from S.30 to 12. Heard daily over CFPL., Lon, don 11.45 to 12.15 noon. Fun for Everybody. Earl Campbell (chairman), Ebner Webster, Sydney MacArthur, Wm. Decker, Ed. Schroeder. Cam. in charge of Cattle Show, T. Sherritt. chairman; Sam nougat', John McGre gor, Bert Peck. Grounds.: corn. A. Kerslake, F Smallacamb, Stan Tudor Date 'of Spring Show, Provisionally set for Saturday, May 1.28th, 1949. Meeting adjourneld to meet Feb. 20, when prize list will be revised. WINS NEW CAR Mr. Alf. Andrus, of Traquait's Hardware, Exeter, is the •proud poss- essor of a brand new Studebaker car. He was 'awakened from his sleep on New Year's eve to ibe informed that he was the lucky winner of a draw sponsored by the Exeter Legion. At first he thought the boys were playing a hoax on him but he was persuaded to dress and go to the Exeter arena where a, dance was in progress and there he was presented with a set 'of keys for the ear. The draw was made shortly before midnight when the last ten of 790 tickets were picked up by the merrymakers at $5 each. Farah Forum The Unique Farm Forum met at the home; of Mr and Mrs Roland Geiger with 30 members and 15 guests. The leader for the discuss- ion "Food In Sales Clothing" was M r. Aaron Oestreicher and went as follows. Advertising would benefit the farmer especially on a city mar- ket Co-operative, farmers could mar- ket their products but farmers can- not assume the responsibility. Rev. Roppell gave the group a few re- marks as well as did Milton Oesch, Leroy O'Brien, Garnet Jacobe and A. Melick. Mr, Delbert Geiger is chairman of the next meeting and win lead the discussion on "Food Takes a Ride." The next meeting will be held at Mr. Delbert Geigers Mr and, 'Mrs, Leonard Merner were in 'Charge of recreation. The meet- ing closed with the hostess serving a delicious lunch.- Thurday, Februany..10th, 1949 Canadian Approved CHICKS Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers. of high grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rocks, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicks are also producers. x Sussex; N. H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. McKINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 - 11, Hensall. mommosumessommummaimmemmaianiwommumm . Westlake Furniture : • . . 1. Winter Reductions t++ OF ALL LINES OF FURNITURE A VERY GOOD VARIETY OF BEDROOM, DININGROOM, 4- CHESTERFIELD AND DINITTES SUITS. ALSO FLOOR RUGS. ALWAYS CARRY A GOOD SUPPLY OF SPR/NGS AND 4. MATTRESSES. KEITH R. WESTLA_KE 4. Furniture- + 4. 11111111111111111111111111111111MMI111111MISMEI i I 111i11111 I II !III 11111111 11114imiii U1111111111111 III lil ll III III Phone 122, Zurich 11111111111 11 OBI 11111111111111111eiii FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given TITEE 4, 1• 1' 1;111. I 1111 111 II 1 111101 It 111111111 1111.1111,111.11111(11 111.1,1111,1t4 tj i11,rI -.pi- t • • +Si* + +4 +4.4....44.414444110 NOTICE WE WILL HAVE A CARLOAD OF NO. 1 5-X CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE END OF FEBRUARY -ORDER , EARLY F. C. KALBFLEISCH SON - Phone 69 - - - ZURICH ift.6184,444.4.444+++++++++.s..+++ ff++++++ ',44+++++++++++4.+44 Massey - Harris REQUESTS ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR TRACTOR PLOWS, DISCS, ETC., FOR SPRING DELIVERY. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" Ts Shop 149 Oscar K o 1 pp - Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SEW/ME 4