HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-02-10, Page 4e. -.l s ASW000 ter and Mrs:'' ilayton Pelle spent Weeeday in Mt.',Clemens, Mich. and Mit Jas. Francis of Tavise toc1 were 'Sirnday visitors with Mr and Mis Harry Hoffman. . lir and Mrs Glen Walper of Lon- lon .spent the week -end with relati- Ives 'hem Mr :toss Haugh left for S'fltchell Neeiday, , where he has taken a pos titian in Edighoffer's store. We wish Ross success. Mira Graee of Dearborn, Mich., at - 'tended the funeral of her snother,the. ''late Mrs, D. Sehnoeder on Saturday. Born — At Mrs Hunter's Nursing %LIQ, ''on Feb. 2nd, to Mr and Mrs dP it,40434440640ii Gerald Mason, a son. Dearth of Mrs. David Schroeder 41, Mrs. Batten's Nursing Horne, Mrs. David Schroeder passed away at her home here in her 85th year. She had been a resident of Dash- wood for 18 years and 'was a mem- ber 'of Loon Lutheran Church. Surv- iving are her husband, two daughters Mrs. Mrs. Everett Heist, Dashwood;a Laura Grace, an Dearborn, ,d son Herman, Fairview, Mich; one brother, Henry Willett, Dash- wood. The body rested at the T. Herry Hoffman Funeral Home where the funeral took place on. Saturday at 2 p.m. with interment in Exeter cemetery. Rev. L. Higenell officiated. on February 7th, to Rev, and Mrs. H. Getz, a son. Auto Ateident Mrs Elmer Keller and her son 'Ger- ald were shaken up and cut when a Watson taxi of Exeter driven by Pet- er Gridzak crashed into it on High- way 83. The lights on the ear had gone out and Mr Keller got out to try and fix them. The car driven by Gridzak hit it so hard it was shot 180 feet and went across the high- way and landed in a ditch. Damage and to the taxi is estimated at $' to Kelley's car $85. The accidentwas investigated by Prov. Constable : J. Ferguson ,of Exeter, iMdeillafiMarea YA • • i • • • •• •• • s uncmg Having purchastd the Stock and Good Will from Gascho ros., of the General Store Business at Drysdale, we so?iicit a fair amount of the Public's Patronage. And will do our utmost to serve you! Greatly Thanking You! JOHN N. DENOMME - DRYSDALE - Phone 98r1 Attention Farmers! 1 THE PUBLIC MEETING IN THE INTEREST OF the SOYBEAN INDUSTRY, in TOWN HALL - ZURICH WILL BE HELD IN CONNECTION WITH THE NATI:iyNAL.. FILM BOARD ON Monday Eve. March 7th RATHER THAN ON FEBRUARY 12th.. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! Enjoy colored films on Soybean production,. and discussion on the Soybean Cup for 1949.. Admission r FREE Everybody ! VICTORY MILLS LTD., Toronto - Canada. a o is a wonderf69 dessert You'll make it again and again and, of course with Purity Flour. So scrumptious, such a tangy sweetness atop a feathery cake ... and per serving so economical. eee PURITY ei CAKE 3 iabtespoons butter • V4 cup brown sugar $ or 4 medium sized appies 5 red or green cherries cup ebortening 1/g. teaspoon vanilla extract 34 cup grametaled sugar 1 egg feaspose mat 4 teaspoon{ dlckirs powder 2 cups sifted Nei Flour 1 cup milk Unity ;,and (ot ,itookfeu First—Melt butter In 7 or 8 inch square baking dish, add brown sugar and spread the mixture evenly over the bottom of the dish. Pare and core apples and cut each one in suctions length. wise. Set in rows in the butter•sogor mixture. Place 0 cherry in each corner and one in the middle. Now—Cream shortening, add vanilla. Gradually add sugar and blend well together. Add weil.beaeen egg. Mix Purity Flour, baking powder and Colt and sift together 3 or 4 times„Then odd alternately with the milk. Pour thh batter over the apples in baking dish and bake in a moderate oven (3501.) for 40.45 minutes. Invert to serve. Remove from the dish as soon as baked. Serve hot at is or with u sweet saute, or serve cold with whipped cream, Best or add your baking , .. that's Purity flour. Women who bake and !take depend on Purity for uniform results. It's the flourihat`s milled from Canada's tine hard 'wheat and sold everywhere; YdU NEEII ONLY OM F44Ulq PU FLOUR POR ONE 1151,11•.PE.Mt $041 1111,11ttil%khAr,tnitinvittenlleteleftiZtOlg f 849-F.8 51 boys yov the tamous PIJpITY COOK BOOK waft its 875 recipes developed in the Purity FIo4r KltCho,ns, Send la your nearest Purity flaw. Me offcr. — St. John, N,8„ Monk eni, Cava, Ottawa, Ont„ Toronto, Ont„ Winnipeg, Marl,, Calory, Alfa„ Vancouver, B.C. Name...., Slr City ..,,.,. .. Prov FARM FOR MIX 9 i aches, 1� . slliles north,.ef Dash wood.•. Buildings in .gp'od repair with Hydro throughout. 5 aerie bush, 11 acres fall wheat and 40 acres fall ploughed. $7500, part cash with bal- ance on mortgage at 4%. This of- fer withdrawn after March 1st. A. V. Tiernan, Phone .1083, Dash- wood. ZURICH HERA,LD Aidon Theatre GRAND REND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday February 1112 Charles Dicken's OLIVER TWIST • • • • • • • • • •• • • Plus Chapter Two of "SUPERMAN" • Serial Monday, 'Tuesday February Robert Mitchum, Jane Kirk Douglas, in. OUT OF THE PAST Adult Entertainment One of the most Exciting Motion Pictures Ever Made. Donald Duck Cartoon and Newsreel 14-15 Greer took place regarding a concert and it was decided to have a play directed bel Rev. P. A. Ferguson, to lee pres- ented early in March. Rev. R. A. Brook brought in a report from the Red Crays soliciting co-operation from the 'Chlamlaaer of 'commerce for donations for the annual Red Cross spring drive, donations for this worthy cause may be left at the Bank of Montreal. Mr. M. G. Drysdale pre- sented notion pictures in technicolor of his recent trip bo the. West, and through the States, and a welcome was extendelcl to Mr. John K. Irvin, new bank manager of the Bank of Montreal. Kippen East Wotnens• Institute sister, Mrs. Alvin Bader and family near Dashwood. BLAKE Mrs. 'Brisson is ill at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Martindale. 1VIrs, Frank Young and new baby Miss Phyllis McBride attended the boy arrived home from Clinton Hos- At Home in Stratford Friday night. pital last week and are with her 1 Mr John Armstrong is ill. His mother, Mrs. Hey. many friends wish him a speedy re - Mr and Mrs Archie Mustard and covery soon. sons of Brumfield and Mx and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Kipfer of Hensall, James Burdge of Goderich, were were Sundaes visitors with Mr and Sunday visitors with Mr :'anti Mrs Mrs Rudy Oesch, Sam Hey and Mrs Young and fam- Mrs. John Love and family of the Pars rs Line spent Sunday with Mr. Butchering and that bees are the and Mrs. Roy McBride. order of the day now. The W.M.S. meets at the home of Mrs Thos. Dinsmore for -the Febru- ary meeting on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 10th at 2.30 p.m. Mr and Mrs Fred Bancroft spent a day in London. Miss Gladys Oesch had her tonsils removed at Clinton Hospital on Sat- urday. Is now home and feeling re- lieved. Miss Vera Oesch returned to her home after spending. aw'teile with her Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrall Betty limbs e1i,oui"Ugly hollows 311 up: neck ase longer scrawny: bodyy aosee half- starved, sickly "'bean -pole' look. Thousands o1 girls, women, men, who 'never+oodld'Raln before. ere slow proud .ol�ehapely„'bedtthy=looking bodies. They thank the special vigorbMldltsg.:fleSb-banding tonic. Ostrom. Its tenths, stimulants,invigorators. Ron, vitamin 131, calcium, ,enrich Improve appetite and situation so "food,glves you more strength and nourishment: but fleahi oo: bore bones. Don't feargetting•los tat. Eitop•whestyoU've gained the 0, 10, 154r•30lbs. you•noedltornormal weight. Costa little. New "get •aoguatated” •else orgy 600. Try famous Ostres Tonle Tablets 'tar pew vigor and added pounds. thle maw �d45 ktt:aa drugslet0. HENSALL Word received from Dr. James W. Bell, who with Mrs. Bell is vacation- ing in St. Petersburg, Florida, states that Mrs. Be11 who fractured her shoulder and wrist in a fall, expects to be out of the cast in three 'weeks. Mrs. Holmes, (nee Annie Funk) of .Speers, Sask., is spending a three months' vacation with her mother, Mrs. Funk. Born — Petzke — At the ,Stephan nursing home, Hensall, Monday, Feb- , ruary 7th, to Mr and Mrs. Walter •!Petzke, a son. Wolves have been sighted in the I Cromarty area, six miles from Heri- sell, a number of times within the past few days. Mr Arnold Westlake and his son of Cromarty sighted a pair of wolves running along to- gether in a neighbourhood field ad- joining their farm. The February meeting of the Chamber of 'Commerce was held in the town hall, Thursday evening last during the business session discussion Tlruamsdaly, b'elezeittnei 10th, 19.49 sponsored a very .successful euchre and dance n the Hensall T.rwn Friday evening, (0 ' tab;es were irk play for the ruch'''e and the' winner play for the euchre, the prizes 'were very attractive. Murdoek's lo,'ehestra furnished the music for the damn,,. and the 'door receipts r:+ere $10. Fine Weather Some real fine weather ?las -. waited the (past week. Monday and Tuesday were exceptional niee -days- for February. We have the pros ise of a little colder; but have nothing to complain against the weatherman. 1111111810111661880110111, They're Coining! STARS OF STAGE and RADIO in Person BOB MASON "Radio's Tallest Singing Cowboy” and his Western Swingbillies Big STAGE SHOW followed by BARN DANCE TOWN HALL - ZURICH Thursday, February 10th 8..30 p.sn. to 12 Heard Daily over C. F. P. L., London, 11.45 to 12.15 Noon. FUN FOR EVERYONE Adults 75c. Children 35c. 1 f $tart Your Chicks On CO - OP. CHICK STARTER Available at Hensall Dist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH ONLY RECLEANED GRAIN USED IN OUR FEEDS 7 HASDS I\ TRAIMNG ..OFOR ONTARIO Learning to Make Plastics IN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of is, therefore, has a very personal, interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in factories our workers, young and old,are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. .For instance, as in the pictures shown here, every effort of Ontario s netr]y-skilled plastics workers will mean batter plastic products — 'will help to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and work. THE BREWING INDUSTRY RY (Ot.y rJl. A RIO) ax'*atr. tett s • e Our Way of Lifer Illowarilyds Trained Hands Ontario workers know they can harm more, have executive responsibility and enjoy a higher standard of living in direct ratio to the skills they ae. quire and the way they make use of thein, That's always true in a free economy —that's why our earn- petitive system will continue to make Canada great and n great ill,tVi in whielt to 1r t'. .......,,...'.f.OY,.......i'.a'.,N