HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-02-03, Page 2Hiya, Joe, Where Did It Go? -One of the greatest of all-round,
all-time ball players, joe DiMaggio-after his customer;' post -
season trip to the hospital -unlimbers his pttent batting swing
during a benefit game for a Children's Home. The scene is
Florida, and from this angle there doesn't seem to be anything
wrong with that swing, although Di Mag appears in no hurry
to start heading for first.
1 WOW, ,.
..'Alor~non Blair
t hhough it never attained any-
thing like the popularity of its pre-
eltressor of twenty years before,
'Tipperary", one of the most widely
:sung ditties during the early part
of World tear 'five was "Lili
It is now almost forgotten. But
memories of that song were revived
by a recent anecdote regarding
Winston Churchill.
Not long ago the gFeat gritish
'War Leader had a vacation at
Monte Carlo. One evening, while
dining at the note! de Paris, he
asked the orchestra leader to play
"Lili Marlene".
The orchestra obliged. But next
day Churchill issued pew instruc-
*Ions. "Rd ase ne'v'er play that sour
again while I'm present -it made
me dream all night of Rommel."
Rommel -E1 Alamein -and all the
,test c,f it --haw long ago it eeemsl
Although most of the French
people fear -and with good reason
-the idea of a revived Germany,
with the possibility of further Ger-
man aggression and perhaps another
war, there are thinking people in
*be first -named country who are
corning to take a different view of
the matter.
These people believe that. the
further weakening of German in-
dustry and the dismantling of the
great Ruhr Valley industrial sys-
eerie will be a real -mistake. In their
e)piniion the only way to make an-
other .Franco-German war impos-
>ai'IJIe is to develop such strong
bonds between those two, and other
Western European nations, that an-
other European conflict would be as
unthinkable as one between -for ex-
ample-Frarl'ce and Britain, or
Britain and the United States.
This is the view taken in an art-
icle appearing in one of the great -
eat and most authoritative of French
newspapers ---Le Monde, Paris --and
tars onlookers inother countries it
name as something of a shock, But
to ninny of the more far-seeing
among the French it represents
* little noticed, but highly signifi-
emnt, change in public thinking. in
their country. And to the Germans
it eppearegj as a glimpse of reason
*It a time when the dismantling of
their great industrial system teem -
cd like nothing but vindictive re-
venge on the part of the victors in
*he last. World War.
The article in the Paris paper ap-
peared late in November, It took oo
Fventer significance when the
rench Foreign slinister--•Robert
.'viclluman•---gave out a semi-official
adatement just before leaving for a
two-day conference in London with
ids Iltitisll "opposite number" For-
eign Minister Bevin. Schuman said
that hatred and vengeance had been
removed from French policy toward
Germany with a speed that would
have been impossible following
World War One.
To many thoughtful observers -
especially in Britain-Schuman's
statement came as a real gleam of
sunshine on a cloudy and troubled
sky. They have been, as one re-
porter puts it, '"for many weeks
searching for some sort of basic
formula that would bring Germany
and Western Europe together." For
with a strong and united Western
Europe -which would have to, of
course, include Germany -the threat
of Russia on the westward march
would become far less troublesome.
But whether anything will come
out of such proposals remains a
matter of considerable doubt. For
in the minds of the majority of the
French people, the name of Ger-
many still stands for that of an en-
emy -an enemy always to be fear-
ed and kept, if possible, under
strongest restraint
Latin America has. long been
known as a land of many revo-
lutions. But recent happenings
downthat way make one wonder
whether the latest of sihese repre-
sent just the keeping up of an old
South American custom, or if, in
those parts, there is a concerted
movement against democracy and
the democratic form of Govern-
Last October a military revolt
overthrew the popularly elected
Government of Peru. In November
a awift-moving group of army offi-
cials quietly but efficiently snatched
the reins of Government from the
elected President of Venezuela,
Romulo Gallegos. During Decem-
ber a military clique in El Salvador
tossed President Salvador Castro
out on his ear, while exiled (Costa
Ricans staged an armed invasion
of their homeland.
In Chile the government man-
aged to break up 1 revolution be-
fore it was well started, and the
President of Bolivia has been hav-
ing his own troubles with plotters
and schemers, And in other coun-
tries there were Honors of trouble.
'1'o a casual looker on it almost
resembles the old situation of the
hbserl'in a brawl
o -o
Irishman w g
going on --politely inquired, "Is this
a private fight or can anybody get
into it?" But it may be far more
important than that, In most South
( American countries, the Masses are
terribly unhappy, and wi(h good
reason. \'Vhy they should he so can
be seen from the situation in Vene-
zuela, whtre LESS THAN 'I'IIREE
Trouble- really serious trouble-•--
scenes to be a -laking south of the
equator. And the rllitre.- the ex-
ploiters of the ')•lasses seem to be
trying, through their military power,
to squelch that
;nble before it
I goes too far.
I,l'•(••l 1.21-.'-„ it ,:,l:l1rfe- are .')f -ire•
t:i2:eepy 9.1fr hdteiy irir and ullbias-
ed in their deeieiems. Aculally, they.
aren't, but lean lust a trifle tofthe
visiting dub. As one veteran ball -
end -strike caller -we think it was
Tim Huree-used to put it, "Yeez
van do stuff in the gray that yeez
cent get away v. it''1 in the s,riiite."
by that tie 1 Bent -as we have
reoet likely explained before -that
!empires tend to be a bit more strict
with the whit( -uniformed home
team players, and to take less sass
and hacktalk from theta, than they
do with the grey clad visiting team
* a
The reason for this is obvious,
even though most umpires will
strenuously deny that they do do -
anything of the sort. A home town
players who argues with the umps,
or shows signs of disgust at some
of the arbiter's decisions, is far
more likely to stir up trouble among
the fans than a visitor. So, the
home -towner often gets chucked
out of the game for things which
would get by with one of the op-
:k ..
Continuing our unasked -for, and'.
no doubt unwanted advice to the
professional hockey folk, we would
advise that the President -or who-
ever it is that's the real boss of the
National Hockey League -should
instruct the referees not to be so
lenient about putting a player's cue
in the rack for the balance of the
game, or even for several games,
when he's guilty of actions designed
to set a -boil the feelings of some
of the morons who seem to attend
hockey in such numbers these days.
Throwing.. coins. and. torn. up
pieces of paper is bad enough, but
when it comes to bottles, sooner
or later somebody is going to get
hurt, and very badly. Yet practically
all . such ruhbarbs get their start
with some home -town players giv-
ing the folks the idea that the ref-
eree is giving the local club all the
worst of it.
* *
A case in point -as the lawyers
put it -is a recent game at which
Ray Getliffe was making his firs*
'Toronto appearance as a wllistle-
tooter. Most of thosethe 'talke3d to
... afterwet-deo ..fine ;a -'1:l 11say. 216
whose opinions on hockey we rate
worth listening to --agreed that Mr.
Getliffe, although- still somewhat
green, had turned ina pretty fair
chore. -
Yet from the sounds and actions
of a lot of Maple Leaf supporters, a
casual visitor might very well have
thought that Ray was a direct, al-
though slightly illegitimate descend-
ent of Jesse James and a whole line
of bandits reaching right back to
Attila the Hun, whoever he may
have been.
Why did such a thing happen?
Principally, perhaps almost wholly
because certain Maple Leaf athletes
were trying to cover up their inept -
to give it as kindly a description as
possible -play, by making the ref-
eree look bad. And the dumb fans
-mentally dumb, that is -fell for
it and fell for it hard in a manner
which was a disgrace to a town
where folks are supposed to know
something about the game, .... ..
So, in addition to the suggestion
made at the start of this piece, we
have another couple to make, .One
} is that the Maple Leafs should
have, in their dressing room, a
phonograph continually playing
nothing but that once. -popular ditty
rvIii; td, "li I.ttt What ll:.0 t 1221
to lt(, ltut \\Oat 1 cat Ar( '1•o tlae.,,
The other- that the Toronto pal'
rr: 'hnnld he ordered to erase and
desist from running any .More Pict•
pre: eh/twiner 1'02112 111 a
neficent look nn his fare, bask-
ing in that nice Florida t;nitsltine.
1f they'd print pictures showing
Mr. Smythe's face showing the
repression it's liable to be wearing
when ''e cones north, and start*
telling the boys exactly what ails
them, it would be far more liable
u: ctenre the desired results.
, * 2'
For what's been happening to
our beloved Maple Leafs must
stop, and the sooner the better. For
already we know of several of their
most ardent radio supporters who
are forced to nerve themselves with
three or four stiff shots of soda pop
before they even dare to tune in of
a Saturday night, and hear the
Voice of Hockey tell of the dire
things that are happening down
around the corner of Church and
Carlton Sts.
In conclusion we would just like
to quote a few remarks regarding
the game of hockey as played to-
day, and the athletes who play it.
"They have no guts and they don't
know how to skate. -How can a
man expect to play hockey when he
strangles himself by skating bent
over like a pretzel, -He isn't any
good for more than two or three
minutes unless you attach a spare
skate to the seat of his pants. -In
my days we played because we liked
to, For the players today it's only
plain hard work -and hard cash."
Nc,w the gentleman who made
those remarks is not any Johnny-
come-Iately or even a disgruntled
sports writer. His name is Eddie
Shore, who -if he isn't Old Mali
Hockey" in person -conies close
to being that mythical being. Mr.
Shore played hockey as well as -
or possibly better than -any man
before or since his time. When Mr.
Shore opens his mouth and gives
his views on hockey, his words are
worthy of consideration. So, maybe
some of the rest of us haven't been
so far astray after all
A New York fortune-teller em-
pIoys"white mice to pull horoscope.
envelopes out of a box.
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Black and
Sizes 1.4" to 3"
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100,000 Ihe.-10" x 40'
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Relieve itch in a Jiffy,
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,.unlet, A Dc tot's formula. Soothes aqd
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non r, it -r.r aocty titch. Ask your druggist
411 D D,D Presoriallon
Canada's Moat Famous One -Man
Power Chain Saw
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1f " �5,9rir �
Featuring late
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See the "Pioneer! Try It! You'Will Be AsIonisheci l
Note the New Prices in Various Size Cutting Bars
14 -Inch 276.75 18 -Inch 282.75 22 -Inch 2818.75
24 -Inch 216.2.00 30.lnch 302,7115
F.O.B. North Bay
Aho New Low Prices on Cutting Bars and Chatinr.
In U14
trial Erl
140 Oak W.
1T, 11 1501151 $ 7" 10
tet Ai4!514
tette e'47*.yMy ;t, w.,ne»kn,an+inne...kwswlwm...W..emeinteeststeth,ne...et teeetw«r+W...*
l' Su .' k:y Its 1 E
111..... _1...-....-..,.:..._-..-.._:.,..•--.-••
A(.111. \\ t\Ii11
11 ii1AY,l
111, 1 le deluxe, beat
--:rte 1 hilar -r, e e 110 e 1 nt $3,60, all
wa u .1 l:rn •till Not 151.1 •,r rl u1'LIl, 001',1
(:i: s'tI 12 „11.' I2'.ISd! llu.u,l,ltl. on Part
'I'me, til• 19'11 '.rune t,ttei*, one 2521 rtelulte:
'1",0 1roe:. 1-.10 1.1.10. 1 1'0 1.1t/•lh, lipicetI, 11al,iva
17/11..1, 1.1011011.11111,(;la%n. i t It el,
V1111, Fr1,l cue 0101 Shut. !''li1-,1104, .10. Each
1001. 11121 a ,tint ,lout 1 sc,-lI 1lt o4,1,0rL111'ity
10 •_.1 ,,,111• hu',0r,rs ,,1i111 fes, write rot
Ir'.. .0.1 ;: Is 2,11.1 c,,Ialorole •*'AAIILE5. 1600
Demi mitres l
1014 41,elus WAN .ED 5aroeu tltetere, electric
toners Write ('ler.-nee- I4ehu 621 Frederick
St hit,•hen l
rut; S5.1..f.
l (r i AI (alta New 7849, Rae e., 1, e"'1111'' ;lor+ Phi'. 1102 r
eln• It 1R Tetini, 411 C',ll(* , ',:*.'t* and 2 tt.
SILO:, pet salleu 'Plalily tom rem tee or money
re lanai ft. 1F. 1.. SIoin*r, :1 Buss. II 1treet,
Toronto. Mail feelersac'•eul'•'i _
Jellf linr•a,I 10.1•1• ga14 1415111P rewillg attacbe
mins; ft -timetable. Well.. Dine: 115 Baldwin
A''a., first ntfard, 1111i.
5 H. 1'.(`1101 022)140 t 112' oo Tractor plow.
(uirlvrll1. , 11121,0*' 11*R Jot 5.h..r, Or•an*e.
tulle, lh,ul.c 4. --.
.41 1 \122 hell Q4tet a h,1nSiAvives 151e 4-
101.5 "IV,,mlrl tallddl:-(iri11. Write, En -
41111'e•„!„6. 011111.c.ny• til 216/,11 52. 'Toronto,
(501'19RNA) ENT Ap1'ruveil hatchery (•nteb-
nshed for 25 5*1111 K 1111114 game one In
sour Mei vit. L to 111511' ,.rders fur baby chicks,
1.,her111 ,,mrnissiun raid. Poultry 11111 ere,
unrsel.vinu, Watkins and lttnvlolirh •,genre
and 111'i,rrrs: mske ,.1'1.211 Agents. Write for
full Inlorma lion, flet N0. 1r; 123 18551 St..
Nen 'I'ornnn,.
is 1521 UHII'he
RHO 141:22elfeN 115bra1 Pullets 1;'23.00. Extra.
eggs. extra cleat. retro profits. )Por roto.
hid eat; and meat profits try our red sus: ex.
11) p1•idp.ehi,:ks, tired for Taal xl•owL1i, (11W'k
feathering. 101s'0 sire 1111,1 heavy 0.1;16 pr'OCII101.i(1n.
1'nnets 52:1.011, mixed :619,11'), cox $6.00. 1 W
Marilee every week. immediate shipment, 11ig
Rock Form, 11111* Jto*h0*, Ont. Box W.
PROS oic' rs fur profits from. �•hickeus-look
geed ill 1949. Some other lines of fano
produce may be slow to n10ve, but every -
rainy 1000114 10 107..1'1 .0Prnand for .eggs red
xohl1245-• :11' 1(1*4*1' prolnl,.11on C081e. Start
your ehteke as early as you can. 'Remember
the big pt•lees for Summer and T,a11 for big
eggs and ih„ gaud markets 101' early broil-
ers and roasters. 'rweddle 1hicks have a good
reIlutt111o1. We have chicles for every Per-
son ---broilers. roasters or for eggs. 12 pure
breeds au,l 13 cross breeds to choose from.
Also laving and ready to lay pullets for
immediate delivery. Send for story ".flow to
flit the Top Egg Market". Fret catalogue.
'rweddle chi,* fintrbetiee Limited. Fergus,
St.)PERtO5 CHICS22$, clay old• and started.
immediate or later delivery, blood tested.
government approved. Leghorns• Barred Rocks,
Hampshires, Snssex, Rhode island Re,la
White Roche, 131ack Giants, Crossbeeds, 21
day livability gualantee. Catalogue. prices
Calender free. Superior ESatchery, Linwood.
blame wile poultry raisers depend 011 Top
Notch chicks year after year. And the wi-
ser they are the earlier tiler get their order
In. Order now to be pure of the kind of
chicks you want when you want them. Top
Notch Chicks 11.10 from Government Apnr0ved
Pulloruln tested stock of all the best breeds
end some fine cross breeds. They are
from strong, true to type breeders with ex-
cellent records of livability and productivitY,
Top Noteh chicks bund your chances far big
profits by Butting risk away down. To start
right, start early with Top notch, Free .o&ta-
'ague. Also older pullets and broiler (hicks.
Top Notch Chick Sales, 01.10011, Ontario.
Decide 1101* to own a belt. flock. Begin nit it
sood Quality chicks from a Quality hatchery.
1. A. Canada Accredited .Hatchery. 2. sed
suecesive Year 1.00 per cent pulorum *lean.
A. Established 22 years. 4. Operating under
Hatchery Approval, and Ontario Approved
Hatcheries Association.
Write for our 1949 price list and catalogue,
and see view of our New Modern Ha,c11erY,
one of the country's finest, Gainforth's Hat-
chery. Trenton, Ontario, producers of GOOD
BABY CHICKS since 1927.
"OXFORD" Approved Chicks live, lay and
p1,y. They are the results of twenty-three
years of careful selection and breeding in
O.B.S. They have to be good, because we
want the very been kind of chicks for our
own flocks -big, vigorous and early matu-
ring. We stress egg size and uniformity. Bar-
red Rocks -White Leghorns=.Hemp X Rock
Crossbredo•-•Rock X Leghorn Crossbreds.
Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers'
Co-operative Produce Company, Limited, 434
Main Street, ,Woodetaek, Ontario.
POULTRY BUSTERS -success in raisins baby
chicks for meat and egg production means
satisfaatiol from your investment. To receive
dividends on your investment, you must be
certain where your money is invested. We
offer You baby chicks from a poultry farm
with every breeder Pullortlm tested and gov-
ernment -banded. Write for our 1949 cata-
logue and prices. Take advantage of our
early order discount. M011ktol Poultry Farms,
Monkton, Ontario.
COCHRANE'S government Approved chicks.
Barred Rocks, Parmenter's Rhode Island
Reds, Danish Brown Leghorns. Write Tor
Prices, Cochrane's Poultry Farm, Rfdgetown,
Ontario. Ontario Government Approved Haa•h-
err. 2
A, 15. (,I.fVE1t :,4ar.bin0,y t_oltipl'riy, 1,831
5" a1•ing edgers. saw bits, xsiumdrels, beel-
th11,. pt111r•5s cordwood sews. lumber saws
for sale. M:u•hine shop service, 1 70 Cedar
St tee*, Orli li(i.
•f wO HON'Di1ED l.angsu•oth h0013R9 with
.Tin pf y'
frames, thirty single wintering
see. Frllncis 1'otaolt, Clinton.
111781{* SLED DOGS and Papa. ideal pets
and watch du1 s, 1S't'i5*: Lint Bartlemar,,
ONE 1.tldge, Ontario.
0 to 11 months, 15 heifers s to 15 months;
20 oxford I wen, advanced registry Yorkshire,
open and bred sawn, weanling 10 serviceable
102,240, Gardiner garrison. Mount Forest,
()flf a 11O_T-.___...--...--
1)00162 on Dogs, Cats. Rabbits, Aquaria, Bees,
Birds, Pigeons, Poultry, Dairying, Farming,
Fruit, Flowers, Fishing, Hunting, Catalogue
Free. Morgans, London,
coot) ItEEi:•I.TS-Every sufferer from Rheu-
uiatie Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
Remedy. l4tunro's Drug Stole, 3015 Elgin,
Ottawa. Fuetpald $1,00
TR'Y I'T5 Every sufferer of ltbeumatic Pains
or Neuritis should 11y 1ixen's Remedy.
Mimeo's l.lru., $, .ore, 315 1aH11,, 1-1211121•o. Post-
paid 81 00,
AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inven-
tions and full information sent free. The
Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Altorneya, 273
Bank Street. Ottawa,
DIABETICS Write for your cr.occ,late bare.
Jams, crndy, biscuits, etc. immediate
delivery. Diabetic Foods da Supplies, 00'
Fi'ayter Street Toronto, opt
tl,kVE Yin anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information We are
glad to answer your auestlens Department
Pi, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 range
Street. Toronto, Ontario
NEEDLEWORK. BU'LLETI\-000d directideas
edited by Florence Webb. Mailed
you each month. Each Bulletin contains one
design complete with instructions, needle-
work hints, catalogue of patterns and stamped
designs Yearly subscription (12 issues) sec,
Send to Florence Webb, Dept. B. Post Office.
Drawer 489, Adelaide Street, Toronto.
FARM WORK for next so'ing, summer,
wanted by graduate agriculturists and
experienced farm laborers 10•110 were (tweed
from their farms behind the iron curtail.
Contact Latvian Relief A.sboeia21lou, .471 if,
Larch Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
(amities with one or more workers. Arriving
early spring. Apply NETHERLANDS IMMI-
GRATION committee, P.O. Box 234, Chatham.
~yCHAIRS __ ...._.__..__.
folding, all types Write to- catalogue.
SA",VSJILL Diesel Power, double edger. trim -
mere. 12111b slasher, log haul, planer and
tractor Roy 559, Burlington.
PI,A.NT A Hedge This Spring -extremely
har4Y•-011i('l; growing Chinese Elm -will
grove two feet the first Year -enough plants
(261 to plant 25 feet. Special price 26 plants
for 52.98, 12 -inch size; or, 26 plants for
$4.88, 2 -foot size. Write for New Free Full
Colour Garden Guide, Brooitdale-Kingawey
Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario.
FLOWER Bulbs, package of ten Gladiolus.
Bulbs treated, named and guaranteed for
every 01.00 donation to the British Testa-
ment Fund. Catalogue of recuest, Rev, Walter
McCleary, Elora, Ontario.
mail to our Increasing lie of customers an
early (aero price list and a spring catalogue
offering Bret -hand prices on farm seeds of
superior quality. Write now and get on our
mailing list. Bishop reeds Limited. Belleville,
Ontario. •
_ N121121NG
A home away from home. Graduate nurses:
male and female; night and day duty. Excel-
lent meals, prises moderate, private end semi-
private rooms available. Our speclalty 10
nervous, aged and convalescent. Our elm:
courtesy and service.
for information 11113)1Y to superintendent (r
phone 5-8353.
OPPORTUXIi'1'"Es for MEN end 141251EN
Great Opportunity Leern
• Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession, good meet,
thousands auccesafui Marvel graduates.
America's greatest system, Illustrated, eats-
losne free. Write or Call
362 Steer St. W., Toronto
Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton
& 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa.
RITCHIE'S HONEY -Choice White Clover.
48 lbs. $10.00, Three eases prepaid. kph..
Ritchie, Perth, Ontario,
Venous a"o Writ for neee deacrtetl(c
tinders and 1151'55.
9 Queen S1., OttfWl. 1101
Bl..lv4C7.11,1) -white 1101,1' and AugurW218(8. 4iin-
p1y any quantity. Flour $5.76 per dozen;
sugar $1.00 per d0xen Ilex 27, 123 Eighteenth
St„ New Toronto.
Broad breasted bronze turh*y remits from
goveerunou approved and aecn'edited sto*k.
.Po11125 from eggs gathered of 1.1117 own farms
We Weil. for vigor and meat type. .110
1{)NI,A1 & ideCOLIe Lembton Turkey 3111tch
sly, :11.12. 6, Fewest, Ont. _
Child eleelth aln1holvries agree 1h111 Inpil chairs
ate deturerons.
11'11.1, NO'I' 'I'll'
They are do3i':ned 1,1111 Pngilleaped for safety.
For Jlust.raled folder 'write: Tim, 20, 121.11.111
Sl., Noo' Toronto, Ont,
19(1 10.1, 000.2 102401111011('e 10110 ill 1)111,, 2451.,
Uood tat h nt•v(r•failhl* water. 1121520 modern
buildings hvdr0 .thronahnut, ('1,•11ir of two
ms:lu highways bordering thriving village:
schools, vinlrell s and me theta 81 pool', Retail
milk hnglnas14 oust `" 0110,000 r Sear, Weill hP
11..1,1 a* g 11118 ,'1 Il 'tin hl' *01)8241151',
stork, 1:11 new p, ,w, enulpnueui, '110 111* farm
er with help this is worth investigating, Per
Pertlex,h is Role or Pholle (2,•,,,11 11 ,Ilend.
.)11111 1111 ')til 11'00, ..,,,._.-.
ri1A'IT h I',\11RI(S
For (10211ng fnlninli' ,511111 S. chesterfields.
card 1011c41 21,24. llh(lrsale and retail.
Cour' 0.11 11 4'1'111 S INC,
16,93 81. Law a -, L "11r1a,ll Montreal 18.
Lilnt.. 2,,,,1t for ,•enlrorl Ona lieldnosy; also,
Lila o•w rue 1911211 ¢ 1,4 T2(1a's'h 511mel, Tor;
•1sL•i'14X141 L. 1'onlbl,olti„11 nl el.moI21 for POP.
(11(01'. Out 111111/5 Pep, hit -whine end two hen
0101 m(r1 ifeR, write. '5121. 11111 11011;18. T*Pdd1(
0015411 Jlutel.eriPp J.nnilr-d, )'or*0g, 012)0x10.
1A8051r )51(12(1) ~non*,r 61uu, ,k,13110 irk 1041.
58EN••-Send for complete home haircutting
instructions, $1 only. Salisiste ion guaran-
teed. Handierefts, Sechelt, 13.C,
AMATEUR RADIO, wireless, telegraph or
railroad Code, self-taught--auiektY. easily --
Ln your own home. Low rental rates. 1, 8 or
R months, for self -teacher Maelt1ne and TaPee
for all speeds, Radio College of Canada, r4
Blom- St, W., Toronto 6.
A profitable fascinating pastime. Y0it ewe
easily make splendid Table Latrine, Photo
Frames, well Brackets, Toa s and hundreds of
other fine useful articles from. deafens we auP-
Ply. Write for free illustrated catalogue ai
K1ls, Designs, hood etc., blecrauo Limited,
Division SA, 59 Wellington Street 11'e*e.
Party gags, tricks and magic. "84 Amazing
Card 'tricks" book will be sent to toil with one
catalogue. Mall 64e toddy in *tamps or rein
to Collins Joke & Magic Shop, 175 Somerset
St. W., Ottawa.
FE'rHERSTONAUGH & Company, Patent En`
tieitors. Established 1890, 14 Kins West,
Toronto. Booklet of Information on request.
it OVATE wont,.
Ctorus, Ron1c0 and 'rhorens Lightens repaired,
prompt s'uaroneed 1elvice. ),fail orders filled.
'.logs, 401 Yoll5(1 Toronto.
STAMP COLLECTORS! Packet cataloging
52,26 for 61.00; $5,00 catalogue value for
52.00; 610,00 catalogue value 03.50; C,
Elsie, Box 299, Crystal Beach, Ont.
Canadian. British colonies. return postage
1111111, 2, 001101? 114 MOOD 1 lou Ave•,
17 RIFFER1\'T 1'aticxn City, all unused..
190 10 appl'ova1+1111piiea1111. Haworth. 4905
Victoria Reed, 'Vancouver.
t IR.S'1' DAY lovers $r11(ah Mun'ire and r'Y:
erten. ,~'ring N Shown, 1, Nasntitit St.,.
NOW is '1'1216 T)311'1
15 you Kant earlier. better and more Vaslure.
write for free Meru une, \(' (151.1(:4ATTON.
Greenlands t•'ermenent. d'asi ne Earle Abellea.
161 Eagle Ave„ levant ford, Ont.
We will buy your' uu•key Kin* feeife.,s. Fur
further information write; 9555110110i Arehart',
103 29211. St., Long lirnn.h
952RETeY 140(48 wanted for 114!, hatching
season. Advise breed, 1unnl.e• 1,\-1,11),bie laud
Price Asked. (152* full 111fura,alinu. APp1,v
Tw(aldiP Chief: lialrbri.s 1.5121'21.,1, Fergus.
1•'21 r Ins, '.Tourist Cahills, Sntn,uer (015(181*.
Suburban 11110 City 110111es of .'11 .
1 1.111v5 (1(1.1)11 m(eres(ed villi n,1,,1A1 10 PM'
chase for 11,011,14 1 2' 111reat 11131' hilt,')- . • pafr-
Peere. Send the '.V0111. lblIn*a 01..8(.191 00g 51111?
m•Operly now so 1 can prepare ler efiel5 spring
2181,, or exr114;1152r•. Willi 1. 1181e you:' 5. Trr, v
ne11 peen 5, 1519 Tlnnfar,h. 'r"wnn0.
ob your Rest.,
Many people never aeenr to get s good
night's rest They turn and toss -blame it
on `nerves' -when it niay be their kidneys,
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from the blood. If they tail and
impurities stay in the system -disturbed
rest often follows, If you don't: rest: well
get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's
help the kidneys se that you can '~cat
better -and feel better. 132
Dodds Kidney Pills
ISSUE 6 - 1949