HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-02-03, Page 1',Established 1900 ZURICH, ONT RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3(949 .i'are • 310,. dvertising t ARTHUR FRASER 1 Leavtt's Theatre Income Tax Reports kkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER seeeppreCE:—Cormer Ann, William Sta. Phone: • Exeter 355W. lurizli Beaiti SA3? THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied -with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALLA •ellisone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN EIGHILBE--Zurich Are You Sufferin. g From Headaches? ave your Zyes ractunimed with Ote Latest Methods and Equipment at A. I. COLE, 400 OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH Good Glasses at Rb le Prieee ti.atrAI=A...W..anriL.,TMCITMS9S=Itlr Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Sat., Saturday Mat- inee.' Feb. 3, 4, 5 THE BABE RUTH STORY Thrilling Picture of the Life Story of the Great Baseball Star: William Bendix, Charles • Bickford, Clare Trevor lel o n day, Tuesday Feb. 7 - One Sunday Afternoon (Color by Technicolor) — Starring — Dennis Morgan, in his latest Musical Comedy with Janis Page, Dorothy Malone and Don. DeFore. Wed., Thurs., Feb. 9-10 Sorry - Wrong Number Adult Entertainment With Barbara Stanwyck and Lancaster. • Bert COMING — ThelealeFace; Bob Hope Fighters Squadron; The Search; Jiggs and Maggie in. -Society with Joe Yule, star of the Broadway Stage. play "Finian's Rainboev. BORN At Mrs. Batten's Nursing Home, Exeter, on Tuesday January nth, to Mr and Mrs Mini BeCkee, .Daeleveoed. a.daughter; a sister for Alex. enenarzsuctseadonstexawl o++++++++++,feeeeteeeteteeeteeeeeteHee5. ' QL+atn t'uffmail anerai Gmc 3,4: Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral' Director. MEMBER OF TEE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood — Ontario e-see++*+++o+++-teesoeiee*ee-eeeo4ee++++++++teee-eeeeeeee-+eee++++4 rnEMITSk tirlOOMIEWMIONNOMMUNMOMOONOMPORINUOONOOMOISMOURODIMMOMOUMONEVITIMIEMOOMIOUrHOOTUN T Su e E 'liar St re L Tare *ie, (huh Clearing S S tux ay Fe 5th t 1 SEE Pee.STERS OR :MORE INFORMATION! Phase 149 C. H. THIEL Zurich greatest mein • • --COMING-- DANCE—In Town Hall, Zurich on Fridaiyi Evening, Feb. 4th, sponsored by the Zurich Agricultural Society. Music by Rau's Valley Five Orches- tra. Earl Stebbins, floor manager, Lunch will be provided. Come and enjoy this evenin's fun. THEY'RE COMING—Stars ,a the Stage and Radio in Person, Bob Mason, Radio's tallest Singing Cow- boy and his Western Swingbillies in a Big Stage Show followed by Barn Dance in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Thursday, Feb, 10th, from 5.30' to 12. Heard daily over CFPL., Lon- don 11.45 to 12.15 noon. Fun for Everybody. t',1! te 1-• 4 AT Town Hall, Zurich ON Friday, February 4th. Sponsored by the Zurich Agricultur- al Society. Enjoy Dancing to the music by Rau's 'Valley Five' Orchestra EARL STEBBINS, Floor Manager Lunch will be provided Directors in charge — Arnold Mer ner, Milfred Merner, Otto Will Come and enjoy this evening's ?Lyn TO BECOME CO-OP. • The Rutabagaas COmpany, which is one of Exeter's newestindusteiee, beams '-ies-eoeseieeereeateettleeteeesee of January. This is •of considerable interest to farmers of the district, whose crops during the past year., were slanted toward the demand for turnips and other vegetables stored, waxed and shipped by the company. The Government of -Ontario nas auth orized the reorganization of the bus- iness and plans are expected to be now completed. Our Electric Problem With the numerous shut -offs and blackouts that the people of 'Ontario have been subjected to this winter, one wonders what will come next? With industry demanding more pow- er, and rural lines are being extend- ed on to the population that lie in the sparsely settled districts; and they have -a right to demand their: share of this power; those in charge of the country's affairs are scratch- ing their headsjust where all this electric energy is to come from. Up till now water power has been the sole resource, of supplying this, and at present the Governments both at Ottawa and Washington are negotat- ing on the development of the St. Lawrence deep -waterway to the oc- ean, which would let the larger boats come up the lakes and incourage the development of essential ore resour- ces in the Labrador district. This would also make available over two millions horse powerof electric en- ergy, but the push must come from Washington where the agreement has been awaiting action for etght year and it is to be hoped will soon be dealt with, Foresaw This Great Need! As we look up past literature on this development we notice that tN' late Mr. N. M. Cantin, the promoter of St. Joseph, has been 'working on this scheme as far back as 1896, and who since 190re has at intervals pre- sented Bills to Parliament, seeking authority to execute the project foe the general benefit of Canada. Of, which this generation may yet see .a share attention in regard to power reality. In an article cenie to 04W l'ur we 1 e want to live on, ourscee esnot because os quote Mr. Centel: "Sciellve "1 , But because of the people who care. It's- giving and doing for some body else On that ali life's splendour depends, And the joy of this world when 'Let pe W. J. To Meet the regular meeting of the Zurich Branch rof the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. _Wheelers on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 8th. The topic will be based on Historical Research. The roll call Famous Characters in History. All ladies are cordially invited. - 4 Wrist Injured le&t. end Mrs Byron Ducharme and children of London visited at the horee•of their parents, Mr and Mrs David Ducharme, of town, on Sun- dae, 'Among them was the former's dateghter, Marie, aged 8 years, who halipened to fall down stairs at the home ,of her grandparents and in- jured `her wrist. Medical aid was given ,and she is progressing very favourably. Bear Sees Shadow Tuesday, Feb. 12nd is the day the bear tomes out to see if he ,an see his shadow,- which he should have no difffculty in seeing around the noon hoer. So that means he will go back to lefis winter abode for another SIX wei.ks of winter weather. So it holds oute"what we don't get in the fall, we will get in the spring." Anyway, wd have little warm weather before the middle of March as a rule. Attended Annual Meeting . • ge.Herbert Eller of Creditors 'eiecte'eie feeeeeseiseee esaraseereweree „eh% officials of the Hay Township Farm- er's . Mutual Fire Insurance Co., who had their 'annual meeting and which vas 'attended fairly well considering the "Unfaveurable weather. Most of the .dfficials were returned to office with the exception of Director Ar- thur Finkbeiner, who, asked to be relieved, and was replaced by Mr. Ezra. Webb, both of Stephen Twp. A more complete report will follow. Miscellaneous Shower A very lovely time was enjoyed on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed. Beaver in honour of the latter's sister, Mrs. George Wil - .son (nee Pearl Gellman) who was married several weeks ago. Neigh burs and friends gathered and pre- eented her with a very useful mime ellane,ous shower. The bride being unable 'to be present on account of the _drifted roads, her niece, • Miss Eileen Beaver assisted in the absence of 'Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Harvey Claus- ius and Mrs. Albert .Clausius presen- ted -the gifts which were many rn a appropriate decorated basket, Mrs. Bryce Mack assisted in opening the gifts. Contests were taken by Miss Esther Neeb. Refreshments were served • and a social time was enjoyed. With good wishes to the bride, the guests returned to their homes. T.he address reads as follows: Dear Pearl:— We, your friends and neighbours, have assembled here this evening to celebrate and rejoice with you in your recent marriage. Although we regret to learn that you are soon to_ leave Zurich, we are happy to know that you will reside at a arstance that will permit, we trust, frequent visits to your former "home town." We wish to congratulate you; and extend to, you our sincere wishes for a long united life of happiness and prosperity-. We would say in the lines of the poet, Ig.Idgar Guest: Life is sweet, just because of the ' friends we have made, And the things that in -common we future inventions may make obsolete. the new development of electrieey by water power, say in ten or twenty five years—hut all waster pONVin's. then harnessed would remain in use, and Canada would have benefitted by you've summed it all up the development .and export Or Hr1 found in the making of friends. power on the St. Lawrence." trust that something worthwhile will As tokens of our esteem and as eome out of it aft, as these develop. indicateees, of our best wishes for melte; all require time and mule your future happiness, please accept forethought. But now as most of tee ,MU' gift, and as you sec end use theory foundation work is done, it them, think. of us. Mies Eileen Beaver would only, require the pest behind: thanked every one for their kindness it to bring it to a 1,111CCOMM ivn1it ttila of the beautiful gifts, ....1.1/111111.11. CHESTER L. SMITFI, PUBLISHER.. $1.75 a Year in Advance. • $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. ple know!' Prompt Optical Service BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED AND SHAPE COLOR OR SIZE JUST BRING LIS THE PIECES! QUALITY THE FINEST OBTAIN- ABLE AT A SAVING A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For -Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co., Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! 0000000010600000000000000000000000 6000 00006.00 0 estiait• 'fitt lewd Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director • Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent F09 ALtz9CcASIONS.- . f Day and Night Service 0 Telephone: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich meekooseet4** 1,mowt.wettac,asmaises • • • • • • • • 1 1 • 1 (gi M24066000**006020241/6i*COCA ZUR e Grocery Store Green Plums, 2 cans Grape Jam, 2 lb. Jar Dates pitted, per lb Corn Syrup, 5 -lb. pail 25c 361 10c 65c Soap (Lady Godwa) 3 bars for 25c. Clark's Mushroom Soup, 3 cans 25c Corn Starch per pkg. 15c Heinz Catsup, per Bottle 25c Zurich Menno (Desch PRODUCE WANTED.. 61,..111.1..1111. Phone / 65 os et11.496aVeV900,, 6@ MINEAROMBIRMIZIMMtigifiraitrigalMa76..=2:1=OZZiariaMgraCaMitratA, Pioneer Feeds Laying mash and Hog Growers, Dairy Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Bran,.. Shorts, Middlings, ..Wood's Electric Grain.. Grinders,.. Oat.. Rollers,.. Milkers end Water Heaters, Save labour, Time and Money with these Labour Saving Machines. Fresh Groceries and Fruits on hand at all times. Our Store will be open Wednesday afternoons for the Winter Months THE BLAKE srnioRE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 lossemensamammeemmensersesseassissesemes.