HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-27, Page 1RICH Established :i oo ZURICI-I, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27 19 49 vertising, e great th to let ARTHUR FIa:U,SE Income Tax Repots Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER FILE :—Coruer Am W W' T Sts.,. Phone: Exeter 355W., z rich eamty Shp 111E HOME OF THE BETTED OIL PERMANENTS 'ale Better Oil Permanents Applied ith the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A GALL ',Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN St . .,BE—Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? : f eo, Have your Eyes tad with ;,tee Latest Methods and. l sgui}esat a't A. L. COLEY R.O. OPTOMETRIST S: OPTICIAN GODERICH -' Good Glasses rdtResavaafit !rims id.on Theatre Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyment. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Jan. 28-29 An. Enormous Double Bill SPEED TO SPARE Richard Arlen, Jean Rogers, Richard Travis, Bosco arns. A Thrill Packed Drama of Danger Drivers. Added Attraction Waterfront at Midnight Monday, Tuesday. Jan. 31, Feb. let In Technicolor THE LOVES OF CARMEN Adult Entertainment Rita Hayworth Glenn Ford Ron Randell Victor Jory Swashbuckling Spectale—The F'latn- -ng Love Story of a Fiery Gypsy Whom no Man Could Love Paramount Newsreel CARD OF THANKS Gascho—The Gesell° Family wish to thank their friends and neigh- bours•+ for the sincere sympathy and many acts of kindness extended to them during their sad bereavement in the loss of a dear Father. Special thanks to the Mennonite Lathes' Sewing. Circle, to Rev.• S. Peachey, Rev. O. Burkholder and Rev. H. Roppel and all those who loaned cars or helped in any other way. ••$• •+4 riei-V.1 •Di'i°asSe ° eE. EaE-t4atat-+ 4{ •h` ++*•'i••1•a•+•+4 •+•iiatiaieiet -F•F•• ++ ar`'v aff nn i lxfer}tI tfltC .� Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance4. of Sick and Injured .. Licensed Embalmer and 4, 4. F u neral Director. 4., MEIMBER OF TRE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION L • DAA OR INIK HT TELEPHONE No. 70 4- :i: ' aShwta l Ontario + . 4,4 I-•i••i..t..,.iir•H4+41.1: €tQ1.i' s +5si ,.G.4.44 1.-6. f••E••3•÷•I•+++++,; .4.4...i,4- 4 f'•;- e °Ii .z.mYWIyO.'. _. .,i.,.. nn6firUltlidif X - Wednesday, Thursday Jan.. 2.6-27 Two Years before the Mast — Starring — Brian Donlevy Alan Ladd Jan. 28-29 Friday, Saturday The Man from Colorado - Starring — Glenn Ford William Holden Mving Pict res TOWN HALL' ZURICH ICELAND A Twentieth -Century Fox Picture Sonja Henie John Payne Sammy Kaiye, and his Orchestra The U. S. Marines. Also Selected Shorts Friday, Jan. 28 — 8 p.rn. Sat. Jan. 29 — 2.30, 7.15, 9.15. Emily- Post, etiquette authority, joins the staff of The American We- ekly, one of the great magazines each week with The Detroit Sunday Injured Knee Mr. Nelson Wurrn of town is able to be out and take a walk up town, after he has nursed an injured knee, which he received when he fell on the icea, His many friends are pleas- ed that' he is getting, along so well. Back to Work Again •Mr. John Gillman has returned to his duties at. the Kalbfleiscn VIills after an absence fors several week, where he' had slipped on the ice and received fractured rib, among oth- er inin¢r injuries. His many friends are pleased to hear of his recovery. .Suffered Fractured Ankle The. Many friends of Mr. Samuel Ginger3 h are pleased to see him able to cont to town after his accident, whenahe received a fractured ankle a few , •eeks ago.Which happened at the I al':fIeisch Planing Mills where he is en employee. We wish Mr. Gin- gerich continued recovery. ,til3National Film Board TheaNational moving picture Film Board;1sponsored by the Federation. of Agr culture and operated by Mr. V. Ro, will put on a Free Picture Times. Read her life story, p1LtS Show.n the town hall, Monday ev- her highly informative new question ening.t 8 o'clock,. Jan. 3;st. "The Navy :Flies," the Royal Canadian Navy's new color Filni•.: `-`Champions in the Making" featuring Barbara Ann S ott; "Fitness is a Family Af- uow your Baby," a film for rents. A. newsreport of the Convention. and answer feature, in this Sundays. (Jan. 30) issue. Get Sunday's De- troit Times.• NOTICE The Zurich Dairy wishes to inform theia•l, milk.. cuaatoan.crs.• of tlte:: c an e in pricers of n'lilk and cream.. Due to conditions beyond our control the new Regulations commencing Febru- ary lst are as follows. Milk, quarts 16c, pints 9c. Whipping cream ZSe. Francis Kipper, Proprietor. TOWN HALL - EXETER On fair, Is new .pt Libera' 1T6JAR i Late Joseph Gascho There passed away early Sunday morning, one of Zurich's prominent citizens, businessman, and formerly j a farmer in the person of Mr. Joseph (( 0 Gacsho, who was for years a. s ci ;ted : with the general store of J. Gascho & Son, now known as Gascho Iii -os. He was in his 89th year, a very fine old age, and was up and around as usual until the last few weeks. After being married to Barbara Erb the couple. purchased a farm on the 14th Con.,, Hay Township, 1 miles south of the, Zurich Road, where they were : successful farmers and where prat- 2 tiLwtlly all, of the family grew tilt. 1 3 !Nolen they sold the farm and moved' 8 1 to'Zurieh where lir. Gascho for some i 0 years carried a nail route, and did P LO CHESTER L. SMIT}I, PUELIS'HER�,,, $1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. le naw!' r t mai Service ROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED AND SHAPE COLOR OR SIZE JUST BRING US THE PIECES! QUALITY THE FINEST OBTAIN- ABLE AT A SAVING. G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL. SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co, Vitimized Feeds W. s . DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel:4' tvR 0000100000000 00000041x0090000000 065 0 _ Eittlit#01 Licensed Err balmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich K; W,;kSti•'e sae*'.t oCvraVe00a .:.v.700i.3cce0 h" ob'upf�}i 4.`:1x3" aE'".J2 H'?`C dOse^iffi;ose 0 0 0 0 a . Monday, January 31st, 194 I t}ie ode jlob ln•: carpenterinti', as h I was a 'very handy man. However he Zi arias 8.30 o'clock, pan. ' always had an interest in the store, CCB u Mr V Store AT PRESENT � +'E HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF FLOOR COVERINGS, RUGS, ETC. COME AN SEE US FOR VENETIAN BUMS IN ANY SHADE 5i c L 20 WOOL BLANKETS Regular 19.50 a pr., For 13.50 a pr. FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ANI) GROCERIES EACH WEEK Phone sg C. H. THIEL Zurich Guest Speaker; Wm. H. TEMPLE, al I'.P. Thewho defeated Col. Drew ''h' !Mt his sons looked after the runn- ing of this. He was always a quiet and very peaceful disposition, and m;.tn a smashing nl tloi•ity in Toronto had made many warm friends woo gt L Hyde Park constituency 194.5 Pro- � 11 a • tl ' miss him Hesides h a r,•). °, ea } f !) i1 )'111101h are the following: �p ore Aylmer Catsup, per bottle 700 Corn Syrup, 5 -Ib. Pail 65c Currants, per pound 1:ic Marmalade, 3 fh yor. 32 -oz jar. ,sac Cake Mix, chocolate per pkg. 30c Brooms, regular 90c, each 79c 73c Wheat Berries, 5 -Ib. pkg. 40c Tangerines, large size, per dozen � a i area y n3 m b. alta F� •1 Flection 1 e q.A, l< vincta cc BILL IS MOST INTERESTING ristoni Jocl, Norman and Edwin of PRODUCE ANTED. Phone. 165 John "E. sof Zurich; Samuel of Hat'- AND INSTRUCTIVE Zurich; .1Tr Barbara nal a :�urc.t t...> ,i t ,.f�,�„,, . . I,,urich; Mrs. Percy Clarke (Fane ) 1 Everybody Come! Brill„ your Neigh- ct' Windsor and Jlrs. Mary Id,avelie '=. hour, and friends. 1o1' Grand Bond. Six broth3 �e u"3wels and I • 'Huron Per;h Riding 1s. oviat1011, ; seven inters: John Gass':a, Pigeon, Allen. Campbell, Seaforth, Secretary1 Mich; Chris., Zurich; David, ida.Iha,1. . —_......__— ---- Jacob Tmly, Mich; Moses, Sa k- , ata on, Sask; Daniel, Zurich, Mrs. ANNUAL MEETING :1 opp, hilly City, Mich; :frs. Chris,, a the I Buechler, Pigeon, prier ; Mr:. w John 11i' i 1th Annual Meeting. o. 3ieyers, Kitchener; Mrs. Samuel I'olicyholdcisu,'' ; l;ingerich, Zurich; Mrs. Jacob Kip - . The Hay Township Farmers I''°.e, Dasrwood; \i John 1antze, Mutual Fire Insurance Kitlever; srs. David Oe;ch, Zurich.16 grandchildren and 9 great grand - ! children. The body rested at the `family home, Zurich until Tuesda, , i hen the funeral was held at two i l,.1n., followed by :service in the lots l i ;Mennonite church and interment in Mention 4 e , , t�-,' lea Company Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich the M 't ' t em"LCl'y ' On ; line south. The funeral was very Monday, January 31st, 19491 I largely attended, relative, i htr frielids ,:ame from tar and near to pay their At Two o'clock, pin. ,last respects to then friend of many -..--BUSINESS--- 1 y ears. Rev. Stephen Pea:h y. pastor 1 --Receiving Reports of the l'ite'r 1of the local congregation officiated, dent, Secretary -'Treasurer ti''1; while Rev. Oscar Burkholder, o i t,re•1r 1, reached rhos memorial ser- REQUESTED er lAuditors. 1 2 --Election of Directors and A' d,t;' mon. Tour grandsons were palibear- :3---The tl15c:n,aion of other °i ets, rt,r •ely J'acic and Rohfrt Gaseho, in the. interest of the Company. 1ITaarisl t;•, Kelnreth and licit C"Tarte, �;'in l or Allan Gastro tinct Le eland A GOOF ATTENDANCE IS �, Surerns, ''urich. And so another Rh UI.h'1 i! I) I valued citizen of Zurich has joined Relabeld Miller, President,the many ranks of the estreat imhnov.. ' K. Either, Secretary ` ttality, 1ii.cybort. Pioneeri Laying mash and Hog Growers, Dairy Feeds, Ho' Concentrates, Fran,.. Shorts, Middlings, ..Wood's Electric Grain.. Gtinc=ers,.. Oat.. Rollers,.. Milkers 'qntl Water Heaters Save labour, Time and Money with these LabourSaving Machines. Fresh Groceries and Fruits on hand at all threes. Our Store will be open Wednesday aftern for the Winter Months '111 - to i4 E. Schwa'r'tzentrrnber, Prop Phone cs 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 0 0 oons 11.9' i 4 a