HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-20, Page 5.ZURICH HERALD Aubrized as second cllass Ottawa. Post Office Department, BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD O MIrepractor and t+onsetrist Main St, Exeter opal Every Week Day Ezeipt Wednesday. Phone 3411 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp r+ AUCTIONEER set SEDSiren will be e NFire CEZurich I Z x L The AnY- 1111111.1 sell Anything, Anytime° off at 6.00 P.M. on. .the FIRS'( where. 149. Reg. G4 TUESDAY of EACH MONTH dur- • Telephones: Shop ntral Ing the year. This is to see whe- ther Central they the siren is in :proper working order and to call the members of the Fire Brigade together for a check-up on equipment. (Retain this Notice for future refer- ence.) ZURICH FIRE BRIGADE. Dated at Zurich, January 10th, 1949. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Fouad, Etc, MS. in this Column. FOR SALE A V-8 front axle with Wheels and tires, good for trailer. A. few good used 600-16 times. --L. A. Prang & I Son. INSULATION (Protect your home against cold and heat by Rack Wool Insulation. Blow- in -method used. For information contact Everett Heist, District .Rep- resentative, Phone 160, Dashwood. C TI N oE ., ,VIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer neer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales ?HONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 FOR SALE Pure Bred Holstein 13u11 Calf from a R.O.P. Dam with a strong 4% test and from a strong 4% Sire.— William Sparks, R.R. 3, Bayfield. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER TerMs Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIAN Or, Wo B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ZURICH �ond.�96 :jL- 1urich8' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you w ith the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bologna$, Sausages, Etc., 'always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H, Yunablut & Son PRODUCE Silverwood DAIRIES Dr. and Mrs. 7.. J. O'Dwyer and daughter Patricia, were Wednesday visitors at London.. Mrs. Karl Haberer has the best of wishes of her 'many friends for a speedy recovery of her illness. <• Rev. and Mrs. Woods of Exeter', were Monday visitors at the home of their friends, Mr and Mrs. Chris. Haist. Buys Out Optometrist Mr. Jack Orchard, of Byron, who will graduate as an optometrist in May, has purchased the practice of Mr. John Ward of Exeter. Mrs. Rose ,Brown of the village Saturday eveningning entertained ined a .supper. tuber of her friends to a beinginhonor o f her neighbour, bour , . George Bess who celerated birthday. A very fine meal was eyed and best -wishes 'were ex- ded to Mrs. Hess. Mr. Patrick Maratindale who is nding college at Port Huron has turned to his studies after spend-, the holidays at the home of his ents and R.C.T. Peter A. Martin- e of Cainpbell, Virginia, has re- ned to his duties at thepeasant oo:l, after enjoying a iday at the home of their parents, and .Mrs. Martindale. on u n It Mrs her enj ten atte re ing par dal tur sch hol Mr NOTICE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Insurance. Companies introduce "Select" rattling class in automobile insurance in Ontario. In those cases where there is no operator of the automobile under twenty-five years or over Seventy years of age re- sident in the named insured's house- hold or employed as a chauffer and the automobile is not principally used for business, "Select" rates apply. Select basic rate $16 Farmer's Select $15.00 Protect yourself against the hazards of winter driving. J. W. HABERER, Agent Office at Residence. Phone 161 Contract Barley HAVE REACHED HIGH MARK Goderich, Jan. 11'49. —Dear Sirs We are pleased to advise that con- tributions to the Huron County Chr- istmas Seal Fund have now exceeded $5,476.00. ;Such "a ,generous respon- se is greatly 'appreciated. —Yours Truly, (Miss) Y. Armstrong, .Secy., Huron County 'Tuberculosis Associa- tion. HENSALL LEGION Le ap vi W At 'a recent meeting of Hensall gionars the ;following officers were pointed: President, Jack Tudor; 1st ce, Sydney MacArthur; 12md vice m. Brown, Secy., W. 0. Goodwin, Chaplain Rev. P. A. Ferguson. BREAD. on. the table the meal l is ready! Tete without p ' le nt 3 meal is complete P of delicious wholesome bread. Anr TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice $ slice of energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—star now to serve more bread at ever; meal. Get your TASTY -NU Brea( at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Tasty -Nu Bakery WE ARE AGAIN CONTRACTING BARLEY FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY. IF INTERESTED, GET IN TOUCH WITH US .Cash Market for Cream,, Eggs and Poultry Have. Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy ' O'Brien, Manager. Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery M T ri m Rh Pr e r P.RYDE--BELL On,Saturday, January - 8th, 'Mary argaret Bell, of ,Seaforth,, and homas Pryde, of Exeter were mar - ed quietly in Toronto. The cere- ony was ,performed by Rev. H. B. odes. After a wedding dinner at the Park Plaza Hotel, Mr and Mrs. yde left by motor for the South- rn States. On their return they, will eside in'Exeter. PHONE 100 — ZIJRICI•& General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, Geo. T. Mickle andrSons s x33 Phone 103 HENSALL - ONTARIO .. WANTED CLERK with some• knowledge of Stelnography preferred. Apply in writing to . Zurich Herald. AUCTION SALE Of •Real. Estate and Household Effects The undersigned Auctionee hass been instructed to sell by Auction on the Property, Zurich, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd. Tour Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream to give effi- We are equipped tient accurate service. Egg and 'Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Mayers. Chas. Minsball, Proprietor IU®ISURANCE,_ AL1, LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Ont. Phone 161 Zurich, NATIVE OF ZURICH Dies at Kitchener Mrs. Harold Goetz, 37, the former Stella Callas, of Zurich, died Wed- nesday 12th in Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital after an illness of one month. Born in Zurich, Mrs. Goetz left that village for Kitchener 19 Tenders are called for Tractor and yearsusbago. She'is survived her ! Power Mower with Hydraulic Li' hurbaad, Harold; a son, 'William; suitable for mowing Weeds an Town- �her father, William A. _CaItfas; two I sip. Roads. brothers Lennis and Wesley; and a I Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by February 5th, 1949. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Zurich, 0%ntario. service tel from a James+=•Masse, an¢elical church with burial in Wood Road 'mass Superintendent. 61,6I 'Ir1143 '„'..�:lir'/.'•i.,:•':.,.;ir''•G:f: >�i t •rr!T>r1 WCKLY PREPARED FOR LA$T NG EHERG 897-0.8 3 Y SALE Jan.21 Jan.22 Jan.24 BROKEN LINES OF SHOES IN MEN'S WOMEN'S A'ND CHILDREN'S PRICES SLASHED FROM 25 TO 50% Also Men's Cowhide.. Gauntlets,.. Regular.. $2.65 for $1.98 while they last LOOK OVER OUR CIRCULAR Oesch Shoe Store FOR QUICK SALE WOOD We have 600 cords of 12 -inch wood for immediate sale. — Ltd. Zurich rimmummommierammereasi F. C. Kalbfleisch &Son, _ RAG •RUGS and CARPETS ° -- a ants Se Tarn is e s m Made to P a Ona New Modern Loo � Zurich, s Order -- Seth O. Amami, Ont. Phone 128. • - a *TENDERS WANTED • • , TOWNSHIP OF HAY sister, Elda."The funeral was held on Saturdaiy from the Ratz-Beohtel fun- eral home in Kittc fener and the fun- eralC lvary x'v- land 'Cemetery, Kitchener. Had Birthday Party A very pleasant event took plaee on Monday evening at -the home of Mr and Mrs. Seth Amens whensome twenty relatives and friends .ga m edh r of Mrs Amann'$ birthday.t,1ASHWUO1) lZ `6h her daughter, er,er of nbroke is visit- Rev. and Mrs. Ing v,3, Getz:' 1[i and Mrs Barcliffe and famil y - f Clinton were Sunday visitors with in ono A most lovely social evening , heroth mother, Mrs. Merner. the list. enjoyed, she being presented with Mr fel gifts. •Refreshments were sex'- We hope for aw,a reedy recovery. Miss Hamilton;, teacher of the sec- ond room left for her home owhere she will undergo an operation. rs. Walper of Grand Bend is relieving during her absence. Mr and Mrs Thos. Hoperoft were pleasantly surprised last Monday night when a number •of neighbours and friends gathered in honor of Mr He croft's 60th birthday. The even- .12th home in New Hamburg a ingwas spent in playing euchre, af- �12th in his $0th year, suffering paralytic stroke, born in Iowa, after ter which a. dainty lunch was served, pleasanthevening was spent still parentsuitehad died when he his : as A g Mr. Hoperoft many more quite ,young, he came to wishing birthdays. uncle the late John F. Roth, and he ,happy:. .Choir Meat., farmed on the Roth ' homestead at 1 e choir the 1943whents of he retired His ew wife I ofZ on Lutherrg: The. annual an Church was held untilngare on January. 14th after the regular fpredeceased in 1942. our sons and a daughter. He was' practice. • The leader and all officer, acclamation. led a cousin and grew up in the same • i were re-elected by A bate as Mrs. Rudy S Bronson line. 1 by delicious Alvin lunch Walper and. brought sing-song Ter of Hay was Township,is a even - The funeral ways held on Satyrday to , ing to a ,close. The following Steinman A -M. Church and was lar- list •of officers and committees: Asst. gely attended.'Those who attended'Mr. Leader, Mrs. Elgin Miss Helen erne r; Pres.. from and Mrs. the Zurich district Clarence ,Gas ho,rMrs. study[ Edgar Restemayer; Vice -Pres., Alvin Schwartzentruber; Mr and,' Mrs Sol Walper; Secy. Treas., Mrs. Edgar cmlon Baechler and Erma; Mr " and Restameyer; Librarians Edw. Gack- Mrs. Alvin Walper, S 1 Comm Commencirng at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp ved among them being the birthday cake baked by Mrs. Jacob Gingerich. REAL very. This vexiy d'esirabl`e property is sit- WithBest nd health; contineed is return - in on Lots 115 and 116 Vol. 'S, p in the Village •of Zurich. Has a ' ed to their home after f era very cheer - soft ful evening spent solid brick house, 8 rooms, Died at New Hamburg water cistern, town waterpinstalled, also Hydro' and Telephone. 3 -pi passed away bathroom recently installed, built-in jr. Benjamin Z. Roth on Jan cupboards and sink in kitchen. An almost new furnace, screened porch, venetian blinds, storm windows and screens will be sold with the prop- erty. Very choice garden and plenty of fruit trees, new garage. An Ideal home for anyone wishing a comfort- able 'residence. i10 TERMS OF PROPERTY — 9 on day of sale and 'balance in 30 days when 'full possession will be given. Real Estate will be sold subject to a reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 1 complete bed room suite;'3 beds with springs and mattresses, 2, spring filled mattresses, 2 dressers, chest of drawers, 2 rugs 9x12 feet; New Wil- liams sewing machine; breakfast set consisting of table and 6 chairs and Buffett, electric stove, range for Wood or goal, studio couch, nearly neew da- venport, dining room extension table and 6 chairs, 4 raking 'chairs, 2 parlor tables, medicine cabinet, din- ing room buffet, parlor chair, West- inghouse radio; Evans piano, veran- dah swing, large piece of linoleum. electric wa;,hing machine, about 4 tans of coal and a quantity of wood, organ, kitchen chairs, lawn mower, pictures and many articles too num- erous to mention. In ease of bad weather sale will be held in the Lutheran church sheds. Everything goes to the highest bidder to. TERMS _ CASH estate. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. R. V. Stade, Clerk. Mrs. Irene Steinbach, Mrs. Alice ('Thiel Mrs, Vera Fraser, Executors of Mrs. Clara Decker. Estate. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK • • • • e 0 0 6 • • Use a • SCARFE'S ENDURABLE PAINTS Easy to Apply - Hard Permanent Finish Also TI -IE NEW ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS , For Floiors, Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Flite - Shellacs - Varnishes, SHELF • and HEAVY HARDWARE ces - Etc. • Beaty Washing Machines - btoves• - ▪ Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios • Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing = OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY 1 THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL, ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT. .A.TAL COMPANY DOING 13USINESS .,. OF THIS KIN() IN ONTARIO . ;5A.mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application E. F. I LOPP_ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer' in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Mrs. Neil Gingerich; Ma• a - Chris Schwartzentruber and Mr and Mrs. Edmund Schwartzenti'uber. stetter, ; Socia ittee, Gloria Kraft, Mrs. Milford Merner, Dorothy Hayter. imossomilmossessommilloloomonsaalosismoommemsessoseesepesmoommossmemse FOR BEST RESULTS 1 CJ S E CO-OP. 18 PER CENT. LAY MASH A High . Quality Product Available at Hensall Dist. Co -Operative ZURICH and HENSALL Special Prices on Ton and Half -ton Lots Datars & 0 Brien HARDWARE �r„QF. PHONE zi 213 MAIN ST. STORE NOTICE Townshipof Hay It is requested that all Mail Boxes be installed on a movable arm so that the boxes can be tilted upwards and out of the way of Township srxoW- plow equipments. These may be securely fasten- ed to original position after the snow plowing period. of Hay are All car owners rk tn he� their onrs Township roads of the requested not to p Township during the winter. Cars that are left on the roads are left there at the owners risk. Cars that are left on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to the operator of snow -plows. JAMES MASSE, Road Superintenent.