HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-20, Page 4r • (1: A T • ';:r9*•••%:;,..1 Wonder If The Hounds Think. It's A New Breed of Fox—The huntsman and his pack pause on the Royal Air Vora Station at \\ ton England, and make an unusual picture as they rest in front of a Lincoln heavy bomber. ,;The,..Fitzwilliana Hunt met on the•airiield At. the invitation . • stition commander. Crew members are workingon plane while. the. hpunds wait for . action to begin. • , • .• 14%V* Seaweed Scanty — These trim "scarIke"' form part of a dis- play of new woolen lingerie shown in London, England; The pule bine lingerie is made of lightweight wool yarn which useg',aes ",.carrier thread" cal- cium alginate, derived from -seaweed. • Believe It Or Not It's A "Sound" Idea—With the tweezers he holds,. engineer George Ledger dropped 11 pieces of cork and they -remained suspended in 'midair. The fragments are held aloft by sound waves pitched too highfor the human 'ear to hear. . Waves coming down meet others rising, creating a still area where corks remain stationary. • !. • , Bridge Gives Way Under Weight of Freight ---This. freig4t tram 104 cars long, •was crossing a bridge Over the 'Arkansas River when a pier gave. Tkr.0,r.:4,,;(4(tile pile at .point of.:derailment are 19 cars. while 5 others. plunged into :the river. . LO,z.topioti•te. and 28 eats Made it. safely' to . other side of briage. f. Out For New Mark — Captain Odonewlto.will try for .a pew light plane record by flying non-stop from Hawaii to New York. , •"!' Don't Shiver—This Is Next Summer's Beachwear—While Air- line stewardess, left, looks approvingly at the. latest ;thing its summer beachwear, you may look --.approvingly or not --4t thri p,retty young things displaying it in a sports clothes preview. Doesn't Lk Much Like The "World's Busiest dity"—New York recently ha4 third worst snowstorm In city's histpry-20 inches of the sttiii—,and this picture of stalled cars abandoned 1331. owners was.r4aken at the height of the blow... . • . At Bonn, German constitu- ent Assembly of the Western zones is working on a con- stitution for a Western Ger.. man state modeled along lines of Western parliamen- tafy democracy. Mites 0 100 In The attire tc wn Schwaftz en a Two-pceuit ruffle i bottom same 7renterlal atest hi by 'Bobby Miatni beach, has a plaid and insert of lit the bra. .Russla is organising a Conlaosinliittontroiled police state, With iestoomr government ki Btlin. This precedes cm expected Moscow dernand:iforAymplete evacuation of Germany by the Big our.le if Oat happened, the new. Soviet -trained German army ia the east„ bathed by Rus- sian forces, could overrun all Ge,riviarty. This would put S3Vittt frontiers west of the Rhine and next to the Sanctus nations, put Russia practleolly an the Strait of Dover and give her the Ruhr. Rucsian Occupation Zone aisles Dominated sw. At Berlin, Communist - dominated People's Council is "considering" o constitution 'for the Eastern zone and even- tually all Germany. This would set up a "people's democracy" similar to those in Red -dominated nations behind the Iron Curtain. Arrows Po'rt 4rs T-"I're Red Activity—Some think that before long the Russians will try and force the Ws. "70‘ leave Germany, and the map shows Vie id 'y the. direet:on- ..and ,rger -of the expected three -fold thrust. The Iron Curtain In Germany- Map shows the dividing li ie bete:cen the Russians and Western Allies "Tones of influence in Gerin y. yr PI P. • ...