HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-20, Page 11 • ZURICH tAvattatitio teitmatimatiattmasinatistainvisomitor T..siablished 1900 1,1 ERAL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING', JANUARY 201949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHEIR, $L75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A,, in Advance. c. q•aarawa rtisin the greatest meth ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER OFFICE i--=-Ccerner Ann,, Warn Stu. Rhone: Exeter $55W. Zurich Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS ne Better Oil Permanents Applied zwith the very latest of :methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALLI &Inane 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SCHILRE—Eurich. atiatieraniammicamimailzoila Are You Suffering From Headaches? lat E.G., Have your Eyes lltiremined 'Frith tthe Latest Methods end 4pailaraent at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST St OPTICIAN G-ODERICH 'Akin. Theatre GRAND BEND Presents for Your. Enjoyinent. the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Jan. 21-22 The Cisco Kid, in ltOBINHOOD OF MONTEREY" and as an addedattraction "STRANGE VOYAGE" 1VIonday, Tuesday Jan. 24-25 Charles Boyer Ann Blyth, Jessica Tandy ""A WOMAN'S VENGEANCE" Adult Entertainment • You'll be .Spellbound at the Dramat- ic Impact: A Musical Short "Tropic - ;al Harmony" and Newsreel. 'BOYS and GIRLS, FUN GALORE For YOU! Fun] Fun! Fun! Yes, boys and girls, here comes fun for YOU! Play games- Do puzzles! See THE COM- IC WEEKLY 'CLUB CORNER, a brand new feature packed with 'gam- es, •puziled and surprises; every week in PUCK, The Comic Weekly, with The Detroit Sunday Times, ,starting -With 'this Sunday's (Jan. 23) issue. OPPOSE BINGO, RAFFLE, ETC, The South Huron Ministerial Assodiation met at the home of Rev. ana Mrs. H. J. Snell, Exeter. Devot, ional exercises •were condu.cted by the preeident, Rev. C. W. Down. The quedtion iefgarbling in the form of raffles and bingos was discussed and the association voted to apprise the office'of the Attorney General of On- tario of its opposition to the lepi- iflg in any form for .anY 'purpose and to urge the idePart- rood Glasses at Reasenakte Mow ment to enforce more strictly, the existing 'laws regarding gambling.. .31•Eltr +,+++++4-1-1.44+114.1Ko-44444-144-4-1- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. its art R affatait antral *Inc • Private Car AsnbuIance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured .• Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT RNIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 wood Ont rio eet-t+++++++++44‘,44-1144041,44144•4eik++++++++++1.+4++++++++ witeckeenessesegemeweeammeciamenotemenatetent. Aff it. Su E '8 erior Store T I C • AT PRESENT WE HAVE .A GOOD SUPPLY OF :FL�' COVERINGS, RUGS, ETC. COME A '10) SEE US FOR VENETIAN BUMS IN :ANY :SHADE .....i.imitt*Pemontiimetrnittiverticomistemitt iimemarniamoviretraicavisoremes,.....irternettiotasitemirteetartimet SPECIAL 20 P 1R WOOL BLANKETS Regular 19.50 a pr., For 13.50 a pr. FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND GROCERIES EACH WEEK Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Frri., Sat. Jan. 20-21-22 LIFE WITH FATHER — Starring — William Powell Irene Dunn (Technicolor) Monday, Tuesday Januaary 24-25 Romance on Me High Seas — Sta;Oing ' Janis Paige .;!' .jack Carson (Color by. Aseehni.40or) Wednesday, Thursday Two Years Beforeihe Mast — Starring — Brian Donlevy Alan Ladd Moving Picture s TOWN HALL' ZURICH Scattergood Meets • Broadway Clarence Budington Kelland's radio -fiction favourite matches small- town wits against ibig-town tricks - and wins! Guy Kibbee William Henry Mildred Coles ' Emma Dunn SHORTS -Lion Hunt, Strange Sea Shells, Bruins' Mischief. . Friday, Jan. 21 - 8.00 p.m. Sat. Jan. 22-7.15 and 9.15 p.m. Next week - "ICELAND" with Sonja Henie and John Payne. SAW FIRST 1949 ROBIN • „Ilte,..ftrat. robin e ras made its appearance in SeafOrth,having - been reported seen. several times at the west side of Seaforth since. Ne Year's Day. Is this a sign of a mifd winter? Did the _Tobin not go soudt with the others in the fall, Or has it come back for an early spring? Your guess is as -good as anybody's —Exchange.. WROXETER HAS $100,000 FIRE Whisps of smoke curling from the ruins of four buildings was all that remained of a $100,000 fire which for a time threatened the main sfre- ts of Wroxeter last week. a huge co- perative effort by .700 district vol- unteers saved the main street after the fire leveled four buildings and left two families homeless. The fire nen outnumbered the population of 250 as the volunteers risked icy ads to attack the blaze which destr- oyed anegg-grading plant, two stor- es and -a home before being brought under control. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich • On Wednesday, January 26th At Two o'clock, p.xn. Business—Receiving Financial Re- port, Election of Officers, Ete. Fred J. Haberer, President.. E. F. Klopp, Secy-Treas. ANNUAL MEETING The 74th Annual Meeting of the Poli cyhol dersof The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich • On to No Skating With : the continous thaws -there is so far'little prospects of skating on the local Lions rink. The caretaker, Mr. Charles Hay, at one time had a good, #rt, but with the unsteady niild•Pells the ice all disappears. Police Trustee Boarcf 44'-J euit of as second Nominat- iim4fOr 'Police Trustees for Zurich by theeownship Clerk, Mr. H. W. Brok- enshire -We following is the board fur 1949 Chairman, Mr. Milfred SO. hilbe. 'Members, Mr, John Turk - Win and Lloyd O'Brien. Bears Seen on Road • rWe. are informed 'that two bears were seen Crossing the Zurich Road in on of the swamps last week.They are coining close enough, a.s recently a muniber -of woolves were also seen in the big .swamp. We must not for- get to be be on guard as one never Imow*.What might confront us A femal bear with a cub is usually a v7erY., dangerous thing ' to encounter, and; ntost f us would know so little ,just'Wbat to do were we approached by 'a bear.% Parents will, •do well to m from school -until these un - See thist their children are escorted to a welcoMe guests are cleared out of the country. Had a Real Blow • F-,61:014 the 'snow an42, ram. and ,nilidneseon:Tnekday, during the tight - a real blow whipped up and sure sent things al:1113411g, parts of roofs were torn- off.: as though they were .ieven same new roofs at that. Limbs;were torn from trees, and :;many thiks strewed around. Soniewhere the main Hydro' trunk Iine42silifered severe damages ar the pow,0,r did not tome on until after ten o'clock, Wednesday forenoon, and we. sure missed the power not alone tOr the household appliances. but alb at the shop, as it is im- possible to do vey much around a printing office without the electric power, but we will live through it and are very happy it is not any worse.. Lions Club News A There was a near perfect attend- anceat the Monday night meeting in the Dominion House. Secretary - Lion Bill, who had an appointment anevAtkthe eye specialist at London. did'auat;get back in time, and this -wa.i,the". first supper he has missed sinc4 the Club was established. But Ws are happy to say that Bill's eye t!oAI. is improving nicely. Lion '31:,ifeb1;i:Ok over the books and the ineeting''went along nicely. Four Lion birthdays were celebrat- e by Tail Twister Lion Harold Johnston. getting these out on the float: and decorating them up a bit, while the other Lions sang the us- ual "Happy Birthday" Two rather distinguished guests of the Radar School, Clinton, were present; Sargeant Fletcher and F -L. T. Dale Jones, who is a Padree at the School, and who has lately resigned that appointment to accept the rect- orship of St. Thomas Anglican church, which he will take over in the near future, and who was the guest speaker of the evening. F -L. Jones came to Canada in.1a29 on a scholarship and studied at the Em- manuel College of the University of Saskatchewan, and after his gradu- ation and dedication served in many capacities in the church of his choice in the West, and shortly after the war 'broke out he joined the R.C.A. F. forces and' became a Padree go- ing to Europe with the Forces. He gave us a very interesting talk on the development of Canada, its pos.- ibilities. Canada is quite capable of taking care of a ,fifty nillion popu- laton. he said. Probably no other country is blessed with more natur- al resources. But we must be care- ful in keeping its political side in a good condition, free from the many 1, --ns that may confront us. The speaker was introduced by Lion rheqter, prd some very nice remarks of his address were made by Lion Harold Stade in his "Thank you" re, marks tato the address. Monday, January. 31st, 1949 At Two o'clock, pan. --BUSINESS- 1—Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Secretary -Treasurer as 0 Auditors. 2—Election of Directors end Auditor:, 3 --The di•.cussion of r'ther matter, in the interest of the Company A GOO -t ATTP,1111ANM IS REIQUESTIlD Reinhold Miller; President. Herbert B. vilber, .Secretary t peopl know!' mow.; rompt 001 Service BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED AND SHAPE COLOR OR SIZE JUST BRING US THE PIECES! QUALITY THE FINEST OBTAIN- ABLE AT A SAVING A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For Positive Identification of the World's Finest • Anthracite ask for SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co., Vitimized Feeds W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hen4. •••••••••••••••••••••••••16 • • • i••• 01000645 t5tjtaftt *fl** weessoeseeestos Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent • FLOWERS FOR OCCASIONS ay and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 , - or 122, Zurich MSS fa SS WOO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iliMBASSIDS StirDISSO SO SOO 0111111/006 S ZU Grocer le Si 10.t. SOO Sie re Aylmer Catsup, per bottle20c . . Corn Syrup. 5-113. Pail65c ... Currants, per pound ... • 15c Marmalade, 3 flavor, 32 -oz jar. .. .. • ',8c Cake Mix, chocolate per pkg. ..... ... 30c Brooms, regular 90c, each ... .79c Tangerines, large size, per dozen ........ 35c Wheat Berries, 5 -lb. pkg. 40c Menn Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. •e-i:9*s 95 ..P44''44;4:"4, ‘P ‘". Zurich Phone 165 il191.6,124120.61MOASAImM121.110,11111111.1l Pioneer Pee Laying mash and Hog Growers, Dairy Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Brau,.. Shorts, Middlings, ..Wood's Electric Grain.. Crinders,„ Oat.. Rollers,,. Milkers lncl Water Heaters Save labour,, Time and Money with these Labour Saving Machines. Fresh Groceries and Friths on hand at all times. Our Store will be open Wednesday afternoons for the Winter Months THE BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. , Phone 11-97 wiessuanswasommasewssaisussramswavassolsokimorwetwosamar, 2 a