HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-13, Page 5e- tr. Ies:s.. to). rya 1104% • urisdicat arradiaz 75,90E eer cars. ie right wwwwwWWWWWw yet ofivrkstfor ZURICH HERALD Authorized,Seeoxid class ma% root Office Department, Ottawa, BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Oval Every Week Day ExcaPit Wednesday. , Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Oscar Klopp LICENSED AUCTIONEER sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASTrIWOOD R. 1 Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column: LOST On No. 83 Highway in the Zur- ich district 'a 5 -gallon oil delivering can, yellow. Finder return to Her- ald Office, Zurich. • E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Teems Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINARIA.N Or W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 0 se with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store rliesne--96 ZURICH BUTCkERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET very Choice of Fresh and Cur- WITH US ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Geo. T. Mickle and Sons - Etc., always on hand. Kept Phone 103 Nights • FOR QUICK SALE 1937 Ford V-8, 85 h.p. i'ord sedan new motor, and many new parts, good rubber, sold at .bargain price. Joseph Martingale, R. R. 2, Zurich. si FARMS FOR SALE 120 acre Highway farm, mile to Mitchell, Extra ;hod barn, silo, brickhouse, house, pressure system, Hydro. At- tractive set-up. Equipped if desired 134 acres, 12 bush, valuable gravel pit. Brick house modernized, bank barns, driveshed, pressure system, Hyro, two, Highways Vie mile. On milk route. Convenient to school, churches, stores. Equipped if desir- ed.—Wm. Peace, Realtor, Exeter. 1,100AL..INEWbi • •/.. Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer returned home from London on Tuesday. IVIr. and Mrs, Percy Weston of Bayfield were Sunday'visitors with relatives in town. Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Heimrich at- tended the .funeral of a friend at Waterloo on Wednesday last. Mr and Mrs Louis Schrag have moved to near St. Marys where the former has .accepted a position. The many friends of Mrs. Karl Haberer 'will he sorry •to hear that she is confined to bed with sciatic. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Andrew Thiel feeling fairly well after his recent illness. He is in residence with his son, Mr and Mrs. George . Thiel. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Schwartzentrub- er and children of Blake made a bus- iness trip to Clinton, also visited with friends. Rev. and Mrs. Sol. Baech/er and daughter Erma were visitors at Tav- istock and New Hamburg fox a few days over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kalbfleisch of Detroit visited at the home of their sister, Mr and Mrs. Theo, Haberer, also calling on other relatives.. • Mr and Mes Samuel .Gascho and family of Harriston were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Gesell°. Mr and Mrs. Nelson Sinclair of Crediton were visitors at the home of their friends, Mrs and Mrs. .Chris. Heist, of town. Mrs. Mary Ann Trueffiner is at present spending some. time at the home of her nephew, Miind Mrs. Albert Geiser, at Shipka. , NOTICE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Insurance Companies introduce "Select" 'rating class in automobile insurance in Ontario. In those cases where there is no operator of the automobile under twenty-five years or over seventy-five years of age re- sident in the named insured's house- hold or employed as a chauffer:and the automobile is not principally used for 'business, 'Select" rates apply. Select basic rate 316. Farmer's Select $15.00 Protect yourself against the hazards of winter driving. 5. W. HABERER, Agent Office at Residence. Phone 161 Let Us supply you ntract with the c '.111 Barley WE ARE AGAIN' CONTRACTING BARLEY FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY. IF INTERESTED, GET IN TOUCH fresh in Electric Refrigeration HENSALL - WANTED CLERK with 'some knowledge Stenography preferred. Apply writing to Zurich Herald. Highest Cash Prices for Wool, 1-lides and Skins H. Yungbliut & Son PROT)UCE Bilverwood AIRES Cush Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone O1 Zurich 133 ONTARIO .. of 111 • wi3READ on the tabk • the meal is ready! No meal is complete without plenty a delicious wholesome bread. An - TASTY -NU tests good and is good hearty food for you. Every slice s slice of ,energy - Buy an extra Loaf today—start now to serve more bread at ever; meal. Get your TASTY -NU, Brea( at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at your local Grocers. Mrs. Nancy Koehler of Toronto is visiting at the home of her children Mr and Mrs Leonard Erb, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler, Hay Twp. Mrs. P. Clark of Windsor • is sp- ending some time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaseho. Sorry to report that Mr. Gascho continues quite ill. FOR SALE 11/2 h.p. International gas engine; 5 -8th h.p. i3riggs & Stratton engine; da's. h.p. Briggs & Stratton engme: 1 Coleman hanging lamp with shade in good condition; a pump jack with piPes, cylinder. complete unit for 30- foot well. Apply to Oliver Steckles Phone 98-4, Hensall, or R. R. 3, Bay- field, Ont. Zurich Creamery FOR SALE Miss Joan Ducharme has returned home on the 14th Cola, after a ple- asant visit at the home of her sister Mr and Mrs. Harvey Spitzer at De- troit. Mr. Charles Carr .of Stratford spent the week -end with his -wife who is at present caring for .11/Ir. Joe- eph Gascho of town who is ill. The former also visited with relatives .in the village. Mr. Garfield Witmer who is in the chiropractic profession at Timm ins, Ont., spent a two-week holiday at the home ef his parents, Mr and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer and other relativ- es in the vicinity. Tasty -Nu PHONE 100 — akery ZURICH Coneral •insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIPENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. A set of Bob Sleighs for sale. -- Apply to Clarence Schade, Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE A number of small pigs for im- mediate sale—Gus Roche, Zurich. WANTED A small building suitable for a small pump house. Apply at Herald Office. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus fa premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg end Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST .RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . • Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115.39 Rates on Application 1RAG RUGS and CARPETS ' F. KLOPP--ZURICH AGENT On a New Modern Loom, Made to Also Dealer in Lightning Rods Order — Seth 0, Amann. Zurich, nt. Phone 12S, 'find all kinds of Fire Insurance wwwww.wouwwnwratwwwwwcror!wooTamermew.ust.twata NOTICE TO CREDITORS; In the Estate of Abraham Eckel. An persons having claims against the Estate of Abraham Eckel, late of the Village of Zurich, gentleman, deceas- ed, who 'died'on or about the 8th day of March, 1948 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executor, on or before the. 17th day of Janu- ars, 1949 full particulars of their claims. . • Immediately after the aidslast mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which t'ee anudee- Mrs C Ayotte of town vvlio has signed shall then have notice off been visiting with. her children-neieill not be liable to any person o in .Artd trait for a few weeks, has rettura. whose claim has -not been presented ',art, Wed heck by her daughter, Mr. and tc, the undersigned. te her home here, and was acco 'mp- Mrs. Ed. Lague, who spent the Nte-' Dated at Zurich, Ontario, the; 21st ek-end in Zurich. day of December, 1948. Walter Eckel, Executor, R. R. 1, Varna, Ont. Visit the Oesch Gime Store BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR SPRING FOOTWEAR Watch this Adv. for further Announcements for Sale of Broken Lines in Footwear. MILTON OESCH zwwWaiumMotorsowwwwwwww;owwwwwwww*wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww*ww*saiwwsm..wwwwww as 6 G7 a 0 0 0 0 8 0 Mr and Mrs Orland Siemon and children of Waterloo and Mrs. 'Clar- ence Miller and son Darsie of New Hamburg were Sunday visitors at the. home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Conrad Siemon, We are pleased to report that Mr Peter Gingerich who has. been ill with sciatic for several weeks, is get- ting along fire and able tolse out of bed far several 'hours at a lme. FOR SALE A 1937 Terriplane Auto in good condition, good upholstering and foul newtires. Apply to Mrs. Hector Laporte, Phone 87 - 23. FOR SALE 1 tractor Model U. Allis Chalmers on rubber; 1, 10-20 McCormick Deering Tractor on rubber. Both recondit- lamed. Also do tractor repairing on all makes .of tractors. See Bill Neeb Phone 81. r 8, Zurich, • WANTED Mr. Ralph Uttley of Windsor is spending a few days at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr and;Mrs Win Witmer,also giving some of: his fri- ends a personal call, „who are pleas- ed to see him. ets as: Mrs. Floyd HOpe and daughter of Streetsville and Mrs. E. Brown of Niagara Falls have returned home after spending a jeyable week at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Thos. Meyers. Mrs. Meyers return, ed with them and will also spend a few days at the borne of their dau- ghter, Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck, at Bradford. To buy finished Pigs and cattle. Highest Market prices paid. Also for sale a 7 -tube Marconi Battery Radio. A new gas washing machine, Beattie. --Maurice Masse, Ph. 98 r 24, Zurich Livestock shipment every Tuesday, a at 6 0 0 'Zurich Public Library At Westlake Furniture Store Tuesday - Thursday - Sat erday 200 new books of the Huron Conntty Travelling Library have just arrived Among them are: The Peacock Sheds it's Ttil. Hobart All That Glitters Keyes King Cotton. Armstrong Rebecca Du Mauries Arizona Star. Balevin From This Da/ Forward. Ball Great Shouting Stories Ludlum The Bulwark. Drieser The Valley of 'Silent Men 'Curwood Alice Arame I3ooth Tarkington Life with Father Day Signaposts of Adventure Sinclair Has New Car Mr. Hilton Truemner of, the 14th Con., has treated himself and fam- ily to a brand new Plymouth 1948 model, and: we know they will enjoy its use. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR 1949: Mr. Harvey ' Spitzer of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr and. Xra Joseph Ducharme, 14th Con., -oyer the week -end. He was accompanied home by his wife and daughter Carol Ann who had been visiting with her parents for a week. Misses Shirley and Arvis Haugh accompanied them and will visit there, also with their relatives and friends in Michigan, where they intend to remain for some time, Had Grand Rescue Farro For sale, .•Branttoed, Jan, 9 — Alex. ea - rough, 11, who drove fully clothed C isting of 115 acre farm, loc.- into the ice filled Gland River yes- ated S. B. Stanley Twp., V.fl miles West of Hillsgreen. Good bank barn brick house, Hydro and running wat- er in house and ebarn, good fences and- well drained, other good out- buildings.'A fine location. For :further particulars apply to Samuel McBride, R. R. 1, Zurich. Following will be the lineup for the 1949 Huron County Council to meet next Tuesday *a..'t Goderich Court House: Ashfield Blyth Cecil Johnston Frank Rainton Brussels Roy Cousins Clinton ...., ... ....... G. W. Nott Colborne ......... Stanley Snyder East Wawanosh .... J. D. Beecroft Exeter , A. J. .Sweitzer Goderich twp. Goderich town .. George arathleson J. R. Stirling Goderich (deputy) ...W. 5. Baker terde , was credited with saving the lives of Mark Bowden, four and Vir- ' John McNabb Grey ginia Ellis, aix. The children had Grey (deputy) ...Clifford Rowlami wandered about a mile from their Hay ..... . ... . George Armstrong Hensall ...... .. Alvin W. 1eerslake Alex, Coulbrough dragged the child- Hullett Howick John W. Armstrong homes to the spot where they fell ren to hie home near the river where Haaaaa E. J. FaeriTh his mother striped them and wrap- (deputy ... Harold Gowdy p e • Seaforth ...... ,..... d ' hot cocoa. Both children StanleyFil.eusl:Msaiiii; ed them in woollen blankets and MeKtil°1) ' D were able to say their names, Stephen .a.n Elmer Webster numbers also where they lived. Their( stoben (deputy) ..Harry BeaVer Elmer Lavison Parents were notified and the tenni Tuckersmith ... •,.... A. Nicholson . Bowden is a grand son of re. V /Jab •ne Turnberry ......... W. IL Woods ' ca lied children were taken home. Mark W. Wawanosh Hugh Beery W inEham . . . . . . lelurra'°; P,eoi,leliinleTiloni Turkheim of Zurich, LII Varnishes0 knits SCARFE'S Easy to Apply Use ENDURABLE PAINTS - Hard Permanent Finish Also THE NEW , ALMATEX PLASTIC PAINTS Cellar Steps and other hard-wearing Surfaces Shellacs - Varnishes, - Etc. For Floors, Bite - SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Beaty Washing Machines - Stoves - Furnaces Enamelware - Housecleaning Needs - Radios Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM: ---TO SERVE AND SATISFY Dat rs MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE NAPS1-10TC •sf m, '111 PHONE 213 1 0 a a 0a a a 0 0 SOFTEN THOSE SHAIDOWS1 s•••=62=TC:w"-L.Ki •41 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 s's'PA'asee. No harsh shadows on the faces in this picture! The paper makes an excel- lent reflector, allows subjects to face AWAY from the sun, not squint INTO it! Try it and see! white cardboard, white cloth, news- paper, the wall of a white house — anything handy that will reflect light. It takes only a moment to ar- range subject or reflector properly —and the picture will be immensely improved. 188 WHEN one advises, "Use a re - VV Rector to soften and lighten shadows," most snapshooters think, "Oh, that is too complicated — too much trouble." As a matter of fact, any white or light-colored surface can serve as a reflector, to make shadows soft and full of detail. For instance, look at a man. reading a newspaper.The news- paper catches light and reflects it into his face it is a very good shadow illuminator. A white spring or summer dress catches light and reflects it to the subject's face, and under her chin. A broad white hat brim catches light from the dress, and reflects it to the subject's forehead. A white building (see diagram) can be used as a reflector to lighten the shadow side of the person yen are picturing. A white picnic cloth, spread in the sun, reflects enough light to soften shadows in the faces of all the group around it. Whenever you are taking pictures of people, especially in sunlight, will reflect softened in some faShiCti.. Black ll fight to the make snre that the shadows are A white wa shadows under the subject's eye- shadow side of the face if the subjeot brows and nose ruin a picture. Use is placed properly. So will a news- paper, or white sheet. 8, subjett; any sort of reflecting surface — a 0, camera, R, reflecting sur? - John van Guilder wwwwww.wwiteerwo*C 4 4 4