HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-13, Page 1! Est ablished 19 •1 URIC RA ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 13 6 9 49 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUBLISHER. 1.75 a Year in Advance. $2.00 in U. S. A., in Advance. vertisin ARTHUR FRAM Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 'OFFICE :—Corner Ann, Willia,m Sts. Phone: Exeter 355 wrier Belly Shop rtIE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. GIVE US A CALL Phone 153 for your Appointments. DOREEN SU.a LBE--Zurich Are You Suffering g Frot Heady ;w? Iv so, Have your yes Examined with the Latest Methods end Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. i!f OPTOMETRIST et OIPTICIlAN GODERTi -- ON% (Cueod Glasses at B:e ssavlrle Prices Le itt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Pho ac 135 Wednesday, Thursday Jan. 12-13 Miss Tatlock's Millions — Starring — John Lund Wanda Hendrix F;t•i day, Saturday, Ian. 14-15 MAGIC TOWN — Starring — James Stewart Jane Wyman .Mon., Tues,, Wed. Jan. '17, 18, 19 DUEL IN THE SUN Adult — Starring — Jennifer Jones Gregory Peck (Technicolor) • • CARD OF THANKS Rose — Mr and Mrs Harry Rose and fancily and Lilyan Kuntz wish ..to thank their friends and neigh- bours for the sincere sympathy •and floral tributes extended to them dur- ing their recent sad bereavement in the loss of their dear mother. Spec- ial thanks to the Rev. E. Heimri,ch, Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer, and the pallbear- ers and to those -who loaned cars or hefted in any. other way. BORN retest med iu- volnotalwassammusaussolimmentossr JUST A QUARTER MORE The Publisher of the Herald was just taking a look. at his plant which is of course very dear to any .one who prints or. publishes, and we find that we are due to quite' a number of replacements and repairs, the rollers on our presses need redoing, the mats on our Typesetter are showing considerablewear, these:,ve used to• buy at Sc.a piece, now they are 17e., and all other replacements have 10 to enjoy a trip to Floaida, are about the same in price. So I where they intend to remain for a s. Also taking in other in- sights on the way. Had Birthday Party Mr ', d: Mrs. Henry Schilbe of the 14 t Con., ane day last weep. en- tertainE friends and relatives in honor irifMr. Schilbe's sister, Mrs. Herrin -Om Finkbeinex, of Hay Twp. A veryi'ice time was arranged and a most?jo�vely meal was partaken off Needle$ to .say, all. had a most en - 1 time.. `�e� peo lave Left for Florida ;fi Mr 4c1 Mrs Louis Thiel of town„ accompthied by the latter's parents,. Mr arl4;?jMrs. Brown of Teeswater. we were wondering just how we can i few `wq, finance these essentials. Of course, terestn the average man would probably say "shoot up the prices"' but there is so much of that •at present .that we don't want to get into it also. So we have decided, before letting our equipment go down boo. far, to ask our subscribers to help us a bit by paying 25c. a year more for their subscription, and we will _try • and bear the •balance. We know you will cheerfully do this, and if dings• will come back to ,normal agar, we can assure you we will be one of the first to came back to the old prices. This will take effect this Thursday, Jan. 13th. Again Thank You! ving .Pictures TOWN HALL' ZURICH The Kansan Richard Dix Albert Dekkrn Mr and Mrs. Dennis Bedard of Jane Wyatt Zug ela.iaie happy to announce the •"FOUR BARRIERS"- - Travelogue. birth .ot e1r`5itrgliter•nArfi r Asi7-8aIce"'—Littre King' Carol .Ann., on January 6th, at the . Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich. cartoon' t.4.:.`I+./.+++4=4.45'.4Ki+4.0'i1+'�:404±"+++'}'..'..¢.'f,..y°.r'.•,'.4..i...a+4g...i4+4,14.i•.4.'14.14 •1 E. ' arrg off mfun al 4olne. y •8 ••t•.}..h+fi'•F"+++4^C' 414b4,44 01400 441.+++++++++'°4..t''•."..t.4,+e'vAd'.b.h+'H'b ,4.. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAT OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 — Ontario T I e' On r 1 L '8 Rom AT PRESENT WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY F FLOOR COVERINGS, RUGS, ETC. COME AND SEE US FOR VENETIAN BUMS IN ANY SI-IADE SP C1AL 2( PAIR WOOL BLANKETS Regular 19.50 a pr., For 13.50 a pr FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND GROCERIES EACH WEED Phone I C. i, THIEL Zurich Friday, Jan. 14th. Sat. Jan. 15th. 8 p.m. NEXT WEEK—Scattergood Meets Broadway. NOTICE The Zurich Fire Siren will be set off at 6.00 F.M. on. the FIRST TUESDAY of EACH MONTH dur- ing the year. This is to see whe- ther the siren is in proper working order and to call the members of the Fire Brigade together for a check-up on equipment. (Retain this Notice for future _refer- ence.) ZURPCH FIRE BRIGADE. Dated at Zurich, • January IOth, 1949. ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Zurich Agricultural Society Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On Wednesday', January 26th At Two o'clock, p.m. Business—Receiving Financial Re- port, Election of Officers, Etc. Fred J. Haberer, President. E. F. Klapp, Secy-Treas. ANNUAL MEETING ,The 74th Annual Meeting of' the, Policyholders of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday, January 31st, 1949 At Two o'clock, p.m. BUSINESS- 1—Receiving Reports of the Presi- dent, Secretary -Treasurer and Auditors. M. ---Election of Directors and Auditor:, 3 --Tho discussaion of .other matters hi the interest of the Company. A GOOD ATTENDANCE IS REQUESTED Reinhold Miller, President. Berh rt Y , Eilber, . ecretary "r' Attended Funeral Mr ai•d ,3i'r.s Urban Pfile; Mr. and Mrs drir Haugh 14th Con; Mr -Mrs. Hugh lore and Mr. Simon Greb •ot Exeterl'NMr and Mrs R. Hodgson, Mr. Ieuneth Greb of Centralia, have left fot“inde, Mich., where they will atte'r>,d the funeral of their uncle Mx Rieberd Damrow, who had been a successful business man in the harciwaite business in that place. From Holland We are in receipt of a very nicely pr+inted'`. :firth announcement from Arcs ;ez arn, Holland, the announce- ment isipririted. in Script and Italics types a Dr. and Mrs. Fi.edcY itl ,1 ] J1 'g s wish to announce "ham cLt't i 4'U t 'tett 1 H': Peter ,A—lather' Williamr'Hess, Weight 7 pounds 4 oz. Born December 9, 1948 at the Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gashmuis,_ Am- Gterdarn. ffome'from Detroit: Mrs. Emily Puss arrived home af- ter spending the holidays in Detroit. 'On December 30th twenty-five relat- ives and friends gathered at her d'a- ughter''s house and gave Mrs: Fuss a pre -birthday (surprize) party. A friend, Mrs. Trevorra of Toronto, gave a demonstration of the 1900 to• 194'9 fashions. Both ladies will be 80 years young in a few weeps. After the openinrg of the gifts, a c-elicious luncheon was served. Mrs. Healy and Mrs. Whitney did the pouring. The guests departed in the wee hours of the morning. Green. Oats in January ittho:uth the. weatherman Is now bacic to 'normal again, with •practic- ally No snow, but frozen up nicely, But the. mild weather' the pastweek and over the week -end has been next to, recdr dbreaking for January.. The teportsr ;sae that on Sunday after- noo1l phe city of Halifax the mer cunyjb ;peri up to 74, while in the Stat4", Montana, in the west it w44!,,4ebow. Up till now there has qt een the usual frosts and this r `Shown by on Monday,, when Mr, ,fib ethe Br mon Baechler of on - son lin:4" brought to our office a. hand full of .green goats about four inches high vatch was growing all ever a leld next to the barn. The oat stub= bier li&td been top worked: and the grain: came up, and withstood the frostsi and cold up till now and kept right;on growing. OBITUARY Late Mrs.. Emma Roso There, passed away at Seaforth ll:ospital, on Thursday, January Gth, Mrs. Enuna Schilbe, Beloved. wife of the late Albert Rose in her 75th year. Mrs. Rose who has spent all her life in the community having been one of the well: known Schilbe family of the 14th Concession, 1 -lay Twp. She has been a resident of Zurich for Many years. Her husband predeceas- ed quite some years ago, was a bro- ther to Mr. Conrad Schilbe of town, Iier.rawn family consists ,of one dau- ghter, Mrs. Lilyan Kuntz of Windsor, and one son, Harny of. Zurich, Al- wayh a very devoted mother to,,, her family and had many warm friends in the community. The body rested at the• Westlake Funeral Home, Zur- ic:i from where a private funeral vas hr:;1 on Sunday afternoon, . foll- owed by a public 14ervlce in St. Pet- er's. Lutheran Church, with inter- ment following in St. Peter's Oen-. ctery. Rev, V, W. Rehnrich 6ifielat. ed+ le CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON OUR SINCERE WISH A G HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician: For Positive Identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL SOFT COAL AND COKE LOCKER SERVICE BOXES FOR RENT Roe Farms Milling Co.. Vitirized Feeds W. '�`; . DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henson' •arsees fitotinAt Q4 e soseaseasse g Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR' ALL OCCASION Day and Night Service 0 Telephone etriberamoseotteemonseeoettimesetigNite• Res. 89 • • • • • 0 or 122, Zurich 0 0 GOOGG 00GO 00000G caeca• ocer tore Aylmer Catsup, per bottle -, 20c Corn Syrup:. 5-Jb. Pail 65c Currants, per pound 15c Marmalade,. 3 flavor, 32 -oz jar. 28c Cake Mix, chocolate per pkg. 30c Brooms, regular 90c, each 79c Tangerines; large size, per dozen 35c Wheat Berries, 5 -Ib. pkg. 40c esch PRODUCE WANTED. mason; woomovmmrs,..nrienamanwal" actramigamemmtv Zurich Phone 165 • 0 0 0001/f9900 • ft fI"4 Idi neer Pea s Laying Mash for Hog Growers, Dairy Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Bran,., Shorts, Middlings, ..Wood's Electric Grain.. Grinders,.., Oat.. Rollers,.. Milkers Ind Water Heaters Save labour, Time and Money with these Labour Saving Machines. Fresh Groceries and Fruits on hand at all times. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS IN STOCK BLAKE s,ki.oli!E E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97