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Zurich Herald, 1949-01-06, Page 8
11.11111110k,,, 4111191T.119110116 ti' •44- T 1TES 1.1P1 g az 14106,,, t vummrnw�wwua ... Ip CI Among the Gifts bestowed by the passing year most valued one our is the Friendship and Good Will of those we serve. It is a privilege at this Happy Season to express our Appreciation and to wish you a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS ew J. E. Gascho Flossie Brown Edwin Gascho Herb Turkheim "The scripture hath included all under sin." Rom, 3:22 "Having the understanding dar- kned, being alienated from the life of God, through the ignor- ance that is in them.". Eph. 4:18 ".by nature the children of wrath." Eph. 2: 3. "—the natural man receiveth not the things of GOD." I Cor. 2: 14. ISS "God commandeth his lose to- ward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5. 8. "When we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His SON." Rom. 5: 10 "To as many as received Him, to them gave he power to be- come the sons of God. .3n. 1:12 "Ye must be born again." ., John 3:. 7. He that believeth on . Him is not condemned: but he that in the name of the only begottenSon of God. John 3: 18. believeth not is condemned already, because he hath noe believed TUNE IN—Hear CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles, HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRI,NDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING. US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY , BUSINESS RELATIONS TADE ZURICH .. QUALITY ,.. PRICE El D oNY. sEevtc. e a ID 3 I. 0 BRUCEFIELD MAN HONORED 9 One of the oldest agents of the C. • N.R., London, Huron and Bruce line, 0 George Swan of Brucefield was hon- : ored on the occasion of his retirem- 0 ent after 31 years' service at Bruce - field at the C.N.R. station rn Hensel]. 0 So.ne 40 persons, including all the agents •and section force, together with their wives, attended the gath- ering at which Mr and Mrs Swan received gifts. Mr. Swan received a c ',Hight lamp and his wife a box of f yeti roses, The address' was read by the Exeter agent, Mr. Cerson, and the press station made by Messrs. • Groh an Taylor, Ilderton agent and 1 r'linton section foreman, respective - I i. :Musical numbers were givenby ei 1,1 Tise Creta Laminie and Messrs. Riehl y n ,l Mast:well. Chairman was A. L. •.end Case, 1Tensall agent. Accompanying the presentation was a copy of the address which referred to Mr. Swan's cooperation and helpful service, as one of the hest -liked employees, sig- ned by "The Boys of the Bruce Line." Mr. Swan is the father of Mrs. Truro 8eh41)e of Zurich, and is a frenuent visitor at the home ofbis daughter here. Mr. Gordon Sutcliffe, of the Kalb- fleisch Mills, was a holiday visitor with his parents at Goderich, • Mrs. Mary Ravelle of Grand Bend spent a few days at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Gascho, Mr Frank Buttler of London vis • ited at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Albrecht during the holiday season. Mr and Mrs Albert Heideman and son enjoyed a holiday visit at the home of their parents at Orangeelle Mrs. A. C. Meidinger of Hensel( visited at the home of her niece, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Thiel 'over the New Year holiday. Mr and Mrs E. Geiger and children of Pigeon, Mich., were visitors with relatives in the vicinity. Mr and Mrs Earl Etue of Toronto were guests at the home of the for. mew's cousins, Dr and \Irs. W.'13, Coxon. • Mrs. Fred• Fasken and son of Et- , ora are spending, some time at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W. Merner. - Miss Veronica Dietrich of London was a holiday visitor est the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. William Dietrich. Mr. Wm. H. Edighoffer is progres- sing very ,faveulably after his recent fall. The injuries ere healing nicely in his face. Mas. H. H. Cowan and. children of Exeter were visitors at the home of the former's father, Mr. Chas. Fritz one day last week. Miss Meda Surerus who -Spent :the vacation at her home here, has left to resume her duties as teacher;= of the Toronto, teaching staff Mr. and Mrs Mervyn Stelck • and daughter Patsy, left for their home in Bradford after a pleasant two weeks' holidays with friends here: Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars and ,ons, Mrs. I. Dedels and daughter, Marion of Kitchener . were holiday visitors at the home of their mother, Mrs. Ed. Datars, Sr. Mr and Mrs. Charles Carr of Strat ford were holiday visitors •at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. Turk - helm and other relatives in town. Mr and Mrs Cook and daughter of Orangeville spent several days over the New Year at the hone of them sister, Mr and Mrs. Albert Heide- man. Messrs. Lawrence and Victur Hart- man and Miss Irene Girard of Wind- sor, spent the holiday week -end at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. K. Hartman, Goshen Irnc south. Mrs. Fred Knott of :,London fad Mr and Mrs Earl Witmer of Exeter, were visiting at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer, • Loshen line South. Mr and Mrs Andrew Coxon of. Milverton enjoyed a holiday visit at the home of their son, Dr and Mrs. W. B. Coxon and granddaughter Sue Ann. Mr. Kenneth 'Dietrich' who will leave shortly for his mission Semin- ary at Toronto where he will con- tinue his studies. His many friends wish hint every success. Mr and Mrs Wm. Sitter and fam- ily of Thedford and Mrs. H. Fink- bsiner and family, of the Goshen line soath, enjoyed the Christmas dinner together at the home of their father,. Mr. Conrad Schilbe of town, who was delighted to have some- of his child- ren with hien for the day. 100th. BIRTHDAY On New Years' Day, with the world acclaiming the birth of a new y©ar,. The London Free Press greeted is second Century. 100 years ;ago on January 2, its first day in the pixb- lishing business, The Canadian Free Press, as it was first named, printed 100 weekly newspapers for a Loild- on of 5,000 residents. Now it is prin.- ting rin-ting 74000 dailly newspapers for a madern London of 91,021 and a far- flung district readership or many thou -ands more. 1 ST. :PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 a,in.--Divine Services. 11.15 a.m. —Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH REV. H. E. ROPPEL; Minister Mrs. M. ,Desch—Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Sermon: 1.1 a.an,—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Worship. Sermon: ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXETER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5' p.m., at Zurich At (New Twnp. Office) WE HANDLE THE GENUINE (Trade Mark) PENNSYLVANIA READING and PITSON ANTH- RACITE HARD COAL. FOR THE BETTER QUALITY OF COAL LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US FOR: YOUR SUPPLY. Ervin Schilbe PHONE 75 - ZURICH (Office in Residence) NOTICE . The County of Huron snow plow operators urgently request all cars be off Main Street, Zurich, after 6 p.m. when the plows will be in op- eration, and will not be responsible for any mishaps occurring on streets during time, of operation. —Zurich Police Village Trustees. FOR QUICK SALE WOOD — We have 600 cords of 12 -inch wood for immediate sale. — F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, Ltd., Zurich FOR SALE SPECIAL FACTORY CLEARANCE Air Circulators for Warm Air Fur- naces. .Easily installed. Write Box 309,.•28 Brock Street, Godericn, Ont FOR SALE 'Pure Bred Holstein Bull Calf from a R.O.P. Dam with a strong 4% test Wand from a strong 4% Sire.=- Willianl Sparks, R.A. 3, Bayfield. Meeting of The Huron County Council The' next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House .Goderich, ,commencing Tuesday, Ja' - ua,ry.78th at 2.00 pan. All °•accounts, notices of deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention of .Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not 11at1949ely .than Saturday, January 18th, . • N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. .:.'J.'hur. da;.', January 6th, 1949 IIIfIIIiIiIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllll111111illfllllilllilllllilllfllllll{Iillilllllllllllllllllllll T •�• 4 + flake - Furniture 4 Come in and visit our Store with a fine display of all a. .es of furniture. ..Rany Gift Suggestions 4. 4. 4 Fir 1 4 4 9 9 The Season's 'Greetlngs KEITH R. WT; STLAKE Furniture --- choose from. A shipment of Cedar Chests just arrived. Good supply of Beds, Springs, Felt and Inner Spring Mattresses always on hand. WISHING ONE AND ALL Phone 122, Zurich Illlllllllllllfillllllilllllllllllllllllilllilllllli111111111111111111111111illlllflllllllllllllllll1 • IIIIill1111111111 IIIIIII11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11III1111111111IIIIIIIIII1111f11hhhhl111111111111I11111111IIIIII11111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIII11III11III11lllllllllllfilI 4 4 4 r' 4 •4 O • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FARMS FOR SALE 120 acre Highway •farm, mile • to Mitchell. Extra good barn, silo, brick house, pressure system, Hydro. At- tractive set -tip. Equipped if desired 134 acres, 12 bush, valuable gravel. pit. Brick house modernized, bank barns, ,driveshed, pressure system, Hyro, two Highways 114 mile. On milk route, Convenient to school, churches, stores. Equipped if desir- ed.—Win. Peace, Realtor, Exeter. • STIRRING ACTION—EXCITE. MENT IN OLD' WEST! Famous outlaws ride your way! Read "Vigilantes of the Old West,' Harry Morgan's series starting in The American Weekly inayazine with' this Sunday's (January 9) iss- ue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Get The Detroit Sunday Times brin- ging you THE BIG THREE — The American Weekly, Pictoritl Review and PUCK, The Comic Weekly. DROPS HOG SUBSIDY Toronto — The Ontario Governm- ent subsidy on hogs was discontinu- ed beginning the new year, The news was published in The Ontario Gazette, and Premier IK.ennedy, who also is minister of Agriculture, was out of town away on a two week's holiday. The subsidy paid since 1941 has been $1 a hog for grade 1 hogs r and 50 cents for ;grade B1 hogs: It is in addition to a Dominion subsidy of $2 and $1. Your Hardwar -tore WE WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF GREATLY THANKING OUR MANY CUST. OMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE, AND WISH TO ONE AND ALL A erry Christmas AND A Prosperous New Year ZURICH 4 4 tt • A 4 • ONTARIO •• • 4 • Rader & Mittelhoitz II11llDI111111111111(U1111 I l 11II1p0111uu11mllll11111111111110lulluuuul1lm11111W1 1111 I I I I ll mul 1 II II II I 111111111111111111MIUM111111111E1101111113111111111111111MEHR1101111111111111111011111E FLOOR TILE FOR The Best In .Mastic Tile Floor GET 11111111111111111111111,1111, TILE ea TEX ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont. See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given ''t1LZITITAB111111111112iQ=110 I[lall! +++++++++++-1.++++++++++++++ dr4+444++444'++444.+++44444k III III 11111111111111111 11111111,1,1)1 99 911 111 111111(1 IuiLIIU•llll!Il.Illlllll11,111911L I�i�111�11�i19i'91k s i 4 I Receive Shi ents We have received a large shipment of Mason- ite --- Pi'esdwood and Tempered in Black and Brown and also Terriprtile. We are now in a position to fill your require- ments and would suggest of getting your supply, while our stock is .in good supply. F. C. KALBFLEISCII & SON Phone 69 4 a ZURICH 4 t9f+>r.I.l 0.4.40+++4++4+++ '++*4'+*+ +++++++++++++++4,+++++,V++44 i TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND `.• CUSTOMERS WE EXTEND Season's Gretisn fret, Shop 149 Oscar 'Klapp Re'. 67. AUCTIONEERING AT YOUR SERVICE