HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-06, Page 5lit?WPM, OVITAIKII9 vaica HERALD A orized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist Main St.„ Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEER.S 0 SC ar LICENSED AUCTIONEER WM sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 E. F. CORBETT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'Terras Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phofl3 Zurich 92r7. VETER1NARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON , Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store thone--96 ZURICH BUTCHERS ZurichPopular MEAT MARKET Let Us simply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yunablut &Sem Put Your Want For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. Contract Barley WE ARE AGAIN CONTRACTING BARLEY FOR CANADA MALTING COMPANY. IF INTERESTED, GET IN TOUCH WITH US Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Phone 103 Nights 1133 HENSALL • - ONTARIO .. PRODUCE Bilverwood DAIRIES WANTED CLERK with some knowledge of Stenography preferred. Apply in writing to Zurich Herald. FOR SALE 11/2 h.p. International gas engine; 5 -8th h.p. Briggs & Stratton engine; a1/2. h.p. Briggs t& Stratton engine' 1 Coleman hanging lamp with shade in good eondition; a pump jack with pipes, cylinder complete unit for 30 - foot well. Apply to Oliver Steckler Phone 98-4, Hensall, or R. R. 3, Bay- field, .Ont. FOR SALE A set of Bob Sleighs for sale. — Apply to Clarenc6 Schade, Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE A number .of small pigs for im- mediate sale—Gus Roche, Zurich. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 • Zurich Zurich Creamery • - WANTED A small building suitable for a small pump• house. Apply at Herald Office. ZURICH HERALD .NEW Mrs. Elizabeth Weber is at pres- ent holidaying with relatives and friends at Detroit. The many friends of .11Ir. Joseph Gascho 'wish him a speedy recoVery over his recent illness. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Wuerth have re- turned home after enjoying a feW holidays with relatives at Kitchener Mr. Herbert K. Eilber of Crediton was a visitor at the home of his dau- ghter, Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz for the New Year. Miss Mary Mae Fisher enjoyed the New Year holiday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Jacob Fisher at Dashwood. Mrs. Minnie Weida of London, vis- ited at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bedarcl over the week -end. Mr. Roy Weber and children Erma and Don. of London were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Louis Web- er last week. Miss Marguerite Pickard of Ev- ter who is a student of London Nor- mal School is having practice teach- ing at No. 3, Hay, of which Mrs. Gideon Koehler is teacher. ,Mr and Mrs. Clare Melick of Dashwood; Mr and Mrs Gladwin ick and 'sons and Mr and Mrs, Mor- ris Neil of Goderich were Sunday visitors in town. Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Gingerich en- joyed some of the holiday season at the home of the latter's parents at Kitchener. Mr. .Maurice Finkbeiner of Kit- chener enjoyed the holidays season at the home of his mother, Mrs. H. E. Finkbeiner, Goshen line south. Mr and Mrs .Orville Witmer and children, Mr and Mrs Sylvanus Wit- mer were visitors at the home of the latter's daughter, Mr and Mrs. Wil- fred Jervis, • Clinton on Sunday. Mr, Ed, Brenner, Mr and Mrs. Floyd Cook and daughter" Patricia, Mrs. Heipel and son Ronnie of Kitch- ener, .spent a day last week at the home .of their parts, Mr and Mrs John Brenner. Mrs. Jacob Fisher and grand- daughter 'Carol of- Dashwood spent a few days at the home of the form- er's daughter, Mrs. Chas. Thiel who have recently moved into their new home. Mr and Mrs Morris Neil and daugh ter; formerly of Detroit, who have recently taken up residence in God- erich, were Sunday visitors in town Mr. Neil has taken a position as ex- ecutive with the Beckler Lumber Company and are building a new home for themselves in Goderich. FOR SALE A 1937 Terriplane Auto in good conditioo, good upholstering and foul newtires. Apply to Mrs. Hector Laporte, Phone 87 - 23. LOST A gander strayed from our prem- ises. Finder please Phone 81 r. 20, Zurich. Your Home Market for Cream - Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry • departrnett in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE HOUSE FOR SALE In Zurich, on Main Street, hes two apartments, two-storey Frame house, 5 rooms downstairs and 7 rooms up - Stairs; basement throughout,', furnace, town water, full bathrooth,' Also insulated. For particulars call H. Trueenner, Phone 85 r 11, 7urich. NOTICE Monday, December 27th, known as Boxing Day, will be declared as a public holiday in the Village tif Zurich. By Order of The Zurich . ,Police Trustees w BREAD on the tabk' the meal is ready! GREATLY THANKING YOU ONE AND ALL FOR THE PAST YE,AR'S PATRONAGE ACCORDED US. WE TAKE THIS MEDIUM TO EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS WANTED WORK — I am in a position to do farm work or any other work by the month.—Phone 96-12, Zurich. FOR SALE Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH General Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Canadian Companies ' Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Succdssor to Hess Insurance -Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 16,1 Zurich, Ont. Have"'loved to Toronto and 1V1 14tiit-Thilips • arse daughter, who had farmed en the Jacob Ortwein farm the past year, have moved their effects to. Toronto by the Thiel's Transport, where they intend to reside!, two of their dau- ghters accompanied them, while one daughter Joan is staying at the home of her ,grandparents,-:.- Mr and Mrs. Robt Adams, 14 Oen., for the pres- ent. I ,WOLVES IN THE SWAMP What is thought to -be!" a mother Wolf with three pups offthe Brush Wolf species have been sen frequ- ently. lately by local huitters, and those living in that distrie of the big swain?, 2 miles east tof Zurich. Local hunters have been e13,usf trying. About 'a° young 'pigs, chunks, for to get close enough to ga shot, but sale—Cha. S. Bedard, Phone 9845. thv'eunning wolves stay well at arm's length, as the saying goes, and do not subject themselves to the hunter with his 'fast travelling balls of lead. One of the hunters discover- ed the, spot where the animals had Spent a peaceful night together, but to get biose, enough to ,shoot, is a prablem: ' ' • • • FOR SALE 1.929‘MOdel A. Ford Coach, good tAres, for quick sale. — Stuart •Thiel. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co: PFS THE LARGEST RESERVE, BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN' MDT - "UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS „.. OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. -Amount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 .Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115839 Rates on Application • E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer in.Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance FOR SALE Several Jersey Heifer Calves fel' sald at various ages. — Solomon I3aechler, Phone 79, r 14, Zurich. " FOR SALE 1 tractor Model U. Allis Chalmers on rubber; 1, 10-20 IVIcCormicic Deering Tractor on ,rubber. Both recondit- ioned. Also dotractor repairing on all.rnakes of tractors. • See Bill Neeb Phone 81 r 3, Zurich. WANTED To buy finished pigs and cattle, Highest market prices paid. Also for sale a 7 -tube Marconi Battery Radio. A new gas washing machine, Beattie. —Maurice Masse, Ph. 98 r 24, Zurich Livestock every Tuesday. • •s4., a rrn tor Sale • Consisting of .175 acre farm, loc-. ated S. B. Stanley Twp., 11/2 miles west of Eillsgreen. Good bank barn brick house, Hydro and running wat- er in house. and .barn, good fences and well drained, other good out- buildings. A fine location. For further particulars apply to Samuel McBride, R. R. 1, Zurich. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a Now Modern Loom, Made to . Order — Seth O. Amami, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. .11=1404444440444404440 BORN December 30th, 1948, Mr and Mrs Clare Masse, Dashwood, are happy to announce, the arrival of a son (Ronald•Aiithotry Philip) at the Far- well Nursing Home, Zurich. 'HYMENEAL Vows Exchanged at City Manse Wilson Gellman At London, on December 30th, the •Rev. C. J. Killinger, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, per- formed the cereinney, nnitiltg in Holy Bonds of Marriage, Pearl L, C. Galirnan of Bayfield, younge4t dau- ghter of the late Mr and Mrs Jacob Gallma,n, Zuric!h, to Mr, George Wilson, son of Mrs. Amy Wilsen of Hamilton and the late George Wilson fornnerlen of Wardsville. Foe- her wedding the bride chose a floor length' gown' of white lace ov- er satin with ' .form-fieting . bodice featuring a sweetheart nee/dine and lily pointed sleeves, the bouffant skirt extended into a slight train, the fing- ertip veil, was held3 in place by, a white velvet IIP'ral Crown: Sh6 carried a white Bible,: topped.with pink ,aid hlue floWers, fromwhich fell satin streamers. Mrs. Walter Johnston, Bayfield, niece of the :bride, was the only at- tendant and wore a floor length gown of blush satin and lace, with match- ing sweet heart bonnet ancr elbow mittens, she carried a cascade of White and pink baby chrysanthem- ums. Mr. Walter L. Johnston, Bay- field, performed the duties a•best, man.. For the wedding trip 'through the States. the bride changed to a lee Blue dress with lace peplum and brown fur toat with matching acces- S0A6S. • Thursday, January WI, 1949 Season's. Greetings We've a bounty of Good Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR to come filled with health and pros- perity. We've also a Bouquet of Thank you's for all our many patrons of the past year. We've enjoyed serving you... We hope to have the same pleasure in the New Year just dawning. . HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all! Oesch Shoe Store giVIE=2 'Oelree.-'re00-•--witel=alls.404-MMOMMORM • • • st • We are very • grateful to our Many Customers for • el the kind patronage you have accorded us, and • • • • • may these fine relations continue to grow, as we • • • a 0 0 0 Season's Greetings Datars O'Brien extend to one and all: MAIN ST. HARDWARE c STORE PHONE 213 0 0 00• • 0 a a • a • • T4144411K17410805MM--4111W'.-1-`4010---7-A--441WW46113Alb ' isV DO 4C4e4e adefIC Things go wrong when freedom's flouted; that's what ails the world today ... Here, in Canada, freedom has a better chance... Because we're free, each of us has his place in shaping human destiny., 0 Because we're free, we can speak our minds without fear... we can worship as we choose ... we can change our jobs, for better ones... or start in business on our own.... Because we're free to elect one part f or .anothere, our government must stand by policies • the majority orus support... Because we're free to choose one product 9r. anotheie bisiness keeps improving its wares to serve us better, Thereby- ' raising our already high standard of living; We're free because our economic system is free. Without economic freedom, all other freedoms die ... civil rights lose their meaning :The standard of living is lowered The 'citizen becomes the puppet of the State. So long as we nurture and defend our economic freedo'in, we can safeguard all our freedom's ...we can heat off every assault upon our liberties and our individual dignity. The mature strength of this truth will help us toward clear thinking and.courageous living in '49. There's a tough job ahead this year, but we can do, it... because we're free. 44'e 000 'MY BANK BANK or MONTREAL 4*tdaS ?eve V4x4 WORKING WITH CANADIANS 10104=====iiiiiiiiiiii=00000400000004,0400.04004 IN EVERY WA OF LIFE SINCE 41 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1