HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1949-01-06, Page 1CH 4,11.41.•••••,1311.1.1111•Wa Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6 949 CHESTER L. SMITH, PUMAS 31.60 a Year in Advance $1.75 in U.S., in Advance. To 111 111 many Re ders and Friends we exue Seas n's Greetings • ARTHUR FRASER • Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. -EXETER OFFICE :-Ceatner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 355W. Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Wed., Thurs., January 5-6 BLACK EAGLE - Starring - William Bishop Virginia Patton • Also "DISASTER" Friday, Saturday Jan. 7-8 Zuricli BeaIty Siir9 j Return of the Badmen 1- Starring - Randolph S ' cott Ann Jefferies M -IE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS Vile Better Oil Permanents Applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. - GIVE US A CALL! EA:hone 153 for your Appointments. _DOREEN SOHILBE--Zurich Are You Suffering From Headaches? so, Have your Eyesr=rammed with e Latest Methods and Equipment st A. L COLE, R.' . OPTOMETRIST de OPTICIAN GODERIGH OWL ',Good Glasses at Reaasentabia arnag....""loserelMOIPM11190009801.111taltISMINE=Me Monday, Tuesday Jan. 10-11 The Night Has a Thousand Eyes - Starring - Edward G. Robinson Gail Russel] Wednesday, Thursday Jan. 12-13 Miss Tatlock's Millions - Starring - John Lund Wanda Hendrix . INJURED BY COW'S KICK .Alex. McDonald of near Cromarty is recovering from injuries received when kicked while assisting the veterinarian. Dr. Turnbull in the act of giving an injection to a cow when it suddenly lashed out knocking the farmer backward causing him to strike is, head on the cement wall of the manger. Mr. McDonald suff- ered concussion and was unconscious for tbree days. LOSE MANY CATTLE - Pagrem One out of every five animals ex- ultszcznnzta=ussaisnmomasmsonwessemoswreaermestmansaamomaetaxwmasseerexel +++++++4.44a4F+4444,,....44.44.4-4--1.4- + ++444 01.- 4-44 ++++.44.4.4. ++ +4.4.q• 4. -)Ikartl Van $antrat Mont Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured . Licensed Embalmer and • Funeral Director. 4. MEMBER OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 awooal Ontario 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. +4. +++4. + 4.44 4 -444 -6,44144 -.4„N -E•4-0 4.4.4- 4.4+4.4-1-4.4.-i.++++ + 44++ . 13:NOCUM9.4tan RXM.7gLaa.MaMOMCNAMMa iMWaMiMaaMMKSOMMOSETpnirs FIC.Mare1213..MISESCM:11111913ffilla aminecl in the "restricted area" T.B. testing of cattle now in progress in. Middlesex County has been a "re- actor," a survey of the county re- veals. The program, calling for the examination tof all dairy and beef' herds in the county for bovine -tub- erculosis, is being -conducted by the health of animals branch of the Do- minion Department of Agriculture. Since testing began in September, the Federal Government . has paid out more than $145,000 for reacting an- imals . which must be destroyed, and milk supplies for use in the manu- facture of concentrated . mrik prod- ucts have been. cut, in some cases drastically, as a result. Of an estim- ated 160,000 cattle population in Middlesex, some 1i8,600 anrmats had been tested. Of this number 3,863 in more than 500 herds were found to be reactors. LANDED IN JAIL Go+derich -- Two men were arrest- ed on drunk and disorderly charges following a fracas which ended. in a barnyard south of Exeter. A provin- cial policeman was injured in the struggle. Pray. Constable Jack Ferg- uson was- treated at hospital for in- juries police said were received iyhen he was hit by one •of the men. Police were called after the brothers' truck upset in a ditch. A chase arid fight followed the appearance of police., men, according to police tried to pick a fight with several neighbours who came to their assistance when their truck went into the ditch 34-2 miles south of Exeter. One of the men ran away when ap:proached by the pol- iceman and ran into a farmyard, tak- ing refuge behind a silo. When Fer- guson caught up with him, the offi- cer alleged he was struck. Constab- les Snell and Taylor escortect the pair to jail at Goderich. Farm Foruin The Unique Farm Forum met at the. home of Mr and Mrs Clarence t2i-aw-m4th 22 preeent. Triee,,lk.eass- ion "Cushion for Disaster" which Was led by Mr. Bert Klopp, went as follows: 1. The disasters which have occurred in this area are, if anything wind and hail. 2. These disasters can be met by insurance and neigh- bourly co-operation. The next meeting will be held at Mr and Mrs Hilton Truemner, Zurich, with the discussion on "A Matter of Policy", will be led .by Ralph Krueger. The hostess served a delicious lunch. I I L'S Su en Store teappMemsw.tal*IMILLWOOMMINCarn....*Maffer3saVRa THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF THIS STORE WISH TO EXTEND TO THEIR • MANY CUSTOMERS ra try hri3tm ANDA s 33 BY/ 911 Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich . Is.at Hospital The many friends ,of Mr. Louis Durand of the Blue Water Hihway, north of 'Drysdale, who is a patient at otiqtet Public Hospital, are plea- sed to hear that he is feeling better. Have Moved to New Home Mr Mrs. MDS. Chas. Thiel have moved limbo their new home and are getting 'nicely settled. We wish them every success. Mr. Leeland WillertiOid family have occupied the helm vAated by the Thiels, also the Variett.•:'Store and Snack Shop, and we vveldeine Mr and Mrs Francis Kipper. to our village dairy which he purchaged from Mr. Willert, and i' moving, in the living quarters ad- joining ;the Dairy, on Victuria street Welcome Home Mr. , W1. Rader, Mrs. Milne Rader and 1‘16., 'thud Mrs. Victor Dinnin and son Billy have returned home on Fri- day evening from their delightful trip through Florida, visiting many interesting places, "Cypress Garden" where powers, trees and shrubs of almostjevery kind, can be seen, and an ,caitstanding feaiure, among a host dr others, and the novelty of l mount ins; gives one memories never to be .,.orgotte. In this day ana age it is Oriawn.g: what all ona can see in a e mg two weeks, and the many miles 4 f travel], what we have been readii about and our teachers in years :one by liave tried to tell us in the, corirse of study. We are plea- se:" tj have the party return safely v:ithr, + a mishap. -•'it Arb .i3:AD,. WEATI-IXA Thank You! - Wester Ontario Bible Society 428 Richmond St., London.. January 3rd, 1949 Dear Mr. Klopp: This is to thank you and all our friends at Zurich for the very splendid contribution just received. Will you kindly see that, somehow, these good people are made acquain- ted with the Society's (and. my own) appreciation of your generosity. One is moved to think that peaple every- where in the Church are becoming more conscious .of the value of the Bible among the distiacted people of the world. Thanking you and wishing the best in 1949. • Yours Sincerely, Denny Bright. During the latter part of last week some real stormy weather prevailed in parts of Ontario especially in the northern -and eastern part or the Province., while here in the Zurich district we had high winds but very little snow, and outside of the ice around town, one would hardly think we were in the midst of January, as people driving tell us the highways are practically bare. Snow plows were -called out in many districts and had plenty to do to clear -off the snow which was at places over four feet deep. While little snow fell in the Seaforth to. Stratford district which usually gets plenty, but from Shakespeare to New Hamburg on Friday night Pollee reported of 50 cars being stuck in the snow in those seven miles. Owing to the poor vis- ibility by the •, storm, snow.. plows could .make little progress. But now all is plowed out and the Department of Highways reports all roads clear. Holiday Dinner at Bayfield A holiday turkey dinner, sponsor- ed by Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch last Thursday evening was enjoyed by 100 employees of the F. C. Kalbflei- ach .8t Son Ltd., mills of Zurich and their wives- at the New Ritz Hotel, Bayfield. Mr .and Mrs Ivan Kalb- fleisch received the guests. Mr Daw- son of St. Thomas, magtctan and slight hand artist, was one of the very interesting items of the even- ing's program, and entertained thd gathering with much laughter. Messrs Campbell Krueger, L. Deichert, 1. Mittleholtz, E. Martindale, employee rendered several musical number, Misses Katherine Kalbfleisch and Marilyn Haberer favoured the guest with a piano duett. This selection was very much appreciated. Group singing was led by Mr. John Turk- helm- with Mrs. Turkheim at the piano Every one took part and felt very happy about doing their bit to make s t hievent a delightful stieeess TN - 11 Lions Club News CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON OUR SINCERE WISH G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. TO OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY ..TO EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS THANKING YOU! 1 W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensel 6000 titaaa00062060 • Pie first regular meeting for the year was held Monday evening atthe Dominion House, and the loc- al :Lions were alone, without guests for • this\ meeting. The two new Lions, Lloyd O'Brien and Delbert Geiger were presented with their cer- tificates, by president Lion Wesley, the Lion 'Tamer, Alvin kept thein terest going with the usual singing, and at one time had the painist, Mrs H. G. Hess, out leading, while Lion Howard Klapp, pumped the Culb's organ. A very interesting talk was given by Lion Victor who had just returned ,from' a two weeks' trip to Florida, when he described the var- ious districts they drove through, and the lovely sights they witnessed. Truly, it must be a lovely sight and to think how the people ,back home are shivering in the .cold with the ice and snow, and there the weather so warm and balmy. Victor took some pictures on the way, which if • they turn out good, he will be show- ing at a later date, Lion Jack l'urkhelm, reported on the Christmas. Seal campaign as hav- ing almost reached the objective of 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 004 tstitt r • . .„ , seesassooraosoe Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich Oaeliaammtite4iialaytMeJaaaaataatelataaatale 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. • ate eitee 4. 4. 4. aocaoaaaato rt ce At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Menesch - Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. to 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. *Immsa.mgrarestmpoacirasesamr''uwee•ftwom'''''''''''Mortranwo...... Moolle•plaom. pressing their gratefulness and many, $500, There are still a num ca o thanks to Mr and Mrs Kalbfleisch Par per,ons who, have not inade any re - their kindness shown to them, as ten-1.-sp.),ns-e, and to those it still is time Pluwees, the grand dinner party ; to got 7.vetur donation in to the yeas - came to a close. Exchangine, the 1 weer, ! ,ln Edward Datitrs, You Season's Greetings to one another, •, cannot put your spare dollars rn any - the guests left for their homes, much i thing mere valuable to humanity refreshed by the kindness of the i than buy some -of these seals. Act P. C. E.alhfleis eh & Son, Ltd., Mill • quick if you not have done so al - Co. of Zurich,, . I ready, 1 WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY We Greatly Appreciate the Kind Business r and say: Relations Accorded Us the Past Yea WE THANK YOU1 r qtt 11 E. Schwartzentruber, Prop, kirr Olt Phone 11-97