HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-30, Page 500 ZURiCI-1 1-IERAL1) ZURICH HERALD ,A,ut or :red as second etas mail, Net Office 'Department, Ottawa. BustNEs CARDS JOHN WARD Cb1ropractor and Optometrist Main St., Exeter Op.n Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 LICENSED AUCTIONEERS O$C ar `Kiopp f LICENSEDCU ITA ONEERB- M'111 sell Anything, Anytime, Any- where. Telephones: Shop 149. Res. 67 Zurich Central . ALVIN WALPER Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in Farm and Pure Bred Livestock Sales PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD R. 1 ` E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Tem Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7. VETERINAR1A.N Dr, W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON. Wee with Residence, .Stun Street, Opposite Drug ZURICH rsou --96 BUTCHERS Lurichs' popular MEAT MARKET Let Use supply you with the very Choice of -Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., .always on hand. Kept _fresh ` in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 'S.. Yi1nghlut & Son PRODUCE: Silverwood DAIRIES Put Your Went, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ade. in this Column. FOR SALE h.p. International gas engine; 5 -8th h.p. 13riggs & Stratton engine; 1 if h.p. Briggs ''& Stratton engine; 1 Coleman hanging lamp with shade in good condition; a pump jack with pipes, cylinder 'complete unit for 30 - foot well. Apply to Oliver Steckle, Phone 98-4, Hensel', or R. R. 3, Bay- field, ayfield, Ont. FOR SALE A set of Bob Sileighs for sale. — Apply to Clarence Schade, Zurich. PIGS FOR SALE A number 'of small pigs for im- mediate sale—Gus Roche, Zurich. WANTED A small building suitable for a small pump house. Apply at Herald Office. Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery • FOR SALE A 1937 Terriplane Auto in good condition, good upholstering and four newtires. Apply to Mrs. Hector Laporte, Phone 87 - 23. LOST A gander strayed from our prem- ises. Finder please Phone 81 r 20, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE In Zurich, on Main Street, has two apartments, two-storey frame house, 5 rooms downstairs and 7 rooms up- stairs, full basement throughout, furnace, town water, full bathroom, Also insulated. For particulars call H. Truemner, Phone 85 r 11, 7urich. NOTICE Monday, December 27th, known as Boxing Day, will be declared as a public holiday' in the Village of Zurich. By Order of The Zurich Police Trustees WANTED WORK — I am in a position to do farm work or any other -work by the month.—Phone 96-12, Zurich. I,O.OAL IN. W Mr. Ray Oesch of town is holi (laying with relatives in town. Mrs. Wan. Miller of Goderich spent the week -end at the home of het daughter, Dr, and Mrs W. B. Cgxon. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler spent Christmas Day with the •latter's sis- ter's; the Misses Fow•lie at Bayfield. . Mr and Mrs Hugh MacKinnon and son of St: Thomas spent Christmas at' elle home of their mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Mr and Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys were Christmas visitors at the home of the lat'ter's sister, Mr and Mrs. Hy. Eickmeier and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Mr and Mrs. A. Bradford of Ham- ilton were Christmas visitors at t he home of their friends, Mr and Mrs John Albrecht. Mrs. Daly of Detroit was visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Dennis Bedard and other relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Arthur J. Aulerich and sons, Richard and Ronald, of Whittemore, Mich., were holiday guests at the home of Mrs. Aulerich's parents, Mr and Mrs Louis Prang. Mr. Clayton Hoffman sof Galt, spent several days over the holiday at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and sister, Mr and Mrs. Leeroy O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pelford of Windsor, Miss Arvis Haberer •of Toronto, enjoyed the Christmas va- cation at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Ferd. Haberer. Mr and Mrs Wm. McLaughlin and daughter of Kippen; Mr and Mrs. E. Switzer and daughter of Clinton, spent :Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. J. Baker, town line. Miss Eunice Oestreicher who is at- tending the Medical School at Lon- don, enjoyed a visit at,.the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Oestreicher, Bronson line. .. .. . Messrs. Lawrence and Victor Hart- man and sister Jeanne and Mr. Pierre Ducharme of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ducharme and Miss Charolette Laporte of St. Joseph; Mr and Mrs. Louis Farwell and son were Christmas_ visitors with Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hartman, Goshen line south. Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch of F. C. Kalb- fleisch •& Son, Ltd., wasvery pleas- antly surprised when at closing time Christmas Eve., his employees gath- ered in .the• office and presented him yith a beautiful emblematic gold; ring. The presentation was made by Mr. Lawrence Bedard. Mr. Kalb- fleisch expressed his heartfelt thanks briefly; -being taken entirely by sur - FOR SALE About 30 young pigs, chunks, for sale—Chas. S. Bedard, Phone 98-15 FOR SALE 1929, Model A. Ford, Coach, good tires, for quick sale. — Stuart Thiel. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE FOR SALE Several Jersey Heifer Calves for sale at various ages. — Solomon Baechler, Phone 79 r 14, Zurich. FOR ,SALE 1 tractor Model U. Allis Chalmers on rubber; 1, 10-20 McCormick Deering Tractor on rubber. Both recondit- ioned. Also do tractor repairing ion all makes of tractors. See Bill Neeb Phone 81 r 3, Zurich. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. WANTED To finished cattle. Highest market prices paid. Also for sale a 7 -tube .Marconi Battery Radio, A new gas washing machine, Beattie. --Maurice Masse, Ph. 98 r 24, Zurich Livestock shipment every Tuesday. buy pigs and Farm For Sale Consisting of 175 acre farm, loc- ated S. B. Stanley Twp., 1% miles west of Hillsgreen. Good bank barn brick house, Hydro and running wat- er in house and barn, good fences and well drained, other good out- buildings. A fine location. For further particulars apply to Samuel McBride, R. R. 1, Zurich. OF WOODSTOCK • THE LARGEST• RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY. CANADIAN -MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . ;Amount of Insurance .. at . Risk on December 31st, 1946 $73,699,236.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. $444,115,39 Rates on Application S. Fc KLOpP--ZURICH AGENT Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made to Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurich, Ont. Phone 128. NOTICE TO CREDITORS WON PRIZES AT DRAW A very uccessful evening and draw •wa' re`Jd in Mt. Cermet Hall, Monday evening last. In the' draw for prizes, first prize went to John- ny Rether, Exeter; second to P. Marrinan, of Parkhill ; anu third to' Art Gelinas of Zurich. There was a dans et Mt. Carmel Hall, Monday Dec. "2,7th. Mrs. Conrad Fuss is spending some time at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Albert Hess, also calling on a number of her friends in the village. We are pleased to report that she is progressing so favourably after her illness, as her advanced age of 90 years, she enjoys social life, as she was one of the guests at her granddaughter's (Mrs. William McLaughlin) 10th wedding anniver- sary and had a delightful time. We extend our Best Wishes for her con- tinued health. to GOT THEIR TURKEY Goderich — The 12 prisoners Huron County jail were given a Christmas dinner of turkey, plum pudding, and all the trimmings on Christmas, Governor J. B. Reynolds stated. "I've been doing this for 26 years so I can't slow up now," he added. Number of prisoners is the largest confined at Christmas time for some years. . DASHWOOD CLUB MEETS The Dashwood Stitch and Chatter Club held a Christmas party Thurs- day evening last at the home of Mrs Milton Webb and following a delig- htful evening a midnight Christmas dinner was served. The Club donated $15 to the Children's War Memorial Hospital at London. White elephant gifts were distributed among the members. Prize winners during the evening ,were Mrs. Hobbs Taylor, Mrs. Alvin Kellerman and booby prize went to Mrs. Elgin Merner. Had Successful Concert On Wednesday night, Dec. 22nd., a Christmas program was put on at BREAD on the table the meal is ready! GREATLY THANKING YOU ONE AND -ALL FOR THE PAST YEAR'S PATRONAGE ACCORDED US. WE TAKE THIS MEDIUM TO EXTEND SEASON'S GREETINGS in the Estate of Abraham Eckel All •persons having Claims against the Estate of Abraham Eckel, late of the Village of Zurich, gentleman, deceas- ed, who•died on or about the 8th day of March, 1948 are hereby notified to U.S.S. No. 1, Hay and Stanley. The send in to the undersigned Executor, pupils were assisted by a minter of on or • before the 10th day of Janu- the young people, and the affair ary, 1949 full particulars cu-. their took on the nature of a re -union. claims. Many ex -pupils of the school, in. Immediately after •the said last eluding a number (if High School mentioned date, the essets of :the said students were in ttendance, coming estate will be distributed amongst the from London, •Goderich and Brad - parties entitled thereto, having regard ford for the occasion. ilrly only to claims :of which the under- Mr. Lea Corriveau very cape signed shall then have 'notice off.And l Banjo, violin, will not be liable to any person . of whose claim has not been presented to the undersigned. Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this .21st day of December, 1948. Walter Eckel, Executor,R. R: 1, Varna, Ont, Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH General ••Insurance FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIABILITY, PLATE GLASS, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT, HOSPITALIZATION, ALL LINES EXCEPT LIFE. Representing well known Companies Rates gladly quoted without obligat- ion. Successor to Hess Insurance Agency J. W. HABERER Phone 161 Zurich, Ont. Canadian 'Thursday, December SOth 1948 NATIVE MAN DIES AT LONDON A native of Zurich district, who went to London 41 years ago, Arthur Coeman, 54, of Hackett street, died on Christmas night at the home of his son, William, in Hamilton. An engineer on the Canadian National Railway, he •was a member of . the B•rotherliood' of Locomotive Engine- ers, etc. Surviving are his widow, two sons and three brothers, Sheldon of Detroit; Wesley of Hensall and Frank, London; a sister, Mrs. Milton (Mary) Stewart, Zurich-;„ ais m >ther, Mrs Nichol Coleman, Zuitr„ and two ,.grandchildren. ' Season's Greetings We've a bounty of Good Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR to come filled with health and pros- perity. We've also a Bouquet of Thank yosi''s for all our many patrons of the past year. We've enjoyed serving you... We hope to have the same pleasure in the New Year just dawning. - HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all! Oesch Shoe Store EXETER LAWYER PASSES Funeral services were held Wednes- day at Exeter from the family resid- ence, Albert St., Exeter for Freder- ick 'W. Gladman, 78 one •of the old- est practicing lawyers in Huron 'Co- unty, who died in Victoria Hospital... London on Sunday. Mr. Giadmai' was former deputy city magistrate in London, were for 10 years his laic firm had an office, he has practiced law for 56 years and for el years in Exeter. He is a native of Lindsay and studied law in Osgood Hall Tor- onto where he was graduated in 1892 and carne to Exeter in 1897. Being in partnership with Judge J. G. S. Stanbury now of •St. Catharines for some years, and later with W. G. Cochrane. He was married to the in former Margret Fowler, who died in 1941. Surviving are three sons: Mel- ville, Hamilton; Donald, Winnipeg and Charles, Chatham; and a daugh- ter, Mrs. Warren Sanders, Exeter. Rev. H. J. Snell of Exeter, assisted by Rev. Dr. MacKinnon of First St. Andrew's United Church, London officiated. Interment in Exeter Ce- metery. occupied the c hair. and auto harp' music given by the long when he first : organized the Stelck families, whq very much ap- Happy Gang in June, 1937. That predated. The school was filled b, same bell is still ringing this 1948- • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • w •3 3 • • • • • • 0 • • 3 3 BERT PEARL We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and may these fine relations continue to grow, as we extend to one and all: • • • • • • • • • • • 3 Season's Greetings I Datars & 'Brien MAIN ST. HARDWARE STORE PHONE 213• • • Another one of thane Western radio• people who came East to :meet success, made the bell ring loud and capacity and the section realize( very satisfactory proceeds from this get-to-gether,., which no doubt, wil' be used for school requirements. '49 radio season as the Happy Gang's own Peppy brings his crew to CBC's Trans -Canada network at 1.15 p.m. Mondau through Friday every week, CjbSNAPS14OT GUIL DON'T FORGET THE BABY IT isn't necessary to cheek back over vital statistics or do any re- search wort_ to know that thousands of new babies made their debut into this world during the past few months. In tact, a lot of babies were born yesterday. How many parents have taken snapshots of their new arrivals? The chances are that the majority have been so busy watching the antics of the little rascals that they have completely overlooked the fact that babies have a habit of growing up and changing .right before parents' fond eyes without their seeing the change—in size, disposition, looks or actions. Cute things the baby may do today may be completely forgotten by him tomorrow. A snapshot would pre- serve that little baby gesture for years to come. Of course you want many so-called "record" pictures of the youngster but for the most part make an effort to snap the baby when he is doing something. Sooner or later he will discover that he has toes to play with. Snap a picture of him when Ms tiny little hands have a "strangle hold" on his chubby foot. You will cherish that picture in years to come. In a baby's life there is the first time for everything. There's his first smile; the first time he reaches out his little arms to be taken from his crib; the first time he pulls himself up to the side of a chair and then lits first step. By all means don't fell to get a picture of his first excursion to his "High chair" to join the family -1,eo. 8U8JECT4a. f a `v e tv` KODAK 9 Pictures lute this never lose inter- est, least be prepared to make one day a week a. picture taking day and then watch for that picture making opportunity. A picture such as the one above is quite simple to make with the aid of three Photoflood bulbs providing you have a camera with an f.6.3 or • faster lens. Place an ordinary floor lamp abort three feet to the bank and to the left of your subject as shown in diagram above. Floor lamp "B" should be placed as shown in the diagram about five feet away with both shades tilted upward so as to throw the light directly on your subject. You should have two Photoflood bulbs in lamp "A" and in lamp "B.' Set the diaphragm at f.6.3 and shutter speed at 1/25 of a second. Focus the camera properly,.turn on your Photoflood bulbs, snap the pic- ture—and there you are. If you have a box camera or one with a slower lens you can make s. flashlight picture with the aid of a Photoflash bulb. With a Photoflash bulb you will need but the one lamp. Place your camera on a table or some solid object and set it for "time." Within aehr's length and at your side, place a floor lamp with the shade removed. Remove the home light bulb and replace with the Pho- toflash bulb. Now—open the shutter of your camera, switch on the cur- rent for the Photoflash bulb, which will give a vivid, instantaneous flash of light. Immediately after the flash close the shutter of your camera. • You will get a lot of fun out of taking pictures of your baby and in for his first meal at the table. years to come these pictures will Make it a practice, or better yet, , prove t0 he a real treasure chest of a duty to have your camera loaded memories. Shirt today. at all times and ready for action. At JOTTN VAN GU?ILDIR