HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1948-12-30, Page 4Aldan. Theatre GRAND BEND ;*resents foe Your. Enjoymeath the Following Attractions Friday, Saturday Dec. 31, Jan 3. 'it's those A11 -Time Hilarious Funsters Abbott and Costello, in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein cartoon: "Knock Knock" Musical Short and "Pelican Pranks" Mon., Tues. Jan. 3-4 (In 'Technic°lour) Olympic tames of T 948 .A. Ringside Seat at the most famous Athletic Competition ever staged. Plat: a Paramount Newsreel ! Miss Nola Krueger who is on the 'RETIRES FROM MUNICIPAL Sarnia teaching stats Miss Ruth Krueger who is attending Technical School at London; Miss June Ham biy of Strathroy, who is on the tea- ching 'staff at Sarnia, Mr. Milton Dagg who is teaching History and English at Etobicoke Collegiate In- stitute at Toronto, are having a very lovely vacation at the home of the former's mother, Mrs; D. G. Krue- ger, 14th Cone DIES IN STEPHEN Herbert Charles Matlock of Step- hen Township !passed. away Sunday last following an Thanes ss of several months. He was lin his 59th year. The body rested -a't the R. C. Dinney funeral home, Exeter, until Wednes- day afternoon hen it was.taken to the Evngelicel .17.B. Church at Cred- iton where a public service was held Interment fdlluwed in the Crediton Cemetery. MANY • SEA'THS OVER HOLIDAYS The usual amount of death toll is .being •experienced over the holi- days, witty New Years' celebrations still ,before us. Canada has had an unusually high. death toll, and the U. S. 'to the south of us tells so far of 342 deaths, traffic deaths alone ac- coiinted for 239 of the total. Fires took their usual toll, seven members of'a'New Brunswick, N.J. family died in .u. "Christmas Day blaze and a `am- ity =hof six perished in a home 'fire. Sunday at Barre, Mass.' LOCAL NEWS Mr 'and Mrs LeRoy Thiel spent the luili$ay at the home of the latter's _parents in London. Mrs. C. O. Smith and Sons, of the B. W .Highway motored to Stratford on business one day last week. Mr. Samuel Schwanz of Raconvilie -Sask., is enjoying the holiday weeks .at the home of his sister, Mr and 34Irs. Chris. Haist. Dr. and Mrs. Archie MacKinnon. -mf Richmond Hill spent a few days -at the home of the former's mother Mrs. M. MacKinnon, and the lat- ter's atter's mother, Mrs. Russell at Exeter.. Mr and Mrs. E. C. Holden, of Prospect Hill joined the family at -the home of the latter's mother, Me E. G. Krueger, 14th Con., with a very happy Christmas celebration. Mr and Mrs Ernest Gemming and children of Rochester, N.Y., had a *pleasant visit over the holiday attire tome of their parents, Mr and Man Wellington Johnston and at the Fame are- their brother, Mr and Mrs. Ross . 'O- nsten. rte " The' leri-... program _. ren ee d The pageant entitled "The Sign in the Sky" with mast of them taking pari. stressed in (dental costumes forthe occasion. Rev.'11, E Roppel` acted as chairman. Miss Mae Smith in the Evangelical church en :Suuday evening was :well attended. a PASSES AT EXETER -There passed away in Exeter, on Friday, December 24th, Thomas dillawhinney, a lifelong resident of Stephen Township, send well known in the Crediton district. Father of (Irene) Mrs. Otto Brown, •of Centra- lia; Edgar` of Exeter; and (\Tera) Mrs. Arnold Kuntz, of Dashwood, LIFE AFTER 11 YEARS •a ZURICH HERALD Nese. Miss Shirley Smith of Toronto, spent Christmas with 'friends here.. Miss Antionette Ziler of London, spent Christmas with her sister, Mr and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Dr and Mrs Ferguson spent 'Chris- tmas in London. • Mr and Mrs. 'S. P, Currie and fam- ily were holiday visitors in Meaford Mr and Mrs.' Clayton Pfile spent Christmas in Lansing, Mich. k. Mr. Alvin Rader is all smiles, on the arrival of a daughter on Decem- ber 24th. Mr. Harry Guenther of Windsor, was a holiday visitor with friends here. Mr and Mrs T. Harry Hoffman spent Christmas with her sister, Me Mr and Mr's. A. E. McNichol and and Mrs Jack Soldan near Hensall' Raymond, London, were Christmas Miss Myrta Taylor and brother visitors with Mr and Mrs. John Pfaff Jack of London and Mrs. .Sharp °fi and Mrs. Baker. Exeter, spent Christmas with Mrs. Taylor and Anne. Mr and Mrs W. R. Davidson spent Dr and Mrs. Spellman and family the Christmas holiday with their son of Kitchener were Sunday visitors and daughter-in-law, Mr and 1VIrs. with Mr and Mrs Harry Hoffman. Allan Davidson at Sarnia. Mr Jack Weber orf Exeter visited • e Dr. Norman 'Cook of Orilfia, spent with friends here on Sunday. the Christmas vacation at her home jl Had Christmas Party here. The Lutheran Ladies' Aid held Mr and Mrs. Russell Hedden, Mr. their annual Christmas party. on Dec and Mrs. Alex. Russelouse, Mr Ory - ember 14Th with about 40 present. ille. Hedden,. St. Catharines, were The evening was spent playing trek- Christmas visitors' with Mrs. C.. M. inole, high prize !being won by Miss Hedden and Herb. Luella Kuntz and consolation prize Christmas visitors with Mrs. Annie going to Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft. t. After Saundercock were Mr and Mrs AL. singing a few Christmas Carols, Pearson, Toronto; Mr and Mrs Rob - Santa made his appearance and gifts ertson, London; Mrs: 'Gladys Smith were exchanged. A. dainty lunch Montreal; Mr and Mrs. W. Freeman, rhen served by the committee in Clinton; Mr and Mrs W. Smale and charge. Namely, Mrs. Wan. Stade, family of Hensall. Mrs. E. G. Kraft, Mrs. Aaron Reste Mr. Gordon Mitchell • of Clinton.• Meyer, Mrs. Lorne Genttner, and Mrs. Ed. Hamacher. spent Christmas with Mr. Fred Ken - REEVE B. W. TUCKEY, who Announced hi; retirement. After a colorful municipal career, Reeve B. W. Tuckey, of Exeter an- nounced his retirement from munic- ipal office. For eleven ;}•ears, two ye- ars as councillor and nine years as reeve, Mr 'Tuckey 'has faithfulifser- ed his munielipalify. In 11;43, after 3 years as a member of the Huron Co- unty Count, he ems elected Warden of the Couney and since that time has been a ;prominent figured at the County affairs The same year he Was warden he was Liberal candidate in the Pa+o' radial ,election and was de- feated by Dr. Taylor. In February of this year in the Huron By-elect- ion 'he was -again the candidate, this in his 76th year. The. body rested : time agaimet "Thos. Pryde, who was at the Dinney funeral home. Exeter elected to -succeed the late Dr. Tay - from where the funeral service was lor. 'While retiring from office owing held on Monday, December 27th, In to expans?c•:i of his business he will terment in Exeter cemetery. stall maintain an active interest in the :els .of 'flee hewn and community. Grand Bend Suffers Skull Fracture iy#,zdstma.s 'in thio neighbourhood Donna Tettmar, two and a half *has parsed .away quietly with the ex - year old daughter of Mr and Mrs. ception of a few high ball exchanges i illness. Bruce Tettmar of Grand Beth, suf..; and little friendly cha s with niegh- White Gift Sunday was held in the fered a fractured skull when she was 1 bourn and callers. there is nothing Brucefield United Church, Sunday struck by a car in Gibb's Park en much -to --report, oily Greetings to last when money was given to be Monday afternoon last. Dr. Donald l one ro another. sent overseas to help the needy. Ferguson of Dashwood was called' Mone Nelson and George Char- A very successful Christmas enter and treated the child before sending itette of Detr itspent Christ a tainment was held Monday night .last her to Loddon, where she was admit-, holiday with theirparents on. at Stanley S. S. No. 10. Much credit ted to SteJoseph's Hdospitel. Blue Water south. is due to the. teacher, Miss P. Mc - The little girl ':as on a sleigh i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Candle of. S. Bride and the boys and girl's. when she ' <ry «.:by a car'dr.i'rren;Joseph will be visiting relatives and W.M.S. Meets r. :ruse :• aknberry. - , There,frien& In Dezroie and Windsor for The Christmas meeting of the: re several girls playing in the park't a few week-. Goshen W.M.S. was held at the home ' d 31r. Bossenberry was watching ° Mx. Pierre D charas e of the A. -el- of Mrs. William Hayter, rwith"^'a: rs. her duties in Belleville General dee' John Ewes' group in charge of Ih pital, as Medical Technologist, after 1 three children to see if they were ed Trasr ,. ea: 15 incl �9T spent 'soiree to dart onto the road and as/ / weee-end with parents, •o33, the c. -$_e- ghting 'program. Mrs spending a few pleasant data over his car went over the rise on a nar- e B.W fi,- i m,cre Keyes opened the,* eting on *the Christmas season at the home of rax trail it struck the Tettmar eb Yd. ` 3 _ '"s _Andrew Rau ve- t= 'ii • , her gsrents, Mr.. and Mrs. C. L. i �n with Canals.. Glare Sinith, also accompanying :them tri cripture, 2,k. •the home of her uncle and aunt, MT d da 2:d46, the second 'Scripture frons. Matt. 2, Christmas Carols were then sung. The offering was received nand then the candle-lightin#,*''by five mem bers. Miss Hera offered prayer and the minutes were read by Mrs., Wm, .Hayter and roll call taken. Mrs. Russell Erratt gave the treasurer's report. Election of •oflicers: 1VIrs Elgin MeK. intey resigned the presid- entship and Mrs. Wm. Hayter being the new president; Mrs. E. Keyes as seaeretary. Other officers are much the""' same. After closing devotions a dainty Christmas ,luncheon was serv- ed by IVtrs. Elmer Hayter's group. HENSALL Mr and Mrs J. E. Neil and Ronald Thu Novak: )th, 1048 T. ;many ftiende od Jack :Laven- der are pleased to see lain oast fell - owing his illness in Toronto Hospit- al rigor some weeks, Mr and Mrs Fred. Appleb s -have- gone toTilisoreirog where they' y4fl' spend the winter ro'nths with ;their daughter and son-in-law Mrs. Jack Corbett and Connie spent a few days in London: with the for-- iner's sister, Mrs'. Chapman and Mrs. L. Adams. Mr and Mrs A 1, Case ware visitors•ds in London with her parents, Mr an Mrs J. Reid. Mr and Mrs Jack Duncan and baba • of Loudon, visited with her parents,, Mr and Mrs Lorne McNaughton. Large congregations attended the- Christmas he Christmas services in the Iocal ehur- ches over the Christmas season, and special services fitting for the occas- ion were held.. Nice decorated trees; were also in evidence. nings and family. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Joyce Scruton, Toronto, spent the Christmas holiday with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Thos Butt.of Kippen in Henson left for Phoenix Arizona, on Sat Mrs. Orville Twitchell and Merney urday last accompanied by Mr. and spent the Christmas and New Year's Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Aida Sim- holidays with relatives in Windsor mons and all wish them a safe and and Sarnia. pleasant outing. Miss Mattie Ellis' has been a pat - The maniy� friends of Mrs. Elgie of ient at Clinton Hospital, following Kippen are glad to learn she Ts impr- an accident in which she fractured oving nicely after her recent severe her shoulder, has returned home and is staying with her sister, Mrs. Small- acombe. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent the Christmas vacation with' relativ- es in Blyth. Mr and Mrs. Harold Scrutorr' of Port Dover, visited with relatives for the holiday. _ Mr and Mrs James Wright spent a few days. in Lansing, Mich., Where they attended the funeral ,of a re- lative. Mr and Mrs Gordon Wright and children of Lorne Park, were visit - e ors with Mr and Mrs James Wright. l- . Mr and Mrs Russell Broderick, Joyce and Jerry, . Ieft recently for Arizona where they intend spending the winter months. he -5.1s16617- -tin the Golshen nee l l a Bride read the that,- south, with Mr and Mrs. Wn.- Gran- ler, the lar*er's parents. and Mrs. Clayton Smith where theyenj'oy ed Christmas Day. The Christmas programme in St... 2'eter's Lutheran Church which was 'held 'on Christmas eve. was a. decided. ";auccess. The little tots did their -venyn best and the Pageants rendered. were well given, by every one. The .costumes were very ,appropriate and lovely, the junior choir sang several Carols. Pastor Rev. E. W. Heim - eh being chairman. The church being crowded to the doors. The driver had. little, chance to ar aid., 'hitting the chit according to the polka. Her condition is described as "improved" according to; Hospital re -1 ports. _�- St. Joseph and Beaver,- Town 3fr and Mrs Lawrence Masse of Windsor made a friendly.ea i to Mr.1 and Mrs. F. Ducharme ore Oh ristmas 1 evening. Miss. Georgina Corrie eau .who has been an employee in a London Lann-j dry for a few years is taking a few weeks' holidays with her parents, on *the Blue Water Highway. 1 1 Season's retings From MANAGEMENT AND STAFF Of The HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INCORPORATED 1 Canadian Approved CHICKS Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a mod- ern Hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high • grade Chicks at reasonable prices. New Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White Rocks, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week. Large numbers of crossbred Chicks are also producers. N.H. x Sussex; N. H. x. By • Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. McKINLEY'S FARM and HATCHERY Zurich - Ontario Phone 97 - 1 1, Hensall. 1 BLAKE "Happy New Year to . the read- ers et ere . hems: Christmas holiday visitors are- 'sir and Mrs Frank Feting and Seerry. of Toronto with her parents, err and Mrs. Sam Hey. air and Mrs.. Lloeed Finnigan and family of Ch.esiey with 3ira. Clarke andWi1.L Mr and Mr.. W ;aiam Baechler with Mrs. Beechiezde parents, in Tavistock. Mr and Mrs. W ill Oe :cit and fam- ily with Mr and Mrs Menne Martin Mr and Mee Allan Swar€zentruber and family of Zur;ch wite .".ir and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and family. Mr and Mrs Rcy hriBrids and fam- ily with Mrs: J. Love and family, Parr Line. Mr and_ Mrs O. Ducharme with Mr and Mrs P. Ducharme. 1 Mr and Mrs James Din: more and son.: of Windsor with Mr and airs. Thee Dinsmore. Mr and Mrs. Fred Bancroft with Mr and Mrs Lorne Hanilyr, at Bel- mont. Mrs. Hamlyn and He -pe of London, with Mr and Mrs Fred Bancroft. The Blake Union School held their annual concert on 'l'uesdey evemeg. Their teacher, M145 A. Hemricti at the piano for the songs. The pro- gramme was well given. The school being felled to the doors. Santa Claus arrived at the close and un- loaded the lovely Tree to the chil- dren. Mr. Solomon Baechler was the chairman for the programme. Mrs. Fred Bancroft is" spending a few days in London, The many friends of Mrs. Rudy Desch are sorry to hear she is ill. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. B. Faber, her daugh- ter, of 1(ippen :has been attending her. Mr. Harold Finlay lids` been nurs- ing a sore hand. It happened with a burn while lighting •,,:hls gasoline lantern one evening. ' DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs 'Ward Kraft of London spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Kraft. Mr and •Mrs Lorne I(leinstiver and Mrs. E. J(leinstiv'er Arad Miss Marion Smith spent •Christmas !holidays in Bowmanvillc. Mr and Mrs. Ken. McCrae and �"fronnie Heather., spent Christmas holidays with his parents in Meta ford. Mr and Mrs Walter Nees of Lon- e, den were holiday irisitors with Mn. ( i GEORGE DREW SWEEPS CARLTON' BY-ELECTION . rrd dy ees e�J.I,t' . f George Drew, „54, the' new Progr-- essive Conservative leader • Monday -- last, Dec. 20thcaptured the Ottawa district riding of Car1•eton with a de— cisive zq-erection victory which gave- him avehim full status as leader of the offi-- cial Opposition in the Oommons.. Him piuralty was 8,901. The complete, count for he ride.. .ring's 128 polls shbwedee r., Drew- with rewwith 1%235 dote agai`ns 33,334 foie Eugene 'Forsey, tie union ' 'official who Campaigned Dee. the CCF, , .art 455 for J: Nelson McCrecieen,; the disabled veteran who ran for Soeiat' Credit. Both lost their $200 deposits. On the same day two Liberal can— didates emerged vfctoriout In a Que- bec and a Manitoba riding. The teem„ Liberal victories- mean early a due— vete gain for ,the Liberals in VW Commons standing. It =truly was se great victory for Mr: Drew. ON Int, aO NOTICE 70 ONTARIO MOTORISTS Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee • • Under an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provision was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the manner prescribed, judgments for personal injuries anti property damage sustained. by reason of the operation of motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors, The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, from each person to whom h issued either an operator's or as chauffeur's license. .Although to date no fees have been collected from those operating motor vehicles, the legislation has been in effect since the lst of July, 1947,and many judgments have been paid by the Department pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with the issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' ,and chauffeur? licenses, an additional fee of 50 cents (50c) will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1949 license, which fee will be known as the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund fee and will be set aside solely for the purpose of creating, the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. This is not an annual fee and no further fee will bt collected from motor vehicle drivers for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or so nearly so as to indicate that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a period of at least 'one year. ONTA.H O DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS efiO•. H. DOUCETT, Minister .4 tl mit